08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Government College Women University Faisalabad Jobs July 2018 Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others GCWUF Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-21) (Female) ===
- Applied Psychology
- Business Administration
- Computer Science
- Education
- Fine Arts
- Information Technology
- Pakistan Studies
- Political Sciences
- Sociology
- Arabic
- Commerce
- Economics
- English
- Home Economics
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Public Administration
- Zoology
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) (Female) ===
- Biochemistry
- Commerce
- Economics
- Food Science
- Home Economics
- Public Administration
- Physics
- Statistics
- Business Administration
- Computer Science
- Fine Arts
- Geography
- Pakistan Studies
- Physical Education
- Political Science
- === BPS-18 ===
- Senior Librarian
- === BPS-17 ===
- Assistant Registrar
- Assistant Controller of Examinations
- Assistant Treasurer
- Budget and Accounts Officer
- Assistant Engineer
- Research Officer
- Secretary to Vice Chancellor
- Protocol Officer
- Librarian / Classifier / Cataloguer
- Superintendent
08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The News
Bilquis Postgraduate College for Women Rawalpindi Jobs July 2018 Lecturers & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === PPS-12 ===
- Vice Principal
- === Lecturers (PPS-10) ===
- English
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Business Administration
- === PPS-10 ===
- Hostel Warden
08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The News
EMS High School Islamabad Jobs July 2018 Female Teacher & Library Assistant Latest
in Islamabad
- Islamiat Teacher
- Urdu Teacher
- Physics Teacher
- History & Geography
- Junior School Teacher
- Library Assistant
08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
NUML University Lahore Campus Jobs 2018 July Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Management Sciences
- Mass Communication
- === Lecturers ===
- English
- Management Sciences
- Mass Communication
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Assistant Security Supervisor
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- Storeman / LDC
08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
University of Wah Jobs 2018 July Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Wah Cantt, Punjab
- === Associate Professors ===
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences
- Chemical Engineering
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Statistics
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences
- Education
- English
- Psychology
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- === Lecturers ===
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Statistics
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences
- Education
- Psychology
- Fine Arts
- Civil
- Chemical
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- === Lab Engineers ===
- Chemical Electrical
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- === Demonstrators ===
- Biosciences
- Statistics
- Computer Science
- Management Science
- Psychology
- === Management / IT Department ===
- Assistant Controller of Examinations
08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
University College of Montgomery Sahiwal Jobs 2018 July Teaching Faculty, Librarian & Lab Attendants Latest
in Sahiwal, Punjab
- === 19 Subject Specialists (Male) (BPS-17) ===
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Computer Science
- Biology
- Mathematics
- English
- Urdu
- Islamiyat
- Accounting
- Economics
- Commerce
- === 11 Subject Specialists (Female) (BPS-17) ===
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Computer Science
- Biology
- Mathematics
- English
- Urdu
- Economics
- Commerce
- === Other Staff ===
- 01 Librarian (BPS-16)
- 02 Lab Attendants (BPS-05)
06-Jul-2018 (Friday) - Dawn
Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Bahawalpur Jobs 2018 July Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Bahawalpur, Punjab
- === 11 Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Pathology
- Parasitology
- Microbiology
- Surgery
- Medicine
- Theriogenology
- Food and Nutrition
- Poultry Sciences
- Livestock Management
- Zoology
- === 20 Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Anatomy & Histology
- Physiology
- Food Sciences
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Social and Allied Sciences
- Pathology
- Parasitology
- Microbiology
- Surgery
