16-Mar-2013 (Saturday) - Jang
LUMS National Outreach Programme 2013 Form Application Jang Advertisement
in Pakistan
- Scholarships for Students
13-Mar-2013 (Wednesday) - Jang
UHS Lahore MS & Ph.D. Foreign Scholarships
in Abroad
- === Disciplines for Ph.D. ===
- Medical Education, Microbiology, Pharmacology
- == Disciplines for MS ==
- Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Medical Education
12-Mar-2013 (Tuesday) - Jang
University of Health Sciences Lahore MS & Ph.D. Foreign Scholarships
in Abroad
- == Disciplines for MS ==
- Biochemistry
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Pharmacology
- Physiology
- Medical Education
- === Disciplines for Ph.D. ===
- Medical Education
- Microbiology
- Pharmacology
12-Mar-2013 (Tuesday) - Jang
Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund Scholarships 2012-2013
in Punjab
- Scholarships for Children of Punjab Government Servants, In-service, Retired & Deceased
12-Mar-2013 (Tuesday) - Dawn
Foreign Scholarships for MS & Ph.D. in Medical, Dental & Health Disciplines
in Abroad
- == Disciplines for MS ==
- Physiology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Medical Education, Immunology, Biochemistry
- === Disciplines for Ph.D. ===
- Pharmacology, Microbiology, Medical Education
11-Mar-2013 (Monday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Punjab Government Servants Benevolent Fund for Educational Scholarships 2012-2013
in Punjab
- Scholarships for Children of Punjab Government Servants, In-service, Retired & Deceased
11-Mar-2013 (Monday) - The Nation
Educational Scholarships 2012-2013 for Children of Punjab Government Employees
in Punjab
- Scholarships for Children of Employees of Punjab Government (In-service, Retired & Deceased)
10-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - The News
NTS GAT-General Test April 2013
in Pakistan
10-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - Dawn
GAT-General Test by NTS on 7th April, 2013
in Pakistan
- Graduate Assessment Test for Admissions to M.Phil. & HEC Scholarships
07-Mar-2013 (Thursday) - Jang
HEC Scholarships 2013 Faculty Development Program Women University Multan
in Pakistan, Overseas
- === Overseas Ph.D. Scholarships ===
- Psychology
- Home Economics
- English
- Computer Science
- Business Administration
- Economics
- === Split Ph.D. Scholarships ===
- Psychology
- Home Economics
- English
- Computer Science
- Business Administration
- Economics
- Education
- === Indigenous Ph.D. Scholarships ===
- Economics
- Chemistry
- Education
- Biology
07-Mar-2013 (Thursday) - The News
HEC Scholarships 2013 for Ph.D. (Overseas/Indigenous) under Women University Multan Faculty Development Program
in Pakistan, Overseas
- === Indigenous Ph.D. Scholarships ===
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Economics
- Education
- === Split Ph.D. Scholarships ===
- Business Administration
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Education
- English
- Home Economics
- Psychology
- === Overseas Ph.D. Scholarships ===
- Business Administration
- Computer Science
- Economics
- English
- Home Economics
- Psychology
04-Mar-2013 (Monday) - Jang
HEC Scholarships 2013 for MS Leading to PhD
in Overseas
- === Engineering, Science & Technology ===
- === Disciplines / Subjects for Scholarships ===
- Agriculture / Water Resources / Environmental Engineering
- Mining / Petroleum Engineering
- Urban Planning / Structural / Civil Engineering
- Transportation / Aerospace / Aeronautical Engineering
- Hydraulic / Applied Mechanics / Mechanical Engineering
- Material / Metallurgy / Manufacturing / Industrial Engineering
- Energy Systems / Electronics / Electrical (Power) Engineering
- Mechatronics / Nanotechnology
- Software / Systems Engineering
- Textile / Chemical Engineering
- === Management Sciences ===
- === Disciplines / Subjects for Scholarships ===
- Human Resource / Leadership / Strategic Management
- Governess & Public Policy / Public Administration / Management
- Total Quality / Industrial Management
- Technology / Supply Chain / Project Management
- Banking & Finance
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - The News
HEC Overseas Scholarships 2013 Application Form & Advertisement
in Overseas
- === Disciplines / Subjects for Scholarships ===
- Environmental Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Urban Planning
