22-Jan-2017 (Sunday) - Dawn
Army Public School COD Karachi Jobs 2017 Teachers, Montessori Directress & IT Incharge Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- Teachers - All Subjects
- English Language Teachers
- Montessori Directresses
- IT Incharge
- Music Teacher
- Physical Education Teachers
15-Jan-2017 (Sunday) - Express
Army Public School and College Risalpur Cantt Jobs 2017 Teachers, Clerk, Librarian & PTI Latest
in Risalpur, Nowshera, KPK
- === Teachers ===
- English
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Librarian (Male)
- Physical Training Instructor (PTI)
- Clerk
13-Jan-2017 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Education Department AJK Jobs 2017 Lecturers & Instructors Directorate of Higher Education Colleges Latest
in AJK
- === Lecturers / Instructors ===
- English
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Zoology
- Botany
- Computer Science
- Statistics
- Geography
- Commerce
- Urdu
- Islamiyat
- History
- Political Sciences
- Economics
- Philosophy
- Pakistan Studies
- Physical Education
- Librarian
12-Jan-2017 (Thursday) - Jang
District Public Schools Bahawalnagar Jobs 2017 Teachers & Accountant DPS Latest
in Minchinabad, Chishtian, Bahawalnagar, Punjab
- === Teachers (DPS-16 / 17) ===
- English
- Nursery / Prep
- Pakistan Studies
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Computer
- Science
- Urdu
- Play Group
- Quran Teacher
- Art
- === DPS-09 ===
- Assistant Teachers
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Accountant (DPS-17)
12-Jan-2017 (Thursday) - The News
Capital Administration and Development Division Islamabad Jobs 2017 OTS Application Form Download Latest
in Islamabad
- === 08 Lady Instructors (BPS-11) ===
- Fashion / Dress Designing
- Dress Making
- Computer
- Beauty Parlor
- Fine Arts
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Lady Receptionist
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Lady Health Visitor
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Machine Mechanic
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Recreational and Youth Worker (RYK)
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Drivers
- 01 Duplicate Machine Operator
- === BPS-01 ===
- 03 Naib Qasid
- 02 Chowkidar
- 01 Mid Wife
- 02 Sanitary Workers
10-Jan-2017 (Tuesday) - Jang
Cadet College Kohlu Jobs 2017 Security Guards, Drivers, Waiters, Khakroob & Others Latest
in Kohlu, Balochistan
- === BPS-16 ===
- Stat Clerk
- Mess Officer
- === BPS-15 ===
- Stenographer
- === BPS-14 ===
- Assistant Accounts / Admin
- Khateeb / Pesh Imam
- === BPS-12 ===
- Personal Assistant (PA)
- === BPS-11 ===
- Accountant / Cashier
- === BPS-09 ===
- PT Instructor / Gymnastic Instructor
- === BPS-08 ===
- Dispenser
- Electrician
- === BPS-07 ===
- Security Assistant
- Sports Incharge
- Store Keeper
- === BPS-06 ===
- Head Cook
- === BPS-05 ===
- Pump Operator
- === BPS-04 ===
- Driver
- === BPS-02 ===
- Masalchi
- Nanbai
- Moazin
- === BPS-01 ===
- Naib Qasid
- Cleaner
- Cook
- Dish Washer
- Groundman
- Cook Helper
- Mali
- Nanbai Helper
- Security Guards
- Waiter
- Bearer
- Khakroob
03-Jan-2017 (Tuesday) - Jang
Computer Instructor Jobs in AJK Information Technology Board 2017 Apply Online IT Latest / New
in AJK
01-Jan-2017 (Sunday) - The News
Shaukat Khanum Hospital Jobs 2017 Medical Officers, Consultants, Instructors & Others SKMCH&RC Latest
in Lahore, Punjab, Peshawar, KPK, Karachi, Sindh
- === Consultant Positions ===
- Urologist Surgeon
- Medical Oncologist
- Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Physician
- Pediatric Oncologist
- Physician in Infectious Diseases
- Gynecologic Oncological Surgeon
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Radiologist
- Anesthetist
- Head and Neck Surgeon
- Physician / Neurologist
- Physician / Non-Invasive-Cardiology
- Physician in General Internal / Respiratory Medicine
- Gastroenterologist
- Pediatrician / Hospitalist
- Pathologist
- Employee Health Physician