- Medicine
- Theriogenology
- Epidemiology & Public Health
- Animal Nutrition
- Zoology
- Breeding & Genetics
- Poultry Sciences
- Livestock Management
- Meat Technology
- ICE & E (Veterinary Science)
- === 36 Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Anatomy & Histology
- Physiology
- Food Sciences
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Social and Allied Sciences
- Pathology
- Parasitology
- Microbiology
- Surgery
- Medicine
- Theriogenology
- Epidemiology & Public Health
- Animal Nutrition
- Breeding & Genetics
- Poultry Sciences
- Livestock Management
- Meat Technology
- Zoology
- ICE & E (Veterinary Science)
- Biochemistry
- === 61 Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Anatomy & Histology
- Physiology
- Food Sciences
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Social and Allied Sciences
- Pathology
- Zoology
- Parasitology
- Microbiology
- Surgery
- Medicine
- Theriogenology
- Epidemiology & Public Health
- Animal Nutrition
- Breeding & Genetics
- Poultry Sciences
- Livestock Management
- Meat Technology
- ICE & E (Veterinary Science)
- Biochemistry
06-Jul-2018 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Engineering & Technology Multan Jobs July 2018 Application Form Latest
in Multan, Punjab
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Electrical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- === Lecturers ===
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- English
- Computer Science
- Islamic Studies
- === Lab Engineers ===
- Chemical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Financial Manager
- Assistant Engineer - Civil
- Assistant
- Lab Supervisor
- Lab Assistant
- Lab Attendant
- Drivers
- Naib Qasid
- Security Guard
- Sweeper
05-Jul-2018 (Thursday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Heavy Industries Taxila Hospital Jobs 2018 July Teaching Faculty & Others HITEC-IMS Latest
in Taxila, Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Professors ===
- General Medicine
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Eye
- Orthopedics
- Urology
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Radiology
- Cardiology
- Neurology
- Pulmonology
- Nephrology
- Gastroenterology
- Rheumatology
- Endocrinology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Neuro Surgery
- Pediatric Surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- === Associate Professors ===
- Pharmacology
- Pathology
- Community Medicine
- General Medicine
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Eye
- Orthopedics
- Psychiatry
- Dermatology
- Urology
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Radiology
- Cardiology
- Neurology
- Pulmonology
- Nephrology
- Gastroenterology
- Rheumatology
- Endocrinology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Neuro Surgery
- Pediatric Surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Pathology
- Forensic Medicine
- Pediatric
- Psychiatry
- Dermatology
- Urology
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Anesthesia
- Cardiology
- Neurology
- Pulmonology
- Nephrology
- Gastroenterology
- Rheumatology
- Endocrinology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Neuro Surgery
- Pediatric Surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- === Senior Registrars, Senior Lecturers ===
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Eye
- Orthopedics
- Urology
- Psychiatry
- Dermatology
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Anesthesia
- Cardiology
- Neurology
- Pulmonology
- Nephrology
- Gastroenterology
- Rheumatology
- Endocrinology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Neuro Surgery
- Pediatric Surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- === Lecturer / Demonstrators / Registrars ===
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Pathology
- Forensic Medicine
- Community Medicine
- General Surgery
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Eye
- Pediatric
- Orthopedics
- Psychiatry
- Dermatology
- Urology
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Cardiology
- Neurology
- Pulmonology
- Nephrology
- Gastroenterology
- Rheumatology
- Endocrinology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Neuro Surgery
- Pediatric Surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
- Pharmacist
- Nutritionist
- Plastic Surgery
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- AM Accounts
- Accountant
- IT Assistant
- Training Coordinator
- Controller Exam Cell
- AM Coordinator
- Office Assistant
- Chief Librarian
