21-Jun-2020 (Sunday) - The Nation
Daanish School Muzaffargarh Jobs 2020 June for Teacher Center of Excellence Latest
in Muzaffargarh, Punjab
- === Teachers ===
- Mathematics
- General Science
- Computer Science
- Islamiyat
- Social Studies
- Urdu
- Home Economics
- General / Montessori Teachers
14-Jun-2020 (Sunday) - The News
Benchmark Junior School Islamabad Jobs June 2020 Teachers & Others Latest
in Islamabad
- === Teachers ===
- English
- German / Chinese Language
- Social Studies
- Science
- Mathematics
- Early Years Home Room Teacher
- Primary Teacher
- Islamiat
- Urdu
- Art Teacher
- ICT Teacher
- Co-Teacher
- Music Teacher
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Parental Relations Officer
- Admission Officer
- Librarian
- HR Manager
- Physical Training Instructor
- Web Developer
14-Jun-2020 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Garrison Human Resource Development Center Tarbela Cantt Jobs 2020 June Teachers & Others Latest
in Tarbela Cantt, KPK
- Teachers (BPS-15)
- Assistant (BPS-15)
- Stenotypist (BPS-14)
- Driver (BPS-04)
14-Jun-2020 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Directorate of IBA Community Colleges and Schools Jobs 2020 June Application Form Teachers & Others Latest
in Sukkur, Larkana, Khairpur, Sindh
- === Teachers ===
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- English
- Elementary School Teachers / Primary School Teacher
- Early Childhood Education Teacher (Female)
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Library Assistant
- Nurse
- District Coordinator
- Admin / Accounts Officer
- Marketing Assistant
14-Jun-2020 (Sunday) - Express
UET Jobs June 2020 Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others University of Engineering and Technology Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Architecture
- Automotive Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Geological Engineering
- Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
- Islamic Studies
- Finance / HRM / Management / Marketing
- Institute of Environment Engineering & Research
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Nanotechnology Center
- Transportation Engineering
- Bio-Medical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Computer Science / Software Engineering
- Mechatronics & Control Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Automotive Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- English
- Finance / HRM / Management / Marketing
- Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
- Institute of Environment Engineering & Research
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics & Control Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Bio-Medical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Computer Science / Software Engineering
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Automotive Engineering
- Computer Science
- Mechatronics & Control Engineering
- Product & Industrial Design
- Chemical & Polymer Engineering
- Bio-Medical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Computer Science
- Finance
- Computer Science / Software Engineering
- Mechatronics & Control Engineering
- === Others ===
- Legal Advisor
- === BPS-19 ===
- Additional Registrar
- Additional Treasurer
- Additional Controller of Examination
- Project Director
- === BPS-17 ===
- Medical Officer
- === BPS-16 ===
- Workshop Instructor
14-Jun-2020 (Sunday) - The Nation
NUST University Islamabad Jobs June 2020 Teachers Apply Online Latest
in Islamabad
- === Teachers ===
- Pre School
- Mathematics
- English
- Islamiat
- Social Studies
- Urdu
- Assistant Teacher
12-Jun-2020 (Friday) - Dawn
Asoociate / Assistant Professor Jobs in Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar 2020 June Medical Teaching Institution Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- === Associate / Assistant Professors ===
- Pathologist
