13-Jul-2014 (Sunday) - Express
Crescent Model School Lahore Jobs 2014 July for Teaching Faculty
in Lahore
- === Teachers ===
- Chemistry
- English
- Urdu
- Pakistan Studies
- Islamiat
- Games
- Physical Education
- Geography
13-Jul-2014 (Sunday) - Express
Jobs in Karachi 2014 July for Civil Instructor, Administrative Incharge, Recruitment Specialist, Security Guard & Cleaners
in Karachi
- Civil Trade Instructor
- Civil Traders Assistant Instructor
- Administrative In-Charge
- Recruitment Specialist
- Security Guard
- Cleaners
13-Jul-2014 (Sunday) - The Nation
Army Public School and College Hyderabad Cantt Jobs 2014 July for Teaching & Non-Teaching Faculty
in Hyderabad
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- --- O / A Levels ---
- English
- Urdu
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Pak Studies
- Biology
- Economics
- Islamiyat
- Sindi
- --- Class I-VIII ---
- English
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- History
- Computer
- General Science
- --- PG to Prep ---
- Montessori Trained Teacher
- === Non-Teaching Faculty ===
- Physical Training Instructor
- Computer Operator
- --- Lab Assistant ---
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
12-Jul-2014 (Saturday) - Dawn
Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Jobs 2014 July for Teaching Faculty & Non-Teaching Staff
in Rawalpindi, Khushab
- === Assistant Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Agriculture Engineering & Technology
- === Lecturer (BPS-18) ===
- Agriculture Extension
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Executive Engineer - Civil (BPS-18)
- Electronics Engineer (BPS-18)
- Protocol Officer (BPS-17)
- Lab Engineer (BPS-17)
- Sports Instructor (Female) (BPS-16)
- Game / Sports Instructor (BPS-16)
- Accounts Assistant (BPS-14)
10-Jul-2014 (Thursday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
District Public School & BSD College Kasur Jobs 2014 July for Teaching Faculty
in Kasur
- === Teachers (Male) ===
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- English
- Computer
- B.Sc. / B.Ed.
- === Teachers (Female) ===
- Mathematics
- Botany
- B.Sc. / B.Ed.
- === Other Position ===
- Physical Education Training
06-Jul-2014 (Sunday) - Express
DHA Karachi Jobs July 2014 for Teaching Faculty & Physical Training Instructors
in Karachi
- === Teachers ===
- English
- Urdu
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Biology
- Computer
- Fine Arts
- Montessori Directress
- Political Science
- Pak Studies
- Geography
- Islamic Studies
- === Non-Teaching Positions ===
- Physical Training Instructor
06-Jul-2014 (Sunday) - Express
Fazaia Inter College Rawalpindi Jobs 2014 July for Junior Teacher & Incharge Progress Section
in Rawalpindi
- Junior Teacher (Female) (FPS-10)
- In-Charge Progress Section (FPS-10)
05-Jul-2014 (Saturday) - Jang
Public School Hyderabad Jobs 2014 July for Teaching Faculty & Administrative Staff
in Hyderabad
- === Teachers ===
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Urdu
- Sindhi
- English
- General Science
- Computer
- === Administrative Positions ===
- Director Physical Education
- Secretary to Principal
- PT / Sport Instructor
- Librarian
03-Jul-2014 (Thursday) - The Nation
PO Box 914 GPO Lahore Jobs 2014 July in Public Sector Organization
in Lahore, Sargodha
- Textile Designer
- Master Trainer - Adda Work
- Master Trainer - Core Skills Literacy
- Instructor - Core Skills
- Instructor - Vocational Skills (Adda Work)
- Field Supervisor
30-Jun-2014 (Monday) - Express
Resource Academia Jobs 2014 June / July Latest for Teaching Faculty & Admin Staff
in Lahore, Islamabad, Okara, Abbottabad, Sialkot, Sahiwal, Faisalabad
- === Administrative Staff ===
- Vice Principal
- Academic Coordinator
- Section Coordinator
- Relationship Officer
- Accounts Officer
- Front Desk Officer
- Liaison Officer CIE / British Council
- Admin Officer
- Web Portal In-Charge
- P.E. Instructor
- Karate Instructor
- Gymnastic Instructor
- Doctors / Nurses on Call
- === Teachers ===
- Head Teacher
- Pre-School
- Teacher Assistant
- Lower Primary Level
- Upper Primary Level
- Pre O-Level
- Co-Teacher
- Art
- Music
- English Language
- Foreign Language
- Computer
