06-Aug-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Federal Government Educational Institutions Cantt Garrison Jobs August 2023 Online Apply Latest
in Islamabad
- 01 Deputy Registrar
- 01 Deputy Treasurer
- 01 Deputy Controller Exams
- 02 Assistant Registrars
- 02 Assistant Treasurers
- 02 Assistant Controller Exams
- 02 Professor (Management Sciences & Computer Science)
- 04 Associate Professor (Management Sciences, Computer Science, Psychology & English)
- 04 Assistant Professor (Management Sciences, Computer Science, Psychology & English)
- 01 Lecturer (Management Sciences)
- 01 Lecturer (Computer Science)
- 01 Lecturer (Psychology)
- 02 Front Office Executive
- 05 Personal Assistants
- 01 Superintendent
- 01 Stenographer
- 01 Technical Assistant
- 01 Assistant Accounts
- 01 Statistical Assistant
- 01 Data Entry Operator
- 01 Laboratory Attendant
- 01 Laboratory Assistant
- 01 Upper Division Clerk
- 02 Drivers
- 03 Naib Qasid
05-Aug-2023 (Saturday) - The News
King Edward Medical University Lahore Jobs August 2023 Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ===
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- === Demonstrators (BPS-17) ===
- Anatomy
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Forensic Medicine
01-Aug-2023 (Tuesday) - Jang
Rawalpindi Medical University Jobs August 2023 RMU Assistant & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Anatomy
- Microbiology
- Chemical Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Physiology
- === BPS-20 ===
- 01 Professor of Medical Education.
- 01 Professor of Physiotherapy
- 01 Registrar
- 01 Controller of Examination
- 01 Treasurer
- 01 Director ORIC
- 01 Director Quality Enhancement Cell
- === BPS-19 ===
- 01 Associate Professor of Medical Education
- 01 Director Admin & Coordination
- 01 Director Procurement & Stores
- === BPS-18 ===
- 01 Assistant Professor of Medical Education
- 02 Deputy Registrars
- 02 Deputy Controller of Examinations (Conduct/Secrecy/Tabulation)
- 01 Deputy Treasurer
- 01 Deputy Director QEC
- 01 Deputy Director Human Resource
- 01 Deputy Director Project (Civil)
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Bio-Statistical Officer
- 01 Assistant Registrar
- 03 Admin Officers
- 02 Assistant Controller of Examination (Conduct/Secrecy/Tabulation)
- 01 Budget & Accounts Officer
- 01 Audit Officer
- 01 Store Officer
- 01 Assistant Director Human Resource
- 01 Assistant Director Sports
- 01 Graphic Designer Printing & Publication Department
- === BPS-16 ===
- 02 Assistant
- 02 Auditors
- 01 Research Associate
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Computer Operator
- === BPS-12 ===
- 08 Junior Computer Operators
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Library Assistant
- === BPS-02 ===
- 05 Naib Qasid
29-Jul-2023 (Saturday) - Jang
HITEC University Taxila Jobs 2023 July / August Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Taxila, Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Associate Professors ===
- Management Sciences
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences (Finance)
- Cyber Security
- Software Engineering
- === Lecturers ===
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Biomedical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Management Sciences (Marketing)
- Software Engineering
- Cyber Security
- Artificial Intelligence
- English
- === Lab Engineers ===
- Biomedical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- === Lab Demonstrator ===
- Software Engineering
- === Others ===
- IT Manager
- Librarian
- Procurement Manager
- Assistant Manager Procurement
- Senior Software Developer
- Junior Software Developer
- Program Coordinator
- Data Entry Operator
- Lab Assistant - Computer Science
29-Jul-2023 (Saturday) - Jang
Namal University Mianwali Jobs July 2023 August Apply Online Teaching Faculty Latest
in Mianwali, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate / Assistant Professors ===
- === Lecturer, Lab Engineers ===
- Business Studies
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Mathematics
29-Jul-2023 (Saturday) - Express
Wah Medical College Jobs 2023 July / August Teaching Faculty & Biomedical Engineer Latest
in Wah Cantt, Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Associate Professors ===
- Pathology
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Physiology
- === Senior Registrars ===
- Cardiology
- Nephrology
- Pulmonology
- Dermatology
- Surgery
- === Lecturers ===
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Community Medicine
- === Others ===
- Biomedical Engineer
23-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Dawn
NUMS University Rawalpindi Jobs July 2023 Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Bioethics
- Physician
- Medicine
- Biostatistician
- === Others ===
- Clinical Research Associate
- Deputy Director - Planning & Development
- Assistant Director - Software Development
- Assistant Director - Digital Marketing & Media
- Finance Manager
- Manager
- Photographer
23-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Dawn
University of Jhang Jobs 2023 July Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Jhang, Punjab
- === BPS-20 ===
- 01 Controller of Examinations
- 01 Registrar
- 01 Treasurer
- 01 Director Administration & Coordination
- === BPS-19 ===
- 01 Project Director
- 01 Additional Controller of Examinations
- 01 Additional Registrar
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Mathematics
- Economics
- Islamic Studies
- Education
- English
