07-Oct-2018 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Sipahi Jobs in Pakistan Army October 2018 Online Registration Join as Clerk, Cook, Sweeper & Sepoy Latest
in Pakistan
- === Sipahi ===
- Sipahi / Soldier
- Clerk
- Cook
- Sweeper / Sanitary Worker
07-Oct-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Join Pakistan Navy as Female Steward Sailor October 2018 Online Registration Jobs in C-2018(S) Batch
in Pakistan
- Female Stewards (Sailors)
05-Oct-2018 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
302 Semi Activated Mujahid Battalion Sialkot Jobs 2018 October Sipahi, Clerk, Cook & Khakroob Latest
in Sialkot, Punjab
- Sipahi
- Sipahi Clerk
- Sipahi Cook
- Khakroob
30-Sep-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
NLC Toll Plaza Jobs September / October 2018 in Punjab & Sindh National Logistics Cell Latest
in Punjab, Sindh
- Toll Plaza Managers
- Assistant Toll Plaza Managers
- Shift Incharges
- Toll Booth Operators
- Security Guards
- Cooks
- Sweepers
29-Sep-2018 (Saturday) - Dawn
Levies Force KPK Jobs September / October 2018 Lower Dir Sipahi, Clerks & Key Punch Operators Latest
in Lower Dir, KPK
- 02 Key Punch Operators (BPS-12)
- 03 Junior Clerks (BPS-09)
- 78 Sipahi (BPS-05)
23-Sep-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Mujahid Force Jobs September 2018 Sipahi, Clerk, Cook & Khakroob Latest
in Pakistan
- Sipahi Clerk
- Sipahi
- Sipahi Cook
- Khakroob
20-Sep-2018 (Thursday) - Express
Security Guard / Supervisor Jobs in Abbottabad University of Science and Technology September 2018 AUST Latest
in Havelian, Abbottabad, KPK
- 01 Security Supervisor
- 01 Assistant Security Supervisor
- 16 Security Guards
17-Sep-2018 (Monday) - The News
Jobs in Mohmand District September 2018 FATA KPK through Deputy Commissioner Office Latest
in Mohmand Tribal District, FATA, KPK
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Assistant Project Coordinator
- 01 Accounts Officer
- 01 Monitoring Officer
- === BPS-16 ===
- 06 Social Mobilizers
- === BPS-14 ===
- 02 Computer Operators
- 02 Accounts Assistants
- 02 Sub Engineers
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Junior Clerk
- === BPS-09 ===
- 08 Surveyors
- === BPS-07 ===
- 04 Girdawar
- 04 Patwari
- === BPS-05 ===
- 01 Security Supervisor
- 03 Drivers
- === BPS-01 ===
- 03 Naib Qasid
- 01 Chowkidar
- 01 Sweeper
- 14 Security Guards (Army / Levy Guards / Police)
02-Sep-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Punjab Police Junior Clerk Jobs 2018 September PPSC Apply Online Latest Advertisement
in Punjab
26-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Pakistan Rangers Sindh Jobs August 2018 Sipahi, Havildar, Naik, Sub Inspectors & Others Latest
in Sindh
- 20 Sub Inspectors General Duty (BPS-13)
- 02 Religious Teachers (BPS-11)
- 80 Havildar General Duty (BPS-08)
- 08 Sepoy Clerks (BPS-08)
- 40 Naik General Duty (BPS-07)
- === 850 Sepoy / Sipahi (BPS-05) ===
- 822 General Duty
- 20 Cook
- 06 Mess Waiter
- 02 Misalchi
- === 65 Non-Combatant Enrolled (BPS-02) ===
- Tailor
- Barber
- Carpenter
- Painter
- Boot Maker
- Water Carrier
- Sanitary Workers
12-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor August 2018 Online Registration Join in C-2018(S) Batch Latest / New
in Pakistan
- === Sailors ===
- Naval Police Regulating
- Marines
- Naib Khateeb
- Chef / Steward
- Musician
- MTD / Driver
- Sanitary Worker / Khakroob
- PT Branch
03-Aug-2018 (Friday) - Jang
Anti Corruption Establishment Balochistan Jobs 2018 August Constables, Assistant Investigation Officers & Others Latest
in Balochistan, Pakistan
- === BPS-14 ===
- 06 Assistant Investigation Officer
- 01 Stenographer
- === BPS-12 ===
- 01 Assistant Computer Operator
- === BPS-11 ===
- 07 Junior Clerks
- === BPS-05 ===
- 39 Constable
- === BPS-04 ===
- 04 Drivers
- === BPS-01 ===