- === Subject Specialists ===
- English Language
- ELT / English Phonics
- Urdu Language
- Mathematics
- History
- Geography
- Pak Studies
- Islamiyat
- Art & Craft
- Science
- Social Studies
- Computer Science
- Early Years Education
- === Media & Communications ===
- Web Editors
- Social Media Incharge
- Web Portal Incharge
- News Letter Editor
- Animators
- Illustrator
- Campus Relationship Officers
29-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Elite Group of Colleges Gujranwala Jobs 2014 June / July for Teaching Faculty & Admin Staff
in Gujranwala
- === Lecturers ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Economics
- English
- Urdu
- Computer Sciences
- === Non-Teaching Positions ===
- DPE - Physical Education
- Librarian
- Lab Attendant
- Watchman
29-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Lahore Lyceum Lahore Jobs 2014 June / July for Teaching Faculty & Administrative Positions
in Lahore
- Head & SMs (Montessori & Primary Sections)
- Home Teachers (Montessori & Pre-Junior Sections)
- Subject Teachers (All Subjects of Primary Section)
- Arts / Music Teachers
- Physical Education (PE) Teachers
- Librarian
29-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - The News
Wapda Cadet College Tarbela Jobs 2014 June / July for Teaching Faculty & Non-Teaching Staff
in Tarbela
- === Lecturer (Male) (BPS-17) ===
- English
- Biology
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Urdu
- Pak Studies
- Islamiyat
- === Admin Staff ===
- Budget & Accounts Officer (BPS-17)
- Assistant Budget & Accounts Officer (BPS-15/16)
- Sports Officer (BPS-15/16)
- PA (BPS-14/15)
- Accounts Assistant (BPS-14)
- Caretakers (BPS-11)
29-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - The News
FAST University Islamabad Jobs 2014 June / July for Teaching Faculty & Admin Staff
in Islamabad
- ====== Associate Professors, Lecturers =====
- === Assistant Professors & Lab Instructors ===
- Marketing
- Economics
- Operations Management
- Business Information Systems
- Information Systems Audit & Control
- Business Process Management
- Accounting & Finance
- Psychology & Sociology
- === Department of Science & Humanities ===
- Lecturer: Islamic Studies & Pakistan Studies
- === Administrative Positions ===
- Manager / Assistant Manager Placement
- Deputy Manager Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC)
- Assistant Manager HRM
24-Jun-2014 (Tuesday) - Dawn
BUET Khuzdar Jobs 2014 June Balochistan University of Engineering & Technology
in Khuzdar, Balochistan
- === Professor (NPS-21) ===
- Civil Engineering
- Mathematics
- === Associate Professor (NPS-20) ===
- Electrical Engineering
- === Assistant Professor (NPS-19) ===
- Civil Engineering
- === Lecturer (NPS-18) ===
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mathematics
- === Lab Lecturer (NPS-18) ===
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- === Non-Teaching Positions ===
- Controller of Examination (NPS-20)
- Treasurer (NPS-20)
- Director P&D (NPS-19)
- Senior Engineer (NPS-18)
- Director Sports (NPS-18)
- Assistant Engineer (NPS-17)
- Data Analyst QEC (NPS-17)
- Assistant Director Sports (NPS-16)
- Computer Operator (NPS-16)
- Shop Instructor MED (NPS-16)
- Personal Assistant QEC (NPS-14)
- Office Assistant (NPS-14)
- Steno Typist (NPS-14)
- Lab Assistant MED (NPS-11)
- Dispenser (NPS-08)
- Junior Clerk (NPS-07)
- Gym Fitness Center Incharge (NPS-07)
- Driver (NPS-07)
- Ground Man (NPS-06)
- Indoor Games Incharge (NPS-05)
- Photostat Machine Operator (NPS-05)
- Naib Qasid QEC (NPS-02)
- Mali (NPS-02)
22-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Public School Sukkur Jobs 2014 June IBA for Teaching Faculty & Secretary
in Sukkur
- === Teachers (BPS-18) ===
- Geography
- Botany
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Sindhi
- Islamiat
- Pakistan Studies
- English
- Arts / Drawing
- Early Childhood Education (ECE)
- === Teacher ===
- Physical Education
- === Admin Position ===
- Secretary to Principal
22-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Jinnah College Lahore Jobs 2014 June for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
in Lahore
- === Teaching Staff ===
- Commerce