- Sociology
- Environmental Sciences
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences
- Chemistry
- Political Science
- Law
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Pakistan Studies
- English
- Mathematics
- Economics
- Islamic Studies
- Education
- Computer Science
- Statistics
- Management Sciences
- Political Science
- Law
- Fine Arts
- === BPS-18 ===
- 01 Deputy Librarian
- 01 Deputy Registrar
- 01 Deputy Treasurer
- 01 Deputy Director (Press, Media & Publication)
- 01 Deputy Director (QEC)
- 01 Deputy Director Legal Matters
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Assistant Treasurer
- 01 Assistant Director (Purchase and Store)
- 01 Personal Secretary
- 01 Assistant Registrar
- 01 Assistant Controller of Examinations
- 01 Assistant Director Administration & Coordination
- 01 Financial Aid & Scholarship Officer
- 01 Assistant Director Sports
- 01 Medical Officer
- === BPS-16 ===
- 03 Assistant
- === BPS-15 ===
- 05 Computer Operators
- === BPS-11 ===
- 04 Junior Clerks
- === BPS-05 ===
- 02 Security Guards
- === BPS-01 ===
- 05 Naib Qasid
- 03 Junior Lab Attendants
- 05 Mali
- 05 Sweepers
23-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Visiting Faculty Jobs in Dawood University of Engineering and Technology Karachi July 2023 DUET Apply Online Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
23-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Teaching Faculty Jobs in UMT Lahore 2023 July Apply Online University of Management and Technology Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- Accounting
- Architecture
- Artificial Intelligence
- Arts and Design
- Aviation Studies
- Banking
- Biotechnology
- Business Management
- City and Regional Planning
- Civil Engineering
- Clinical Psychology
- Computer Architecture
- Computer Sciences
- Disaster Management
- Economics
- Education
- Education/Special Needs
- Electrical Engineering
- English Language and Literature
- Fashion Design
- Film Studies
- Finance/Public Finance
- Food Sciences and Food
- Game Design Development
- Human Resource Management
- Industrial Engineering
- Information System
- International Relations
- Islamic Thought & Civilization
- Law and Policy
- Linguistics
- Literature and Literary Studies
- Management
- Marketing
- Mass Communication
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Imaging
- Medical Sciences
- Methods
- Non-medical Sciences
- Nutrition Sciences & Dietetics
- Organic and Inorganic Chemistry
- Organizational Behavior
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacology
- Physics
- Physiotherapy
- Political Science
- Project Management
- Public Administration
- Radiation Sciences
- Religious Studies
- Sociology/Anthropology
- Software Engineering
- Statistics and Quantitative
- Supply Chain Management
- Technology
- Textile Design
- Textile Engineering
23-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - The Nation
University of Wah Jobs 2023 July Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others UOW Latest
in Wah Cantt, Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Professors ===
- Economics
- Psychology
- === Associate Professors ===
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Chemical Engineering
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Physics
- Statistics
- English
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- === Lecturers ===
- Biosciences
- Chemistry
- Statistics
- English
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences
- Electrical Engineering
- === Lecturers ===
- English
- === Others ===
- Lab Engineer cum Demonstrator
- Assistant Director
- Content Writer
- Manager ORIC
- Assistant Librarian
- Software Engineer
- Senior Lab Technician
22-Jul-2023 (Saturday) - Dawn
Air University Kamra Campus Jobs 2023 July Apply Online Teaching Faculty Latest
in Kamra, Attock, Punjab
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Mechanical Engineering
- === Lecturers ===
- Computer Science
- Cyber Security
22-Jul-2023 (Saturday) - Dawn
SPSC Jobs July 2023 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 06/2023 6/2023 Latest
in Sindh
- === Khairpur Medical College ===
- --- Professors (BPS-20) ---
- Pediatrics Medicine
- Ophthalmology
- Cardiology
- Psychiatry
- Forensic Medicine
- Medical Education
- --- Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ---
- Medical Education
- === School Education Department ===
- Deputy Director (BPS-18)
- Assistant Director (BPS-17)
22-Jul-2023 (Saturday) - The Nation
Visiting Faculty Jobs in Women University Multan July 2023 Latest
in Multan, Punjab
- === Visiting Faculty ===
- Applied Psychology
- Arabic
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Computer Sciences
- Economics
- Education
- English
- Environmental Sciences
- History
- Information Technology
- International Relation
- Islamic Studies
- Management Sciences
- Mass Communication
- Mathematics
- Microbiology
- Molecular Genetics
- Pakistan Studies
- Pharmacy
- Physics
- Political Sciences
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Urdu
- Zoology
17-Jul-2023 (Monday) - Jang
Visiting Faculty Jobs in University of Agriculture Faisalabad July 2023 UAF Application Form Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Visiting Faculty ===
- Entomology
- Plant Pathology
- Forestry & Range Management
- Department of Continuing Education
- Spoken English
- Computer Short Courses
- Institute of Business Management Sciences
- Finance & Accounting
- Marketing
- Agribusiness
- Human Resource Management