- 03 Naib Qasid
- 03 Chowkidar
- 01 Khakroob
28-Jul-2018 (Saturday) - The News
Pakistan Rangers Punjab Jobs July 2018 August Sipahi General Duty Latest Advertisement
in Punjab, Pakistan
- Sipahi / Sepoy - General Duty (GD) (BPS-05)
25-Jul-2018 (Wednesday) - Express
Balochistan Police Jobs July 2018 August Constables & Lady Constables Latest Advertisement
in Balochistan
- Constables (BPS-05)
- Lady Constables (BPS-05)
20-Jul-2018 (Friday) - Jang
Balochistan Police Jobs July 2018 Data Entry Operators, Class 4 & Others in Counter Terrorism Department CTD Latest
in Balochistan
- 06 Stenographers (BPS-14)
- 31 Data Entry Operators (BPS-12)
- 14 Junior Clerks (BPS-11)
- 07 Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
- 22 Class-IV (BPS-01)
15-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Data Entry Operator Jobs in Punjab Police July 2018 PPSC Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Punjab Police Department ===
- 16 Data Entry Operators (DEO) (BPS-12)
11-Jul-2018 (Wednesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Punjab Police Constable Jobs July 2018 Latest Advertisement
in Punjab, Pakistan
- Constables (BPS-07)
- Lady Constables (BPS-07)
04-Jul-2018 (Wednesday) - The News
FBR Jobs July 2018 Regional Tax Office Hyderabad Clerks, Naib Qasid & Others Federal Board of Revenue Latest
in Hyderabad, Sindh
- 02 Upper Division Clerks (UDC) (BPS-11)
- 04 Lower Division Clerks (LDC) (BPS-09)
- 02 Drivers (BPS-04)
- 04 Sepoy (BPS-05)
- 15 Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
- 03 Chowkidar (BPS-01)
- 01 Sanitary Worker (BPS-01)
03-Jul-2018 (Tuesday) - Jang
ASI Jobs in KPK Police 2018 July Assistant Sub Inspectors KPPSC Online Application Form Latest
in KPK
- === Police Department ===
- 420 Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASI) (BPS-11)
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs July 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 06/2018 6/2018 Latest
in Pakistan
- === Federal Government Educational Institutions ===
- --- 01 Associate Professor (BPS-19) ---
- Phyiscs
- --- 02 Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ---
- Health and Physical Education
- Mathematics
- === Ministry of Climate Change ===
- 01 Assistant Secretary Wildlife (BPS-17)
- === National Highway and Motorway Police ===
- 01 Director Planning (BPS-19)
- 02 Computer Programmers (BPS-17)
- 02 Land Acquiring Officers (BPS-16)
- === Office of the Chief Engineering Advisor / Chairman ===
- === Federal Flood Commission, Ministry of Energy ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Geological Survey of Pakistan ===
- 25 Assistant Directors (BPS-17)
- 01 Chemists (BPS-17)
- === Health Department Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 05 Medical Officers (BPS-17)
- === Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment ===
- 02 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division) ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Federal Directorate of Education ===
- 01 Deputy Headmistress (BPS-17)
- === Establishment Division ===
- 01 Deputy Director (BPS-18)
- === Ministry of Foreign Affairs ===
- 15 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of National Food Security & Research ===
- 01 Chemist (BPS-17)
- === Ministry of Law and Justice ===
- 01 Deputy Draftsman (BPS-19)
- 31 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Federal Board of Revenue ===
- 02 Inspectors Inland Revenues (BPS-16)
- === Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine ===
- 03 Rehabilitation Specialists (BPS-18)
- === Military College Jhelum ===
- 01 Assistant Professor Mathematics (BPS-18)
- === Ministry of Railways ===
- 01 Staff Nurse (BPS-16)
- === Akhtar Hameed Khan National Centre for Rural Development ===
- === Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division ===
