07-Mar-2021 (Sunday) - Dawn
National Textile University Jobs 2021 March Application Form Teaching Faculty NTU Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab, Karachi, Sindh
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Management Sciences
- Mathematics
- Computer Sciences / Software Engineering
- Textile Engineering
- Polymer Engineering
- === Lecturers ===
- Computer Sciences / Software Engineering
- Electrical / Electronics
- English
- Fashion Design
06-Mar-2021 (Saturday) - Dawn
GC University Lahore Jobs March 2021 Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-21 / TTS) ===
- Sociology
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20 / TTS) ===
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Islamic Studies
- Psychology
- Political Science
- Physics
- Urdu
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Biotechnology
- === Non-Teaching Faculty ===
- Registrar (BPS-20)
- Controller of Examinations (BPS-20)
- Treasurer (BPS-20)
- Programme Officer (BPS-18)
- Research Associate (BPS-17)
06-Mar-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan Jobs 2021 March AWKUM Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Mardan, KPK
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Islamic Studies
- Arts and Design
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Management Sciences (Finance)
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Education
- Management Sciences (HRM / Marketing)
- Agriculture (Horticulture)
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Economics
- English
- Geology
- Pakistan Studies
- Pashto
- Physical Education and Sports
- Psychology
- Statistics
- Zoology
- Law
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Law
- Biotechnology
- Economics
- Analytical Chemistry
- Environmental Sciences
- Archeology
- Physical Education and Sports
- International Relations
- Microbiology
- Tourism and Hospitality
- English
06-Mar-2021 (Saturday) - Express
University of Sahiwal Jobs 2021 March Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Sahiwal, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Software Engineering
- Business Administration
- Law
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Physics
- English
- Economics
- Business Administration
- Psychology
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Economics
05-Mar-2021 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Khawaja Fareed University Rahim Yar Khan Jobs 2021 March Apply Online KFUEIT Latest
in Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Computer Science & IT
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Islamic Studies
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Computer Science & IT
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Physics
- English
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Bioinformatics
- Software Engineering
- Biotechnology & Biochemistry
- Botany
- Zoology
- Education
- Management Sciences
- Agricultural Engineering
- Food Science & Technology
- Human Nutrition & Dietetics
- Agronomy
- Entomology
- Horticulture
- Mass Communication
- Islamic Studies
- History & Pak Studies
- English
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Bioinformatics
- Software Engineering
- Chemistry
- Bio Chemistry
- Forensic
- Biotechnology
- Botany
- Zoology
- Education
- Management Science
- Medical Lab Technology
- Optometry
- Orthotics and Prosthetics
- Radiology
- Cosmetology & Dermatology Law
- Pak Studies
- English
- Islamiat
- Physical Education
- Agronomy
- Entomology
- Horticulture
- Psychology / Clinical Psychology
- Agricultural Engineering
- Food Science & Technology
- Textile Design
- Fine Arts
- Tourism and Hospitality Management
- Mass Communication
- Health Care Management
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- === Lab Engineers (BPS-17) ===
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
- === BPS-18 ===
- Deputy Registrar
- System Administrator
- Deputy Treasurer
- === BPS-17 ===
- Assistant Treasurer
- Assistant Director Administration & Coordination
- Personal Secretary
- Chief Engineer (Civil)
- === BPS-16 ===
- Assistant (Accounts)
- === Others ===
- Senior Engineer (Civil) / XEN
- Assistant Engineer (Civil)
- Deputy Director (Information Technology Services)
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- === Consultants ===
- Admin / Teachings
05-Mar-2021 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Lahore College for Women University Jobs 2021 March Teaching Faculty & Others LCWU Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- Director Quality Enhancement Cell
- Project Director
- Chief Security Officer
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ====
- Biotechnology
- Botany
- Computer Science
- Economics
- Research and Evaluation
- History
- Environmental Sciences
- Home Economics
- Islamic Studies
- Mass Communication
- Mathematics
- Persian
- Physics
- Political Sciences
- Psychology
- Punjabi
- Statistics
- Urdu
- Zoology
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacy Practice
- Education (Elementary and Teaching)
- Education (STEM)
- International Relations
- Geography
- Analytical Chemistry
- Bio Chemistry
- Textile Design
- Interior Design
- English
- Architecture
- Sociology
- Physical Therapy
- === Lecturers (Female) (BPS-18) ===
- Pharmacognosy
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- International Relations
- Visual Arts
- Graphic Design
- Interior Design
- Textile Design
- Arabic
- English
- Public Administration
- Sociology
- Punjabi
- Architecture
- Disaster Management
- Education
- Psychology
- Physical Therapy
- Software Engineering
- === BPS-17 ===
- Accounts Officer
03-Mar-2021 (Wednesday) - The News
Teaching Faculty Jobs in Bacha Khan University Charsadda 2021 March Application Form BKU Latest
in Charsadda, KPK
- === Professors ===
- Agriculture
- Chemistry
- Pharmacy
- === Associate Professors ===
- Agriculture
- Chemistry
- Biotechnology
- Management Sciences
- Botany
- Computer Sciences
- Sociology
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Agriculture
- Chemistry
- Computer Sciences
- Human Resource
- Finance
- Botany
- Zoology
- Political Science
- Education
- Geophysics
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Economics
- Geology
- English
- Biotechnology
- Microbiology
- Sociology
- === Lecturers ===
- Computer Sciences
- Physics
- Economics
- English
- Education
- Political Science
- Islamic Studies
- Pakistan Studies
- Pharmacy
- Botany
- Zoology
28-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
Sialkot Medical College Jobs 2021 February / March Imran Idrees Teaching Hospital Latest
in Sialkot, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Senior Registrars ===
- === Demonstrators ===
- Anesthesia
- Anatomy
- Pediatric
- Radiology
- Pharmacology
- Dermatology
- Eye
- Medical Education
28-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Dawn
NUMS University Rawalpindi Jobs 2021 February / March Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Professors ===
- Public Health
- === Associate Professors ===
- Phytochemistry
- Immunology
- Nutrition
- Pathology (Microbiology)
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Plant Biotechnology
- Applied Mathematics
- === Professors / Associate / Assistant Professors ===
- Philosophy
- === Professors / Associate / Assistant Professors / Lecturers ===
- Health Professions Education
- === Others ===
- Lab Technician
- Sub Engineer
- Quantity Surveyor
- Director (Internal Audit)
- Assistant Director (Academic)
- Manager (Industrial Linkages)
- Manager (Departmental Affairs)
- Manager (Student Affairs)
- Manager (Administration / Hostel)
- Hostel Warden (Female)
- Assistant Warden (Female)
- Assistant Manager
- Assistant Manager (Finance)
- Admin Supervisor
- Sub / Office Assistant
- Receptionist
- Store Man
- Telephone / Exchange Operator
- Genertor Operator
- Electrician
- Dispatch Rider (DR)
- Carpenter
- Painter
- Driver
- Aya
- Office Attendants
- Gardener
- Security Guard
- Sanitary Workers
28-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Superior College Jobs 2021 February / March Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Pakistan
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- === Program Coordinators ===
- Business Administration & Management Sciences
- Computer Sciences & Information Technology
- Biological Sciences
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Physiotherapy (DPT)
- Human Nutrition and Dietics (HND)
- Food Sciences and Technology
- Medical Lab Sciences
- Medical Imaging Technology
- Optometry
- === Others ===
- Campus Director
- Deputy Registrar
- Manager QEC
- Deputy Controller
- IT Manager
- Librarian
27-Feb-2021 (Saturday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
University of Jhang Jobs 2021 February / March Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Jhang, Punjab
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Psychology
- Law
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Pakistan Studies
- Law
- === BPS-17 ===
- Medical Officer
- Assistant Director Purchase & Store
- === BPS-16 ===
- Nurse
- === BPS-15 ===
- Computer Operator
25-Feb-2021 (Thursday) - The News
Assistant Professor Jobs in Nishtar Medical University Multan 2021 February Apply Online Latest
in Multan, Punjab
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ===
- Anatomy
- Community Medicine
- Pharmacology
- Biochemistry
- Forensic Medicine
- Pathology
- Medicine
- Cardiology
- Psychiatry
- Thoracic Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Ophthalmology
- Anesthesia
23-Feb-2021 (Tuesday) - Express
Dar e Arqam Institute of Modern Sciences Sargodha Jobs 2021 February Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Sargodha, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- === Instructors ===
- Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Computer Science
- IT
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics
- English
- Education
- Psychology
- Zoology
- Food Science & Technology
- Nursing
- === Others ===
- Admin Officer
- Head Clerk
20-Feb-2021 (Saturday) - Jang
Islamia University of Bahawalpur Jobs 2021 February Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Bahawalpur, Punjab
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Architecture
- Civil Engineering
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Architecture
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Architecture
20-Feb-2021 (Saturday) - The News
Islamia University of Bahawalpur Jobs February 2021 Apply Online Teaching Faculty Latest
in Bahawalpur, Punjab
- 01 Associate Professor - Nursing (BPS-20)
- 03 Assistant Professors - Nursing (BPS-19)
- 03 Nursing Lecturer (BPS-18)
17-Feb-2021 (Wednesday) - Express
Assistant Professor Jobs in Rawalpindi Medical University 2021 February RMU Application Form Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ===
- 06 Obs / Gynae
- 02 Orthopeic Surgery
- 04 Pediatrics
- 02 Psychiatry
- 04 ENT
- 01 Radiology
- 02 Physiology
- 02 Anatomy
- 01 Pharmacology
- 02 Nephrology
- 01 Dermatology
- 01 Gastroenterology
- 02 Surgery
- 02 Cardiology
- 01 Neurology
- 01 Oncology
16-Feb-2021 (Tuesday) - Jang
Visiting Faculty Jobs in Islamia University of Bahawalpur 2021 February IUB Rahim Yar Khan Campus Apply Online Latest
in Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab
- Computer Science& IT
- Education
- English
- Fine Arts
- Geography
- Health & Physical Education
- International Relations
- Islamic Studies
- Management Sciences
- Mathematics
- Media Studies
- Pakistan Studies
- Psychology
- Statistics
- Urdu
- Physics
- Gender Studies
16-Feb-2021 (Tuesday) - The News
Mohi ud Din Islamic Medical College Mirpur Jobs 2021 February Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Mirpur, AJK
- === Professors ===
- Pathology
- Behavioral Sciences
- === Associate Professors ===
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Ophthalmology
- Behavioral Sciences
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Anatomy
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Pathology
- Community Medicine
- Forensic Medicine
- Gynae / Obs
- Paeds
- Orthopedic
- Behavioral Sciences
- === Others ===
- Medical Superintendant
- Deputy Medical Superintendant
- Accounts Officer
14-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
NUML University Jobs February 2021 Application Form Accountant & Others Latest
in Islamabad, Karachi, Sindh
- Regional Director
- Assistant Professor / Lecturer (Chinese Language)
- Computer Programming Officer
- Web Master
- Web Developer
- Civil Engineer
- Accountant
14-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Express
University of Faisalabad Jobs 2021 February Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- Management Sciences
- Computer Science / Engineering
- Data Structures
- Python Programming
- Artificial Intelligence
- C Sharp Programming
- Cross Platform Development
- === Assistant Professors &Lecturers ===
- Optometry
- Rehabilitation Sciences
- Interior Design
- === Demonstrators (Female) ===
- Anatomy
- Pathology
- Forensic Medicine
- Community Medicine
- === Others ===
- Director ORIC
- Deputy Director ORIC
12-Feb-2021 (Friday) - Dawn
University of Swat Jobs 2021 February Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Swat, KPK
- Agriculture Economics
- Biotechnology
- Computer Science
- Education
- Information Technology
- Management Sciences
- Microbiology
- Psychology
- Software Engineering
- ===Associate Professors (BPS/TTS) ===
- Arabic
- Biotechnology
- Education
- Environmental Sciences
- Geology
- Law & Sharia
- Management Sciences
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Software Engineering
- Tourism & Hospitality
- Zoology
- Computer Science
- === Others ===
- Controller of Examinations
12-Feb-2021 (Friday) - Dawn
Begum Nusrat Bhutto Women University Sukkur Jobs 2021 February Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Sukkur, Sindh
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Mathematics / Physics
- English / Biological Sciences
- Education
- Business Administration / Management Sciences
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Education
- English / Biological Sciences
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Education
- English / Biological Sciences
08-Feb-2021 (Monday) - Jang
Visiting Faculty Jobs in Air University Multan Campus 2021 February Walk In Interview Latest
in Multan, Punjab
- === Visiting Faculty ===
- Islamic Studies
- Social Services
- Mathematics
- Project Management
- Business Law
- Commercial Banking and Lending
- Pakistan Economy
- English
- Physics
07-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
FPSC Jobs February 2021 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 01/2021 1/2021 Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-16 ===
- 113 Assistant Private Secretary
- === Ministry of Defence Production ===
- 02 Senior Research Officers (BPS-18)
- === Cabinet Secretariat Establishment Division ===
- 04 Deputy Assistant Director (Stenography) (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Federal Education & Professional Training ===
- 03 Administrative Officers (BPS-17)
- 01 Subject Specialist (Urdu) (BPS-18)
- 08 Montessori Teacher (Female) (BPS-17)
- 04 Area Education Officer (BPS-19)
- === Cabinet Secretariat Aviation Division ===
- 01 Assistant Electronic Engineer (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of National Health Services Regulation & Coordination ===
- 10 Medical Officers (BPS-17)
- === Marine Fisheries Department, Ministry of Maritime Affairs ===
- 01 Deputy Director (BPS-18)
- === Directorate General of Trade Organizations, Ministry of Commerce ===
- 01 Law Officer (BPS-18)
- === Ministry of Climate Change ===
- 02 Zoologists (BPS-17)
- === Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) ===
- 03 Data Processing Assistants (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Planning, Development & Special Initiatives ===
- 12 Research / Planning / Survey Officer (BPS-17)
- === Armed Force Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Ministry of Defence ===
- 01 Pathologist (BPS-18)
- 01 Senior Speech Therapist (BPS-18)
- === Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions ===
- 02 Assistant Professors (Mathematics) (BPS-18)
- === Pakistan Military Accounts Department, Ministry of Defence ===
- 407 Senior Auditors (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony ===
- 02 Deputy Directors (BPS-18)
- === Federal Directorate of Education ===
- 49 Lecturers (BPS-17)
07-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Punjab University Lahore Jobs 2021 February Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Research Officers Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Sociology
- Social Work
- Political Science
- Communication Studies
- Economics
- Administrative Sciences
- Business Administration
- Information Management
- History & Pakistan Studies
- English Language & Literature
- Information Technology
- Bio Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Earth & Environmental Sciences
- Geography
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Statistics
- Mountain Research
- Biochemistry 8 Biotechnology
- Botany
- Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
- Agricultural Sciences
- Applied Psychology
- Zoology
- Applied Molecular Biology
- Chemical Engineering
- Total Quality Management
- Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Biochemistry
- Pharmacy
- Law
- Commerce
- Banking & Finance
- Arabic
- Punjabi
- Urdu Language & Literature
- Kashmir Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Commerce
- Islamic Studies / Urdu / Persian / Arabic
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Sociology
- Gender Studies
- Social Work
- Communication Studies
- Economics
- Administrative Sciences
- Business Administration
- Accounting & Finance
- Marketing & Management
- Information Management
- Philosophy
- History & Pakistan Studies
- English Language & Literature
- French
- Information Technology
- Chemistry
- Occupational Health & Safety
- Geography
- Geology
- Geology
- High Energy Physics
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Statistics
- Space Sciences
- Biochemistry 8 Biotechnology
- Botany
- Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
- Agricultural Sciences
- Applied Psychology
- Sports Sciences & Physical Education
- Zoology
- Applied Molecular Biology
- Chemical Engineering
- Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
- Pharmacology
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Law
- Commerce
- Banking & Finance
- Arabic
- Persian
- Kashmir Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Special Education
- Commerce
- Law
- Information Technology
- Business Administration
- Islamic Studies / Urdu / Persian / Arabic
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Education Policy & Development
- Public Health
- Gender Studies
- Social Work
- Communication Studies
- Economics
- Public Policy
- Administrative Sciences
- Information Management
- History & Pakistan Studies
- Archeology
- French
- Information Technology
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Occupational Health & Safety
- Geomatics
- Earth & Environmental Sciences
- Geography
- Geology
- Geology
- High Energy Physics
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Statistics
- Physical Physics
- Biochemistry 8 Biotechnology
- Botany
- Microbiology & Molecular Genetics
- Agricultural Sciences
- Applied Psychology
- Sports Sciences & Physical Education
- Zoology
- Applied Molecular Biology
- Chemical Engineering
- Metallurgy & Materials Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Polymer Science
- Polymer Engineering
- Energy and Environmental Sciences
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmacy
- Pharmacology
- Law
- Commerce
- Banking & Finance
- Arabic
- Persian
- Islamic Studies
- Special Education
- Commerce
- Law
- Information Technology
- Business Administration
- Economics
- Banking & Finance
- English
- Business Administration
- Information Technology
- Commerce
- Law
- Administrative Sciences
- Geographical Information System
- Islamic Studies / Urdu / Persian / Arabic
- === Lectures (BPS-19) ===
- Gender Studies
- Law
- English
- Information Technology
- English
- Quality and Technology Management
- Banking & Finance
- Photography
- Performing Art
- Art & Design
- Occupational Health & Safety
- Environmental Sciences
- Polymer Engineering & Technology
- French
- === Research Officers (BPS-18) ===
- Biological Sciences
- Urdu
- Energy & Environmental Engineering
06-Feb-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Visiting Faculty Jobs in Information Technology University Lahore 2021 February Apply Online Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Visiting Faculty ===
- Computer Engineering
- Quran Translation
- Electrical Engineering
- Communication Skills
- Computer Science
- Islamic Studies
- Business Management
- Mathematics
04-Feb-2021 (Thursday) - Express
NUTECH University Islamabad Jobs 2021 February National University of Technology Latest
in Islamabad
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Civil
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Sciences
- === Lecturers ==
- Computer Graphics
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Artificial Intelligence
- Robotics
- Civil
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Sciences
- Research & Development Engineering
- Electronics Solution Architect
- Fabrication Design Architect
- === Others ===
- Deputy / Assistant Director
- Senior / Junior / Skilled Lab Engineer / Coordinator
- Lab Technician / Demonstrator
- === Clerical Staff ===
- Assistant Librarian
- Senior / Junior Supervisor / Assistant
- Library Assistant
- Security Staff
- === General Support Staff ===
- Generator Operator
- Motor Pump Operator
- Driver
- Security Guard
- Cook / Chef
- Naib Qasid
- Waiter
- Administration
- Sanitary Worker
- Labour
31-Jan-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
Times Institute Multan Jobs 2021 January / February Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Multan, Punjab
- === Professor, Associate Professor ===
- Pharmacy
- === Assistant Professor, Lecturer ===
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- Human Nutrition & Dietetics
- Computer Science
- Business Administration
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Assistant Registrar
- Manager Admissions
- Accounts Officer
- Care Taker
- Accounts Assistant
- Computer Operator
31-Jan-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Teaching Faculty Jobs in COMSATS University 2021 January / February CUI Apply Online Latest
in Pakistan
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Architecture
- Art & Design
- Biosciences
- Biotechnology
- Center of Islamic Finance (CIF)
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science
- Development Studies
- Earth Sciences
- Economics
- Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Energy Research Center (ERC)
- Environmental Sciences
- Health Informatics
- Humanities
- IRCBM (Biomaterials)
- Management Sciences
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Media / Mass Communication
- Meteoreology
- Pharmacy
- Physics
- Statistics
- Telecommunication
29-Jan-2021 (Friday) - The News
Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto University of Law Karachi Jobs 2021 Teaching Faculty & Others SZABUL Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === 08 Professors (BPS-21) ===
- 06 Law
- 01 Business Administration
- 01 Criminology
- === 05 Directors (BPS-20) ===
- 01 Admission
- 01 QEC
- 01 ORIC
- 01 Planning & Development
- 01 IT
- === 13 Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- 09 Law
- 02 Business Administration
- 02 Criminology
- === BPS-19 ===
- 01 Additional Registrar General Administration
- 01 Librarian
- === 13 Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- 09 Law
- 02 Business Administration
- 02 Criminology
- === BPS-18 ===
- 01 Deputy Director QEC
- 01 Security Officer
- 01 Deputy Director Administration
- === 25 Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- 19 Law
- 02 Business Administration
- 02 Criminology
- 02 English Literature
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Assistant Director Administration
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Assistant Purchase & Procurement
- 01 Assistant Manager QEC
- 04 Assistant
- 02 Assistant (Law Officer)
- 02 Assistant Manager Operations (SIUC)
- 01 Assistant (Admission)
- 01 Office Assistant / Computer Operator (ORIC)
- 01 Sub Engineer Electrical
- 04 Senior Data Entry Operator
- 01 Telephone Supervisor
- === BPS-14 ===
- 04 Junior Data Entry Operator
- 02 Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- === BPS-08 ===
- 02 Air-Conditioning Technician
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Assistant Supervisor (Automobile
- 01 Assistant Superintendent
- 01 Technician
- 01 Horticulturist
- 01 Lower Division Clerk (LDC) / Typist
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Store Keeper
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Head Mali
- === BPS-06 ===
- 03 Drivers
- === BPS-05 ===
- 01 Cook
- 01 Driver (LTV)
- 01 Carpenter
- 02 Plumber
- 01 Book Binder
- 01 Electrician
- 01 Mason
- 02 Photostat Machine Operator
- 01 Mechanic Junior
- 01 Generator Operator Junior
- 05 Computer Attendant
- 01 Compounder / Dresser
- === BPS-04 ===
- 15 Jamadar
- === BPS-03 ===
- 01 Helper to Pump Operator / Technician
- === BPS-02 ===
- 01 Naib Qasid
- 07 Gate Keepers
- === BPS-01 ===
- 01 Care Taker
- 01 Helper to Electrician Direct
- 02 Mali
- 01 Mate
- 01 Painter
- 02 Khalasi
- 02 Attendants
- 01 Girls Common Room Attendant
- 01 Stretcher Carrier
- 02 Bus Conductors
- 04 Watch Man
24-Jan-2021 (Sunday) - Express
COMSATS University Jobs 2021 CUI Lahore Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Professor ===
- Media & Communication Studies
- === Associate Professors ===
- Media & Communication Studies
- Economics
- Computer Science
- Art & Design
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Architecture
- Art & Design
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Statistics
- Pharmacy
- Computer Science
- Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Mathematics
- Media & Communication Studies
- Software Engineering
- English
- Psychology
- Accounting
- Finance
- Computing & Management
- E-Commerce
- Economics
- Islamic Finance
- === Lecturers ===
- Architecture
- Art & Design
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Chemical Engineering
- Statistics
- Pharmacy
- Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Software Engineering
- Business & Corporate Law
- Accounting
- Finance
- E-Commerce
- Computing & Management
- Project Management
- Management Information System
- Media & Communication Studies
- English
- Anthropology
- Media Communication
- Sociology
- Philosophy
- Development Studies
- Psychology
- Biosciences
- History
- Political Science
- French
- Arabic
- German
- Chinese
- Pakistan Studies
- International Relations
- Economics
- Islamic Finance
- === Lab Engineers / Research Associates ===
- Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Computer Science
- Chemistry
- Pharmacy
- === Consultants ===
- Legal / Law
- === Others ===
- 40 Assistant / Mali / Bearers
22-Jan-2021 (Friday) - Express
Associate / Professor Jobs in DG Khan Medical College 2021 Application Form Latest
in Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab
- === BPS-20 ===
- Anatomy
- Forensic Medicine
- Plastic Surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- === BPS-19 ===
- Forensic Medicine
- Biochemistry
- Community Medicine
- Pharmacology
- Anatomy
- Pathology
- Psychiatry
- Anesthesia
- Pulmonology
- Radiology
- Plastic Surgery
- Oncology
- Nephrology
20-Jan-2021 (Wednesday) - Jang
University of Education Jobs 2021 UOE Apply Online Visiting Faculty Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
17-Jan-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
NUML University Islamabad Jobs 2021 Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Islamabad
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Economics
- English
- G&PP
- Mass Communication
- Korean
- === Lecturers ===
- Education (Health and Physical Education)
- Physics (Mathematics Department)
- Statistics (Mathematics Department)
- === Instructors ===
- Indonesia
- Chinese
- French
- German
- Japanese
- Pashto
- Persian
- Punjabi
- Russian
- Spanish
- Turkish
- === Others ===
- Director IT
17-Jan-2021 (Sunday) - Dawn
Teaching Faculty Jobs in University of Loralai 2021 Application Form Download Latest
in Loralai, Balochistan
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Commerce
- Computer Science
- Education
- Management Sciences
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Commerce
- Computer Science
- Education
- Management Sciences
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Commerce
- Computer Science
- Education
- English
- Islamic Studies
- Management Sciences
- Mathematics
- Pashto
- Political Sciences
- Zoology
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Computer Science
- Education
- English
- Islamic Studies
- Management Sciences
- Mathematics
- Pashto
- Political Sciences
- Pakistan Studies
- Zoology
16-Jan-2021 (Saturday) - Jang
Islamia University of Bahawalpur Jobs 2021 Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Bahawalpur, Punjab
- Principal (BPS-20)
- Assistant Professors (BPS-19)
- Senior Instructors (BPS-18)
- Instructor (BPS-17)
16-Jan-2021 (Saturday) - Jang
GC University Lahore Jobs 2021 Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- Professors (Zoology) (BPS-21)
- Associate Professors (Economics) (BPS-20)
- Coaches
- Visiting Faculty
- Vehicle Mechanic (BPS-14)
16-Jan-2021 (Saturday) - Jang
GIK Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Swabi Jobs 2021 Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Swabi, KPK
- === Assistant Professors / Lecturers ===
- Chemical Engineering
- Management Sciences
- === Non-Teaching ===
- Senior Software Developer
- Manager / Deputy Director (Marketing)
- Director / Deputy Director (Security & Protocol)
15-Jan-2021 (Friday) - Dawn
ABWA Medical College Faisalabad Jobs 2021 Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Senior Registrars ===
- --- Basic Sciences ---
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Pathology
- Forensic Medicine
- Community Medicine
- Medical Education
- --- Clinical Sciences ---
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Obs & Gynae
- Ophthalmology
- Pediatric
- Psychiatry
- Dermatology
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
- Cardiology
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Orthopedic
- Dentistry
- Pulmonology
- Dental Surgeon
- === Others ===
- Trained Nurses
- Paramedical Staff
- OT Technicians
- Perfusionist
14-Jan-2021 (Thursday) - Express
Saidu College of Dentistry Swat Jobs 2021 Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Swat, KPK
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ===
- Oral Pathology
- Oral Biology
- Dental Material
- Community and Preventive Dentistry
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Operative, Restorative or Conservative Dentistry
- Prosthodontics
- Periodontology
- Oral Medicine
- Anesthesiology
- === BPS-17 ===
- 10 Dental Surgeons
- 15 Lecturers / Demonstrators
- 01 Security Officer
10-Jan-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
Informatics Group of Colleges Jobs 2021 Teaching Faculty, Principals & Others Latest
in Pakistan
- Director University Programs
- Director Legal Affairs / Law College
- Deputy Director University Programs
- Principals
- Assistant Professors
- Audit Manager
- Manager Registration & Affiliation
- Admissions Manager
- Assistant Manager
- Manager International Linkages
- Assistant Manager Creative & Digital Media
- Manager Business Development
- IT Assistants
10-Jan-2021 (Sunday) - Dawn
UMT Lahore Jobs 2021 Teaching Faculty University of Management and Technology Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Information Technology ===
- Cyber Security
- Bioinformatics
- Internet of Things
- Game Development and Cross Reality (XR)
- Computer Vision
- Data Science
- Natural Language Processing
- Artificial Intelligence
- Blockchain
- Web and Mobile Applications
- Robotics
- Cloud Computing
- Computer Sciences
- Software Engineering
- === Architecture ===
- City and Regional Planning
- Architecture
- === Engineering ===
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- === Business and Management ===
- Economics
- Marketing
- Finance
- Supply Chain
- Business Communication
- Project Management
- Statistics / Quantitative Methods
- Human Resource Management
- === Sciences ===
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Biotechnology
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- === Textile and Fashion===
- Fashion Design
- Textile Design
- Fine Arts
- === Aviation ===
- Airline Management
- Aircraft Maintenance
- === Media ===
- Mass Communication
- === Social Sciences ===
- Psychology
- Education
- Special Needs Education
- Political Science
- Sociology
- Islamic Thought and Civilization
- === Literature ===
- English Language and literature
- === Government and Policy ===
- Public Policy
- === Legal ===
- Law
- === Clinical and Non-Clinical ===
- Radiation Sciences
- Physiotherapy
- Nutrition Science
- Medical Imaging
- Bio Medical Lab Sciences
- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
10-Jan-2021 (Sunday) - Express
GC University Faisalabad Jobs 2021 GCUF Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Bioinformatics
- Biotechnology
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Economics
- Environmental Sciences
- Electrical Engineering
- Food Sciences and Technology
- Law
- Management Sciences
- Nutrition
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Software Engineering
- Urdu
- Islamic Studies
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Applied Chemistry
- Allied Health Professionals
- Architecture
- Art and Design
- Botany
- Banking and Finance
- Bioinformatics
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Commerce
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Eastern Medicine
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Food Sciences and Technology
- Geography
- Home Economics
- Information Technology
- Islamic Studies
- Law
- Management Sciences
- Mass Communication
- Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Pharmaceutics
- Physical Education and Sports Science
- Physical Therapy
- Physics
- Physiology
- Political Sciences / International Relations
- Public Administration
- Public Health
- Sociology
- Software Engineering
- Statistics
- Urdu
- Zoology
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Applied Linguistics
- Applied Health Sciences
- Applied Chemistry
- Architecture
- Bioinformatics
- Botany
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Commerce
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Eastern Medicine
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- English Literature
- Environmental Sciences
- Food Sciences and Technology
- Geography
- History and Pakistan Studies
- Information Technology
- Law
- Management Sciences
- Mass Communication
- Mathematics
- Microbiology
- Orthotics and Prosthetics
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacy Practice
- Physical Education and Sports Science
- Physical Therapy
- Physics
- Physiology
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Public Health
- Software Engineering
- Statistics
- Urdu
- === Lectures (BPS-18) ===
- Arabic
- Architecture
- Bioinformatics
- Botany
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Commerce
- Computer Science
- Data Science
- Eastern Medicine
- Education
- Electrical Engineering
- English Literature
- Environmental Sciences
- History and Pakistan Studies
- Information Technology
- Islamic Studies
- Law
- Mathematics
- Management Sciences - HRM
- Management Sciences - IT
- Mechanical Engineering
- Microbiology
- Operation Theater Technology (OTT)
- Orthotics and Prosthetics
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacy Practice
- Physical Therapy
- Physics
- Public Administration
- Public Health
- Radiography & Imaging Technology (RIT)
- Statistics
- Urdu
- Physical Education and Sports Science
- === Research Officers (BPS-17) ===
- Architecture
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Education
- English
- History and Pakistan Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Mathematics
- Medical Sciences
- Physics
- Statistics
- === Teaching Assistants (BPS-16) ===
- Islamic Studies
- English
- Computer Science
- Education
- Statistics
- Environmental Sciences
- === BPS-17 ===
- Medical Officers
10-Jan-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Teaching Faculty Jobs in Lahore Garrison University 2021 LGU Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- Software Engineering
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Management Sciences
10-Jan-2021 (Sunday) - Express
GIFT University Gujranwala Jobs 2021 Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Gujranwala, Punjab
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- --- Computer Science ---
- Computer Science
- Software Engineering
- Data Sciences
- Game Design & Development
- --- Management Sciences / Business & Commerce ---
- Business Information Systems
- Business Economics
- Accounting
- Statistics & Quantitative Method
- Business Communication
- Business Law & Corporate Taxation
- --- Fine Arts, Design & Architecture ---
- Graphic Design
- History of Graphic Design
- Commercial Printing
- 3D Max
- Autodesk Maya
- Adobe Premiere Pro
- --- Arts and Social Science ---
- English Literature and Linguistics
- Islamic Studies
- Psychology & Sociology
- Home Economics (Interior Design)
- Education & Political Science
- Mass Communication & Media Studies
- === Management Staff Positions ===
- Deputy Controller Examination
- Deputy Director QEC
- Assistant Manager QEC
- Assistant Manager HR
- HR Executive
09-Jan-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Teaching Faculty Jobs in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University 2021 Application Form Latest
in Sanghar, Shaheed Benazirabad, Sindh
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- English
- Information Technology / Computer Science
- Business Administration
- Economics
- Chemistry
- Media Studies
- Molecular Biology & Genetics
- Education
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- English
- Information Technology / Computer Science
- Business Administration
- Economics
- Chemistry
- Media Studies
- Molecular Biology & Genetics
- Education
- Statistics
- Microbiology
- Fine Arts and Design (Graphic & Fashion)
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- English
- Information Technology / Computer Science
- Business Administration
- Education
- Statistics
- Media Studies
- Economics
- Chemistry
- Sindhi
- Microbiology
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Fine Arts and Design (Graphic & Fashion)
- Business Administration
- English
- Economics
- Sindhi
- Mathematics
- Microbiology
- Fine Arts and Design (Graphic & Fashion)
05-Jan-2021 (Tuesday) - Dawn
Teaching Faculty Jobs in Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi 2021 DUHS Apply Online Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Professors ===
- Anaesthesiology
- Paediatrics
- Ophthalmology
- Surgery
- === Associate Professor ===
- Ophthalmology
- Paediatrics
03-Jan-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Bilquis Postgraduate College for Women Rawalpindi Jobs 2021 Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Assistant Professors ===
- English
- === Lecturer ===
- English
- Mathematics
- Management Sciences
- Psychology
- Pak Studies
- Physics
- Montessori
- === Others ===
- Chief Librarian
- Lab Engineer
- Computer Lab Assistant
- Library Assistant
- Library Assistant (IT)
- Receptionist
- Sanitary Worker
- Aya
- Mali
31-Dec-2020 (Thursday) - Dawn
QUEST University Nawabshah Jobs 2020 December 2021 Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Sindh
- === Professors (BPS-21) ===
- Civil
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- Energy and Environment
- Computer Systems
- Electronic Engineering
- Information Technology
- English
- Mathematics
- Islamic Studies
- Computer Science
- === Associate Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Civil
- Energy and Environment
- Electronic
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Information Technology
- Computer Science
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- Electronic Engineering
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Civil
- Mechanical
- Energy and Environment
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Computer Science
- Software and Computer Science
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Civil
- Environmental
- Software Engineering
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Pak Studies
- Islamic Studies
- Management Science
- === Lab Engineers / Instructors (BPS-17) ===
- Mechanical
- Electronic
- Computer Systems
- Telecom Engineering
- Information Technology
- Computer Science
- === Junior Lab Engineers (BPS-16) ===
- Civil
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- Electronic
- Computer Systems
- Chemical
- Telecom
- Environmental
- Software Engineering
- === BPS-17 ===
- Assistant Registrar
- Project Engineer
- === BPS-16 ===
- Accountant
31-Dec-2020 (Thursday) - Express
COMSATS University Islamabad Jobs December 2020 / 2021 CUI Apply Online Visiting / Teaching Faculty Latest
in Islamabad
- === Teaching / Visiting Faculty ===
- Economics
- Electrical & Computer Engineering
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Architecture
- Art and Design
- Health Informatics
- Management Sciences
- Humanities
- Physics
- Biosciences
- Chemistry