- Locum Consultant Pediatrician / ICU
- Medical Oncologist (Part Time)
- Physician / Endocrinologist
- Physician / Nephrologist
- Radiologist
- === Medical Positions ===
- --- Senior Instructors ---
- Pediatric Oncology
- Radiation Oncology
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases
- General Internal / Hospital Medicine
- Pediatric Critical Care
- Medical Oncology
- Palliative Medicine
- --- Fellowships ---
- Radiation Oncology
- Clinical Oncology
- Medical Oncology
- Pediatric Oncology
- --- Resident Doctor / Medical Officers ---
- Radiation Oncology
- === Medical / Clinical, Technical & Management Positions ===
- Software Engineer - Oracle ADF Developer
- Software Quality Engineer
- Biostatistician and Epidemiologist
- Junior Medical Imaging Technology
- Trainee Radiographer
- Software Engineer - Oracle Developer
- Software Implementation Engineer
- Hardware Technician
- Associate System Engineer
- Lift Operator / Technician
- Marketing Communication Manager
- Assistant Manager Product Management
- Assistant Manager Business Analysis and Planning
- Software Support Engineer
- Business Analyst
01-Jan-2017 (Sunday) - The News
Niazi Medical College Sargodha Jobs 2017 Teaching Faculty, Medical Officers, Nurses & Others Latest
in Sargodha, Punjab
- Principal Medical College
- Professor
- Associate Professor
- Assistant Professor
- Senior Lecturer (Demonstrator)
- Senior Registrar
- Director - Medical Education
- Assistant Director - Medical Education
- Hospital Administrator
- Deputy Hospital Administrator
- Registrar
- Medical Officer / Demonstrator
- Nursing Instructor
- Staff Nurse
- Midwife
- Lady Health Visitors (LHV)
- OT Assistant
- Radiographer
21-Dec-2016 (Wednesday) - The News
Population Welfare Department KPK Jobs December 2016 at Regional Training Institute Malakand Latest
in Malakand, KPK
- Principal
- Deputy Principal
- Senior Instructor - Technical
- Senior Instructor - Non-Technical
- Instructor - Technical
- Instructor - Non-Technical
- Sister Tutor
- Admin Officer
- Accountant
- Stenotypist
- Senior Clerk
- Projectionist
- Family Welfare Counselor
- Warden
- Junior Clerk
- Family Welfare Worker
- Family Welfare Assistant (Female)
- Family Welfare Assistant (Male)
- Cook
- Aya
19-Dec-2016 (Monday) - Dawn
Pakistan Navy Educational Trust Karachi Jobs December 2016 Lecturers, Teachers & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Lecturers (BPS-17) ===
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Botany
- Zoology
- === Support Staff ===
- === BPS-18/19 ===
- Principal
- === BPS-17/18 ===
- Vice Principals
- === BPS-17 ===
- Teachers
- Physical Trainee Instructors (PTI)
- === BPS-12/14 ===
- Computer Operator cum Typist
- === BPS-01 ===
- Aya
- Mali
- Sweeper
- Naib Qasid
- Chowkidar
18-Dec-2016 (Sunday) - Jang
BPSC Jobs December 2016 Application Form Consolidated Advertisement No 11/2016 Latest
in Balochistan
- === Local Government and Rural Development Department ===
- 21 Assistant Engineers (BPS-17)
- 21 Town Planners (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Director - Architecture (BPS-17)
- 06 Development Officers (BPS-16)
- === Mines and Mineral Development Department ===
- 01 Electric Inspector of Mines (BPS-17)
- 04 Mines Safety Engineers (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Director - Chemical (BPS-17)
- 06 Mines Rescue Instructors (BPS-17)
- 01 Computer Programmer (BPS-17)
- 01 Prosecuting Inspector (BPS-16)
- === Agriculture and Cooperative Department ===
- 02 Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies (BPS-16)
- 01 Planning & Progress Officer (BPs-17)
18-Dec-2016 (Sunday) - Express
Danish School Fazilpur Jobs December 2016 Teachers, Admin & Support Staff Latest / New
in Fazilpur, Rajanpur, Punjab
- === OG-I ===
- Doctors
- Urdu Teachers
- Mathematics Teachers
- Islamiat Teacher
- Science Teachers
- Computer Science Teacher
- Pakistan Studies Teachers
- English Teachers
- Physical Training Instructor
- === DS-16 ===
- Assistant Physical Training Instructors