- Biochemistry
- Hematologist
- Molecular Biologist
- Immunologist
11-Jun-2020 (Thursday) - Express
Naib Khateeb Jobs in Frontier Corps Balochistan 2020 June FC Battle School Khuzdar South Latest
in Khuzdar, Balochistan
11-Jun-2020 (Thursday) - Express
Female Teachers Jobs in Cantonment Board Public School Peshawar 2020 June Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- === Female Teachers ===
- Chemistry
- Qari
- Biology
- English
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- Computer Science
- Social Studies
- Physics
- Statistics
- Science
- Montessori Teacher
09-Jun-2020 (Tuesday) - The News
Rehman College of Nursing Peshawar Jobs 2020 June RMI Nursing Instructors & Associate Professors Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- Assistant Professor
- Senior Nursing Instructor / Lecturer
- Nursing Instructor / Clinical Instructor
09-Jun-2020 (Tuesday) - Express
Garrison Human Resource Development Center 4 Corps Lahore Jobs 2020 June Drivers, Teachers & Stenotypist Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- Civil Teacher (BPS-15)
- Stenotypist (BPS-14)
- Driver (BPS-04)
07-Jun-2020 (Sunday) - Jang
NUML University Karachi Jobs 2020 June National University Of Modern Languages Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Instructors / Lecturers ===
- English
- International Relations
- Computer Science / IT
- Education
- Management Sciences
- Psychology
- Mass Communication
- Islamic Studies
- === Others ===
- Instructor - Germen and French
- Library Assistant
- Driver
- Sanitary Worker
07-Jun-2020 (Sunday) - The News
Federal Government Educational Institution Cantt Garrison Jobs June 2020 FPSC Online Apply Latest
in Pakistan
- === Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts / Garrisions) ===
- 73 Computer Instructors (BPS-17)
- 105 Physical Training Instructor (Female) (BPS-16)
- 95 Physical Training Instructor (Male) (BPS-16)
- 49 Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) (Male) (BPS-16)
- 59 Computer Instructor (Female) (BPS-17)
- 65 Secondary School Teachers (SST) (Female) (BPS-17)
- 65 Secondary School Teachers (SST) (Male) (BPS-17)
- 109 Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) (Female) (BPS-16)
07-Jun-2020 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs June 2020 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 04/2020 4/2020 Latest
in Pakistan
- === Airports Security Force (ASF) ===
- === Cabinet Secretriat (Aviation Division) ===
- 01 Inspector (BPS-16)
- === Naval Headquaters, Ministry of Defence ===
- 01 2nd Engineer (Electronics) System Engineer PCBRF
- === Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts / Garrisons) ===
- 73 Computer Instructors (BPS-17)
- 105 Physical Training Instructor (Female) (BPS-16)
- 95 Physical Training Instructor (Male) (BPS-16)
- 49 Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) (Male) (BPS-16)
- 59 Computer Instructor (Female) (BPS-17)
- 65 Secondary School Teachers (SST) (Female) (BPS-17)
- 65 Secondary School Teachers (SST) (Male) (BPS-17)
- 109 Trained Graduate Teachers (TGT) (Female) (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of National Health Services, Regulation & Coordination ===
- 04 Senior Registrar (BPS-18)
- === Medical Department of Pakistan Railways ===
- === (Railway Board) Ministry of Railways ===
- 24 Medical Officers (BPS-17)
- === Revenue Division Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) ===
- 27 Preventive Officers (BPS-16)
- 15 MIS Officers (BPS-16)
- === Pakistan Meteorological Department Cabinet Secretariat (Aviation Division) ===
- 01 Assistant Electronic Engineer (BPS-17)
- 01 Deputy Director (Engineering) (BPS-18)
- 01 Meteorologist (BPS-17)
- === Department of Communication Security Cabinet Division ===
- 03 Assistant Communication Security Officer (BPS-16)
- 01 Communication Security Officer (BPS-17)
- === Health Department Gilgit Baltistan ===