- 01 Assistant Director / Research Officer (BPS-17)
- === Federal General Hospital, Islamabad ===
- 12 Medical Officers (BPS-17)
- === Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) ===
- === 29 Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ===
- Psychiatry
- Rheumatology
- Transplant Surgery
- Liver Transplant
- Hepatology Surgery
- Pediatrics Surgery
- Anesthesia
- Pathology
- Pediatrics Oncology
- Pediatrics Medicine
- Gynecology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiology
- Bone Marrow
- Nephrology
- === 24 Senior Registrars (BPS-18) ===
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Radiology
- Pathology
- Anesthesia
- Transplant Hepatology & Surgery
- Pediatrics Surgery
- Gynecology / Obstetrics
- Neonatology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiology
- Dermatology
- Orthopedic
- === BPS-17 ===
- 294 Medical Officers
- 14 Assistant Dental Surgeons / Medical Officers (Dentistry)
- 21 Assistant Anesthetists
- === Naval Headquarters ===
- 01 Senior Scientific Assistant (BPS-16)
09-Jun-2018 (Saturday) - Jang
AJKPSC Jobs June 2018 Apply Online Advertisement No 02/2018 2/2018 Latest
in AJK
- === Health Department ===
- 01 Nursing Superintendent (BPS-18)
- 04 Deputy Nursing Superintendents (BPS-17)
- === Social Welfare Department ===
- 06 Senior Teachers (BPS-17)
- 01 Physiotherapist (BPS-17)
- 01 Social Welfare Officer / Superintendent / Assistant Director (BPS-17)
- 01 Lady Manager (BPS-16)
- === Board of Revenue ===
- 06 Assistants (BPS-16)
- === Industries, Labor & Mineral Resources Department ===
- 01 Assistant Director - Statistics (BPS-17)
- 02 Research Officers (BPS-17)
- === Interior Department ===
- 11 Assistant Sub Inspectors (ASI) (BPS-09)
- === Planning and Development Department ===
- 01 Planning Officer (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Land (BPS-01)
- 01 GIS Expert (BPS-17)
- 01 Database Administrator (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Surveyor (BPS-16)
- === Services and General Administration Department ===
- 06 Section Officer (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Commissioner (BPS-17)
- === Local Government & Rural Development Department ===
- 10 Project Managers (BPS-17)
- === School Education Department ===
- 14 Computer Teachers (BPS-16)
- 02 Secondary School Teacher Science (BPS-16)
- 01 Subject Specialist - Physics (BPS-17)
- === Higher Education Department ===
- 01 Lecturer - Statistics (BPS-17)
- 01 Lecturer - Psychology (BPS-17)
- 01 Lecturer - Geography (BPS-17)
- 02 Lecturer - Mathematics (BPS-17)
- === Forest Department ===
- 03 Forest Protection Officer (BPS-17)
- === Service Tribunal ===
- 01 Assistant Registrar (BPS-16)
- === Communication and Works Department ===
- 01 Legal Officer (BPS-17)
- === Animal Affairs Department ===
- 01 Lady Extensionist (BPS-17)
- === Public Service Commission ===
- 01 Assistant (BPS-16)
- === Central Design Department ===
- 01 Assistant Engineer (BPS-17)
03-Jun-2018 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs June 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 05/2018 5/2018 Latest
in Pakistan
- === Education Department Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 41 Physical Education Teachers (Female) (BPS-16)
- 40 Physical Education Teachers (Male) (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Science and Technology ===
- 06 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions ===
- 19 Trained Graduate Teachers (BPS-16)
- --- 13 Associate Professors (Female) (BPS-19) ---
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- Economics
- Pakistan Studies
- Islamiyat
- === Pakistan Mint Lahore ===
- 01 Procurement Officer (BPS-17)
- === Cabinet Division ===
- 01 Assistant Director (BPS-17)
- === Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) ===
- 212 Inspector Customs / Intelligence Officers (BPS-16)
- 01 Inspector Inland Revenue (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Law & Justice ===
- 01 Assistant Draftsman (BPS-18)
- 41 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Federal Government Polyclinic, CADD ===
- 03 Medical Officers (BPS-17)
- === Military Engineer Services ===
- 01 Assistant Programmer (BPS-17)
- === Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine ===
- 01 Senior Speech Therapist (BPS-18)
- 01 Senior Prosthetics & Orthotist (BPS-18)
- 01 Pathologist (BPS-18)
- === OS Directorate, GHQ ===
- 01 Civilian Medical Practitioner Grade-III (BPS-17)
- 01 Junior Civilian Security Officer (BPS-16)
- 01 Junior Scientific Officer (BPS-16)
- === Geological Survey of Pakistan ===
- 02 Directors (BPS-19)
- 01 Senior Drilling Engineer (BPS-18)
- === National Industrial Relations Commission (NIRC) ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Health Department Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 01 Medical Officer (Female) (BPS-17)
- === Women Development Department Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 01 Deputy Director (BPS-18)
- === Federal Public Service Commission ===
- 03 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Federal Directorate of Education, CADD ===
- 01 Associate Professor / Vice Principal - Geography (BPS-19)
- === Pakistan Meteorological Department ===
- 01 Deputy Director / Senior Meteorologist (BPS-18)
- === Finance Division ===
- 02 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Federal General Hospital ===
- 01 Associate Radiologist (BPS-18)
- === National Highways & Motorways Police ===
- 02 Deputy Directors (BPS-18)
- 01 Assistant Director (BPS-17)
- 03 Accounts Officers (BPS-17)
- 25 Computer Operators (BPS-16)
- 20 Accountants (BPS-16)
- === Naval Headquarters ===
- 15 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Board of Investment, Prime Minister's Office ===
- 02 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Planning Development & Reform ===
- 01 Assistant Chief (BPS-18)
- === Airport Security Force ===
- 01 Medical Officer (BPS-17)
- === Pakistan Air Force ===
- 03 Dietitian (BPS-17)
03-Jun-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Mujahid Force Jobs 2018 June Join as Sipahi General Duty, Clerk, Trademan & Sanitary Worker Latest
in Pakistan
- === Sipahi ===
- General Duty
- Clerk
- Trade Man
- Sanitary Worker
09-Apr-2018 (Monday) - Express
Pakistan Army Jobs April 2018 DSG Corps (Core) Join as Sipahi & Clerks Latest
in Balochistan
- Sipahi General Duty
- Clerks
08-Apr-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Levies Sipahi Jobs in Balochistan Levies Force Washuk April 2018 Latest Advertisement
in Washuk, Balochistan
08-Apr-2018 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Join Pakistan Army as Soldier & Naib Khateeb April 2018 Junior Commissioned Officer Online Registration Latest
in Pakistan
- === Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) ===
- Naib Khateeb
- === Sipahi ===
- Military Police
- Clerk
- Cook
- Sweeper / Sanitary Worker
06-Apr-2018 (Friday) - Express
SPU Punjab Police Jobs April 2018 Application Form Special Protection Unit Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- Naib Qasid
- Electrician
- Plumber
- Cook
- Dhobi
- Mali
- Barber
- Sanitary Worker
04-Apr-2018 (Wednesday) - Jang
Balochistan Police Jobs April 2018 Constables & Lady Constables Latest
in Balochistan
- Constables (BPS-05)
- Lady Constables (BPS-05)
01-Apr-2018 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs April 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 4/2018 04/2018 Latest
in Pakistan
- === Law & Prosecution Department, Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 03 District Attorneys (BPS-18)