- Water Resources
- Agriculture Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Applied Mechanics
- Electrical Engineering (Power)
- Electronics Engineering
- Energy Systems
- Chemical Engineering
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Nanotechnology
- Systems Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Metallurgy Engineering
- Textile Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Material Engineering
- Aerospace / Aeronautical Engineering
- ------------------------------------
- Human Resource Management
- Public Administration / Management
- Industrial Management
- Banking & Finance
- Governess & Public Policy
- Supply Chain Management
- Project Management
- Total Quality Management
- Leadership / Strategic Management
- Technology Management
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - Dawn
HEC Overseas Scholarships 2013 Faculty Development of UESTPs/ UETs
in Belgium, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, South Korea, Turkey, UK, USA
- Aerospace / Aeronautical Engineering
- Agriculture Engineering
- Applied Mechanics
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering (Power)
- Electronics Engineering
- Energy Systems
- Environmental Engineering
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Material Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Metallurgy Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Nanotechnology
- Petroleum Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Systems Engineering
- Textile Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Urban Planning
- Water Resources
- Banking & Finance
- Governess & Public Policy
- Human Resource Management
- Industrial Management
- Leadership / Strategic Management
- Project Management
- Public Administration
- Supply Chain Management
- Technology Management
- Total Quality Management
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
HEC Overseas Scholarships 2013
in Germany, Italy, Belgium, Hong Kong, Turkey, France, South Korea, China, USA, UK
- === Scholarships for Masters Leading to Ph.D. in Disciplines ===
- Environmental Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
- Urban Planning
- Water Resources
- Agriculture Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Applied Mechanics
- Electrical Engineering (Power)
- Electronics Engineering
- Energy Systems
- Chemical Engineering
- Hydraulic Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Nanotechnology
- Systems Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Metallurgy Engineering
- Textile Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Material Engineering
- Aerospace / Aeronautical Engineering
- Human Resource Management
- Public Administration
- Industrial Management
- Banking & Finance
- Governess & Public Policy
- Supply Chain Management
- Project Management
- Total Quality Management
- Leadership / Strategic Management
- Technology Management
27-Feb-2013 (Wednesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Corrigendum: Punjab Workers Welfare Board Talent Scholarship 2013
in Punjab
- Children of Industrial Workers / Mines Labours
- Industrial Workers / Mines Labours
24-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Punjab Workers Welfare Board Talent Scholarship Form 2013 Application
in Punjab
- Industrial Workers / Mines Labours
- Children of Industrial Workers / Mines Labours
17-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Express
AJK Council Scholarships 2013 for Students
in AJK, Pakistan
- === AJK Nationals Who Have ===
- === Secured Admission in ===
- M.Sc. / B.Sc. DVM / AH
- D. Pharmacy / B. Pharmacy
- M.Sc. / B.Sc. Agriculture
- B.Sc. Engineering - All Disciplines
- Master's in Applied Sciences
- MCS / BCS / IT
- Master's in Kashmir Studies / International Relation (Conflict Relation)
- Master's in Development Sciences
- Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE) & Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech)
- Cadet Colleges of AJK & Pakistan (for 8th, 9th & 1st Year Students Only)
15-Feb-2013 (Friday) - Jang
Mines Labour Welfare Organization Punjab Scholarships 2013-2012
in Punjab
- === Scholarships for the Children of Mine Labours ===
- Pre-Matric
- Post-Matric
- Post-Graduate Teaching / Diploma
- Medical / Engineering / M.Sc. / Higher Education Classes
03-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Jang