- Taxation / Corporate / Business Law
- Institute of Agri. Extension
- Education & Rural Development
- Education
- Agri. Extension
- Computer Science
- Biology
- Botany
- Rural Sociology
- Structures & Environmental Engineering
- Irrigation & Drainage
- Farm Machinery & Power
- National Institute of Food Science & Technology
- Food Technology
- Human Nutrition &Dietetics
- Food Safety & Quality Management
- Food Service Management
- Home Sciences
- Anatomy
- Department of Pharmacy
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmaceutics
- Clinical Medicine & Surgery
- Theriogenology
- Microbiology
- Institute of Animal & Dairy Sciences
- Animal Breeding & Genetics
- Poultry Science
- Livestock Management
- Animal Nutrition
- Botany
- Biochemistry
- Department of Mathematics & Statistics
- Mathematics
- Department of Humanities & Linguistics
- English
- Pakistan Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Economics
- Sociology
- Energy Systems Engineering
- Home Economics
- Animal Breeding & Genetics
- Zoology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Statistics
- Urdu
- Plant Breeding & Genetics
- Agronomy
- Finance
- Food Science & Technology
- Human Nutrition & Dietetics
- Animal Nutrition
- Information Technology
- Soil Science
- Horticulture
- Human Resource
- Pathology
- Poultry / Nutrition
- Organic Chemistry
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Data Science
- Cyber Security
- Forestry
- Agribusiness / Marketing
- Agri. Economics
- Sociology / Rural Sociology
- Farm Machinery & Power / Irrigation & Drainage
- Animal Science
- Clinical Medicine & Surgery / Livestock Management
16-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Dawn
United Medical and Dental College Karachi Jobs 2023 July Accounts Officer, Store Incharge & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- Medical Superintendent
- Assistant Professor - Medical Education
- Internal Auditor
- Assistant Manager Finance
- Accounts Officer
- Biostatistician
- Store Incharge
16-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Visiting Faculty Jobs in Government College Women University Faisalabad July 2023 GCWUF Application Form Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Visiting Faculty ===
- Art & Design
- Arabic
- Biochemistry
- Computer Science
- Chemistry
- Commerce
- Forensic Sciences
- Economics
- English
- Geography
- Home Economics
- Islamic Studies
- Information Technology
- Mass Communication
- Mathematics
- Nutrition Sciences
- Physics
- Political Science
- Sociology
- Urdu
16-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Quaid e Azam University Islamabad Jobs July 2023 Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Islamabad
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- Professors
- Associate Professors
- Assistant Professors
- === BPS-18 ===
- Deputy Controller of Examinations
- Assistant Director Computer Centre
- Deputy Registrar
- === BPS-17 ===
- Assistant Workshop Supervisor
- Assistant Accounts / Audit Officer
- Purchase and Store Officer
- Manager Student Financial Assistance
- Technical Assistant
- Assistant Controller of Examinations
- Assistant Director Sports
- Assistant Registrar
- Veterinarian
- Technical Assistant (Physics)
- Transport Officer
- Medical Officer
14-Jul-2023 (Friday) - Express
Health Department Balochistan Jobs July 2023 Medical Officers, Nurses & Others Walk in Interview Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-19 ===
- Associate Professor
- === BPS-18 ===
- Assistant Professor
- Senior Registrar
- Surgeon
- Gynecologist
- Anesthetist
- Pediatrician
- Physician
- Orthopedic Surgeon
- ENT Specialist
- === BPS-17 ===
- Medical Officer
- Lady Medical Officer
- Dental Surgeon
- === BPS-16 ===
- Staff Nurse
11-Jul-2023 (Tuesday) - Express
University of Shangla Jobs 2023 July Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Shangla, KPK
- === Associate Professor ===
- Information Technology
- === Assistant Professor ===
- Computer Science
- English
- Management Sciences
- Zoology
- === Lecturers ===
- Computer Science
- English
- Islamic Studies
- Mathematics
- Management Sciences
- Pakistan Studies
- Zoology
- === Others ===
- 01 Assistant Director Audit
- 01 Assistant Registrar
- 01 Assistant Controller of Examinations
- 01 Assistant Treasurer
- 01 PS to Vice Chancellor
- 06 Junior Clerks
- 01 Lab. Assistant
- 01 Electrician
- 01 Plumber
- 06 Drivers
- 01 Lab. Attendant
- 08 Security Guards
- 06 Naib Qasid
- 01 Mali
- 03 Sweepers
- 02 Khala
10-Jul-2023 (Monday) - The News
Teaching Faculty Jobs in NUML University Lahore July 2023 Application Form Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Assistant Professor / Lecturers ===
- English
- Mass Communication
- Psychology
- Computer Sciences
- Mathematics
- Management Sciences
- === Senior / Instructor ===
- Chinese
09-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Jang
Teaching Faculty Jobs in University of Lahore July 2023 UOL Apply Online Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- Computer Science & IT
- Software Engineering
- English Language & Literature
- School of Architecture
- School of Creative Arts
- Pharmacy
- Lahore School of Nursing
- University Institute of Medical Lab Technology
- Rehabilitation Sciences
- University Institute of Radiological Sciences & Medical Imaging Technology
- Optometry & Vision Sciences
- Health Professional Technologies
- Sports Sciences
- Emerging Allied Health Technologies
- University Institute of Public Health
