11-May-2019 (Saturday) - Jang
Training Instructor Jobs in Balochistan Police 2019 May ATF Training School 2019 May Ex/Retired SSG / Army Personnel Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
- === 13 Training Instructors ===
- === Retired SSG / Army Personnel ===
- Subedar
- Naib Subedar
- Naik / Havildar
10-May-2019 (Friday) - Jang
Balochistan Levies Force Jobs May 2019 Sipahi, Wireless Operators & Others CPEC Wing Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-05 ===
- 935 Sipahi
- 67 Wireless Operators
- 27 Wireless Mechanics
- 27 Armourer
10-May-2019 (Friday) - Jang
Balochistan Levies Force Jobs May 2019 Sipahi, Class 4, Drivers & Others Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-11 ===
- 06 Junior Clerks
- === BPS-07 ===
- 06 Moharir
- === BPS-05 ===
- 12 Armourer
- 12 Wireless Mechanics
- 24 Wireless Operators
- 875 Sipahi
- 35 Drivers
- === BPS-01 ===
- 40 Class-IV
- 04 Sweepers
08-May-2019 (Wednesday) - Jang
Balochistan Police Jobs May 2019 Assistant Sub Inspectors ASI & Inspectors BPSC Apply Online Latest
in Balochsitan
- 17 Inspectors (BPS-16)
- 249 Assistant Sub-Inspectors (BPS-09)
07-May-2019 (Tuesday) - Express
Frontier Corps Balochistan Jobs May 2019 FC South 64 / 65 Batch General Duty Sipahi & Others Latest
in Balochistan
- General Duty Sipahi
- Clerk
- Medical
- Workshop
- Field Battery
06-May-2019 (Monday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Security Guard Jobs in Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) 2019 May Retired Army / Police Personnel Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
05-May-2019 (Sunday) - Express
Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor May 2019 Online Registration Jobs in B-2019(S) Batch Latest
in Pakistan
- Technical Branch
- Marine Branch
29-Apr-2019 (Monday) - The News
ASI Jobs in KPK Police 2019 April / May Assistant Sub Inspectors KPPSC Online Application Form Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- 91 Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASI) (BPS-09)
29-Apr-2019 (Monday) - Dawn
Sindh Police Jobs April / May 2019 PTS Application Form Computer / Data Entry Operators & Others Latest
in Sindh
- === BPS-12 ===
- 110 Computer Operators
- 100 Senior Data Entry Operators / Key Punch Operators
- === BPS-09 ===
- 36 Surveillance Operators
- 05 Electric Supervisors
- 04 Technical Supervisors
- 13 Call Centre Operators
- === BPS-08 ===
- 1320 Data Entry Operators / Key Punch Operators
- === BPS-07 ===
- 30 Hardware Technicians
14-Apr-2019 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Airport Security Force Jobs April 2019 Application Form Corporals, ASI & Others ASF Latest / New
in Pakistan
- 371 Assistant Sub Inspectors (ASI) (BPS-11)
- 1960 Corporals (BPS-07)
- 19 Corporal Drivers (BPS-05)
- 02 Assistants (BPS-15)
- 03 Stenotypists (BPS-14)
- 01 Draftsman (BPS-11)
- 02 Upper Division Clerk (BPS-11)
- 06 Lower Division Clerks (BPS-09)
- 01 Medical Attendant (BPS-07)
- 02 Lab Attendants (BPS-07)
- 01 Compounder (BPS-07)
- 01 MT Driver (BPS-05)
- 07 Bawarchi (BPS-01)
- 04 Khakroob (BPS-01)
14-Apr-2019 (Sunday) - Express
Pakistan Navy Civilian Jobs 2019 April Online Registration Join in 2019-B Batch Latest Advertisement
in Pakistan
- === Civilian Officers - Higher (NHQ) & Lower (PNCA) Formation ===
- === BPS-16 ===
- 08 APS (Higher Formation)
- 05 APS (Lower Formation)
- 01 AASO
- 01 SSA
- === Headquarters Islamabad (Higher Formation) ===
- === BPS-15 ===
- 08 Assistant
- === BPS-13 ===
- 03 Photographer
- === BPS-11 ===
- 08 Upper Division Clerks
- === BPS-09 ===
- 19 Lower Division Clerks
- 02 Telephone Operators
- === BPS-01 ===
- 10 Naib Qasid
- 01 Sanitary Worker
- === 575 Posts for Industrial / Technical Staff for (Lower Formation-PNCA) ===
- === BPS-11 ===
- High Skilled Grade-I (Mechanical)
- High Skilled Grade-I (IT)
- High Skilled Grade-I (Electrical)
- High Skilled Grade-I (Electronics)