- === Ministry of Kashmir Affairs & Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 01 Medical Officer (Male) (BPS-17)
- === Management Services Wing Establishment Division ===
- 01 Director (BPS-19)
- === Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) ===
- 04 Assistant Director (BPS-17)
- === Education Department Gilgit Baltistan ===
- === Ministry of Kashmir Affairs & Gilgit Baltistan ===
- 16 Principal / Vice Principal / Headmasters (BPS-19)
- 04 Principal / Vice Principal / Headmistress (BPS-19)
07-Jun-2020 (Sunday) - Dawn
Associate / Assistant Professor Jobs in PAF Air War College Karachi 2020 June Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Professor , Associate / Assistant Professor ===
- Strategic Studies
- Defence & Strategic Studies
- Peace & Conflict Studies
- War Studies
- International Relations
07-Jun-2020 (Sunday) - Dawn
Teaching Faculty Jobs in Sohail University Karachi 2020 June Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Management Sciences ===
- Professors
- Associate Professors
- Assistant Professors
- Lecturers
04-Jun-2020 (Thursday) - Dawn
LUMHS Jamshoro Jobs June 2020 Application Form Teaching Faculty Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences Latest
in Jamshoro, Sindh
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- General Surgery
- General Medicine
- Pulmonology
- Anesthesiology
- Psychiatry
- Pharmacology
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Neuro Surgery
- Pulmonology
- Psychiatry
- General Medicine
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Pulmonology
- Anesthesiology
- Cardiology
- Prosthodontics
- === Senior Registrar ===
- Anesthesiology
03-Jun-2020 (Wednesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
PO Box 1435 GPO Lahore Jobs 2020 June UNHCR Project Latest
in Mianwali,, Lahore, Punjab
- 01 Civil Engineer
- 01 Medical Officer
- 02 Lady Health Visitors
- 02 Teachers
- 01 Microscopist
- 01 Multipurpose Outreach Supervisor
- 01 Store Keeper
- 01 Mobile Repairer Assistant
- 01 Welding Instructor
- 01 Driver
- 01 Watchman / Messenger
- 01 Dai
03-Jun-2020 (Wednesday) - The Nation
Teaching Jobs in Army Public School Chaklala Garrison Rawalpindi 2020 June Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Lecturers (BPS-17) ===
- English
- Urdu
- Physics
- Chemistry
- === Teacher (BPS-16) ===
- Computer Science
- === Subject Specialists (BPS-16/17) ===
- English
- Urdu
- Islamiyat
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Computer
31-May-2020 (Sunday) - Jang
Lecturer Jobs in Rawalpindi May 2020 June Aspire Group of Colleges Dhamyal Campus Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Lecturers (Male / Female) ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Computer
- Statistics
- Commerce
- English
- Urdu
- Islamiat
- Pakistan Studies
- Education
31-May-2020 (Sunday) - Jang
University of Lahore Teaching Hospital Jobs May 2020 June UOL Staff Nurses & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- Respiratory Therapists
- Staff Nurses
- PCR Technologist
- Lab Technicians
31-May-2020 (Sunday) - Jang
Superior College of Law Lahore Jobs 2020 June Assistant Professor & Research Associate Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- Assistant Professor
- Research Associate
31-May-2020 (Sunday) - The News
TEVTA Punjab Jobs May 2020 June Application Form PTEVTA Instructors & Others Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === PS-17 ===
- Agriculture Officer
- Chief Instructor
- Quality Control Officer
- Wood Technologist (Training)
- === Instructors (PS-17) ===
- Electrical
- Civil
- Mechanical
- Chemical
- Architecture
- Computer Aided Design
- Computer Information Technology
- Electronics
- Dress Designing & Making
- Export and Import Documentation
- Fashion Designing
- Garments Manufacturing Technology
- Weaving Technology
- Textile Design
- === Lecturers (PS-17) ===