- Economics
- Islamic Studies
- English
- Urdu
- Political Science
- === Non-Teaching Positions ===
- Librarian
- Physical Education Teacher
22-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Dawn
Liaquat National Hospital Karachi Jobs 2014 June Latest Advertisement LNMC
in Karachi
- === Associate Professor ===
- Community Medicine
- Forensic Medicine
- Medical Education
- Physiology
- === Assistant Professor ===
- Anatomy
- Forensic Medicine
- Medical Education
- Community Medicine
- === Faculty - Medical Education ===
- Demonstrators
- Lecturers
- Instructors
- === Consultants ===
- Vascular Surgery
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Accident & Emergency
- Chest Medicine
- Oncology
- Paeds Medicine
- === Consultant Dentists ===
- Operative Dentistry
- Orthodontics
- Prosthodontics
- === Senior Registrar ===
- Anesthesiology
- Ophthalmology
- Neurosurgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Cardiology
- General Medicine
- Chest Medicine
- Histopathology
- === Trainee Fellow ===
- Pelvic Surgery
- Arthoplasty
- Breast Surgery
- === Senior Lecturers ===
- College of Nursing
- === Senior Nurses ===
- Nursing Managers - Critical Care / Nursing Education / General Nursing
- Nursing Supervisor
- Senior Nurses
- Home Health Nurses
- === Admin Staff ===
- Manager IT Infrastructure & Networking
- PACS Administrator
- System Analyst
- Software Engineer
- Web Master
- System Administrator
- Support Engineer
- Audio-Visual Engineer
- Manager Biomedical Engineering
- Senior Biomedical Engineer
- Biomedical Engineer
- Biomedical Engineer - Nephrology Equipment
- HR Officers
- Curriculum Coordinators - MBBS Program
- Dieticians
- Hostel Warden (Male)
- Budgeting & Costing Officer
- Secretary to Senior Management
- === Registrar ===
- Anesthesiology - Surgical ICU
- Neurosurgery
- Paediatric Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Maxillofacial Surgery
- Nephrology
- General Medicine
- === Postgraduate Residency Training Program (FCPS) ===
- Histopathology
- Pediatric Surgery
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Neurosurgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- === Senior Medical Officer / Medical Officer ===
- Neurosurgery
- Pediatric Surgery
- Special & Executive Wards
- Executive ICU (SMO)
- Surgical ICU
- Accident & Emergency
- Oncology
- Gynae & Obs (SMO)
- Breast OPD (Female)
- Cardiothoracic Surgery
- === Instructor ===
- Skills Development Centre
- === Lecturer / Demonstrators ===
- Pharmacology
- Pathology
22-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Dawn
Secretary & Teaching Jobs in Public School Sukkur 2014 June
in Sukkur, Sindh
- === Teaching Staff ===
- Arts / Drawing
- English
- Pakistan Studies
- Islamiat
- Sindhi
- Early Childhood Education (ECE)
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Botany
- Geography
- Physical Education
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Secretary to Principal
22-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Express
OPF School Jobs 2014 June NTS Latest Advertisement
in Pakistan
- === Lecturers (CS-6) ===
- Biology (Male)
- Computer Science (Male)
- Pak Study (Female)
- Chemistry (Female)
- Mathematics (Female)
- Physics (Female)
- Biology (Female)
- === Junior Lecturer (CS-4) ===
- Home Economics
- === Junior Teachers (CS-3) ===
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Junior Teacher
- === Teachers (PS-4) ===
- Science
- Computer
- === Administrative Positions ===
- Principal (Male) (CS-10)
- Principal (Female) (CS-8)
- Principal (Female) (CS-7)
- Director Physical Education (CS-6)
- Physical Training Instructor (PS-3)
- Accounts Assistant (PS-4)
- Laboratory Assistant (CS-4)
- Qari / Qaria (PS-3)
- Laboratory Assistant (PS-2)
17-Jun-2014 (Tuesday) - Jang
Pakistan Steel Cadet College Karachi Jobs 2014 June for Lecturers & Admin Staff
in Karachi
- === Lecturers ===
- Chemistry
- English
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- Zoology
- === Admin Positions ===
- Sports Officer
15-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Express
NTS Punjab Vocational Training Council Jobs 2014 June Latest Advertisement
in Punjab
- === Administrative Positions ===