- High Skilled Grade-I (Ship Construction
- === 1257 Posts - Non Industrial / Not Technical Staff (Lower Formation-PNCA) ===
- === BPS-14 ===
- Translator
- Sports Coach
- === BPS-12 ===
- Junior Scientific Officer
- Data Entry Operator
- === BPS-11 ===
- Assistant Examiner (Store)
- === BPS-11 ===
- Labour Welfare Supervisor
- Photographer
- === BPS-09 ===
- Lower Division Clerks
- Telephone Operators
- Lady Health Visitors
- === BPS-08 ===
- Librarian
- === BPS-07 ===
- Junior Instructor
- Store Man
- Receptionist
- Midwife
- Lady Receptionist
- Engine Driver - II
- Boxing Instructor
- === BPS-05 ===
- Copy Holder
- Lab Attendant
- Junior Time Keeper
- Khadim Masjid
- Muazzan
- Police Constable
- Crane Driver Operator
- === BPS-04 ===
- MT Driver
- Dispatch Rider
- === BPS-03 ===
- Book Binder
- Lascar
12-Apr-2019 (Friday) - Jang
Balochistan Levies Force Jobs April 2019 Sipahi & Others Latest / New
in Zhob, Jhal Magsi, Balochistan
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Stenographer
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Moharir
- === BPS-05 ===
- 175 Sipahi
- 01 Wireless Operator
- 01 Wireless Mechanic
- 02 Trackers
- === BPS-04 ===
- 01 Driver
02-Apr-2019 (Tuesday) - The News
KPK Police Jobs April 2019 ASI, Sub / Inspectors & Deputy Superintendents KPPSC Online Apply Latest / New
in KPK
- 07 Deputy Superintendent Police (BPS-17)
- 50 Inspectors (BPS-16)
- 65 Sub Inspectors (BPS-14)
- 75 Assistant Sub Inspectors (ASI) (BPS-14)
31-Mar-2019 (Sunday) - Dawn
UNODC Pakistan Jobs 2019 March / April United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Latest
in Sindh
- Programme Management Consultant
- DBMIS Consultant
- DBMIS Networking Consultant
- DBMIS Software Development Consultant
- Lead Coordinator
- Police Adviser
- Prison, Probation & Parole Adviser
- Prosecution and Judicial Coordinator
- Junior Lawyers
- Senior Legal Aid Consultant
31-Mar-2019 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Join Pakistan Army as Soldier & Naib Khateeb 2019 March / April Junior Commissioned Officer Online Registration Latest
in Pakistan
- === Junior Commissioned Officer (JCO) ===
- Naib Khateeb
- === Sipahi ===
- Military Police
- Clerk
- Cook
- Sweeper / Sanitary Worker
31-Mar-2019 (Sunday) - The Nation
Clerk Jobs in Punjab Police March 2019 April PPSC Online Application Form Disabled Quota Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Punjab Police Department ===
- 20 Junior Clerks (BPS-11)
31-Mar-2019 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs March 2019 April Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 12/2019 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Punjab Police Department ===
- 20 Junior Clerks (BPS-11)
- === Planning and Development Department ===
- 11 Assistant Directors - Technical (BPS-17)
- === Transport Department ===
- 01 Motor Mobile Patrol Inspector (BPS-16)
- 06 Stenographers (BPS-15)
- 05 Transport Sub Inspectors (BPS-14)
- === Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Department ===
- 05 District Wildlife Officers (BPS-17)
17-Mar-2019 (Sunday) - The Nation
Pakistan Rangers Sindh Jobs 2019 March Sipahi, Cooks & Others Latest Advertisement
in Pakistan
- === BPS-11 ===
- 02 Religious Teachers
- === Sipahi / Sepoy (BPS-05) ===
- 942 Sepoy General Duty
- 47 Sepoy Cooks
- 03 Sepoy Mess Waiter
- 02 Sepoy Misalchi
- === 104 Non Combatant Enrolled (NCsE) (BPS-02) ===
- Water Carriers
- Tailor
- Painter
- Barber
- Carpenter
- Mali
- Tendal
- Washerman
- Black Smith
- Sanitary Workers
07-Mar-2019 (Thursday) - Jang
Sipahi Jobs in Balochistan Levies Force March 2019 Khuzdar Latest
in Khuzdar, Balochistan
02-Mar-2019 (Saturday) - The News
Pakistan Rangers Punjab Jobs March 2019 for Sipahi General Duty Corrigendum Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- 800 Sipahi General Duty (BPS-05)
01-Mar-2019 (Friday) - Jang
Sipahi Jobs in Balochistan Levies Force March 2019 Mastung Latest