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics
- English
- Islamic Studies
- Management
- === PS-16 ===
- Chief Trade Instructor
- Chief Instructor
- === Instructors (PS-16) ===
- Skin and Beauty Therapy
- Leather Garments Stitcher & Pattern Maker
- Shoes Upper Stitcher & Pattern Maker
- Chemistry
- Architecture Drafting
- Arts and Crafts
- Secretarial Trade
- === Senior Instructor (PS-16) ===
- Draftsman Mechanical
- Electrician
- Information Technology (IT)
- Electronics
- Fashion Designing
- === Senior Trade Instructor (PS-16) ===
- Agri Machinery
- Fitter General
- Welder
- Information Technology (IT)
- Mechanical
- === Lab Technician (PS-14) ===
- Computer Information Technology
- Civil
- Mechanical
- Chemical
- Electrical
- Physics
- Chemistry
- === Instructors (PS-14) ===
- Fitter General
- Auto Mechanic
- Commercial Arts
- Electronics Application
- Dress Making / Domestic Tailoring
- Machine Embroidery
- Metallurgy
- Welder
- Electrician
- Machinist
- Surgical
- Auto & Farm Machinery
- === Junior Instructor (PS-14) ===
- Chemistry
- Civil
- Electrical
- Computer Information Technology
- Motor Winding
- Machinist
- === Lab Instructor (PS-14) ===
- Architecture
- Beautician
- Chemistry
- Computer Information Technology
- Domestic Tailoring
- Fashion Designing
- Motor Cycle Mechanic
- Electrical
- Fitter General
- === PS-14 ===
- Demonstrator (Information Technology)
- CNC Operator (Mechanical)
31-May-2020 (Sunday) - Express
Garrison Human Resource Development Center Quetta Jobs 2020 May / June Teacher & Stenotypist HRDC Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
- Civil Teacher (BPS-15)
- Stenotypist (BPS-14)
31-May-2020 (Sunday) - Express
Garrison Human Resource Development Center Pano Aqil Jobs 2020 May / June Latest
in Pano Aqil, Sukkur
- === BPS-15 ===
- Civil Teacher
- Assistant
- === BPS-14 ===
- Stenotypist
- === BPS-04 ===
- Driver
31-May-2020 (Sunday) - The Nation
Army Public School Golra Depot Rawalpindi Jobs May 2020 June Teachers & Others APS Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- Arabic Teacher
- Accounts Officer
- Music Teacher
- Office Superintendent
- Accounts / Correspondence Clerk
- Administration Supervisor
- Security Guard / Inventory Supervisor
- Aya
- Gardener / Mali
- Sanitary Workers
29-May-2020 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Pakistan Scouts Cadet College Batrasi Mansehra Jobs 2020 May / June Lecturers & Others Latest
in Mansehra, KPK
- === Lecturers (BPS-17) ===
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- English
- Physics
- Biology
- Pakistan Studies
- === Others ===
- Medical Officer (BPS-18)
- Junior Lab Assistant (BPS-07)
- Lower Division Clerk (BPS-07)
- Mali (BPS-02)
- Naib Qasid (BPS-02)
27-May-2020 (Wednesday) - Express
Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar Jobs 2020 May / June Application Form Medical Officer, Nurse & Others Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- Specialist Registrar - ICU
- Repiratory Therapist
- Medical Officer - ICU
- Charge Nurse - ICU
24-May-2020 (Sunday) - Jang
LUAWMS University Uthal Jobs 2020 May / June Teaching Faculty Application Form Latest
in Uthal, Lasbela, Balochistan
- === Professors (NPS-21) ===
- English Linguistics
- Agronomy
- Plant Pathology
- Economics
- International Relations
- Marine Biology
- Livestock Management
- Animal Breeding & Genetics
- Veterinary Parasitology
- Animal Nutrition
- Veterinary Pathology
- Poultry Science
- Education
- Water Resources Engineering
- === Associate Professors (NPS-20) ===
- Horticulture
- Soil Sciences
- Economics
- Finance & Management
- Analytical Chemistry
- Marine Biology
- Fisheries
- Geophysics
- Geology
- Environmental Biotechnology
- Biotechnology
- Animal Reproduction
- Veterinary Medicine
- Education
- Water Resources Engineering
- Animal Products Technology
- === Assistant Professors (NPS-19) ===
- Fisheries
- Environmental Science