- Deputy Librarian
- Computer Operator & Admin Supervisor
- Receptionist
- Store Keeper
- Office Runner
- Waiter
- Lab Technician / Assistant
- Dissection Attendant
- Museum Curator
- Medical Record Keeper
- Nurses
- OT Assistant
- Aya
04-Jul-2018 (Wednesday) - Jang
Government College of Technology Sahiwal Jobs 2018 July TEVTA Visiting Teachers & Others Latest
in Sahiwal, Punjab
- === Visiting Faculty ===
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- English
- Civil Technology
- Management
- Physics
- Mechanical Technology
- === Other Staff ===
- Boiler Supervisor
- Carpenter
- Bus Driver
- Conductor
- Attendant (Motorcycle Stand)
- Mali
- Chowkidar
- Khakroob
04-Jul-2018 (Wednesday) - Express
AQSA Institute of Professional Studies Faisalabad Jobs 2018 July Teaching Faculty & Receptionist Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === 100 Assistant Professors / Lecturers ===
- Physiotherapy
- Microbiology
- Biochemistry
- Biotechnology
- Lab Technology
- Nutrition
- Computer Science
- Statistics
- English Literature
- Psychology
- === Other Staff ===
- Receptionist
04-Jul-2018 (Wednesday) - Express
Cadet College Sargodha Jobs 2018 July Teachers / Lecturers, Date Entry Operator & Others Latest
in Sargodha, Punjab
- Adjoint
- Psychologist
- Teachers / Lecturers
- House Master / Warden
- Deputy House Master
- Physical Trainee Instructor (PTI)
- Drill Instructor
- Coach
- Data Entry Operator (Clerk)
- Electrician / Generator Operator
- Carpenter / Plumber / Welder
- Security Guard
- Bawarchi (Cook) / Waiter
- Sanitary Worker
03-Jul-2018 (Tuesday) - The News
Charge Nurse Jobs in Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad 2018 July MTI NTS Application Form Latest
in Abbottabad, KPK
03-Jul-2018 (Tuesday) - The Nation
Government Sadiq College Women University Bahawalpur Jobs July 2018 Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Bahawalpur, Punjab
- === Professors ===
- Applied Psychology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Economics
- English
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- Fashion Arts & Design
- Management Sciences
- Computer Science & IT
- Education
- Islamic Studies
- Physics
- Zoology
- === Associate Professors ===
- Applied Psychology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Economics
- English
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- Fashion Arts & Design
- Management Sciences
- Computer Science & IT
- Education
- Islamic Studies
- Physics
- Zoology
- === Assistant Professors (Female) ===
- Applied Psychology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Economics
- English
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- Fashion Arts & Design
- Management Sciences
- Computer Science & IT
- Education
- Islamic Studies
- Physics
- Zoology
- === Lecturers (Female) ===
- Fashion Arts & Design
- English
- Mathematics
- Computer Science & IT
- Islamic Studies
02-Jul-2018 (Monday) - Dawn
Qazi Hussain Ahmed Medical Complex Nowshera Jobs 2018 July MTI Application Form Download NMC Latest
in Nowshera, KPK
- === BPS-18 ===
- Resident Medical Officer
- Deputy Director Administrator
- Deputy Medical Superintendent
- === BPS-17 ===
- Pharmacist
- Administrative Officer
- Procurement and Logistic Officer
- Security Officer
- === BPS-16 ===
- Office Assistant
- === Junior Clinical Technicians ===
- Pathology
- Cardiology
- Radiology
- Dental
- Anesthesia
- Surgical
- Pharmacy
- Female JCT Pharmacy
- Female JCT Anesthesia
- Female JCT Cardiology
- === BPS-12 ===
- AC Plant Technician
- === BPS-10 ===
- Electro-medical Technician
- === BPS-07 ===
- Medical Gas Operator
- Boiler Operator
- === BPS-06 ===
- Tubewell Operator
- Generator Operator
- Drivers
- Nurse Dai
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Punjab College Talagang Jobs 2018 July Teaching Faculty, Accountant & Computer Operator Latest
in Talagang, Chakwal, Punjab
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Urdu
- English
- Pakistan Studies
- Islamiat
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Accountant
- Computer Operator
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Superior College Rawalpindi Jobs 2018 July Teaching Faculty at University Campus Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- === Research Associates ===
- Management Sciences
- Mass Communication
- Commerce and Economics
- Computer Science and Information Technology
- Electrical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aviation Management
- Aviation Technology
- Computer Engineering
- Architecture