in Mastung, Balochistan
28-Feb-2019 (Thursday) - Jang
Balochistan Levies Force Jobs February 2019 March Kalat Sipahi & Others Latest
in Kalat, Balochistan
- === BPS-12 ===
- 01 Assistant Computer Operator
- === BPS-07 ===
- 02 Moharer
- === BPS-05 ===
- 133 Sipahi
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Drivers
27-Feb-2019 (Wednesday) - Jang
Constable Driver Jobs in Balochistan Police 2019 February / March Quetta Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
- 50 Constable Drivers (BPS-05)
22-Feb-2019 (Friday) - Jang
Balochistan Levies Force Jobs February 2019 Sipahi, Drivers & Wireless Operator Latest
in Kacchi, Bolan, Balochistan
- === BPS-05 ===
- 123 Sipahi
- 01 Wireless Operator
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Drivers
16-Feb-2019 (Saturday) - The News
Pakistan Rangers Punjab Jobs 2019 February Sipahi General Duty Latest Advertisement
in Punjab, Pakistan
- 800 Sipahi General Duty (BPS-05)
13-Feb-2019 (Wednesday) - Jang
Balochistan Levies Force Khuzdar Jobs 2019 February Sipahi, Moharir & Others Latest
in Khuzdar, Balochistan
- 07 Moharir
- 03 Armourer
- 01 Naik
- 151 Sipahi
- 02 Trackers
- 05 Drivers
11-Feb-2019 (Monday) - The News
Special Branch Punjab Police Jobs 2019 February Sanitary Workers, Langari & Naib Qasid Disable Quota Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- 02 Naib Qasid
- 06 Sanitary Workers
- 06 Langari - Located at Serial No.1
09-Feb-2019 (Saturday) - Express
Balochistan Levies Force Jobs 2019 February Duki Sipahi, Moharir, Drivers & Others Latest
in Duki, Balochistan
- 05 Assistant Computer Operators (BPS-12)
- 09 Moharir (BPS-07)
- 03 Wireless Operators (BPS-05)
- 03 Wireless Mechanic (BPS-05)
- 03 Armorer (BPS-05)
- 110 Sipahi (BPS-05)
- 05 Drivers (BPS-05)
- 03 Chowkidar (BPS-02)
- 02 Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
- 03 Sweepers (BPS-01)
08-Feb-2019 (Friday) - Jang
Balochistan Levies Force Jobs 2019 February Sipahi, Wireless Operators & Others QRF Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-14 ===
- 02 Stenographers
- === BPS-12 ===
- 02 Assistant Computer Operators
- === BPS-11 ===
- 02 Junior Clerks
- === BPS-05 ===
- 450 Sipahi
- 03 Wireless Operators
- 02 Drivers
- === BPS-02 ===
- 02 Chowkidar
- === BPS-01 ===
- 02 Naib Qasid
- 01 Sweeper
08-Feb-2019 (Friday) - Jang
Balochistan Levies Force Jobs 2019 February Washuk Sipahi & Others Latest
in Washuk, Balochistan
- === BPS-07 ===
- 03 Moharer
- === BPS-05 ===
- 04 Wireless Operators
- 166 Sipahi
- === BPS-01 ===
- 02 Naib Qasid
- 01 Bahishti
08-Feb-2019 (Friday) - Jang
Balochistan Levies Force Jobs 2019 February Kech Sipahi, Drivers & Others Latest
in Kech, Balochistan
- === BPS-05 ===
- 01 Wireless Operator
- 01 Armourer
- 02 Trackers
- 114 Sipahi
- 01 Naik
- 03 Drivers
08-Feb-2019 (Friday) - Jang
Punjab Police Jobs 2019 February Sanitary Workers, Langari & Others Disable Quota Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- 06 Langri
- 01 Water Carrier
- 04 Sanitary Workers
- 03 Dhobi
- 01 Khalasi
- 01 Barber
- 01 Mali
03-Feb-2019 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Frontier Corps KPK Jobs 2019 February Sipahi General Duty FC Latest
in KPK
03-Feb-2019 (Sunday) - Express
Airport Security Force Jobs 2019 February ASF Application Form Corporal Drivers & Others Latest / New
in Pakistan
- === BPS-05 ===
- 93 Corporal Drivers
- 01 Auto Electrician
- 01 Electrician
- 08 MT Drivers
- === BPS-03 ===
- 01 Plumber
- === BPS-01 ===
- 01 Mason
- 17 Bawarchi
- 10 Khakroob
06-Jan-2019 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs 2019 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 01/2019 1/2019 Latest
in Pakistan
- === Armed Forces Institute of Pathology ===
- 02 Assistant Scientific Officers (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Computer Officer (BPS-16)
- 01 Electrical Engineer (BPS-16)
- === Naval Headquarters (Pakistan Navy) ===