- Diary Technology
- Veterinary Anatomy
- Animal Breeding & Genetics
- Veterinary Pharmacology
- Veterinary Pathology
- Education
- Civil Engineering
- Water Resources Management
- Computer Science
- Agronomy
- Soil Sciences
- Plant Breeding & Genetics
- Agriculture Entomology
- Mathematics
- Sociology
- International Relation
- Finance & Management Linguistics
- === Lecturers (NPS-18) ===
- Veterinary Anatomy
- Veterinary Microbiology
- Water Resources Management
23-May-2020 (Saturday) - Dawn
Karachi Metropolitan Corporation Jobs 2020 May / June KMC Medical Technicians, Security Guards & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- Bio-Electrical Technician
- Bio-Medical Technician
- Chief Dog Handler
- Dog Handler
- ICU Technician
- Security Supervisor
- Staff Nurse
- Stenotypist
- Technician Ventilator
- Cath Lab Technician
- Offset Designer
- Accountant
- Accounts Assistant
- Biller ABP Technician
- Blood Bank Technician
- CSSD Technician
- Dietician
- ECG Technician
- ETT Technician
- Halter ABP Technician
- Key Punch Operator
- Lab Technician
- Medical Photographer
- Microbiology / Serology / Petrology
- Security Inspector
- Special Mechanic
- Sub Engineer (Civil)
- Technician Hematologist
- Technician
- Junior Draftsman
- Rescuer
- Air Condition Supervisor
- Lab Technician
- Operation Theater Technician
- Ward Master
- Badminton / Table Tennis Coach
- CCU Technician
- Dental Technician
- Dispenser / Dresser
- ECT Technician
- Eye Technician
- Foreman
- Histo Technician
- Judo Karate Coach
- Squash Coach
- Sterlization Technician
- Technician (ECG)
- Theater Technician
- Lady Health Visitor
- Mechamic Snorkel
- Technician (ECO) ETT
- Assistant X-Ray Technicnan
- Refractionist
- Assistant Theater Technician
- Dialysis Technician
- Ward Assistant
- Air Condition Mechanic
- Laundry Attendant
- Assistant Technician Lab
- Assistant Security Officer
- Junior Fire Driver
- Loader
- Marchori Attendant
- Mechanic
- Radiographer
- Electrician
- Life Guard
- Light Inspector
- Meat Inspector
- Microscopist
- Midwife
- Telephone Operator
- Ambulance Driver
- Ambulance Havaldar
- Billard Maker
- Boxing Coach
- Drug Checker
- Fire Driver
- Fire man
- Head Constable
- Insect Collector
- Insanitary Operator
- Junior Lab Assistant
- Lab Boy
- Lady Vaccinator
- Male Vaccinator
- Nurse Aid
- Phlebotomist
- Photocopy Machine Operator
- Pool Cleaner
- Receptionist
- Record Keeper
- Security Guard
- Store Clerk
- Junior Electrician
- Assistant Warden
- Care Taker
- Cleaner
- Dispatch Rider
- Munshi
- Vehicle Cleaner
- Dark Room Attendant
- Muqaddam / Security Guard
- Lift Operator
- Belief
- Chowkidar
- Cook
- Guard
- Halal Khore
- Hawaldar
- Khalasi
- Kundi Man
- Lift Man
- Lift Operator
- Malaria Karkun
- Mali
- Naib Qasid
- Technical Worker
- Valve Man
- Work Man
- Aya
- Attendant
- Attendant-III
- Chowkidar
- Cooly
- Dhobi
- Hawaldar
- Helper
- Khadim
- Khatoon Karkun
- Malaria Coolie
- Mali
- Naib Qasid
- Sanitary Worker
- Security Guard
- Streacher Man
- Technical Worker
- Work Man
- Zoo Keeper
23-May-2020 (Saturday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
University of Agriculture Faisalabad Jobs May 2020 June Visiting Faculty UAF Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Visiting Faculty ===
- Agri Economics / Economics
- Agri Engineering
- Agri Extention
- Agricultural Extension
- Agricuture and Resource Economics
- Agronomy
- Analytical Chemistry
- Anatomy
- Animal Breeding & Genetics
- Animal Nutrition
- Animal Nutrition & Feed Technology
- Arabic
- Biochemistry
- Biology / Botany
- Biotechnology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Clinical Medicine & Surgery
- Clothing and Textile
- Computer Science
- Computer Science / IT
- Economics
- Education
- Energy System Engineering
- English
- Entomology
- Farm Machinery & Power
- Fiber Technology
- Finance
- Finance and Accounting
- Food and Nutrition
- Food Engineering