English Language Teaching Reforms (ELTR) Phase-II Scholarships by HEC
in Pakistan
- English Language Teachers of Public Sector Colleges / Universities
03-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - The News
HEC Scholarships 2013 under English Language Teaching Reforms (ELTR) Phase-II
in Pakistan
- English Teachers of Public Sector Universities & Colleges
03-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Dawn
HEC Scholarships for English Teachers 2013
in Pakistan
- English Teachers of Public Sector Colleges & Universities
03-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Express
HEC ELTR Scholarships Application Form 2013
in Pakistan
- In-Service English Teachers of Government Colleges & Universities
20-Jan-2013 (Sunday) - Jang
HEC Scholarships 2013 Fall Ph.D. at University of Cambridge 90% Overseas Scholarships
in Cambridge, UK
- MS & Ph.D. Scholarships at University of Cambridge, UK
20-Jan-2013 (Sunday) - The Nation
HEC Scholarships 2013 Ph.D. at University of Cambridge
in Cambridge, UK
10-Jan-2013 (Thursday) - The Nation
National ICT Scholarship Program 2013 Spring Intake
in Pakistan
- Student - F.Sc. with Mathematics & Physics in 2011 or 2012
- Student - Matriculation (Science Group) with 60% or above Marks
- Student - Secured Admission in ICT related Undergraduate Degree Program in Fall 2012 or Spring 2013 Semester
02-Jan-2013 (Wednesday) - The News
Shaheen Foundation Scholarship 2013 Form - Begum Bilquis Scholarship Scheme (BBSS)
in Pakistan
- Children of Serving, Retired, Disabled, Passed Away PAF Personnel (Officers, Airmen, Civilians) in Bachelor / Master Level Course
02-Jan-2013 (Wednesday) - The News
Shaheen Foundation Scholarship 2013 Form - PAF Shaheen Fellowship Scheme (SFS)
in Pakistan
- Children of Serving & Retired PAF Personnel in Bachelor / Master Level Course
02-Jan-2013 (Wednesday) - Dawn
Education & Literacy Department Sindh Scholarship Program 2013 Endowment Fund
in Sindh
- Business Administration
- Information Technology
- Medical
- Engineering
- Law
09-Dec-2012 (Sunday) - The News
Asian Development Bank Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) 2012 / 2013
in Australia, Hong Kong, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, USA
- Qualified Citizens of Developing Member Countries of ADB
18-Nov-2012 (Sunday) - Jang
UMT Jobs 2012 University of Management and Technology Lahore
in Lahore, Sialkot
- Head (Office Human Resources)
- Deputy Registrar (Registration and Records)
- Deputy Registrar (Financial Aid and Scholarships)
- Deputy Registrar (Academic Affairs)
- Senior Manager Alumni Affairs
- Manager Participants Activities
- Deputy Wardens Hostels (Male / Female)
- .Net Developers
17-Jun-2012 (Sunday) - Jang
MS Scholarships Offered by COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) for Youth of Balochistan
in Balochistan, Jaffarabad
- Bioscience
- Physics
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Business Administration
- English
- Sociology
- International Relations
17-Jun-2012 (Sunday) - Dawn
MS Scholarships Offered by COMSATS Institute of Information Technology (CIIT) for Youth of Balochistan
in Balochistan, Jaffarabad
- Bioscience
- Physics
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Business Administration
- English
- Sociology
- International Relations
29-Apr-2012 (Sunday) - Jang
Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) Postgraduate (MS) Fellowships at PIEAS
in Islamabad, Pakistan
- Postgraduate (MS) Fellowships
16-Apr-2012 (Monday) - Jang
University of Gujrat (Govt.) Jobs
in Gujrat
- Deputy Director Sports
- Manager Press
- Deputy Manager Press
- Senior Librarian
- Librarian
- Budget & Account Officer
- Scholarship Officer
- Transport Officer
- Assistant Treasurer
14-Apr-2012 (Saturday) - Jang
University of Gujrat (Govt.) Jobs
in Gujrat
- Deputy Director Sports
- Manager Press
- Deputy Manager Press
- Senior Librarian
- Librarian
- Budget & Account Officer
- Scholarship Officer
- Transport Officer
- Assistant Treasurer
13-Apr-2012 (Friday) - Express
University of Gujrat (Govt.) Jobs
in Gujrat
- Deputy Director Sports
- Manager Press
- Deputy Manager Press
- Senior Librarian
- Librarian
- Budget & Account Officer
- Scholarship Officer
- Transport Officer
- Assistant Treasurer
25-Mar-2012 (Sunday) - Jang
SIE (Society for International Education) Requires Teachers
in Karachi