- 03 Deputy Armament Supply Officer (BPS-18)
- 01 Staff Welfare Officer (Lady) (BPS-17)
- 01 Senior Scientific Assistant (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Housing & Works ===
- 03 Joint Estate Officer (General) (BPS-17)
- 02 Joint Estate Officer Accounts (BPS-17)
- === Federal Board of Revenue ===
- 158 Inspector Customs / Intelligence Officer (BPS-16)
- 60 Preventive Officer (BPS-16)
- 51 Appraising / Valuation Officer (BPS-16)
- === National Highway & Motorway Police ===
- 01 Computer Programmer (BPS-17)
- 01 Accounts Officer (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- 55 Computer Operator (BPS-16)
- 09 Accountant (BPS-16)
- 234 Patrol Officer (BPS-14)
- 196 Patrol Officer (BPS-14) (For Department Employees)
- === Military College Jhelum ===
- 01 Lecturer / Instructor Computer Science (BPS-17)
- === Agriculture Department Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 01 Agriculture Officer (BPS-17)
- === Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination ===
- 02 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Climate Change ===
- 01 Inspector General of Forests (BPS-21)
- === Finance Division ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS16)
- === Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources ===
- 01 Research Officer (BPS-17)
06-Jan-2019 (Sunday) - The News
Motorway Police Jobs 2019 Patrol Officers & Others FPSC Online Apply Latest Advertisement
in Pakistan
- === National Highway & Motorway Police ===
- 01 Computer Programmer (BPS-17)
- 01 Accounts Officer (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- 55 Computer Operator (BPS-16)
- 09 Accountant (BPS-16)
- 234 Patrol Officer (BPS-14)
- 196 Patrol Officer (BPS-14) (For Department Employees)
06-Jan-2019 (Sunday) - Dawn
Motorway Police Jobs 2019 Junior Patrol Officers, Clerks & Others PTS Application Form NH&MP Latest / New
in Pakistan
- === Total 1158 Posts in NH&MP ===
- 892 Junior Patrol Officers (BPS-7)
- 11 Assistants (BPS-15)
- 21 Stenotypists (BPS-14)
- 57 Photographers (BPS-13)
- 36 Upper Division Clerks (UDC) (BPS-11)
- 01 Field Assistant (BPS-11)
- 05 Draftsman (BPS-10)
- 79 Lower Division Clerks (LDC) (BPS-09)
- 30 Paramedical Staff (BPS-07)
- 25 Tailor (BPS-07)
- 01 Khateeb (BPS-07)
06-Jan-2019 (Sunday) - Dawn
Junior Patrol Officer Jobs in Motorway Police 2019 PTS Application Form Download Latest
in Pakistan
- 892 Junior Patrol Officers (BPS-07)
03-Jan-2019 (Thursday) - Express
Frontier Corps Balochistan Jobs 2019 North 63 Batch Recruit General Duty Sipahi & Others Latest
in Pakistan
- General Duty Sipahi
- Clerk
- Medical
- Workshop
- Field Battery
30-Dec-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor 2019 Online Registration Jobs in A-2019 (S) Batch Latest
in Pakistan
- Technical
- Family Medical Technician (FMT)
- Naib Khateeb
- Marine
29-Dec-2018 (Saturday) - Jang
Balochistan Police Jobs December 2018 / 2019 Clerks, Stenographers, Class 4, Naib Qasid & Others Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-14 ===
- 25 Stenographers
- 03 Auditors
- === BPS-11 ===
- 41 Junior Clerks
- 01 Motor Vehicle Examiner
- === BPS-01 ===
- 23 Naib Qasid
- --- 54 Class 4 ---
- Bawarchi
- Dhobi
- Tarkhan
- Electrician
- Plumber
- Khakroob
- Hajam
- Welder
- Bahishti
- Rangsaz
- Darzi
- Mali
- Mistry
- Mechanic
25-Dec-2018 (Tuesday) - Express
Punjab Safe Cities Authority Jobs December 2018 PSCA PPIC3 Centre Lahore Apply Online Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === 10 Executive Officers ===
- Technical
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Coordination
- Finance & Planning
- Finance
- Accounts
- Admin
- Procurement
- HR
- Logistics
- === 07 Deputy Executive Officers ===
- System Administration
- Quality Assurance
- === 05 Associate Executive Officers ===
- Field Assets
- === 09 Deputy Managers ===
- Law & Procurement
- Finance & Planning
- Facilities