- Admin & Accounts Officer
- Admin & Placement Officer
- Office Boy
- Lady Attendant
- Driver
- === Instructors ===
- Computer Applications & Office Professional
- Computer Applications for Business
- Web and Graphic Designing
- Clinical Assistant
- Veterinary Assistant
- Agriculture Field Assistant
- Life Skills
- === Junior Instructors ===
- Poultry Farming
- Welder / Fabricator
- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
- Auto-Mechanic
- Textile Weaving
- Industrial Electrician
- Plumbing
- Beautician (Female)
- AutoCAD
- Repair & Maintenance of Electrical Appliances
- Dress Making (Female)
- Auto Electrician
- Industrial Stitching
- Food & Cooking
- Plastic Injection & Blow Moulding
- Motorcycle Mechanic
- Embroidery (Female)
- Tractor & Diesel Mechanic
- Civil Surveyor
- Domestic Tailoring (Female)
- Mobile Phone Repairing
- === Lab Assistant ===
- Computer Operator / Office Professional
- Refrigeration
- Clinical Assistant
- Agricultural Field Assistant
- Welder / Fabricator
- AutoCAD
- Auto Electrician
- Hotel Management
- Motorcycle Mechanic
- Dress Making (Female)
- Textile Weaving
- Industrial Electrician
- Industrial Stitching
- Plumbing
- Beautician (Female)
- Repair & Maintenance of Electrical Appliances
- Computer Hardware & Network Professional
- Veterinary
- Food & Cooking
- Industrial Garments Stitching
- Web & Graphic Designing
- Import & Export
- Poultry Farming
- Embroidery (Female)
- Tractor & Diesel Mechanic
- Domestic Tailoring (Female)
- Auto Mechanic
- General Fitter
10-Jun-2014 (Tuesday) - Dawn
Garrison Academy Kharian Cantt Jobs 2014 June for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
in Kharian, Gujrat District
- Section Head Middle Section
- College / Senior Lecturer & Teachers
- Middle Section Teachers
- Junior / Pre-School Teachers
- Librarian
- === Junior Section New Campus - GAK ===
- Section Head Junior Section
- Teachers
- IT Teachers
- Music Teachers
- Physical Training Instructors (PTI)
10-Jun-2014 (Tuesday) - Express
Bahria Model School and College Karachi Jobs 2014 June for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
in Karachi
- Principal - Colleges & Schools (PNET Pay Scale-18/19)
- Vice Principals - Colleges & Schools (PNET Pay Scale-17/18)
- Lecturers - College (PNET Pay Scale-17)
- Teachers - Secondary, Primary & Montessori Classes (PNET Pay Scale-16)
- Physical Training Instructors (PTIs) (PNET Pay Scale-14/16)
- Computer Operator cum Typist (PNET Pay Scale-12/14)
08-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Fazaia PAF Inter College Lahore Jobs 2014 June for SIM Administrator & Computer Operator
in Lahore Cantt
- SIM Administrator (FPS-11)
- O i/c Progress (FPS-10)
- Computer Operator (FPS-06)
08-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Latest Automobile Jobs in Karachi 2014 June for Instructors, Technical & Admin Staff
in Karachi
- Deputy Manager Body Shop
- Instructor
- Spray Painters
- Inspector Quality Control Body Shop
- Service Advisor Body Shop
- Workshop Controller
- Store Keeper
08-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Administrative & Teaching Jobs in Rawalpindi 2014 June at Dr. AQ Khan College of Science & Technology
in Rawalpindi
- === Teachers for HSSC / SSC / Lower Secondary ===
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- English
- Urdu
- Pakistan Studies
- Islamiat
- === Teachers for Pre-School / Primary Education ===
- Montessori Teachers
- Primary Teachers
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Martial Art Instructor
- Band Master
- Physical Training Instructors (PTIs)
- Ministerial Staff
- Lab Assistant / Lab Attendant
08-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Super Wings College Jobs 2014 June Khan Institute of Technologies (KIT)
in Gujar Khan
- === Lecturers ===
- English
- Urdu
- Chemistry
- Computer
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Botany
- Zoology
- Psychology
- Economics
- BS - Civil
- BS - Electrical
- DAE - Civil
- DAE - Electrical
- Accounting
- Commerce
- === Non-Teaching Positions ===
- Principal
- Vice Principal
- Librarian
- Admin / Physical Training Instructor (PTI)
- Admission Officer
- Accountant
- Lab Assistant