- University Inst of Diet & Nutritional Sciences
- Lahore Business School
- Institute of Molecular Biology & Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Law
- Computer Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Behavioral Sciences
- School of Integrated Social Sciences
- School of Aviation
- Economics
09-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - The News
Prime Medical College Islamabad Jobs 2023 July Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Islamabad
- === Professors, Associate / Assistant Professors ===
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
- Eye
- Medical Education
- === Senior Registrar ===
- Surgery
- Medicine
- === Others ===
- Chief Operating Officer
- Principal
- Dean Basic Sciences
- Dean Clinical Sciences
- Accounts Manager
- HR Manager
- Nursing Lecturer / Instructor
- Nursing Clinical Instructor
09-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Express
DHA Suffa University Karachi Jobs July 2023 Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- Electrical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences
- Humanities & Social Sciences
- Basic Sciences
- === Others ===
- Lab Instructor
- Controller of Examinations
09-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Mir Chakar Khan Rind University of Technology Dera Ghazi Khan Jobs 2023 July Download Application Form Latest
in Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Electrical & Electronics Technology
- Information and Computing Technology
- Chemical Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology
- Civil Technology
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Electrical & Electronics Technology
- Information and Computing Technology
- Chemical Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology
- Civil Technology
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Electrical & Electronics Technology
- Information and Computing Technology
- Chemical Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology
- Civil Technology
- Mechanical & Machinery Technology
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Electrical & Electronics Technology
- Information and Computing Technology
- Chemical Petroleum & Petrochemical Technology
- Civil Technology
- Mechanical & Machinery Technology
- === BPS-20 ===
- 01 Director Quality Enhancement Cell
- 01 Director (Information Technology Services)
- === BPS-18 ===
- 01 Deputy Librarian
- 01 Manager (University Industrial Linkages and Technology Transfer)
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Assistant Registrar
- 01 Assistant Treasurer
- 01 Assistant Controller of Examinations
- 01 Estate Officer
- 05 Laboratory Engineer
- 01 Network Administrator
- 01 Computer Programmer
- 01 Assistant Director Sports
- 01 Medical Officer
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Assistant
- === BPS-15 ===
- 01 Hardware Technician
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Library Assistant
- 01 Sports Supervisor
- === BPS-12 ===
- 01 Imam
- === BPS-11 ===
- 02 Electricians
- 06 Junior Clerks
- 05 Lab Technicians
- 01 Store Keeper
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Dispenser
- 01 Cameraman
- === BPS-05 ===
- 01 Cook
- 01 Library Attendant
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Bus Drivers
- 03 Drivers (LTV)
- 01 Plumber
07-Jul-2023 (Friday) - Express
Teaching / Visiting Faculty Jobs in University of Sahiwal July 2023 Latest
in Sahiwal, Punjab
- === Visiting Faculty ===
- Commerce
- English
- Business Administration
- Statistics
- Law
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Economics
- Applied Psychology
- Common Course
04-Jul-2023 (Tuesday) - Dawn
Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Shaheed Medical College Mirpur Jobs 2023 July Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Mirpur, AJK
- === Professors ===
- Forensic Medicine
- Biochemistry
- Anesthesia
- Pathology
- Hematology
- === Associate Professor ===
- General Medicine
- Radiology
- Otorhinolaryngology
- === Assistant Professor ===
- Anatomy
- Forensic Medicine
- Nephrology
- Chemical Pathology
- Accident and Emergency
- Cardiology
- Paeds
- === Senior Registrar ===
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Anesthesia
- Senior Lecturers ===
- Anatomy
- Forensic Medicine
- === Demonstrator ===
- Basic Medical Sciences
02-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Jang
University of Sahiwal Jobs July 2023 Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Sahiwal, Punjab
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Software Engineer
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Computer Science
- Commerce
- Information Technology
- Software Engineer
- Statistics
- Mathematics
- English
- Economics
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Business Administration
- Law
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Commerce
- Information Technology
- Software Engineer
- English
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Business Administration
- Law
02-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - Jang
Teaching Faculty Jobs in NUML University July 2023 Apply Online Latest
in Pakistan
- === Professor ===
- Mass Communication
- International Relations
- Software Engineering
- === Associate Professor ===
- Mass Communication
- Management Sciences
- International Relations
- Psychology
- === Assistant Professor / Lecturer ===
- English Linguistics
- Applied Physics
- Software Engineering
- Education
- English Literature