- Food Safety & Quality Management
- Food Science & Technology
- Food Technology
- Graphic Design
- Hotriculture
- Human Development & Family Studies
- Human Nutrition & Dietetics
- Human Resource Management
- Interior Design
- Irrigation and Drainage
- Islamic Studies
- Livestock Management
- Management Sciences
- Marketing / Agribusiness
- Mathematics
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Microbiology
- Pakistan Studies
- Parasitology
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacognosy
- Physics
- Physiology & Pharmacology
- Plant Breeding & Genetics
- Plant Pathology
- Poultry Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Soil & Environmental Sciences
- Soil Science
- Spkoen English
- Statistics
- Statistics
- Structure & Environmental Engineering
- Taxation / Corporate / Business Law
- Textile & Clothing
- Theriogenology
- Veterinary Science
- Zoology
22-May-2020 (Friday) - Express
Respiratory Therapist Jobs in Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar 2020 May Application Form Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
19-May-2020 (Tuesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Teaching Faculty Jobs in University of Okara 2020 May Application Form Latest
in Okara, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-21/TTS) ===
- Zoology
- Education
- Mathematics
- Botany
- English
- Computer Science / IT
- Management Sciences
- Chemistry
- Physics
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20/TTS) ===
- English
- Management Sciences
- Chemistry
- Botany
- Physics
- Computer Science / IT
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19/TTS) ===
- Law
- English
- Mass Communication
18-May-2020 (Monday) - Express
Medical Technologist Jobs in Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar May 2020 Application Form Medical Teaching Institution Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- === Medical Technologists ===
- Microbiology
- Biochemistry
- Hematology
- Molecular Biology
17-May-2020 (Sunday) - The News
Teaching Faculty Jobs in FAST National University Islamabad May 2020 Apply Online Latest
in Islamabad
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- Computer Science
17-May-2020 (Sunday) - The News
FAST National University Peshawar Jobs May 2020 Apply Online Lecturers & Others Latest
in Islamabad
- === Lecturers ===
- Computer Science (Software Engineering)
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Manager - Admin & Finance
17-May-2020 (Sunday) - Dawn
Join Pakistan Navy through Short Service Commission Course 2020-B Online Registration Latest
in Pakistan
- === Operations Branch - Marines, SSG (N) ===
- Graduation
- === Marine Engineering Branch ===
- BE Mechanical Engineering
- === Weapon Engineering Branch ===
- BE Electrical / Electronics Engineering
- === Constructor Branch ===
- BE Naval Architecture / Mechanical / Structural Engineering
- === Special Branch ===
- BE Aerospace
- BE Avionics
- BE / MS Mechatronics
- === Special Branch - Psychologist ===
- M.A. / M.Sc. / BS
- === Law Branch ===
- === IT Branch ===
- === Supply Branch ===
- MBA / BBA (Hons) / M.Com. or M.Sc. Economics
- === Supply Branch - Weapon Engineering ===
- BE Electrical / Electronics
- === Special Branch - Marine Engineering ===
- BE Mechanical Engineering
- === Medical Branch - Specialists ===
- --- Fields / Disciplines ---
- Anesthetist
- Cardiology
- Community Medicine
- Ophthalmology
- Pediatrics
- Pathology
- Gynecology
- Dermatology
- General Medicine
- Pulmonologist
- Gastroenterology
- Psychiatry
- Radiology
- General Surgery
- Cardiac Surgery
- Nephrology
- Plastic Surgery
- Orthodontics / Operative Surgeon
- Oncologist
- Rheumatology
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Endocrinology
- Vascular
- Pediatric Surgeon
- === Medical Branch - GDMOs & GDDOs ===
- === Education Branch ===
- M.A. / M.Sc. / MCS / BS / B.Ed.