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Allied Health Sciences
- Medical Lab Sciences
- Speech Therapy
- Nutrition Sciences
- Biotechnology
- English Language
- Law
- Interior Designing & Textile Designing
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Textile Institute of Pakistan Karachi Jobs July 2018 Teaching Faculty Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- --- Management Sciences ---
- Supply Chain Management
- Organizational Behavior
- Human Resource Management
- Accounting and Finance
- Merchandizing
- --- Textile Design Technology ---
- History of Arts
- Print Design
- --- Textile Science ---
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Computer Science / E-Marketing
- Spinning / Weaving / Wet-Processing
- --- Fashion and Apparel ---
- Garment Manufacturing
- Pattern Making
- Surface Embellishment
- Fashion Illustration
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Askaria College Wah Cantt Jobs 2018 July Lecturers & Principal Latest
in Wah Cantt, Punjab
- === Lecturers ===
- Physics
- Biology
- Computer Science
- Commerce
- Statistics
- Economics
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Pakistan Studies
- Urdu
- Islamiat
- English
- === Other Staff ===
- Principal
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Allied School & Harmain Science College Kallar Syedan Rawalpindi Jobs 2018 July Lecturers, Teachers & Coordinator Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Lecturers ===
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Computer
- === Junior Teachers ===
- All Subjects
- Montessori Directress
- === Other Staff ===
- Coordinator
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Lecturer Jobs in City Science College for Girls Kasur 2018 July Latest
in Kasur, Punjab
- === Lecturers ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- English
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Dar-e-Arqam School Rawalpindi Jobs July 2018 Teachers & Others at Bahria Town Campus Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Teachers ===
- English
- Urdu
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics
- Primary Section
- Pre School
- === Other Staff ===
- Coordinator Senior Section
- PTI Instructor
- Sports Teacher
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The News
PIMS Islamabad Jobs July 2018 FPSC Apply Online Medical Officers, Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Islamabad
- === Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) ===
- === 29 Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ===
- Psychiatry
- Rheumatology
- Transplant Surgery
- Liver Transplant
- Hepatology Surgery
- Pediatrics Surgery
- Anesthesia
- Pathology
- Pediatrics Oncology
- Pediatrics Medicine
- Gynecology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiology
- Bone Marrow
- Nephrology
- === 24 Senior Registrars (BPS-18) ===
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Radiology
- Pathology
- Anesthesia
- Transplant Hepatology & Surgery
- Pediatrics Surgery
- Gynecology / Obstetrics
- Neonatology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiology
- Dermatology
- Orthopedic
- === BPS-17 ===
- 294 Medical Officers
- 14 Assistant Dental Surgeons / Medical Officers (Dentistry)
- 21 Assistant Anesthetists
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs July 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 06/2018 6/2018 Latest
in Pakistan
- === Federal Government Educational Institutions ===
- --- 01 Associate Professor (BPS-19) ---
- Phyiscs
- --- 02 Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ---
- Health and Physical Education
- Mathematics
- === Ministry of Climate Change ===
- 01 Assistant Secretary Wildlife (BPS-17)
- === National Highway and Motorway Police ===
- 01 Director Planning (BPS-19)
- 02 Computer Programmers (BPS-17)
- 02 Land Acquiring Officers (BPS-16)
- === Office of the Chief Engineering Advisor / Chairman ===
- === Federal Flood Commission, Ministry of Energy ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Geological Survey of Pakistan ===
- 25 Assistant Directors (BPS-17)
- 01 Chemists (BPS-17)
- === Health Department Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 05 Medical Officers (BPS-17)
- === Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment ===
- 02 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Energy (Petroleum Division) ===
- 01 Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Federal Directorate of Education ===
- 01 Deputy Headmistress (BPS-17)