- Pakistan Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Media and Communication Studies
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Information Technology
- Psychology
- Social Sciences
- English
- Mass Communication
- International Relations
- Management Sciences
- Computer Sciences
- === Senior / Instructor ===
- Chinese
02-Jul-2023 (Sunday) - The News
Aror University Sukkur Jobs July 2023 Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Sukkur, Sindh
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- AI & Multimedia / Gaming
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- AI & Multimedia / Gaming
- Civil Engineering
- Architecture & Town Planning
- Fashion Design
- Textile Design
- Fine Art / Visual Arts
- Hospitality & Tourism
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- AI & Multimedia / Gaming
- Civil Engineering
- Fashion Design
- Hospitality & Tourism
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- English Linguistics
- AI & Multimedia / Gaming
- Hospitality & Tourism
29-Jun-2023 (Thursday) - Jang
NUMS University Rawalpindi Jobs 2023 June / July Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- Professor - Pathology
- Assistant Professor - Biostatistician
- Assistant Director - Digital Marketing & Media
- Manager - Software Development
- Assistant Manager - Android Development
- Assistant Manager - Python Development
27-Jun-2023 (Tuesday) - Jang
Khawaja Fareed University Rahim Yar Khan Jobs June 2023 July KFUEIT Online Apply Teaching Faculty & Lab Engineers Latest
in Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Data Science
- Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence
- Business Administration
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Biochemistry
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Computer Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Science
- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Cyber Security
- Education
- Physical Education
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Civil Engineering
- Information Technology
- Bioinformatics
- Data Science
- Cyber Security
- Artificial Intelligence
- Physical Education
- Education
- Software Engineering
- Food Sciences and Technology
- Forensic Sciences
- Human Nutrition & Dietetics
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Anatomy
- Cosmetology
- Dermatology
- Clinical Psychology
- Education
- Radiology
- Optometry
- Software Engineering
- Cyber Security
- Data Science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Bioinformatics
- Orthotics and Prosthetics
- Human Nutrition & Dietetics
- === Laboratory Engineer (BPS-17) ===
- Computer Engineering
25-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - The News
NUML University Karachi Campus Jobs June 2023 July Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Assistant Professors / Lecturers ===
- English
- Psychology
- Mass Communication
- International Relations
- Education
- Information Technology
25-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Dawn
WAPDA Jobs June 2023 July OTS Apply Online Water and Power Development Authority Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-18 ===
- 01 Assistant Professor (Organic Chemistry)
- 01 Assistant Professor (Physical Chemistry)
- 01 Assistant Professor (Zoology)
- 04 Deputy Manager (Accounts & Finance)
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Assistant Director (Community Development and Participation)
- 03 Assistant Director (Ecology)
- 04 Assistant Director (Environment)
- 07 Assistant Director (HR&A)
- 04 Assistant Director (Legal)
- 01 Assistant Director (Tribal Area Development)
- 02 Assistant Executive Engineer (Agriculture)
- 25 Assistant Executive Engineer (Civil)
- 08 Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical)
- 02 Assistant Executive Engineer (Electronics)
- 02 Assistant Executive Engineer (Mechanical)
- 08 Assistant Manager (Accounts & Finance)
- 02 Audit Officer
- 04 Junior Geologist
- 04 Junior Seismologist / Geophysicist
- 01 Lecturer (Botany)
- 01 Lecturer (Economics)
- 01 Lecturer (English)
- 01 Lecturer (Mathematics)
- 01 Lecturer (Political Science)
- 01 Lecturer (Statistics)
- 01 Lecturer (Urdu)
- 02 Research Officer (Ground Water Hydrology)
- === BPS-16 ===
- 03 Assistant Private Secretary
- 02 Foreman (Electrical)
- 02 Foreman (Mechanical)
- 03 Physical Training Instructor
- 03 Trained Graduate Teacher (Biology)
- 02 Trained Graduate Teacher (Chemistry)
- 04 Trained Graduate Teacher (Computer Science & IT)
- 07 Trained Graduate Teacher (English)
- 01 Trained Graduate Teacher (Islamiat)
- 05 Trained Graduate Teacher (Math)
- 01 Trained Graduate Teacher (Physics)
- === BPS-15 ===
- 12 Accounts Assistant /Cashier
- 04 Audit Assistant
- 02 Librarian
- === BPS-14 ===
- 15 Stenographers Grade-II
- 20 Sub Engineer (Civil)
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Auto Mechanic (Diesel)
- 01 Auto Mechanic (Petrol)
- === BPS-07 ===
- 02 Lab Assistant
- === BPS-06 ===
- 13 Drivers (LTV)
25-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department Punjab Jobs June 2023 July Apply Online Medical Officers & Others Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === 1799 Posts ===
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Senior Registrars ===
- === Consultants ===
- Ophthalmology
- Pediatric Ophthalmology
- Anesthesia
- Plastic Surgery
- Neurology
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Psychiatry
- Urology
- Neurosurgery
- Pediatric Surgery