08-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - The News
Pilots / Flight Instructor Jobs in Rawalpindi 2014 June Po Box 34
in Rawalpindi
- Pilots
- Ground Flight School Instructors
08-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Dawn
Army Public School and College Thatta Jobs 2014 June Teachers, Warden & PTI
in Thatta, Sindh
- === Subject Specialist ===
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Sindhi
- Pakistan Studies
- Urdu
- === Junior / Senior Teachers ===
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Social Studies
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Hostel Warden
08-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Dawn
Administrator, Admin Officer, English / Support Teacher Jobs in Karachi 2014 June at CDSS
in Karachi
- Administrator
- Admin Officer
- English Teacher
- Support Teacher
01-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
The Educators School Jobs 2014 June for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
in Hujra Shah Muqeem, Depalpur, Okara
- === Teacher ===
- Math
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- English
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Principal
- Accountant
- Computer Operator
- Physical Training Instructor (PTI)
- Security Guard
01-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
CS Officer, Gym / Swimming Trainer & Chiller Operator Jobs in Lahore June 2014
in Lahore
- CS Officer
- Gym Trainer (Female)
- Swimming (Female)
- AC / Chiller Operator
01-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs June 2014 Latest Consolidated Advertisement 05/2014
in Karachi, Islamabad, Pakistan
- === Ports & Shipping / Pakistan Marine Academy ===
- Engineering Instructors (BPS-19)
- === Climate Change Division (PAK-EPA) ===
- Deputy Director (Environmental Engineering & Transfer of Technology) (BPS-18)
- Assistant Director (Administration / Finance) (BPS-17)
- Assistant Director (Legal / Enforcement) (BPS-17)
- === Water & Power ===
- Sub Engineer (Civil) (BPS-16)
- Assistant Engineering Adviser (Civil) / SE (F) / DD (S&M) (BPS-18)
- === Defence / General Headquarters (GHQ) ===
- Graphic Officer (Civilian) (BPS-16)
- Editor (BPS-18)
- Research Officer (BPS-17)
- Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical) (BPS-17)
- === Mechanical Engineering Department of Pakistan Railways ===
- Assistant Mechanical Engineer (BPS-17)
- === Capital Administration & Development Division ===
- Vice Principals / Headmasters (Male) (BPS-18)
- --- Lecturer (Female) (BPS-17) ---
- English
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Economics
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Library Science
- Applied Psychology
- Fine Arts
- Sociology
- Urdu
- Mass Communication
01-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - The News
Federal Public Service Commission Jobs June 2014 for Lecturers & Vice Principals in FG Colleges
in Islamabad, Karachi, Pakistan
- === Capital Administration & Development Division ===
- Vice Principals / Headmasters (Male) (BPS-18)
- --- Lecturer (Female) (BPS-17) ---
- Mass Communication
- Urdu
- Sociology
- Fine Arts
- Applied Psychology
- Library Science
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Economics
- Biology
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- English
- === Mechanical Engineering Department of Pakistan Railways ===
- Assistant Mechanical Engineer (BPS-17)
- === Defence / General Headquarters (GHQ) ===
- Assistant Executive Engineer (Electrical) (BPS-17)
- Research Officer (BPS-17)
- Editor (BPS-18)
- Graphic Officer (Civilian) (BPS-16)
- === Water & Power ===
- Assistant Engineering Adviser (Civil) / SE (F) / DD (S&M) (BPS-18)
- Sub Engineer (Civil) (BPS-16)
- === Climate Change Division (PAK-EPA) ===
- Assistant Director (Legal / Enforcement) (BPS-17)
- Assistant Director (Administration / Finance) (BPS-17)
- Deputy Director (Environmental Engineering & Transfer of Technology) (BPS-18)
- === Ports & Shipping / Pakistan Marine Academy ===
- Engineering Instructors (BPS-19)
01-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - The News
Army Public School & College Saddar Karachi Jobs 2014 June for Teaching Faculty