- === Establishment Division ===
- 01 Deputy Director (BPS-18)
- === Ministry of Foreign Affairs ===
- 15 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of National Food Security & Research ===
- 01 Chemist (BPS-17)
- === Ministry of Law and Justice ===
- 01 Deputy Draftsman (BPS-19)
- 31 Assistant Private Secretaries (BPS-16)
- === Federal Board of Revenue ===
- 02 Inspectors Inland Revenues (BPS-16)
- === Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine ===
- 03 Rehabilitation Specialists (BPS-18)
- === Military College Jhelum ===
- 01 Assistant Professor Mathematics (BPS-18)
- === Ministry of Railways ===
- 01 Staff Nurse (BPS-16)
- === Akhtar Hameed Khan National Centre for Rural Development ===
- === Cabinet Secretariat, Establishment Division ===
- 01 Assistant Director / Research Officer (BPS-17)
- === Federal General Hospital, Islamabad ===
- 12 Medical Officers (BPS-17)
- === Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) ===
- === 29 Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ===
- Psychiatry
- Rheumatology
- Transplant Surgery
- Liver Transplant
- Hepatology Surgery
- Pediatrics Surgery
- Anesthesia
- Pathology
- Pediatrics Oncology
- Pediatrics Medicine
- Gynecology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiology
- Bone Marrow
- Nephrology
- === 24 Senior Registrars (BPS-18) ===
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Radiology
- Pathology
- Anesthesia
- Transplant Hepatology & Surgery
- Pediatrics Surgery
- Gynecology / Obstetrics
- Neonatology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardiology
- Dermatology
- Orthopedic
- === BPS-17 ===
- 294 Medical Officers
- 14 Assistant Dental Surgeons / Medical Officers (Dentistry)
- 21 Assistant Anesthetists
- === Naval Headquarters ===
- 01 Senior Scientific Assistant (BPS-16)
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The News
Nowshera Medical College Jobs July 2018 Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Nowshera, KPK
- === Associate Professor ===
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- === Assistant Professor ===
- Orthodontics
- === Senior Registrars ===
- Prosthodontics
- === BPS-17 ===
- Administrative Officer
- Superintendent
- === BPS-16 ===
- Computer Operator
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The News
Shaukat Khanum Hospital Jobs July 2018 Application Form Instructors, Medical Officers & Consultants Latest
in Karachi, Sindh, Lahore, Punjab
- === Consultant ===
- Consultant Medical Oncologist
- Visiting Consultant Radiologist
- === Senior Instructors ===
- Anesthesia
- Breast Surgery
- Clinical and Radiation Oncology
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Infectious Diseases
- Medical Oncology
- Microbiology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Pathology
- Pediatric Critical Care
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases
- Pediatric Oncology
- Radiology
- Surgical Oncology
- === Medical Positions ===
- Female Medical Officers
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Al Badar Higher Secondary School Karachi Jobs 2018 July Teachers & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Teachers ===
- English
- Mathematrics
- Urdu
- Islamiat / Quran
- Computer
- Primary Teachers
- Montessori Directress
- Montessori Co-Teachers
- PT Teachers
- === Other Staff===
- Librarians
- Receptionist (Female)
- Computer Lab Assistants
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Virtual University Jobs July 2018 Apply Online Teaching Faculty, Admin & Support Staff Latest
in Pakistan
- === Professors ===
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences
- Economics
- Mass Communication
- Psychology
- Education
- === Associate Professors ===
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences
- Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
- Molecular Biology
- Sociology
- English
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences
- Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
- Biotechnology
- Biology
- Molecular Biology
- Mass Communication
- Psychology
- Education
- === Lecturers ===
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
- Biotechnology
- Biology
- Molecular Biology
- Mass Communication
- Sociology
- Education
- Urdu
- === Tutor / Instructor ===
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences
- Mathematics
- Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
- Biotechnology
- Biology
- Molecular Biology
- Economics
- Mass Communication
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Education