- Radiology
- Cardiology
- Nephrology
- Obs & Gyne
- Pediatrics
- Pediatric Urology
- Pathology
- Kidney Transplant
- Oncology
- Pathologist
- Cardiac Surgery
- Cardic Surgery
- Cardiac Anesthesia
- Pulmonology
- Entomology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
- Dermatology
- Intensive Care Unit
- Anesthetist
- Clinical Pathology
- Ophthalmic Surgery
- Orthopedic
- General Surgery
- Pediatric Medicine
- === Others ===
- Head Nurse
- Charge Nurse
- Women / Medical Officer / Demonstrators
25-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Riphah International University Jobs June 2023 July Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Islamabad, Lahore, Punjab, Malakand, KPK
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Senior / Junior Lecturers ===
- === Lecturers, Lab In Charge , Lab Engineer ===
- === Research Assistant / Associate ===
- Rehabilitation & Allied Health Sciences
- Computing
- Institute of System Engineering
- Engineering & Applied Sciences
- Social Sciences & Humanities
- Management Sciences
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Academy of Research and Education
- === Others ===
- Principal Nursing College
- Senior Nursing Instructor
- Nursing Instructor
- Assistant Director - Academy of Research and Education
- Production Manager
- Business Development Executive
- Manager Admissions
- Clinical Dietician
- Assistant Manager QEC
- Senior Associate Audit and Compliance
- Audit and Compliance Officer
- Program Coordinator
- HDS / HR Officer
- Assistant Examination Officer
24-Jun-2023 (Saturday) - Jang
University of AJK Muzaffarabad Jobs June 2023 July Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Research Associate Latest
in Muzaffarabad, AJK
- Associate Professor - Pharmacy (BPS-20)
- Assistant Professors - Nursing (BPS-19)
- Lecturer - Nursing (BPS-18)
- Research Associate (BPS-17)
18-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
National Defence University Islamabad Jobs June 2023 Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Islamabad
- === Professors (OG-V / TTS) ===
- Strategic Studies
- Leadership & Management Studies
- Government & Public Policy
- === Associate Professors (OG-IV / TTS) ===
- Strategic Studies
- Leadership & Management Studies
- Government & Public Policy
- Peace & Conflict Studies
- International Resources
- === Assistant Professors (OG-III / TTS) ===
- International Relations
- Strategic Studies
- === Lecturers (OG-II) ===
- Government & Public Policy
- Economics
- Leadership & Management Studies
- === Others ===
- Director Collaboration (OG-IV)
- Computer Programmer (OG-I)
18-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Superior University Faisalabad Jobs 2023 June Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- Business & Management Sciences
- Computer Science & IT
- Doctor of Physical Therapy
- Medical Lab Sciences
- Medical Imaging Technology
- Human Nutrition & Dietetics (HND)
- Optometry
- Anesthesia Technology
- Operation Theatre Technology
- Public Health
- Islamic Studies
- Education
- English
- Clinical Psychology
- Fashion Design
- Interior Design
- Textile Design
- Graphic Design
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Biotechnology
- Forensic Science
- Zoology
- Urdu
- Sociology
- === Others ===
- Deputy Registrar
- Assistant Registrar (Student Affairs)
- Business Development Manager
- Assistant Manager Accounts
- Assistant Manager (HR)
- Admission Counselors
- Call Center Staff
- IT/Science Lab Staff
- Office Executive
- Librarian
18-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Teaching Faculty Jobs in University of Central Punjab Lahore 2023 June UCP Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Professor, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professor ===
- Accounting & Finance, Fintech
- Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Technology & Innovation
- Clinical Pharmacy
- Computer Science & Software Engineering
- Data Science
- Food Science & Technology
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Law
- Management, Entrepreneurship, Strategy
- Medical Laboratory Technology
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- English Literature
- Film TV & Digital Media
- Marketing, Digital Marketing, Supply Chain, Project Management
- === Principal / Senior Lecturers ===
- === Lecturers ===
- === Associate Lecturers ===
- Accounting & Finance, Fintech
- Business Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Technology & Innovation
- Computer Science & Software Engineering
- English Language
- Film TV & Digital Media
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Management, Entrepreneurship, Strategy
- Marketing, Digital Marketing, Supply Chain, Project Management
16-Jun-2023 (Friday) - Dawn
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Jobs 2023 June UVAS Apply Online Teaching Faculty, Attendants & Others Latest
in Pakistan
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Pathology
- Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary Surgery
- Environmental Sciences
- Pharmaceutics
- Statistics
- Dairy Technology
- Meat Science & Technology
- Fisheries & Aquaculture
- Veterinary Medicine
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Pathology
- Biochemistry
- Food & Nutrition
- Veterinary Anatomy & Histology
- Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Microbiology
- Public Health
- Epidemiology
- Pharmaceutical
- Chemistry
- Veterinary Surgery
- Veterinary Medicine
- Veterinary Medicine (ICE&E)