- Coaches
- === DS-14 ===
- Nurses
- Qaria
- Science Lab Assistant
- === DS-09 ===
- Store Keepers
- Central Store Keepers
- Bus Driver
- === DS-07 ===
- Cooks
- === DS-05 ===
- Hostel Boy / Girls
- Science Lab Attendants
- Library Attendants
- === DS-04 ===
- Electrician
- Driver
- Tandoorchi
- Tailors
- Truck Driver
- Hair Dresser
- Laundry Steward
- === DS-02 ===
- Security Guards
- Cook Helpers
- === DS-01 ===
- Mali
- Mason
- Cobbler
- Black Smith / Welder
- Janitor / Sweeper
- Waiters / Dish Washers
- Laundry Man - Washing
- Laundry Man - Ironing
11-Dec-2016 (Sunday) - Jang
Dar-e-Arqam School of Islam and Modern Sciences Quetta Jobs December 2016 Teachers and Support Staff Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
- Principal
- Vice Principal
- Coordinator
- Subject Specialist (SS)
- Secondary School Teacher (SST)
- School Teacher (ST)
- Montessori Teacher
- Co-Teacher
- Senior Quran Teacher
- Junior Quran Teacher
- Fine Arts Teacher
- Physical Training Instructor (PTI)
- Information / Admin / Accounts Officer
- Driver
- Peon / Sweeper / Aapa
02-Dec-2016 (Friday) - Dawn
Women Development Department Sindh Jobs December 2016 Child Attendants, Naib Qasid, Chowkidar & Others Latest
in Sindh
- Physical Training Instructor (Female)
- Child Attendant (Female)
- Assistant
- Accountant
- Driver
- Nurse / LHV
- Medical Assistant
- Librarian
- Assistant Librarian
- Vocational Trainer
- Sewing & Embroidery Instructor
- Cooking Instructor
- Computer Instructor
- English Language Instructor
- Physical Training
- Beautician Instructor
- Assistant / Record Keeper
- Computer Operator
- Assistant / Accountant
- Warden
- Accountant cum Cashier
- Attendant / Helper
- Guard / Chowkidar
- Cook
- Naib Qasid
- Chowkidar
- Sanitation Cleaner
- Sweeper
02-Dec-2016 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Directorate General Sports Punjab Jobs 2016 December Naib Qasid, Clerks, Chowkidar, Sweepers & Others Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === BPS-14 ===
- 02 Stenographers
- === BPS-12 ===
- 02 Coaches
- === BPS-11 ===
- 37 Junior Clerks
- === BPS-08 ===
- 02 Coaches
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 Imam cum Khateeb
- === BPS-05 ===
- 07 Plumbers
- 07 Electricians
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Drivers
- === BPS-01 ===
- 151 Chowkidar
- 99 Sweepers
- 66 Naib Qasid
- 27 Baildar
- 06 Mali
- 01 Cook
01-Dec-2016 (Thursday) - Jang
Cadet College Pishin Jobs December 2016 Lecturers, Security Guards, Drivers, Sweepers & Others Latest
in Pishin, Balochistan
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Medical Officer
- 01 Librarian
- 02 Lecturer - IT
- === BPS-16 ==
- 01 PRO
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Assistant Security Officer
- 01 NCO / Drill Instructor
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Electrician
- === BPS-04 ===
- 02 Drivers
- === BPS-01 ===
- 06 Security Guards
- 06 Bearer / Mess Waiters
- 04 Helpers
- 04 Sweepers
01-Dec-2016 (Thursday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Danish School Hafizabad Jobs 2016 December Center of Excellence Government Girls High School Latest
in Hafizabad, Punjab
- === 11 Teachers (OG-I) ===
- Physics
- English
- Home Economics
- Mathematics
- Islamiyat
- Fine Arts
- PTI Teacher
- History
- === DS-16 ===
- 01 Assistant Admin Officer
- 01 Assistant PTI
- === DS-14 ===
- 01 Nurse / Dispenser
- 04 Lab Assistant
- === DS-11 ===
- 02 Junior Clerks
- 01 Junior Clerk - Accounts
- === DS-09 ===
- 01 Store Keeper
- === DS-05 ===
- 01 Lab Attendant
- 01 Library Attendant
- === DS-04 ===
- 01 Electrician
- 01 Plumber
- 01 Carpenter
- === DS-02 ===
- 04 Security Guards
- === DS-01 ===
- 03 Naib Qasid / Aya
- 06 Janitors
- 03 Mali
27-Nov-2016 (Sunday) - Dawn
Fazaia Inter College Malir Cantt Karachi Jobs November 2016 December Teachers & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === FPS-12 ===
- Headmistress / Headmaster
- === Teachers (FPS-11) ===
- === Secondary Section ===