in Karachi
- === Lecturer - HSSC ===
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Zoology
- English
- Urdu
- Commerce
- === Senior School Teacher - O Level ===
- English
- Pakistan Studies
- Urdu
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Zoology & Botany
- === Senior School Teacher - SSC Federal Board ===
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Physical Instructor
- === Middle School Teacher for IV-VIII ===
- English
- Urdu
- Islamiat
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Science
01-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - The News
PAKTURK School Jobs 2014 June for Teaching Staff, Vice Principal & Subject Coordinators
in Rawalpindi, Islamabad
- === Junior & Pre-School ===
- --- Teachers ---
- Arts
- Mathematics
- Islamiat
- Urdu
- English
- Science
- Social Studies
- Computer
- Music
- Pre-Nursery
- Nursery
- Kindergarten
- Urdu - Pre-School
- --- Non-Teaching Staff ---
- Physical Education
- Vice Principal
- === Subject Coordinators ===
- English
- Urdu
- Pre-School
- === Junior Section ===
- Mathematics
- English
- Music
- Physical Education (PE)
- === Girls Campus ===
- Information Technician (IT)
01-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Dawn
ST Michael Convent School Karachi Jobs 2014 June for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
in Karachi
- Office Assistant (Female)
- === Primary / Nursery Female Teacher ===
- Class Teachers
- English
- Science
- Mathematics
- Nazra
- Religion
- === Secondary O / A Levels ===
- English
- Urdu
- Islamiat
- Math
- Mathematics
- Add Math
- Biology
- Physics
- Pakistan Studies
- Sociology
- === Sports Teacher ===
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Netball
- Baseball
01-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Teaching Jobs in Karachi 2014 June at Army Public School and College Saddar
in Karachi
- === Middle School Teacher for IV-VIII ===
- English
- Islamiat
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Science
- Urdu
- === Senior School Teacher - SSC Federal Board ===
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Physical Instructor
- === Senior School Teacher - O Level ===
- Chemistry
- English
- Mathematics
- Pakistan Studies
- Physics
- Urdu
- Zoology & Botany
- === Lecturer - HSSC ===
- Chemistry
- Commerce
- English
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- Zoology
01-Jun-2014 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
CMH Lahore Medical College Jobs 2014 June for Network Administrator & Gymnasium Instructor
in Lahore
- Network Administrator (Male)
- Gymnasium Instructor (Female)
27-May-2014 (Tuesday) - Jang
Latest Jobs in Mianwali 2014 May / June for Medical Officer, Microscopist, Computer Instructor & Others
in Mianwali
- Medical Officer
- Microscopist
- Computer Instructor
- Computer Repair Instructor
- Multipurpose Outrange Supervisor (MORS)
27-May-2014 (Tuesday) - The News
Roots School System Jobs 2014 May International Latest Advertisement
in Pakistan
- === Leadership Jobs ===
- Branch Head
- Principal
- Business Development Manager
- Procurement Manager
- Marketing & Public Relations (PR) Manager
- Montessori Lead
- Subject Coordinators - Mathematics, Urdu, English
- International Baccalaureate Qualifications Coordinator
- === Administration & Management ===
- Academic Coordinator
- School Manager
- Admission Advisor
- Ex. Military Security Supervisor
- Ex. Military Administrative Manager
- Ex. Military Assistant Manager HR
- Ex. Military Maintenance Supervisor
- Project & Proposal Development Officer
- Montessori Directress
- Real Estate Development Officer
- Montessori Directress
- Real Estate Development Officer
- School Activity Coordinator
- Graphics Designers
- Accounts & Finance Manager
- Fee Officer
- Manager Hardware & Networks
- Assistant Manager Training
- Assistant Manager External Qualifications
- IGCSE / O & A Levels Program Head
- IGCSE / O & A Levels Coordinator
- Sports Teacher / Physical Education
- Swimming Instructor
- Music Teacher
- Karate Teacher
- Librarian
- Lab Assistant
- Laboratory Incharge - Chemistry, Physics, Biology
- School Security Supervisor
- Physical Training Instructor