- English
- Islamic Studies
- Pakistan Studies
- === Other Staff ===
- Director ORIC
- Deputy Director ORIC
- Controller of Examinations
- Senior Assistant Controller Examinations
- Assistant Controller Examinations
- Regional Campus Manager
- Campus Manager
- Manager Accounts / Finance
- Logistic Officer
- Senior Accounts Officer
- Accounts Officer
- Accountant
- Accounts Assistant
- Registrar
- Deputy Registrar
- Senior Assistant Registrar
- Assistant Registrar
- Database Administrator
- Senior Software Engineer
- Software Engineer
- Junior Webmaster
- Manager Quality Assurance
- Admin Officer
- Assistant Admin Officer
- Office Assistants
- Supervisor Motor Pool
- Office Support Staff
- Driver
- Gardener
- General Manager Marketing
- Marketing Manager
- Marketing Executive
- e-Marketing Strategist
- Public Relation Officer
- General Manager Television
- Program Producer
- Traffic Officer
- Senior Electrician
- Network Administrator
- Assistant Network Administrator
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Imperial Tutorial College Karachi Jobs 2018 July Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- Mathematics
- Accounting
- Law
- Chemistry
- Sociology
- Urdu
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Accountant
- Accounts Officer
- Admin Officer
- Data Entry Operator
- Receptionist
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Sir Adamjee Institute Karachi Jobs 2018 July Teaching Faculty Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- English
- Urdu
- Pakistan Studies
- Accounting
- Statistics
- Economics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Sindh Madressatul Islam University Karachi Jobs July 2018 Apply Online Teaching Faculty Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Professors ===
- Business Administration
- Management Sciences
- Media & Communication Studies
- === Associate Professors ===
- Business Administration
- Management Sciences
- Media & Communication Studies
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Business Administration
- Management Sciences
- Media & Communication Studies
- Computer Science
- English
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Sadiq Public School Bahawalpur Jobs July 2018 Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Bahawalpur, Punjab
- === Lecturer / Assistant Professors (BPS-17/18) ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Urdu
- Pakistan Studies
- Economics
- === BPS-17/18 ===
- Teacher Trainer
- === BPS-17 ===
- Student Guidance / Career Counselor
- Librarian
- === BPS-16 ===
- Sports Supervisor
- House Superintendent / House Matron
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Pakistan Navy Educational Trust Karachi Jobs July 2018 Lecturers, Teachers & Others PNET Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Lecturers (PS-17) ===
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Botany
- Biology
- Pakistan Studies
- Islamiat
- === Teachers (PS-17) ===
- Secondary, Primary & Montessori Classes
- === Other Staff ===
- Principal (PS-18/19)
- Vice Principal (PS-17/18)
- Physical Training Instructor (PS-17)
- Psychiatrist (PS-17)
- Accountant (PS-16/17)
- Accounts Assistant (PS-12/14)
- Computer Operator cum Typist (PS-14)
- Computer Lab Assistant / Attendant (PS-14)
- Science Lab Assistant / Attendant (PS-14)
- Librarian / Library Assistant (PS-17)
- Aya (PS-01)
- Mali (PS-01)
- Khakroob (PS-01)
- Naib Qasid (PS-01)
- Chowkidar (PS-01)
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
NUMS University Rawalpindi Jobs 2018 July Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Associate Professors ===
- Oral Pathology
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Public Health / Community Medicine
- Oral Biology
- === Demonstrator ===
- Pathology
- === Other Staff ===
- Deputy Director - QA
- Assistant Director - HR
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
DHA Islamabad / Rawalpindi Jobs 2018 July Teachers, Lab Assistants, Admin Officer & Others Latest
in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Teachers ===
- Urdu
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Montessori
- Computer
- Islamiat
- Music
- === Other Staff ===
- Principal
- Vice Principal
- Admin Officer
- ECA Coordinator
- School Counsellor / Psychologist
- Computer Lab Assistant
- Receptionist
- Bio Lab Incharge
- Bio Lab Assistant
- Bio Lab Attendant
- Admin Supervisor
- Sanitary Worker
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan Jobs 2018 July Application Form Teaching Faculty & Research Assistant Latest
in Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-21 / TTS) ===
- Agronomy
- Horticulture
- Plant Breeding and Genetics
- Plant Protection
- Soil and Environmental Sciences
- English
- Islamic Studies
- Political Science
- Urdu
- Economics
- Education
- Sociology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Computer Science & IT
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Statistics
- Zoology
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20 / TTS) ===
- Agronomy
- Agricultural Extension and Education
- Agricultural Engineering and Technology
- Animal Sciences
- Forestry, Range and Wildlife
- Horticulture
- Plant Breeding and Genetics
- Plant Protection
- Soil and Environmental Sciences
- English
- Islamic Studies
- Political Science
- Urdu
- Business Administration / Management Sciences
- Economics
- Education
- Sociology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Computer Science & IT
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Statistics
- Zoology
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19 / TTS) ===
- Agricultural Engineering and Technology
- Animal Science
- Agronomy
- Soil and Environmental Sciences
- Horticulture
- Plant Breeding and Genetics
- Plant Protection
- English
- Islamic Studies
- Political Science
- Urdu
- Business Administration / Management Sciences
- Economics
- Education
- Sociology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Computer Science & Information Technology
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Statistics
- Zoology
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Agricultural Extension and Education
- Animal Sciences
- Forestry, Range & Wildlife
- Horticulture
- Plant Breeding and Genetics
- Soil and Environmental Sciences
- Islamic Studies
- Political Science
- Urdu
- Business Administration / Management Sciences
- Education
- Sociology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Computer Science & IT
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Statistics
- Zoology
- English
- Economics
- === Research Assistants (BPS-16) ===
- Zoology
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Divisional Public School and Inter College Khushab Jobs 2018 July for Teachers DPS&IC Latest
in Jauharabad, Khushab, Punjab
- === Teachers ===
- --- Subject Specialist (BPS-17) ---
- Physics
- --- Secondary School Teacher (BPS-16) ---
- Zoology
- Biology
- --- Elementary School Teachers (BPS-14) ---
- Physics
- Urdu
- Islamiyat
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Ambitious College of Advance Studies Rawalpindi Jobs 2018 July Islamabad Lecturers & Admin Staff Latest
in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Lecturers ===
- Intermediate Classes
- Under Graduate Classes
- Graduate Classes
- === Admin Staff ===
- Principal
- Academic Coordinators
- Receptionist
- Admission Officer
- Account Officer
- Campus Manager
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Punjab Grammar School Faisalabad Jobs July 2018 Female Teachers & Guard / Office Boy Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Teachers (Female) ===
- Mathematics
- English
- Science
- Montessori / Nursery / KG
- === Other Staff ===
- Guard / Office Boy
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
The City College of Commerce Faisalabad Jobs 2018 July for Teachers Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Teachers ===
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Physics
- Computer Science
- Statistics
- English
- Urdu
- Physical Education
- Commerce
- HR & Management
- Economics
- Psychology
- Pakistan Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Sociology
- History
- Punjabi
- Political Science
- Languages
- Sports & Library Sciences
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
University of Sargodha Lyallpur Campus Faisalabad Jobs 2018 July Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- Food Science and Technology
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Army Public School and College Rawalpindi Jobs July 2018 FWO for Teachers APS&C Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Senior School Teachers ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Army Public School and College Sukkur Jobs July 2018 Teachers, Lecturers & DPE Latest
in Sukkur, Sindh
- === General Teachers ===
- English
- Urdu
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- === Lecturers ===
- Mathematics
- English
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Islamiat
- === Other Staff ===