- Veterinary Surgery (ICE&E)
- Microbiology (MLT Program)
- Animal Nutrition
- Poultry Production
- Computer Science
- Theriogenology
- Animal Breeding & Genetics
- Microbiology
- Theriogenology
- Veterinary Technology
- Veterinary Anatomy
- Anatomy Meat Science & Technology
- Animal Nutrition
- Physiology
- Pathology
- Biochemistry
- Epidemology & Public Health
- Veterinary Histology
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Microbiology
- Pathology
- Parasitology
- Theriogenology
- Veterinary
- Surgery
- Anatomy & Histology
- Islamic Studies
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Statistics
- Computer Sciences
- Pharmaceutics
- Meat Science & Technology
- Dairy Technology
- Veterinary Surgery
- Poultry Production
- Pathology
- Microbiology
- Livestock Management
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Parasitology
- Pharmacology & Toxicology
- Anatomy & Histology
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Veterinary Medicine
- Theriogenology
- Mathematics
- Fisheries & Aquaculture
- Botany
- Statistics
- Theriogenology
- Computer Science
- Veterinary Surgery
- Microbiology
- Veterinary Surgery
- Microbiology
- Islamic Studies
- Poultry Production
- === BPS-20 ===
- Director Advanced Studies
- Director Planning & Development
- Director UA&FA
- === BPS-18 ===
- Senior Medical Officer
- System Manager
- Deputy Controller of Examinations
- === BPS-17 ===
- Assistant Registrar
- Assistant Treasurer
- Secretary to Vice Chancellor
- Assistant Director Planning & Development
- Software Engineer
- Assistant Director Career Services
- Transport Officer Ravi Campus
- Medical Officer
- Network Engineer
- Veterinary Officers
- Assistant Director Sports
- Medical Officer
- Assistant Executive Engineer
- Medical Officer
- Consultants
- Medical Officer
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 I T Administrator
- 02 Assistant
- 01 Personal Assistant
- 01 Research Associate
- === BPS-15 ===
- 01 Stenographer
- === BPS-14 ===
- 02 Clerks
- 01 Sub Engineer (Electrical)
- 02 Sub Engineer (Civil)
- 02 Sub Engineer (Mec / Electrical / Electronics / Boiler Engineer)
- === BPS-11 ===
- 02 IT Lab Assistant
- 17 Junior Clerks
- 02 X-Ray Technicians
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 AI Technician
- 01 Imam Masjid
- 02 Junior Technicians
- 04 Veterinary Assistant
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Telephone Operator
- 02 Telephone Supervisors
- === BPS-06 ===
- 02 Field Assistant
- === BPS-05 ===
- 01 Farrier
- 03 Fitter
- 02 Hall Managers
- 09 Junior Lab Assistant
- 01 Painter
- 01 RO Plant Operator
- 09 Security Sergeants
- === BPS-04 ===
- 09 Drivers
- 02 Tractor Drivers
- === BPS-03 ===
- 09 Electricians
- 03 Library Attendants
- 01 Mason
- 03 Tube Well Drivers
- === BPS-02 ===
- 03 Cook
- 01 IT Lab Attendant
- === BPS-01 ===
- 28 Attendants
- 61 Attendants (Security)
- 04 Baildar
- 19 Cattle Attendant
- 04 Chowkidar
- 01 Cleaner
- 01 Dairy Attendant
- 01 Ground Man
- 14 Mali
- 16 Naib Qasid
- 01 Sewerman
- 01 Skilled Cooli
- 46 Sweepers
- 01 Water Carrier
- 03 Security Guards
14-Jun-2023 (Wednesday) - Dawn
Fatima Jinnah Medical University Lahore Jobs 2023 June FJMU Apply Online Computer Operators & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- 01 Associate Professor Neurosurgery (BPS-20)
- 01 Additional Controller (Examination) (BPS-19)
- 01 Deputy Registrar (ACADEMIC-I) (BPS-18)
- 01 Medical Lab Technologist (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Treasurer (Finance Accounts) (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Registrar (Undergraduate) (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Registrar (Legal) (BPS-17)
- 01 Purchase Officer (BPS-17)
- 02 Computer Programmer / Software Engineer (BPS-17)
- 01 Student Scholarship Assistant (BPS-16)
- 01 Accountant (BPS-15)
- 04 Computer Operators (BPS-12)
- 01 Junior Clerk (BPS-11)
- 03 Data Entry Operator (BPS-11)
- 03 Drivers (BPS-04)
- 04 Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
11-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Jang
Teaching Faculty Jobs in University of Sialkot 2023 June Apply Online Latest
in Sialkot, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- Aviation Management
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering Technology
- Dietetics and Nutritional Sciences
- Fashion & Design
- Graphics Design
- Information Technology
- Law
- Management Sciences
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Medical Imaging Technology
- Medical Laboratory Technology
- Physical Therapy
- Software Engineering
- Arabic / Islamic Studies
- Biochemistry
- Commerce
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Education
- Electrical Engineering Technology
- English (Literature/Linguistics)
- International Relation
- Media and Communication Studies Mathematics
- Physics
- Psychology
- Statistics
- Urdu
- Zoology
11-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Dawn
Teaching Faculty Jobs in Muhammad Ali Jinnah University Karachi 2023 June Apply Online Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- Computer Science / Software Engineering
- Electrical / Computer Engineering / Robotics & loT
- Applied Mathematics / Statistics / Data Science
- Education/Psychology/Social Sciences
- Business Administration / Management Sciences / Project Management / Supply Chain
- Bio Technology / Bioinformatic
- Media Technologies
- Applied Linguistics / Communication Skills
10-Jun-2023 (Saturday) - The News