- === Teachers (Montessori / Primary / Lower Secondary) ===
- Play Group
- Junior Montessori
- Advance Montessori
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Urdu
- Computer
- Music Teachers
- Activity Teachers
- Art Teachers
- === IGCSE / O & A Levels Teachers ===
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Biology
- Mathematics
- Science
- English Language
- English Literature
- Accounting
- Business Studies
- Computer Studies
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Global Perspective
- Pak Studies
- Islamiat
- Environment
- Advance Mathematics
- Statistics
- Arts & Design
- Law
- Enterprise
- History
- Thinking Skills
- Urdu
- Media Studies
- ICT Teacher
- === International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme ===
- IB German
- Economics
- Visual Arts
- Urdu
- Film
25-May-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Askaria College Rawalpindi Jobs 2014 May for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff
in Rawalpindi
- Lecturer - Pak Studies (Female)
- Physics Lab Assistant
- Security Guard
25-May-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
PPSC Jobs May 2014 for Computer Instructors, Lecturers & Others
in Punjab
- Consultant Neuro Surgeon (BPS-18)
- Clinical Psychologist (BPS-17)
- Health Physicist (BPS-17)
- Deputy Solicitor
- Computer Instructors (BPS-17)
- Assistant Director (Psychology) (BPS-17)
- Lecturer (Ophthalmology) (BPS-17)
- Lecturer (Audiology) (BPS-17)
- Lecturer Physical Education (D.P.E) (BPS-17)
- Clinical Psychologist (BPS-17)
- Lecturer (Physically Disabled Field) (BPS-17)
- Lecturer (Deaf Field) (BPS-17)
- Lecturer (Psychology) (BPS-17)
- Speech Specialist (BPS-17)
- Lecturer (Social Welfare) (BPS-17)
- Lecturer (Blind Field) (BPS-17)
- Computer Programmer (BPS-17)
- Mobility Instructor (BPS-16)
- Librarian (BPS-16)
- Physiotherapist (BPS-16)
25-May-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Lahore Lyceum School Shalimar Campus Jobs 2014 May for Teaching & Administrative Staff
in Lahore
- Heads & SMs (for Montessori & Primary Sections)
- Home Teachers (for Montessori & Pre-Junior Sections)
- Subject Teachers (in all Subject of Primary Section)
- Art / Music / Physical Education Teachers
- Librarian
25-May-2014 (Sunday) - The News
SuperNova School Islamabad Jobs 2014 May Teachers, Librarian & IT Manager
in Islamabad
- Primary Teachers
- Secondary Teachers
- Sports Teacher
- Librarian
- IT Manager
- === Teaching Assistant for O / A Level ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
25-May-2014 (Sunday) - Express
COMSATS Virtual Campus Jobs 2014 May for Lecturers & Research Associates
in Islamabad
- === Lecturer & Research Associate ===
- Humanities: English, Education
- Computer Science: Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering
- Management Sciences: Marketing, Project Management, Economics, General Management, Human Resources
- Mathematics: Statistics, Pure & Applied Mathematics
- === Non-Faculty ===
- Deputy Registrar
- HR Officer
25-May-2014 (Sunday) - Express
Cadet College Ghora Gali Jobs May 2014 for Lecturers, Junior Lecturers & Non-Teaching Positions
in Ghora Gali, Murree
- === Lecturer & Junior Lecturer ===
- English
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- === Non-Teaching Positions ===
- Drill Instructor
- Judo Karate Instructor
25-May-2014 (Sunday) - Express
Danish School Hasilpur Jobs 2014 May for Teaching Faculty & Non-Teaching Staff
in Hasilpur, Punjab
- === Teachers ===
- Physics
- Mathematics
- General Science
- English
- Urdu
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Physical Training Instructor (PTI)
- Science Lab Assistant
- Electrician
- Tailor
20-May-2014 (Tuesday) - Jang
Quaid-e-Azam Public College Gujranwala Jobs 2014 May for Lecturers / Teaching Faculty & Non-Teaching Staff
in Gujranwala
- === Lecturers ===
- English
- Mathematics
- Pakistan Studies
- Urdu
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- === Assistant Lecturer (Female) ===
- Biology
- Chemistry
- === Teacher ===
- Helper Teachers (Female)
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Physical Training Instructor (PTI)
- Personal Assistant to Principal (Male)