- --- Subjects ---
- Mathematics
- English
- Management Science
- Pakistan Studies
- Statistics
- Library Science
- === Special Branch - Pharmacist ===
- Pharm D
17-May-2020 (Sunday) - Dawn
FAST National University Karachi Jobs May 2020 Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- Computer Science
- English
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Pakistan Studies
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Assistant Manager - HR
- Officer - Career Services
- Officer - Students Affairs
17-May-2020 (Sunday) - Express
Mardan Medical Complex Jobs 2020 May MTI Application Form Nurses & Clinical Technicians Latest
in Mardan, KPK
- 20 Charge Nurse (BPS-16)
- 20 Senior Clinical Technicians (BPS-14)
17-May-2020 (Sunday) - Express
Female Teacher Jobs in Pakistan Petroleum Limited May 2020 PPL Apply Online Latest
in Sui, Dera Bugti, Balochistan
- === Female Teachers ===
- Urdu
- General Subjects
13-May-2020 (Wednesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Islamabad Psychiatric Clinic and Rehabilitation Center Jobs 2020 May Medical Officer & Others Walk in Interview Latest
in Islamabad
- Medical Officer
- Dispenser
- Ward Boy / Security Staff
- Psychology Interns (Unpaid)
- Mufti / Qari
12-May-2020 (Tuesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Peshawar Institute of Cardiology Jobs 2020 May Medical Teaching Institution KPK Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- Cardiologist
- Anesthesiology
- Cardiac Surgeon
- Intensive Care Physician
- Pathologist
- Radiologist
- Manager Pharmacy
- Manager Physiotherapy
- Manager Security
- Manager Cath Lab Services
- Manager OT Services
- Manager Laboratory Services
- Dietitian
11-May-2020 (Monday) - Express
Khyber Girls Medical College Hayatabad Peshawar Jobs 2020 May KGMC Application Form Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- === Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Chemical Pathology
- Anatomy
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ===
- Cardiac Surgery
- === Demonstrators (BPS-17) ===
- Physiology
- Pathology
- Forensic Medicine
- === BPS-17 ===
- Network Administrator
10-May-2020 (Sunday) - Jang
Aligarh Public School and College Lahore Jobs 2020 May Computer Teacher & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- Senior Teacher - Computer Science (Female)
- Accounts Officer
- Accounts Assistant
- Caretaker / Admin
- Office Assistant (Female)
10-May-2020 (Sunday) - Jang
Medical Teaching Institution Bannu Jobs May 2020 MTI Latest
in Bannu, KPK
- Medical Director
- Additional Hospital Director
- Finance Director
- Nursing Director
10-May-2020 (Sunday) - The News
Iqra University Karachi Jobs May 2020 Apply Online Teaching Faculty Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Head of Departments (HODs) ===
- Pediatrics
- Neurology
- Cardiology
- Pulmonology
- Orthopedics
- Radiology
- Ophthalmology
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Pathology
- Community Medicine
- Forensic Medicine
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Gynecology Obstetrics
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturer / Demonstrators ===
- Community Medicine
- Forensic Medicine
- Microbiology
- Medical Education
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Pathology
- Histopathology
- Psychiatry
- Dermatology
- Pulmonology
- Gastroenterology
- Urology
- Internal Medicine
- Surgery
- Gynae Obstetrics
- Radiology
- Anesthesiology
- Cardiology
- Neurology
- Pediatrics
- Ophthalmology
- Neurosurgery
- Nephrology
- Emergency Medicine & Critical Care
- Orthopedic & Trauma
10-May-2020 (Sunday) - The Nation
Principal Jobs in Army Public School and College Gujranwala 2020 May Latest
in Gujranwala, Punjab
09-May-2020 (Saturday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Education Department Gilgit Baltistan Jobs 2020 May Grade-I, Teachers & Others Latest
in Gilgit Baltistan
- 03 Drivers (BPS-04/05)
- 45 Grade-I (BPS-01)
- 03 Naib Qasid / Grade-I (BPS-01)
- 07 School Teachers
- 07 Imam Masjid
08-May-2020 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
UET Lahore Jobs May 2020 Application Form Teaching Fellow / Assistant Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- 06 Teaching Fellows
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06-May-2020 (Wednesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Sahiwal Medical College and Allied Hospitals Jobs 2020 May Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Sahiwal, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Forensic Medicine
- Pathology
- Cardiology
- Orthopedic Surgery
- General Surgery
- === Associate Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Anatomy
- Pharmacology
- Forensic Medicine
- Pathology
- Biochmistry
- Psychiatry
- Dermatology
- Nephrology
- Paeds Surgery
- Cardiology
- Radiology
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ===
- Anatomy
- Pharmacology
- Radiology
- Paeds Medicine
- === Senior Registrar (BPS-18) ===
- Nephrology
- General Surgery
- Aneshesia
- Gastroenterology
- Neurosurgery
- Gynae & Obst