- Director Physical Education
29-Jun-2018 (Friday) - Express
ITM College Sargodha Jobs 2018 June / July Lecturers, Admin & Support Staff Latest
in Sargodha, Punjab
- === Lecturers ===
- Physics
- Urdu
- Finance
- Biology
- English
- Accounting
- Mathematics
- Islamic Studies
- Psychology
- Computer Science
- Pakistan Studies
- Health & Physical Education
- === Admin & Support Staff ===
- Front Desk Officer
- Librarian
- Science Lab Incharge
- Data Entry Operator
- Security Guard
- Office Boy
28-Jun-2018 (Thursday) - The News
Gujranwala Medial College / DHQ / Teaching Hospital Jobs 2018 June / July Medical Officers, Nurses & Others Latest
in Gujranwala, Punjab
- === 08 Senior Registrar (BPS-18) ===
- Medicine
- Gynecology
- Psychiatry
- Pediatric Medicine
- Eye
- Neurosurgery
- Radiology
- === BPS-17 ===
- 16 Medical Officers
- 02 Pharmacists
- 06 Head Nurses
- === BPS-16 ===
- 22 Charge Nurses
- === BPS-10 ===
- 11 Registration Clerks
- === Junior Technicians (BPS-09) ===
- 02 Lab Technicians / Assistants
- 02 X-Ray Technicians / Radiographer
- 01 Dresser / Dispenser
- 01 ECG / ETT / Echo Technician
- === BPS-01 ===
- 11 Aya
- 10 Stretcher Bearers / Porters
- 01 Ward Attendant
28-Jun-2018 (Thursday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
FWO Jobs June 2018 July Apply Online Frontier Works Organization Latest Advertisement
in Pakistan
- === Professors, Associate / Assistant Professors ===
- Civil Engineering
- Architectural Engineering
- Computer Science
- Management Science / Business Administration
- === Lecturers ===
- Civil Engineering
- Architectural Engineering
- Computer Science
- Business Administration
- Mathematics
- English
- === Lab Engineers ===
- Civil
- Architecture
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Deputy Registrar
- Deputy Director Administration
- Deputy Director Admissions / Registration
- Security Officer
- Assistant Registrar
- Assistant Controller of Examinations
- Assistant Treasurer
- Manager Counselling and Students Affairs
- Assistant Director Sports
- PS to Principal
- Library Assistant
- Lab Administrator Computer
- Assistant Security Officer
- Computer Operator
- Assistant Accountant
- Store Keeper
- Hardware Technician
- Assistant
- Senior Clerk
- Laboratory Attendant
- Junior Clerk
- Mali
- Guards
27-Jun-2018 (Wednesday) - Dawn
Pakistan Scouts Cadet College Batrasi Mansehra Jobs June 2018 July Lecturer, Drill Instructor & Others Latest
in Mansehra, KPK
- Lecturer - Mathematics (BPS-17)
- Security Officer (BPS-14)
- Assistant Security Officer (BPS-11)
- Mess Manager (BPS-11)
- Drill Instructor (BPS-09)
- Security Guard (BPS-02)
27-Jun-2018 (Wednesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Gujranwala Medical College Jobs June 2018 July GMC Teaching Faculty Walk in Interview Latest
in Gujranwala, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Physiology
- Pharmacology
- Forensic Medicine
- Anesthesiology
- Nephrology
- Cardiology
- Urology
- Neurology
- Orthopedic Surgery
- === Associate Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Anatomy
- Biochemistry
- Anesthesiology
- Cardiology
- Intensive Care
- Gastroenterology
- Dermatology
- === Assistant Professor (BPS-18) ===
- Pediatrics
- === Senior Registrar (BPS-18) ===
- Pulmonology
26-Jun-2018 (Tuesday) - The News
UET Peshawar Jobs June 2018 Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Peshawar, Abbottabad, Bannu, Jalozai, Nowshera, KPK
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Agricultural Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Architecture
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Architecture
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Agricultural Engineering
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Project Director
- Deputy Director (BPS-18)
- Security Officer (BPS-16)
- Line Man (BPS-05)
- Tube Well Operator (BPS-05)
- Assistant Cook (BPS-01)
- Sweeper (BPS-01)
26-Jun-2018 (Tuesday) - Express
Superior College Faisalabad Jobs 2018 June Teachers, Lab Administrators & Others Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Teaching Staff ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- English
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- Computer
- History
- Statistics
- Islamic Studies
- Geography
- Economics
- Accounting
- Commerce
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Librarian
- Accountant
- Registration Officer
- Admission Officer
- Science Lab Administrator
- Computer Lab Administrator
- Estate Officer
- Guard / Peon / Sweeper