- Traffic
- Electronics Security
- Technology
- === 21 Assistant Managers (AM) ===
- Database
- Big Data
- Power Engineer
- HVAC Engineer
- Telecommunication
- Transport
- Helpdesk
- Data Center
- Maintenance
- === Other Staff ===
- 02 Junior Executive Officer
- 01 Training Coordinator
- 02 Assistant Manager Public Relations
- 02 Archive Officer
- 01 Telecommunication Supervisor
- 08 Driver
- 14 Office Attendant
- 07 Sweeper
- 01 Chowkidar
09-Dec-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Motorway Police Jobs December 2018 NHMP Application Form National Highway and Motorway Police Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-05 ===
- 30 Dispatch Riders
- 87 Orderly
- 32 Helpers
- 29 Mechanics
- 10 Electricians
- 12 Plumbers
09-Dec-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
National Highway and Motorway Police Jobs December 2018 NHMP Application Form Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-01 ===
- 71 Barbers
- 73 Mali
- 76 Cooks
- 66 Helper Cook
- 76 Sweepers
- 67 Washerman
- 91 Helpers
- 01 Store Helper
09-Dec-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Frontier Corps Balochistan Jobs December 2018 South Latest
in Pakistan
- General Duty Sipahi
- Clerk
- Medical
- Workshop
- Field Battery
02-Dec-2018 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs December 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 12/2018 Latest
in Pakistan
- === GHQ Ministry of Defence ===
- 02 Civilian Medical Practitioners (CMP)(Grade-III) (BPS-17)
- ===Pakistan Meteorological Department ===
- 01 Assistant Electronic Engineer (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Planning Development and Reform ===
- 01 Deputy Chief (BPS-19)
- 01 Assistant Chief (BPS-18)
- 01 Research Officer (BPS-17)
- === Pakistan Bureau of Statistics ===
- 01 Joint Census Commissioner (Geography) (BPS-19)
- === Ministry of Railways ===
- 06 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Pakistan Navy ===
- 02 Inspectors of Police (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 01 Draftsman (BPS-19)
- === National Accountability Bureau (NAB) ===
- 07 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
04-Nov-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
ASI Jobs in Balochistan Police November 2018 Assistant Sub Inspectors BPSC Online Application Form Latest
in Balochistan
- === Balochistan Police Department ===
- 22 Assistant Sub Inspectors (BPS-09)
04-Nov-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
BPSC Jobs November 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 11/2018 Latest
in Balochistan
- === Health Department ===
- --- 04 Senior Registrars (BPS-18) ---
- Medicine
- Ophthalmology
- === Law and Parliamentary Affairs Department ===
- 02 District Attorney (BPS-19)
- 14 Assistant District Attorney (BPS-18)
- === Local Government Department ===
- 05 Assistant Directors (BPS-17)
- === Colleges, Higher & Technical Education Department ===
- --- 50 Lecturers (Male) (BPS-17) ---
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Urdu
- Botany
- Zoology
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Chemistry
- Philosophy
- Statistics
- --- 77 Lecturers (Female) (BPS-17) ---
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Zoology
- Urdu
- History
- Psychology
- Economics
- Home Economics
- Political Science
- Statistics
- === Balochistan Police Department ===
- 22 Assistant Sub Inspectors (BPS-09)
30-Oct-2018 (Tuesday) - The Nation
Punjab Safe City Authority Jobs October 2018 November PSCA PPIC3 NTS Application Form Police Communications Officer / Specialist Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- 83 Police Communications Specialists / Communications Officers
11-Oct-2018 (Thursday) - Jang
Balochistan Constabulary Jobs October 2018 Police Application Form Class 4 Latest
in Balochistan
- === Class 4 Staff ===
- 30 Khakroob
- 10 Cook
- 08 Dhobi
- 08 Hajjam
- 04 Mali