- === Pakistan Bureau of Statistics ===
- 01 Joint Census Commissioner (Geography) (BPS-19)
- === Ministry of Narcotics Control ===
- 04 Professional Social Workers (BPS-17)
- 04 Psychologists (BPS-17)
- 02 Programme Managers (BPS-18)
- === Naval Headquarters ===
- 05 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Pakistan Mint Lahore ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Federal Directorate of Education , CADD ===
- 01 Physical Training Instructor (BPS-16)
- === Minerals and Industries Department Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 01 Surveyor / Drawing Officer (BPS-16)
- 02 Assistant Directors Industries (BPS-17)
- === Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Pakistan Railways Police, Ministry of Railways ===
- 04 Inspectors (BPS-16)
- === Pakistan Navy ===
- 01 Pharmacist (BPS-17)
- === Military Engineering Services ===
- 02 Superintendent Engineers (BPS-19)
- === Ministry of Defence ===
- 01 Computer Programmer / GSO-III (Civilian) (BPS-17)
- === Ministry of Energy ===
- 01 Deputy Director Legal (BPS-18)
- === Federal College of Education, CADD ===
- 01 Associate Professor - Mathematics (BPS-19)
- === Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine ===
- 01 Senior Physiotherapist (Female) (BPS-18)
- === Ministry of Law & Justice ===
- 02 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
01-Apr-2018 (Sunday) - The News
Allied Health and Diabetes Care Islamabad Jobs 2018 April Medical Officers / Specialists Latest
in Islamabad
- Resident Medical Officers
- Pediatric Specialist
- Gynecologist
- Orthopedic Doctor
- Skin Specialist
- Urologist
- Cardiologist
- Psychiatrist
28-Mar-2018 (Wednesday) - Jang
Balochistan Police Jobs March 2018 DEO, Clerks & Stenographers in Counter Terrorism Department CTD Latest
in Balochistan
- 06 Stenographers (BPS-14)
- 21 Data Entry Operators (DEO) (BPS-12)
- 08 Junior Clerks (BPS-11)
25-Mar-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor 2018 March Online Registration Join in B-2018(S) Batch Latest
in Pakistan
- === Sailors ===
- Technical Branch
- Naib Khateeb
- Marine Branch
25-Mar-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Punjab Police Sialkot Jobs 2018 March Application Form Sanitary Workers, Cook / Langri & Others Latest
in Sialkot, Punjab
- Mason (BPS-05)
- Carpenter (BPS-03)
- Painter (BPS-03)
- Cook / Langri (BPS-01)
- Sanitary Worker (BPS-01)
23-Mar-2018 (Friday) - Jang
Data Entry Operator Jobs in CTD Punjab Police March 2018 NTS Application Form Counter Terrorism Department Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- 67 Data Entry Operators (BPS-07)
16-Mar-2018 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Chowkidar Jobs in National School of Public Policy Lahore 2018 March NSPP Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
11-Mar-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Anti Narcotics Force Jobs 2018 March UTS Application Form ASI, Constables, Drivers & Others ANF Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-15 ===
- 01 Assistant
- === BPS-14 ===
- 05 Sub Inspectors
- 05 Sub Inspectors - Hardware
- 02 Stenotypists
- === BPS-11 ===
- 02 Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- === BPS-09 ===
- 23 Assistant Sub Inspectors (ASI)
- 01 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- 01 Data Entry Operator
- === BPS-05 ===
- 46 Constables
- 32 Constable Drivers
- 07 Constable Operators
- 01 Constable - Dog Attendant
- === BPS-04 ===
- 05 Drivers
- 01 Dispatch Rider
- === BPS-01 ===
- 16 Naib Qasid
- 05 Cooks
- 04 Orderly
- 03 Sweepers
07-Mar-2018 (Wednesday) - Dawn
Karachi Police Jobs March 2018 Physical / Written Test & Interview Schedule for Lady Searcher / Police Constable Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- Lady Searcher / Police Constable (BPS-05)
04-Mar-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Pakistan Navy Civilian Jobs 2018 March Online Registration Join in 2018-B Batch Latest / New
in Pakistan
- === Naval Headquarters Islamabad (Higher Formation) ===
- 32 Assistants (BPS-15)
- 04 Stenotypists (BPS-14)
- 03 Data Entry Operators (BPS-12)
- 66 Lower Division Clerk (BPS-09)
- 01 Senior Proof Reader (BPS-07)
- 01 Calligraft (BPS-07)
- 03 Tracers (BPS-05)
- 02 Storeman (BPS-05)
- 03 Duplicating Machine Operators (BPS-04)
- 01 Machine Man (BPS-03)
- 01 Carpenter (BPS-03)
- 45 Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
- 02 Sanitary Workers (BPS-01)
- 01 Anchor Man (BPS-01)
- === Industrial / Technical Staff (Lower Formation-PNCA) ===
- 03 Leading Man (BPS-12)
- 30 Assistant Leading Man (BPS-11)
- 45 Skilled (BPS-04)
- === Non-Industrial / Non-Technical Staff (Lower Formation-PNCA) ===
- 01 Stenotypist (BPS-14)
- 01 Sub Inspector (BPS-14)
- 03 Support Coaches (BPS-14)
- 02 Junior Scientific Assistants (BPS-12)
- 17 Data Entry Operator (BPS-12)
- 01 Assistant Examiner - Mechanical (BPS-11)
- 08 Upper Division Clerk (UDC) (BPS-11)
- 26 Lower Division Clerk (LDC) (BPS-09)
- 01 Lady Health Visitor (BPS-09)
- 01 Librarian (BPS-08)
- 03 Assistant Examiners (BPS-08)
- 05 Draftsman-III (BPS-07)
- 04 Midwives (BPS-07)
- 01 Receptionist (BPS-01)
- 01 Engine Driver-II (BPS-07)
- 07 Lab Attendants (BPS-05)
- 03 Junior Time Keepers (BPS-05)
- 48 Police Constables (BPS-05)
- 11 Crane Drivers / Operators (BPS-05)
- 141 MT Drivers (BPS-04)
- 02 Lascars (BPS-02)
25-Feb-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
SPU Punjab Police Jobs February 2018 Application Form Naib Qasid, Sanitary Workers & Others Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- Naib Qasid
- Dhobi
- Cook / Langari
- Sanitary Worker
- Barber
- Waiter
25-Feb-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Sindh Police Constable Jobs February 2018 in Hyderabad Range Latest Advertisement
in Sindh
- Police Constables (BPS-05)
25-Feb-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Pakistan Coast Guards Jobs 2018 February Sipahi, LDC Clerk & Sanitary Workers Latest
in Pakistan
- 50 Sipahi - General Duty (BPS-05)
- 01 Lower Division Clerk (LDC) (BPS-07)
- 04 Sanitary Workers (BPS-04)
20-Feb-2018 (Tuesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
SPU Punjab Police Jobs 2018 February Naib Qasid, Cook, Sanitary Workers & Others Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- Naib Qasid
- Dhobi
- Cook / Langri
- Sanitary Worker
- Barber
- Waiter
18-Feb-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Federal Government Agency Jobs 2018 February OTS Application Form Constables, Sub Inspectors & Others Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-15 ===
- 07 Assistants
- === BPS-14 ===
- 74 Sub Inspectors Investigation
- 20 Stenotypists
- === BPS-11 ===
- 11 Upper Division Clerks (UDC)
- === BPS-09 ===
- 51 Lower Division Clerks (LDC)
- 26 Assistant Sub Inspectors (ASI)
- === BPS-05 ===
- 368 Constables
- 45 Constable Drivers
- === BPS-04 ===
- 30 Drivers / SCD
- 03 Dispatch Riders
- === BPS-01 ===
- 05 Naib Qasid
- 01 Cook
- 02 Chowkidar
- 01 Sweeper
- 02 Khalasi
- 01 Helper
- 01 Mali
18-Feb-2018 (Sunday) - Express
FIA Jobs 2018 Sub Inspectors, ASI, Constables, LDC / UDC Clerks, Drivers & Others OTS Application Form Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-15 ===
- 07 Assistants
- === BPS-14 ===
- 20 Stenotypists
- 74 Sub Inspectors Investigation
- === BPS-11 ===
- 11 Upper Division Clerks (UDC)
- === BPS-09 ===
- 26 Assistant Sub Inspectors (ASI)
- 51 Lower Division Clerks (LDC)
- === BPS-05 ===
- 45 Constable Drivers
- 368 Constables
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Dispatch Riders
- 30 Drivers / SCD
- === BPS-01 ===