Bacha Khan University Charsadda Jobs 2023 June Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Charsadda, KPK
- === Professors (BPS-21 / TTS) ===
- Agriculture
- Pharmacy
- Sociology
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20 / TTS) ===
- Biotechnology
- Management Sciences
- Mathematics
- Microbiology
- Pharmacy
- Pashto
- Sociology
- === Assistant Professors (TTS) ===
- Microbiology
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- English
- Psychology
- Political Science
- Physics
- Philosophy
- Chemistry
05-Jun-2023 (Monday) - Jang
Teaching Faculty Jobs in Hamdard University Karachi June 2023 Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- === Senior Registrars ===
- Health and Medical Sciences
- Eastern Medicine
- Management Sciences
- Social Sciences & Humanities
- Engineering Sciences & Technology
- Pharmacy
04-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Dawn
IBA Karachi Jobs 2023 June Apply Online Teaching Faculty Institute of Business Administration Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- === Business Studies ===
- Management
- Marketing
- Accounting
- Finance
- Managerial Economics
- Business Analytics / MIS
- === Mathematics and Computer Science ===
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Computer Systems
- Numerical Analysis & Scientific Computing
- Machine Learning
- Fluid Dynamics
- Classical, Relativistic and Quantum Mechanics
- Information Security
- Astronomy
- Mathematical Finance and Computational Finance
- === Economics and Social Sciences ===
- Economics
- Philosophy
- General Psychology
- Media Studies
04-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Dawn
Sukkur IBA University Mirpur Khas Campus Jobs 2023 June Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Mirpur Khas, Sindh
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Business Administration
- Computer Science
- === Lecturers ===
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Social Studies
- Software Engineering
- === Non-Teaching ===
- Project Accountant
- Office Secretary
- Office Assistant
03-Jun-2023 (Saturday) - The Nation
Information Technology University Lahore Jobs 2023 June Apply Online Teaching Faculty ITU Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- 07 Assistant Professors (TTS)
- 04 Lecturer / Teaching Fellows (BPS-18)
30-May-2023 (Tuesday) - The News
Khawaja Fareed University Rahim Yar Khan Jobs May 2023 June KFUEIT Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Lab Engineers Latest
in Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Electrical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Information Technology
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Zoology
- Education
- Business Administration
- Management Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Food Science & Tech
- Islamic Studies
- English
- Law
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Electrical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Information Technology
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Cyber Security
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Biotechnology
- Biochemistry
- Botany
- Zoology
- Education
- Business Administration
- Agronomy
- Food Science & Tech
- Human Nutrition & Dietetics
- Mass Communication
- Islamic Studies
- International Relations
- Political Science
- History & Pak Studies
- English
- Physical Education
- Fine Arts & Textile Design
- Law
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Electrical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Total Quality Management
- Material Engineering
- Polymer Engineering
- Material Science
- Environmental Science
- Agricultural Engineering
- Horticulture
- Agronomy
- Information Technology
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Cyber Security
- Artificial Intelligence
- Business Administration
- Commerce
- Accounting & Finance
- Economics
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Bioinformatics
- Biochemistry
- Biotechnology
- Microbiology
- Botany
- Zoology
- Animal Science
- HN & Dietetics
- Food Science & Tech
- Forensic Sciences
- English
- Pak Studies
- Physical Education
- International Relations / Political Science
- History
- Fine Arts & Textile Designing
- Mass Communication
- Tourism & Hospitality Mgt.
- Islamic Studies
- Urdu
- Education
- Law
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Electrical Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Environmental Engineering
- Total Quality Management
- Material Engineering
- Polymer Engineering
- Material Science
- Environmental Science
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- Anatomy
- Horticulture
- Entomology
- Agronomy
- Information Technology
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cyber Security
- Business Administration
- Commerce
- Accounting & Finance
- Economics
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Bioinformatics
- Biotechnology
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Botany
- Zoology
- Food Science & Technology
- Human Nutrition & Dietetics
- Forensic Sciences
- Medical Lab Technology
- Optometry
- Orthotics and Prosthetics
- Radiology
- Cosmetology
- Dermatology
- Psychology/Clinical Psychology
- English
- Pak Studies
- Physical Education
- Islamic Studies
- International Relations/Political Science
- Fine Arts
- Textile Design
- Urdu
- Mass Communication
- Education
- Law
- === Laboratory Engineer (BPS-17) ===
- Electrical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering