04-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Girls Cadet College Larkana Jobs 2023 June Application Form Lecturers & Others Latest
in Larkana, Sindh
- === Lecturers (BPS-17) ===
- English
- Physics
- Urdu
- Pak Studies
- Computer
- Science
- Sindhi
- === BPS-17/18 ===
- Engineer/Assistant Engineer (Civil)
- === BPS-17 ===
- Directress Physical Education
- === BPS-14 ===
- Sub Engineer (Electric)
- Garden Superintendent
- === BPS-12 ===
- Computer Lab/IT Assistant
- === BPS-11 ===
- Senior Drill / PTI JCO Instructor
- === BPS-09 ===
- Laboratory Assistants for Biology & Chemistry Labs
- === BPS-08 ===
- Mess Assistant cum Butler
- === BPS-07 ===
- PT Instructors
- Drill Instructors
- Moazzin / Pesh Imam
- Senior Driver
- === BPS-05 ===
- Telephone Operator
- === BPS-04 ===
- Driver
- === BPS-03 ===
- Bus Cleaner cum Driver
- Security Guard
- === BPS-01/03 ===
- Painter
- === BPS-02 ===
- Cook
- Nanbai
- === BPS-01 ===
- Khadim Masjid
- Peon (Auditorium Attendant)
- Dish Washer
- Bearer/Waitress/House Attendant
04-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Shaukat Khanum Hospital Karachi Jobs June 2023 SKMCH Senior Instructors & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Medical Consultants ===
- Anesthetist
- Chemical Pathology
- Chest Physician/Pulmonologist
- Clinical and Radiation Oncologist
- Critical Care
- Endocrinology & Internal Medicine
- Gynaecologic Oncology Surgeon
- Head and Neck Surgeon
- Hepato-Pancreatico Biliary Surgeon
- Interventional Radiologist
- Medical Oncologist
- Nephrology & Internal Medicine
- Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine
- Nuclear Medicine
- Non-Interventional Cardiologist
- Orthopedic Surgeon
- Pediatrician
- Pediatric - Palliative Medicine
- Pediatric Hospitalist
- Pediatric Intensivist
- Pediatric Oncologist
- Pediatric Surgeon
- Pediatric Infectious diseases
- Pathologist
- Physician Internal / Respiratory Medicine
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Breast Surgeon
- Psychiatrist
- Pulmonology & Critical Care
- Radiation Oncologist
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Urologist
- Physician, Emergency Assessment Room
- === Locum Consultant ===
- Pediatric Hospitalist
- Paediatrician
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Radiation Oncology
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- === Visiting Consultants
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Part Time Pathologist
- === Senior Instructors ===
- Clinical and Radiation Oncology
- Medical Oncology
- Anesthesia
- Breast Surgery
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Pediatric Oncology
- Radiology
- Clinical Hematology
- === CPSP approved Fellowships ===
- Medical Oncology
- Surgical Oncology
- Gastroenterology
- Infectious Diseases
- Pulmonary / Chest Medicine
- Palliative Medicine
- === Hospital Fellowships ===
- Radiology Body Imaging
- Radiation Oncology
- Oncological Imaging
- === Resident Doctors ===
- Surgical Oncology
- Histopathology
- Radiology
- Radiation Oncology
- Medical Officer - Surgical Oncology
- === Nursing & Paramedical Staff ===
- Clinical Nurse Instructor
- Senior Nursing Lecturer/Practitioner
- Post RN BS Oncology Nursing Degree Program
- Post Basic Nursing Diploma Programs (DION,DIPON, DICCN)
- Medical Imaging Technologist
- Junior Medical Imaging Technologist
- === Management, Administration & Technical ===
- Associate Software Engineer-Java
- Associate Software Engineer-Web
- Assistant Manager FMD
- Boiler Engineer
- HVAC Supervisor
- UPS Technician
- Maintenance Technician
- Office Coordinator
- Medical Gas Technician
- Sanitary Worker
- Electrical Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- HVAC Engineer
- Boiler Engineer
- Electrical Supervisor
- Powerhouse Supervisor
- Plumbing Supervisor
- Unit Coordinator
04-Jun-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Shaukat Khanum Hospital Lahore Jobs June 2023 SKMCH Medical Consultants & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Medical Consultants ===
- Anesthetist
- Chemical Pathology
- Chest Physician/Pulmonologist
- Clinical and Radiation Oncologist
- Critical Care
- Endocrinology & Internal Medicine
- Gynaecologic Oncology Surgeon
- Head and Neck Surgeon
- Hepato-Pancreatico Biliary Surgeon
- Interventional Radiologist
- Medical Oncologist
- Nephrology & Internal Medicine
- Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine
- Nuclear Medicine
- Non-Interventional Cardiologist
- Orthopedic Surgeon
- Pediatrician
- Pediatric - Palliative Medicine
- Pediatric Hospitalist
- Pediatric Intensivist
- Pediatric Oncologist
- Pediatric Surgeon
- Pediatric Infectious diseases
- Pathologist
- Physician Internal / Respiratory Medicine
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Breast Surgeon
- Psychiatrist
- Pulmonology & Critical Care
- Radiation Oncologist
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Urologist
- Physician, Emergency Assessment Room
- === Locum Consultant ===
- Pediatric Hospitalist
- Paediatrician
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Radiation Oncology
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- === Visiting Consultants
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Part Time Pathologist
- === Senior Instructors ===
- Clinical and Radiation Oncology
- Medical Oncology
- Anesthesia
- Breast Surgery
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Pediatric Oncology
- Radiology
- Clinical Hematology
- === CPSP approved Fellowships ===
- Medical Oncology
- Surgical Oncology
- Gastroenterology
- Infectious Diseases
- Pulmonary / Chest Medicine
- Palliative Medicine
- === Hospital Fellowships ===
- Radiology Body Imaging
- Radiation Oncology
- Oncological Imaging
- === Resident Doctors ===
- Surgical Oncology
- Histopathology
- Radiology
- Radiation Oncology
- Medical Officer - Surgical Oncology
- === Nursing & Paramedical Staff ===
- Clinical Nurse Instructor
- Senior Nursing Lecturer/Practitioner
- Post RN BS Oncology Nursing Degree Program
- Post Basic Nursing Diploma Programs (DION,DIPON, DICCN)
- Medical Imaging Technologist
- Junior Medical Imaging Technologist
- === Management, Administration & Technical ===
- Associate Software Engineer-Java
- Associate Software Engineer-Web
- Assistant Manager FMD
- Boiler Engineer
- HVAC Supervisor
- UPS Technician
- Maintenance Technician
- Office Coordinator
- Medical Gas Technician
- Sanitary Worker
- Electrical Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- HVAC Engineer
- Boiler Engineer
- Electrical Supervisor
- Powerhouse Supervisor
- Plumbing Supervisor
- Unit Coordinator
02-Jun-2023 (Friday) - Express
Prison Department Balochistan Jobs June 2023 Warders, Sweepers, Drivers, Clerks & Others Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-12 ===
- 02 Assistant Computer Operators
- === BPS-11 ===
- 03 Junior Clerks
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Lady Health Visitor (LHV)
- 01 Junior Drill Instructor
- 02 Mualim Quran
- === BPS-06 ===
- 02 Compounders
- 03 Electricians
- 01 Lab Assistant
- 02 Tailor Master
- 01 X-Ray Technician
- 01 Midwife
- === BPS-05 ===
- 01 Gas Fitter
- === BPS-04 ===
- 01 Motor Mechanic
- 01 Plumber
- 04 Drivers
- === BPS-02 ===
- 02 X-Ray Attendants
- === BPS-01 ===
- 02 Barber
- 01 Cook
- 08 Sweepers
30-May-2023 (Tuesday) - Jang
University of Agriculture Faisalabad Jobs May 2023 June UAF Apply Online Clerks & Others Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === BPS-18 ===
- 01 Data Base Administrator
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Law Officer
- 01 Land Utilization Officer
- 01 Farm Officer
- 12 Research Officers
- 01 Art Designer (Graphics)
- 01 Shop Superintendent (Repair Cell)
- === BPS-16 ===
- 25 Research Assistant
- 01 Reference Assistant
- 04 Assistant Accounts Officer
- 16 Associate Engineer (Lab. Sup.)
- 04 Associate Engineers
- 01 Electronic Technician
- 01 Farm Assistant
- 01 Library Technologist
- 09 Network Assistant
- 01 Pictorial Publicity Officer
- 01 Assistant Editor
- === BPS-15 ===
- 39 Stenographers
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Cameraman
- 01 Network Technician
- 02 Sub Engineer
- === BPS-13 ===
- 03 Data Analyst
- 01 Mass Media Producer
- === BPS-12 ===
- 03 Junior Computer Operators
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Assistant Instruments Technician
- 01 Equitation Instructor
- 03 Game Instructors
- 45 Junior Clerks
- 01 Offset Machine Man
- 01 Plant Superintendent
- 02 Press Assistant
- 01 Urdu Articles Writer
- === BPS-09 ===
- 04 Imam Masjid
- 08 Technicians - ECD
- 02 Foreman G-I
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Foreman G-II
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Technician (Repair Cell)
- 02 Tractor Drivers
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 Poultry Supervisor
- 02 Sanitary Inspectors
- 01 Woman Dispenser
- 01 Veterinary Assistant
- 02 Dispensers
- === BPS-05 ===
- 02 Compositors
- 20 Junior Lab. Assistant
- 08 Junior Field Assistant
- 01 Patwari
- 04 Plumbers
- 02 Assistant Photographers
- === BPS-04 ===
- 15 Drivers
- === BPS-03 ===
- 02 Painters
- 02 Carpenters
- 03 Mason
- === BPS-02 ===
- 02 Ward Servants
- === BPS-01 ===
- 10 Naib Qasid
- 10 Beldar
- 02 Sweepers
- 10 Chowkidar
- 02 Cattle Attendant
- 02 Mali
- 02 Poultry Attendant
- 01 Fisherman
28-May-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Khawaja Fareed University Rahim Yar Khan Jobs May 2023 June Online Apply KFUEIT Clerks & Others Latest
in Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab
- === BPS-16 ===
- 11 Assistant
- 05 Assistant (Accounts)
- 03 Assistant (Auditor)
- 06 Assistant Computer Programmer
- 02 Security Officers
- 02 Senior Sub-Engineers (Civil)
- 02 Senior Sub-Engineers (Electrical)
- 04 Senior Proof Readers
- 04 Personal Assistants
- 02 Nurse
- 02 Deputy Estate Officers
- 10 Teaching Assistant
- 14 Research Assistant
- 02 Media Coordinator
- === BPS-15 ===
- 06 Accountants
- 02 Hardware Technicians
- 28 Computer Operators
- === BPS-14 ===
- 02 Sports Supervisor
- 11 Engineering Lab Assistant
- 06 Library Assistant
- 05 Assistant Security Officers
- 03 Graphic Designers
- 02 Supervisors (Horticulture & Landscaping)
- 01 Supervisor (Construction & Maintenance)
- 06 Workshop Instructors
- 05 Care Takers
- 08 Hostel Warden
- 02 Senior Store Keepers
- 04 Assistant Estate Officers
- 01 Sub Engineer (Electrical)
- 03 Sub Engineer (Civil)
- === BPS-13 ===
- 02 Draftsman
- 03 Power Plant Supervisors
- 05 Laboratory Supervisors
- === BPS-11 ===
- 04 Electricians
- === BPS-12 ===
- 18 Junior Computer Operators
- 01 Imam
- === BPS-11 ===
- 05 Computer Technicians
- 04 CCTV Technicians
- 41 Junior Clerks
- 06 Store Keepers
- 02 Assistant Surveyors
- 04 Library Clerk
- 01 Junior Auditor
- 06 Lab Technicians
- === BPS-09 ===
- 04 Wire Man
- 06 AC & Refrigerator Mechanic
- 01 Cameraman
- 02 Dispenser
- 02 Dresser Female
- === BPS-07 ===
- 02 Welders
- 12 Junior Store Keepers
- 06 Telephone Operators
- === BPS-05 ===
- 15 Machine Operators
- 05 Cook
- 02 Library Attendants
- 03 Generator Operators
- 04 Tube well Operators
- 02 Painters
- 02 Mason
- 04 Maid
- 04 Book Binders
- 35 Security Guards (Male)
- 03 Security Guards (Female)
- 27 Photo Copier Operators
- 03 Auto Mechanics
- 06 Coachs
- 01 Lineman
- 04 Junior Machine Man
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Carpenters
- 04 Telephone Lineman
- 24 Drivers (Bus/LTV/Tractor)
- 10 Dispatch Riders
- 03 Plumbers
- === BPS-02 ===
- 05 Head Mali
- 04 Ground man
- === BPS-01 ===
- 03 Guest House Attendants
- 20 Naib Qasid
- 16 Junior Lab Attendants
- 01 Khadim E Masjid
- 26 Sweepers
- 02 Helpers (Electrician)
- 01 Helper (Plumber)
- 02 Helpers (Mason)
- 01 Helper (Cook)
- 02 Helpers (Carpenter)
- 20 Bus Cleaners / Conductors
- 01 Beldar
- 21 Mali
22-Apr-2023 (Saturday) - Jang
Cadet College Jaffarabad Jobs 2023 April Lab Assistant, Naib Qasid & Others Latest
in Jaffarabad, Quetta
- === BPS-16 ===
- Riding Instructor
- === BPS-07 ===
- Laboratory Assistant
- === BPS-01 ===
- Naib Qasid
- Attendant
- Bearer
- Bus Conductor
- Cleaner
22-Apr-2023 (Saturday) - Express
KPK Public Service Commission Jobs April 2023 Apply Online Advertisement No 04/2023 Latest
in KPK
- === Elementary & Secondary Education Department ===
- 08 Deputy District Education Officer / Deputy Directors (BPS-18)
- === Forestry, Environment & Wildlife Department ===
- 01 Polymer Chemist (BPS-17)
- 04 Accountants (BPS-16)
- === Health Department ===
- 01 Senior Registrar Plastic Surgery (BPS-18)
- === Home and Tribal Affairs Department ===
- 01 Law Officer (BPS-17)
- 01 Senior Instructor (BPS-17)
- 01 Psychologist (BPS-17)
- 06 Deputy Superintendent Jail / PSO to Commandant / Senior Instructor (Prison Management) (BPS-17)
- === Mine & Mineral Development Department ===
- 05 Assistant Director Geologist (BPS-17)
- 01 GIS Development Officer (BPS-17)
- 01 Manager Information (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Director Planning & Development (BPS-17)
- 01 Database Administrator (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Director (Surveillance) (BPS-17)
- === Planning and Development Department ===
- 02 Assistant Director (BPS-17)
- 01 Statistical Officer (BPS-17)
- 06 Statistical Investigators (BPS-16)
16-Apr-2023 (Sunday) - The News
FAST National University Chiniot Faisalabad Campus Jobs 2023 April Apply Online Teaching Faculty Latest
in Chiniot, Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers & Instructors ===
- Computer Science
- Management Sciences
16-Apr-2023 (Sunday) - The News
FAST National University Peshawar Campus Jobs 2023 April Apply Online Teaching Faculty Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- === Associate / Assistant Professors ===
- === Lecturers / Instructors ===
- Computing
- Sciences & Humanities
16-Apr-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Cadet College Muzaffarabad Jobs 2023 April Security Guards, Lab Attendants & Others Latest
in Muzzaffarabad, AJK
- 01 Lecturer Biology (BPS-17)
- 01 Head Clerk (BPS-16)
- 01 Mess Officer (BPS-16)
- 01 Director Physical Education (DPE (BPS-16)
- 01 Senior Clerk (BPS-14)
- 01 Data Entry Operator (BPS-12)
- 01 Junior Clerk (BPS-11)
- 01 Health Technician (BPS-09)
- 01 Electrician (BPS-09)
- 02 Film Projectionist (BPS-08)
- 01 Dresser MI Room (BPS-07)
- 01 Library Clerk (BPS-07)
- 01 Moazan / Khadim Masjid (BPS-07)
- 01 Mess Assistant (BPS-07)
- 05 Lab Assistant (BPS-07)
- 01 Mechanic / Pump Operator (BPS-05)
- 03 Lab Attendants / Lab Boys (BPS-05)
- 03 Driver (BPS-04)
- 03 Head Cook / Cook (BPS-04)
- 01 Security Incharge (BPS-04)
- 05 Waiters (BPS-02)
- 04 Daftari / Naib Qasid & Bus Conductors (BPS-01)
- 03 Masalchis (BPS-01)
- 03 Ground Men (BPS-01)
- 03 Nan Bys (BPS-01)
- 05 Mali (BPS-01)
- 11 Security Guards (BPS-01)
- 05 Sanitary Workers (BPS-01)
12-Apr-2023 (Wednesday) - Jang
Balochistan Levies Force Khuzdar Jobs April 2023 Sweepers, Waiters, Bawarchi & Others Latest
in Khuzdar, Balochistan
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Mess Incharge
- 02 Physical Instructors
- === BPS-08 ===
- 02 Electricians
- === BPS-07 ===
- 02 Armourer
- 02 Sipahi
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Drivers
- 01 Plumber
- === BPS-01 ===
- 01 Plumber (Helper)
- 04 Naib Qasid
- === BPS-Others ===
- 01 Barber (Nai)
- 05 Bawarchi
- 01 Mess Incharge
- 04 Nurses
- 06 Sweepers
- 06 Waiters
11-Apr-2023 (Tuesday) - Dawn
School Education and Literacy Department Sindh Jobs April 2023 SPSC Online Apply Instructors, Lecturers & Others Latest
in Sindh
- 05 Principal (BPS-19)
- 09 Associate Professors (BPS-19)
- 30 Assistant Professors (BPS-18)
- 184 Instructors / Lecturer (BPS-17)
09-Apr-2023 (Sunday) - Jang
Instructor Jobs in Pakistan Navy Polytechnic Institute Karachi 2023 April Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- Instructor for DAE Mechatronics
08-Apr-2023 (Saturday) - Dawn
Lecturer / Instructor Jobs in NUML University Islamabad April 2023 Application Form Latest
in Islamabad
- === Lecturer / Senior Instructor / Instructors ===
- French
- Spanish
- German
- Bangla
- Turkish
- Korean
- Japanese
02-Apr-2023 (Sunday) - Express
FAST National University Islamabad Jobs April 2023 Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Lab Engineers Latest
in Islamabad
- === Assistant Professor ===
- Computer Science
- Cyber Security
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- === Instructor ===
- Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
- Computer Science
- Cyber Security
- Software Engineering
- Finance
- Research Methods
- Programming
- Machine Learning
- Business Analytics
- Data Science
- English
- === Lab Engineers ===
- Computer Engineering
- Electronics
- === Lecturers ===
- Artificial Intelligence & Data Science
- Computer Science
- Cyber Security
- Software Engineering
- Mathematics
- English
- Pakistan Studies
02-Apr-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Shaukat Khanum Hospital Lahore Jobs April 2023 SKMCH Visiting Consultants & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Consultants ===
- Anaesthetist
- Chemical Pathology
- Chest Physician/Pulmonologist
- Clinical and Radiation Oncologist
- Critical Care
- Endocrinology & Internal Medicine
- Gynaecologic Oncology Surgeon
- Head and Neck Surgeon
- Interventional Radiologist
- Medical Oncologist
- Nephrology & Internal Medicine
- Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine
- Nuclear Medicine
- Non-Interventional Cardiologist
- Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Paediatrician
- Paediatric - Palliative Medicine
- Paediatric Hospitalist
- Paediatric Intensivist
- Paediatric Oncologist
- Paediatric Surgeon
- Paediatric Infectious diseases
- Pathologist
- Physician Internal / Respiratory Medicine
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Breast Surgeon
- Psychiatrist
- Pulmonology & Critical Care
- Radiation Oncologist
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Urologist
- Physician, Emergency Assessment Room
- Paediatric Hospitalist
- --- Locum Consultants ---
- Paediatrician
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Radiation Oncology
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- --- Visiting Consultants ---
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- --- Senior Instructors ---
- Clinical and Radiation Oncology
- Pathology
- Medical Oncology
- Anaesthesia
- Breast Surgery
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
- Paediatric Gastroenterology
- Paediatric Infectious Disease
- Paediatric Oncology
- Radiology
- Clinical Haematology
- --- PSP approved Fellowships ---
- Gastroenterology
- Infectious Diseases
- Pulmonary / Chest Medicine
- Endocrinology
- Palliative Medicine
- Radiation Oncology
- Orthopedic & Musculoskeletal Tumors
- === Others ===
- Trainee Medical Technician (ICU)
- Management, Administration & Technical:
- Chief Financial officer
- Scanning Assistant (Contractual)
- Deputy Manager Supply Chain
- Bio Medical Engineer
- Boiler Engineer, HVAC Supervisor UPS Technician
- Maintenance Technician Electrician
- Office Coordinator
- Medical Gas Technician
- Sanitary Worker
02-Apr-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Army Public School and College Faisal Karachi Jobs 2023 April Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Computer
- Biology
- Geography
- History
- Urdu
- Islamiat
- Computer Science
- Tajweed
- === Others ===
- Emotional Health Counselor (Psychologist)
- Physical Training Instructor (PTI)
- Music Teacher
- Section Clerk
- Telephone Operator
- Work Supervisor
02-Apr-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Army Public School and College Saddar Campus Karachi Jobs 2023 April Teachers & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Teachers ===
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Urdu
- Islamiat
- Commerce
- Computer Science
- English
- Geography
- History
- Home Teacher
- Arts
- Biology
- === Others ===
- Section Heads
- Coordinator to Principal
- Section Head Clerk
- Science Lab Attendant
- Librarian
- Assistant Accountant
- Telephone Operator
31-Mar-2023 (Friday) - Dawn
Agriculture Supply and Prices Department Sindh Jobs March 2023 April SPSC Online Apply Latest
in Sindh
- === BPS-17 ===
- 02 Information Officers
- 141 Agriculture / Research / Planning Officers / Instructors / Demonstrators
- 10 Statistical Officers
26-Mar-2023 (Sunday) - Jang
Cadet College Sialkot Jobs 2023 March Teachers & Others Latest
in Sialkot, Punjab
- === Teachers ===
- English
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Pakistan Studies
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Computer
- Urdu
- === Others ===
- Head Clerk
- Accounts Clerk
- Coaches
- Mess Cook
- Mess Waiter
- Canteen Incharge
- PT Master / Drill Instructor
26-Mar-2023 (Sunday) - Jang
Fazaia Inter College Rawalpindi Jobs March 2023 Teachers & Others Jinnah Campus Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Teachers ===
- Math
- Urdu
- Pakistan Studies
- Computer Science
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Science
- English
- Music Teacher
- === Others ===
- Nursing
- Computer Operator
26-Mar-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Cadet College Jhelum Jobs 2023 March Coaches, Clerk & Others Latest
in Jhelum, Punjab
- Clerk
- PT / Drill Instructor
- Game Coach
- Horse Riding Instructor
- Arabic Teacher
- Nursing
- Storeman
- Hostel Warden
- Mess Incharge
- Chef / Bawarch / Cook
- Tandoorchi
- CCTV Technician / Electrician
- Librarian
- Lab Assistant
- Security Guard
- Driver
- Mazdoor / Mistry / Mali / Khakroob
26-Mar-2023 (Sunday) - The Nation
Pakistan Air Force Jobs March 2023 Online Registration Join as Aero Trades, Sportsman & Education Instructors Latest
in Pakistan
- === Education Instructors ===
- Math
- Physics
- English
- === Others ===
- Aero Trades
- Sportsman
23-Mar-2023 (Thursday) - Express
Cantt Public Education System Mardan Jobs 2023 March Apply Online Teachers & Others Latest
in Mardan, KPK
- Montessori Teacher
- Junior Teacher
- English Teacher
- Science Teacher
- Mathematics Teacher
- Geography/History Teacher
- Computer Lab Attendant
- Science Lab Attendant
- Qaria
- Driving Instructor
- Computer Teacher
- Fashion Designing
- Admin Supervisor/Section Head
19-Mar-2023 (Sunday) - Jang
Pakistan Navy Civilian Jobs March 2023 Online Registration Join in B-2023 Batch Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-15 ===
- 05 Assistant
- 01 Machine Supervisor
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Sports Coach Shooting
- 04 Language Interpreter
- 24 Data Entry Operator
- === BPS-13 ===
- 06 Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- === BPS-12 ===
- 08 Junior Scientific Assistant
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Assistant Examiner Electrical
- 05 Assistant Examiner Ammunition
- 01 Assistant Examiner Store
- 03 Assistant Examiner Mechanical
- 01 Civilian Workshop Supervisor
- 26 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- === BPS-10 ===
- 03 Photographer
- === BPS-09 ===
- 02 Lady Health Worker (LHW)
- 02 Assistant Store Keeper
- === BPS-08 ===
- 10 Librarian
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Lab Assistant
- 01 Junior Drawing Instructor
- 02 Boxing Instructor
- 05 Receptionist
- 01 Lady Receptionist
- 07 Storeman
- 09 Midwife
- 04 Engine Driver
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 Sanitary Inspector
- 01 Junior Proof Reader
- === BPS-05 ===
- 10 Khadim Masjid
- 02 Tracer
- 07 Lab Attendant
- 01 Cinema Projectionist
- 01 Copy Holder
- 10 Crane Driver
- 01 Crane Operator
- 06 Moazzan
- 90 Police Constable
- === BPS-04 ===
- 21 Driver MT
- === BPS-03 ===
- 01 Book Binder
- 09 Lascar
- === BPS-01 ===
- 13 Naib Qasid
- 02 Khakroob
- 03 Mali
19-Mar-2023 (Sunday) - Dawn
Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training Islamabad Jobs 2023 March Application Form Latest
in Islamabad
- 01 Assistant (BPS-15)
- 01 Stenotypist (BPS-14)
- 02 Junior Instructor Commerce (BPS-14)
- 02 Junior Instructor Electronics (BPS-14)
- 01 Librarian (BPS-11)
- 01 Storekeeper (BPS-08)
- 02 Shop Assistant (BPS-06)
- 01 Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
- 02 Sweeper (BPS-01)
19-Mar-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Cadet College Nushki Jobs 2023 March Lecturers & Others Latest
in Nushki, Balochistan
- === BPS-17 ===
- Lecturer Pakistan Studies
- Lecturer English
- Lecturer Urdu
- === BPS-16 ===
- Computer Instructor
- === BPS-14 ===
- Khateeb / Pesh Imam
- === BPS-08 ===
- Carpenter / Wood Polisher
- Plumber
- Dispenser
- === BPS-01 ===
- Nan Bai (Helper)
- Waiter
- Sweeper
- Cook
18-Mar-2023 (Saturday) - Dawn
University of Sufism and Modern Sciences Bhitshah Matiari Jobs 2023 March Application Form USMS Latest
in Matiari, Sindh
- Registrar (BPS-19)
- Deputy Registrar (BPS-18)
- Deputy Director QEC (BPS-18)
- Instructor Sports (BPS-16)
- Office Assistant (BPS-14)
15-Mar-2023 (Wednesday) - Dawn
PCSIR Jobs 2023 March Application Form Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Gwadar Latest
in Gwadar, Balochistan
- 01 Chief Instructor (BS-18)
- 01 Senior Instructor (BS-17)
- 01 Accounts Officer (BS-17)
- 01 Admin Officer (BS-17)
- 02 Instructors (BS-16)
- 01 Assistant (BS-15)
- 02 UDC / Cashier (BS-11)
- 03 Technicians (BS-11)
- 02 Drivers (BS-04)
- 02 Naib Qasid (BS-01)
- 02 Sanitary Workers (BS-01)
- 01 Gardener (BS-01)
- 06 Security Guards (BS-01)
14-Mar-2023 (Tuesday) - The News
Cadet College Swat Jobs 2023 March Lecturers, Sanitary Workers & Others Latest
in Swat, KPK
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Lecturer Urdu
- 01 Lecturer Chemistry
- 01 Lecturer Mathematics
- 01 Lecturer Islamic Studies
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 RMO
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Junior Clerk
- 01 MT Supervisor
- 01 Sub Engineer
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Staff Car Driver
- 01 Sport Coach
- 02 Drill Instructors
- === BPS-06 ===
- 02 Telephone Operators
- === BPS-04 ===
- 01 Store Man
- 01 Mess Cook
- === BPS-03 ===
- 02 Security Guards
- === BPS-02 ===
- 02 Mess Water
- 04 Sanitary Workers
12-Mar-2023 (Sunday) - Jang
Army Public School and College Rawalpindi Jobs March 2023 Security Guard, PTI & Control Room Operator Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- Security Guard
- Assistant Control Room Operator
11-Mar-2023 (Saturday) - Express
District Public School Jhelum Jobs 2023 March Subject Teachers & Others Latest
in Jhelum, Punjab
- 01 Principal
- 01 Headmistress
- 05 Home Room Teachers (Female)
- 06 Subject Teachers (Female)
- 01 Art Teacher (Female)
- 01 Physical Education Teacher
- 01 Librarian (Female)
- 01 Music Teacher
- 01 Teacher (Nazra)
- 01 Head Clerk
- 01 Front Desk Officer (Female)
- 01 Peon / Office Boy
- 01 Aya
- 01 Sweeper
- 01 Sweepress
- 01 Security Guard
- 01 Night Chowkidar
10-Mar-2023 (Friday) - Jang
Pakistan Bait Ul Mal Jobs 2023 March Instructors & Others Latest
in Pakistan
- 44 Instructors for Vocational Center
- 10 Teachers
- 07 Computer Instructors
- 05 Assistant Wardens
- 05 Cartaker
- 05 Sweepers
- 02 In Charge
- 02 Laundary Man / Women
- 01 Qaria
- 01 Qaria
- 01 Accounts Clerk / Record Keeper
- 01 Naib Qasid
09-Mar-2023 (Thursday) - Express
Teaching Jobs in Cantonment Board Kohat 2023 March Apply Online Latest
in Kohat, KPK
- 05 English
- 01 Biology
- 04 Math
- 02 Physics
- 03 Science
- 01 Islamiyat
- 01 Pak Studies
- 03 Montessori Teachers (Female)
- 02 PTI
07-Mar-2023 (Tuesday) - Jang
Lyallpur Girls Cadet College Faisalabad Jobs 2023 March Female Teachers & Others Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- Principal (Male)
- Female Academic Coordinator (Residential)
- Female Teachers (English, Pak Study, Urdu, Math, Islamiyat, Computer)
- Admission / Exam Officer
- Librarian (Female)
- Office Superintendent
- House Mistress
- PA to Principal
- Office Clerks
- College SM/Sub
- Receptionist/ Tel Operator
- Drill Instructors
- PT instructors
- Store man
- Adm JCO
- Adm NCO
- Mess Hav
- Mess Waitress
- Female House Bearer
- Peons (Male/Female)
- Drummer and Bugler
05-Mar-2023 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Education Department Gilgit Baltistan Jobs March 2023 FPSC Apply Online Teachers & Others Latest
in Gilgit Baltistan
- === BPS-19 ===
- 48 Principal / Vice Principal / Headmaster (Male)
- 10 Principal / Vice Principal / Headmistress (Female)
- === BPS-18 ===
- 32 Principal / Headmaster / Senior Teachers / Instructors (Male)
- 17 Principal / Headmaster / Senior Teachers / Instructors (Female)
- === BPS-17 ===
- --- 49 Subject Specialists (Female) ---
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Urdu
- --- 44 Subject Specialists (Male) ---
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- English
- Islamiat
- Mathematics
- Pakistan Studies
- Physics
- === BPS-16 ===
- 79 Physical Education Teachers (Female)
- 60 Trained Graduate Teachers (Female)
- 162 Trained Graduate Teachers (Male)
05-Mar-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Shaukat Khanum Hospital Karachi Jobs 2023 March Senior Instructors & Others SKMCH Latest
in Karachi
- === Medical Consultants ===
- Part Time Consultant Medical Oncologist
- Visiting Consultant Radiologist
- === Senior Instructor ===
- Anaesthesia
- Breast Surgery
- Clinical and Radiation Oncology
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Infectious Diseases
- Medical Oncology
- Microbiology
- Nuclear Medicine
- Paediatric Critical Care
- Paediatric Infectious Diseases
- Paediatric Oncology
- Pathology
- Clinical Haematology
- Radiology
- Surgical Oncology
- === Others ===
- Staff Nurse
- Assistant Director Nursing
- Clinical Nursing Manager (OR)
- Manager/Deputy Manager HIPC
05-Mar-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Shaukat Khanum Hospital Lahore Jobs March 2023 SKMCH Medical Consultants & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Consultants ===
- Anaesthetist
- Chemical Pathology
- Chest Physician/Pulmonologist
- Clinical and Radiation Oncologist
- Critical Care
- Endocrinology & Internal Medicine
- Gynaecologic Oncology Surgeon
- Head and Neck Surgeon
- Interventional Radiologist
- Medical Oncologist
- Nephrology & Internal Medicine
- Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine
- Nuclear Medicine
- Non-Interventional Cardiologist
- Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Paediatric - Palliative Medicine
- Paediatric Hospitalist
- Paediatric Intensivist
- Paediatric Oncologist
- Paediatric Surgeon
- Paediatric Infectious diseases
- Pathologist
- Physician Internal / Respiratory Medicine
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Psychiatrist
- Pulmonology & Critical Care
- Radiation Oncologist
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Urologist
- Physician, Emergency Assessment Room
- --- Locum Consultants ---
- Paediatric Hospitalist
- Paediatrician
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Radiation Oncology
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- --- Visiting Consultants ---
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- === Senior Instructors ===
- Clinical and Radiation Oncology
- Pathology
- Medical Oncology
- Anaesthesia
- Breast Surgery
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Paediatric Intensive Care Unit
- Paediatric Gastroenterology
- Paediatric Infectious Disease
- Paediatric Oncology
- Radiology
- Clinical Haematology
- === CPSP approved Fellowships ===
- Gastroenterology
- Infectious Diseases
- Pulmonary / Chest Medicine
- Endocrinology
- Palliative Medicine
- Medical Oncology
- === Nursing Staff ===
- Senior Nursing Lecturer
- Nursing Lecturer / Practitioner
- Clinical Nurse Manger
- Team Leaders-Nursing
- Senior Nurse -Nursing Practice development
- Staff Nurses (All levels)
- === Others ===
- Assistant Manager Food & Dietary
- Deputy Manager Quality Assurance
- Quality Assurance Officer
- Patient Relations Officer
- Boiler Engineer
- HVAC Supervisor
- UPS Technician
- Maintenance Technician
- Electrician
- Office Coordinator
- Medical Gas Technician
- Sanitary Worker
26-Feb-2023 (Sunday) - Express
School Education Department Balochistan Jobs 2023 February / March Application Form Teachers Latest Advertisement
in Balochistan
- === 8551 Vacancies for Teachers ===
- 690 Elementary School Teachers (EST) (BPS-15)
- 596 Junior English Teachers (JET) (BPS-14)
- 73 Junior English Teachers (Technical) (BPS-14)
- 510 Junior Drawing Masters (JDM) (BPS-14)
- 203 Junior Arabic Teachers (JAT) (BPS-14)
- 357 Physical Education Teachers (PET) (BPS-14)
- 5538 Junior Vernacular Teachers (JVT) (BPS-09)
- 584 Mualim ul Quran (M-Q) (BPS-09)
18-Feb-2023 (Saturday) - Express
Directorate of Manpower and Training Balochistan Jobs 2023 February Workshop Attendants & Others Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-14 ===
- 02 Instructors
- 01 Instructor (Female)
- 01 Accountant
- === BPS-05 ===
- 34 Workshop Attendants
- 01 Assistant Storekeeper
- 01 Sub Storekeeper
12-Feb-2023 (Sunday) - The News
Islamabad Police Jobs 2023 February Apply Online Coordinators, Victim Attendants & Others ICT Latest
in Islamabad
- === PPS-07 ===
- 02 Clinical Psychologists
- 01 First Aid Officer
- 01 Software Engineer
- 01 Mobile App Developer
- 01 Network / System Administrator
- 01 Account Officer
- 01 Office Superintendent
- === PPS-05 ===
- 15 Coordinators
- 02 Curriculum Development Specialists
- 02 Editors
- 05 Law Instructors
- 05 PT / Drill Instructors
- 04 Communication Experts
- 05 Accounts Assistants
- === PPS-03 ===
- 20 Victim Attendants
12-Feb-2023 (Sunday) - Dawn
Cadet College Karampur Jobs 2023 February Application Form Lecturers & Others Latest
in Karampur, Sindh
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Lecturer (Physics)
- 01 Lecturer (Pakistan Studies)
- 01 Lecturer (Chemistry)
- 01 Lecturer (IT)
- 01 Bursar
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Cataloguer
- === BPS-12 ===
- 01 Care Taker
- 02 Upper Division Clerk
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Mess Assistant
- 01 Electrician
- 01 Carpenter
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 PT Instructor
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 Security Assistant
- === BPS-03 ===
- 02 Cook
- === BPS-02 ===
- 02 House Bearers
- === BPS-01 ===
- 01 Masalchi
- 02 Peons
- 06 Ground Man/ Malhi
- 05 Sweepers
11-Feb-2023 (Saturday) - Express
Institute of Research Advanced Studies of Pharmacy Multan Jobs 2023 February Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Multan, Punjab
- === Assistant Professors / Lecturers ===
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacy Practice
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- English
- Islamic Studies
- Pakistan Studies
- Arabic (Quran Translation)
- === Others ===
- Dean/Director/Principal
- Assistant Professor - Nursing
- Lecturer/Instructor & Clinical Nursing Instructor
- Program Coordinator
- Public Relations Officer (PRO)
- Admin Officer (Administration/Admissions)
- Accountant
- Computer Operator
- Assistant Librarian
- Lab Attendant
08-Feb-2023 (Wednesday) - Jang
Directorate of Technical Education Balochistan Jobs 2023 February Shop Assistant / Attendant & Others Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-14 ===
- 03 Warden
- === BPS-12 ===
- 02 Assistant Computer Operators
- === BPS-11 ===
- 03 Draftsman
- 01 Junior Clerk
- 03 Surveyors
- === BPS-10 ===
- 05 Shop Instructors
- === BPS-08 ===
- 02 Carpenters
- 03 Cataloguers
- 01 Electrician
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 Lab Assistant
- 12 Shop Assistants
- === BPS-05 ===
- 01 Care Taker
- 01 Mason
- 01 Plumber
- 08 Shop Attendants
- === BPS-01 ===
- 04 Bus Cleaner
- 05 Chowkidar
- 03 Cook
- 02 Mali
- 06 Naib Qasid
- 01 Photo Machine Operator
- 07 Security Guards
- 08 Sweepers
05-Feb-2023 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs February 2023 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement 2/2023 02/2023 Latest
in Pakistan
- === Ministry of Maritime Affairs ===
- Director - Research Assessment (BPS-19)
- === Ministry of National Services, Regulations & Coordination ===
- Programmer (BPS-18)
- Fellow (BPS-18)
- Associate Fellow (BPS-17)
- Medical Officers (BPS-17)
- === Staff Welfare Organization ===
- Instructor - English (BPS-16)
- === National Highways & Motorways Police ===
- Computer Operator (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Interior ===
- Deputy Director (BPS-18)
- === Directorate General of Special Education ===
- Director (BPS-19)
- === Ministry of Climate Change ===
- Deputy Inspector General (Forest) (BPS-19)
- === Ordnance Corps , GHQ ===
- Civilian Medical Practitioner (BPS-17)
- Junior Civilian Security Officer (BPS-16)
- === Naval Headquarters ===
- Senior Assistant Naval Store Officer (BPS-17)
- Senior Armament Supply Officer (BPS-17)
- Senior Manager Personnel & Admin Department (BPS-17)
- === Corps of EME ===
- Civilian Store Officer (BPS-18)
- === Local Government and Rural Development ===
- Assistant Director (BPS-17)
- Assistant Executive Engineer - Civil (BPS-17)
- Accountant (BPS-16)
- Development Officer (BPS-16)
- Assistant (BPS-16)
- === Anti Narcotics Control ===
- Deputy Director - Database Administration (BPS-18)
05-Feb-2023 (Sunday) - Express
Shaukat Khanum Hospital Lahore Jobs February 2023 SKMCH Medical Consultants & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Medical Consultants ===
- Anaesthetist
- Chemical Pathology
- Chest Physician/Pulmonologist
- Clinical and Radiation Oncologist
- Critical Care
- Endocrinology & Internal Medicine
- Gynaecologic Oncology Surgeon
- Head and Neck Surgeon
- Interventional Radiologist
- Medical Oncologist
- Nephrology & Internal Medicine
- Nuclear Medicine
- Non-Interventional Cardiologist
- Orthopaedic Surgeon
- Paediatric - Palliative Medicine
- Paediatric Hospitalist
- Paediatric Intensivist
- Paediatric Oncologist
- Paediatric Surgeon
- Pathologist
- Physician Internal / Respiratory Medicine
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Psychiatrist
- Pulmonology & Critical Care
- Radiation Oncologist
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Urologist
- Physician, Emergency Assessment Room
- === Locum Consultants ===
- Paediatric Hospitalist
- Paediatrician
- Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon
- Radiation Oncology
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- === Visiting Consultants ===
- Radiologist
- Thoracic Surgeon
- === Senior Instructors ===
- Clinical and Radiation Oncology
- Pathology
- Medical Oncology
- Anaesthesia
- Breast Surgery
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Paediatric Oncology
- Radiology
- Clinical Haematology
- === CPSP approved Fellowships ===
- Gastroenterology
- Infectious Diseases
- Pulmonary/Chest Medicine
- Palliative Medicine
- Medical Oncology
- === Others ===
- Hospital Fellowships - Anaesthesia
- Resident Doctors - Orofacial Pain Medicine
- Trainee Medical Technician (CSSD)
- Trainee Medical Technician (OR)
- Senior Software Process Engineer
- Hardware Technician
- Assistant Manager Food & Dietary
- Law Office coordinator
- Quality Assurance Officer
- Patient Relations Officer
- Manager Human Resources
- Deputy Manager Facilities Safety
- Officer Facilities Safety
- Executive Secretary-Internal Medicine
- Boiler Engineer, Engineering & Maintenance
- HVAC Supervisor
- UPS Technician
- Maintenance Technician
- Office Coordinator
- Medical Gas Technician
04-Feb-2023 (Saturday) - Dawn
NUML University Karachi Jobs 2023 February Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Assistant Professors / Lecturers ===
- Statistics
- Computer Science
- Information Technology
- English
- Environmental Sciences
- International Relations
- Islamic Studies
- Media & Communication Studies
- Education Sciences
- === Senior Instructor / Instructors ===
- English
- German
02-Feb-2023 (Thursday) - Jang
BPSC Jobs 2023 February Online Apply Consolidated Advertisement No 01/2023 Latest
in Balochistan
- === Health Department ===
- === BPS-18 ===
- 01 Assistant Professor
- 03 Senior Registrars
- === Balochistan Agriculture Department ===
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 IT Specialist
- === Local Government & Rural Development Department ===
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Instructor Development Administration
- 01 Instructor Rural Economics
- === Information Department ===
- === BPS-17 ===
- 02 Assistant Director (Public Relations)
- 01 Assistant Director (Films & Publications)
- === Energy Department ===
- === BPS-17 ===
- 04 Assistant Electric Inspectors
- 07 Assistant Directors
- 04 Assistant Directors (Reconciliation)
- === Industries and Commerce Department ===
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Law Officer
- 08 Assistant Directors
- === Sports and Youth Affairs Department ===
- === BPS-17 ===
- 06 Assistant Directors
- 07 District Sports Officer
- 06 Assistant Directors (Sports)
- === Culture Tourism and Archives Department ===
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Assistant Director
- === BPS-16 ===
- 03 Research Officers
- 01 Graphic Designer
- === Board of Revenue ===
- === BPS-16 ===
- 03 Assistant
29-Jan-2023 (Sunday) - Jang
Allied School City Campus Rawalpindi Jobs 2023 Teachers & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- Principal
- Head Teacher
- Head Pre-School
- Sub Coordinator
- Sub Teacher
- Montessori Teacher
- Music Teacher
- Aya