- 05 Naib Qasid
- 02 Chowkidar
- 01 Cook
- 02 Khalasi
- 01 Sweeper
- 01 Mali
- 01 Helper
15-Feb-2018 (Thursday) - Express
SPU Punjab Police Jobs 2018 February Security Constables, Drivers & Wireless Operators Special Protection Unit Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- Security Constables (BPS-07)
- Driver Constables (BPS-07)
- Constable Wireless Operators (BPS-07)
11-Feb-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Frontier Corps Balochistan Jobs February 2018 Sipahi General Duty Latest / New
in Pakistan
11-Feb-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Special Protection Unit Punjab Police Jobs 2018 February for Security Constables SPU Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- 88 Senior Security Constables (BPS-09)
04-Feb-2018 (Sunday) - The News
Patrol Officer Jobs in Motorway Police 2018 February FPSC Online Application Form NH&MP Latest
in Pakistan
- === National Highways & Motorway Police ===
- === Ministry of Communications ===
- 321 Patrol Officers (BPS-14)
- 179 Patrol Officers (for Employees of NH&MP) (BPS-14)
04-Feb-2018 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs February 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 2/2018 02/2018 Latest
in Pakistan
- === National Highways and Motorway Police ===
- 321 Patrol Officers (BPS-14)
- 179 Patrol Officers (for Employees of NH&MP) (BPS-14)
- === Federal Government Polyclinic, CADD ===
- 01 Physician Psychiatry (BPS-19)
- 01 Charge / Staff Nurse (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Narcotics Control ===
- 04 Assistant Directors (Law) (BPS-17)
- === Ministry of Energy ===
- 03 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Directorate of National Savings ===
- 05 Assistant Directors (BPS-18)
- === Ministry of Commerce ===
- 01 Translator (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Textile Industry ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Railways ===
- 01 Eye Specialist (BPS-18)
- === Federal Government Educational Institutions ===
- 01 Computer Operator (BPS-16)
- === OS Directorate GHQ , Ministry of Defence ===
- 01 Assistant Chief Administrative Officer (BPS-17)
- 03 Junior Ordnance Management Officers (BPS-16)
- === Health Department , Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 03 Consultants Anesthesia (BPS-18)
- === Ministry of Ports and Shipping ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16) ===
- === PAD PWD, Ministry of Housing & Works ===
- 05 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Finance Division ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Science and Technology ===
- 01 Deputy Scientific Adviser (BPS-19)
- 02 Assistant Technological Advisers (BPS-18)
- 01 Assistant Scientific Adviser (BPS-18)
- 01 Assistant Electronics Adviser (BPS-18)
- === Ministry of Water and Power ===
- 01 Superintending Engineer (Floods) (BPS-19)
- 02 Joint Commissioners for Indus Waters (BPS-19)
- === Ministry of States and Frontier Regions ===
- 02 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Pakistan Navy ===
- 02 2nd Engineers - Electronics (BPS-18)
- === Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine ===
- 03 Rehabilitation Specialists (BPS-18)
- 01 Prosthetics & Orthotist (BPS-17)
- === Secretariat Training Institute ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Naval Headquarters, Ministry of Defence ===
- 01 Assistant Armament Supply Officer (BPS-16)
- 03 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation & Coordination ===
- 02 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Finance, Revenue & Economic Affairs ===
- 01 Data Processing Officer (BPS-17)
03-Feb-2018 (Saturday) - Dawn
Sindh Police Constable Driver Jobs 2018 February Physical Test Schedule Hyderabad Range Latest
in Sindh
- Constable Drivers (BPS-05)