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English
- Pakistan Studies
- === Teachers (FPS-10) ===
- === Primary Section ===
- English
- General Science
- Computer
- Music
- Urdu
- Islamiat
- === FPS-10 ===
- Physical Training Instructor (PTI)
24-Nov-2016 (Thursday) - Express
Directorate of Technical Education Balochistan Jobs 2016 November Computer Operators, Naib Qasid & Others Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-12 ===
- Assistant Computer Operator
- === BPS-11 ===
- Draftsmen
- Surveyor
- === BPS-10 ===
- Shop Instructor
- === BPS-09 ===
- Account Assistant
- === BPS-08 ===
- Cataloger
- Molder
- Machinist
- Welder
- === BPS-06 ===
- Shop Assistant
- === BPS-05 ===
- Plumber
- Pump Driver
- === BPS-01 ===
- Chowkidar
- Sweeper
- Naib Qasid
- Mali
22-Nov-2016 (Tuesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Army Public School and College Swat Jobs 2016 November Teachers, Lab Assistant, Admin & Support Staff Latest
in Swat, KPK
- 05 Section Heads
- 12 Teachers - Pre-School
- 44 Teachers
- 02 Librarians
- 02 Science Lab Teachers
- 03 Computer Assistants
- 02 Science Lab Assistants
- 02 Library Assistants
- 03 PT Instructors
- 05 Clerks
- 02 PA
- 08 Security Guards
- 10 Qasid
- 09 Aya
- 05 Khakroob
- 01 Storeman
20-Nov-2016 (Sunday) - Jang
The Educators Asghar Mall Campus Rawalpindi Jobs November 2016 Montessori Directress, PTI & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- Pre School Head
- Educational Technology Expert
- Physical Training Instructor
- Montessori Directress
- Chinese Language Teacher
20-Nov-2016 (Sunday) - The News
TEVTA Jobs November 2016 Kot Addu Muzaffargarh at Government College of Technology Application Form Latest
in Kot Addu, Muzaffargarh, Punjab
- === 02 Chief Instructors (PS-19) ===
- Mechanical
- Civil
- === 03 Senior Instructors (PS-18) ===
- Electrical
- Civil
- Mechanical
- === 15 Instructors (PS-17) ===
- Electrical
- Civil
- Mechanical
- === 07 Lecturers (PS-17) ===
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics
- English
- Islamiat
- Computer
- Management
- === 18 Lab Technicians (PS-14) ===
- Electrical
- Civil
- Mechanical
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Computer
- === Admin & Support Staff ===
- 01 Principal (PS-20)
- 01 Vice Principal (PS-19)
- 01 Librarian (PS-17)
- 01 Director Physical Education (PS-17)
- 01 Student Affairs Officer (PS-17)
- 01 Accounts Officer (PS-16)
- 03 Office Clerks (PS-09)
- 01 Store Keeper (PS-09)
- 01 Hostel Clerk (PS-09)
- 02 Drivers (PS-04)
- 01 Store Attendant (PS-01)
- 05 Naib Qasid (PS-01)
18-Nov-2016 (Friday) - The News
Danish School Dera Ghazi Khan Jobs November 2016 Center of Excellence Government Girls Central Model School Latest
in Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab
- === OG-I ===
- 02 Urdu Teachers
- 03 English Teachers
- 02 Mathematics Teachers
- 01 Biology Teachers
- 01 Science Teachers
- 01 Account Officer
- === DS-16 ===
- 01 Assistant Admin Officer
- 01 Head Clerk
- 02 Assistant PTI
- === DS-14 ===
- 01 Nurse
- 04 Lab Assistants
- === DS-11 ===
- 01 Junior Clerk Accounts
- === DS-09 ===
- 01 Store Keeper
- === DS-05 ===
- 01 Library Attendant
- === DS-04 ===
- 01 Electrician
- 01 Plumber
- 01 Carpenter
- === DS-02 ===
- 06 Security Guards
- === DS-01 ===
- 02 Naib Qasid / Aya
- 03 Mali
- 06 Janitors
13-Nov-2016 (Sunday) - Jang
Civil Defence Training School Abbottabad Jobs 2016 November NTS Application Form Download Latest
in Abbottabad, KPK
- === BPS-17 ===
- Commandant
- === BPS-16 ===
- Instructor
- Platoon Commander
- === BPS-14 ===
- Superintendent
- Junior Instructor
- Computer Operator
- === BPS-07 ===
- Drill Instructor
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- === BPS-06 ===
- BD technician
- === BPS-03 ===
- Demonstrator
- === BPS-01 ===
- Chowkidar
- Mali
- Frash
13-Nov-2016 (Sunday) - The News
Cadet College Isakhel Jobs 2016 November Security Guards, Waiters, Mali, Naib Qasid & Others Latest
in Isakhel, Mianwali, Punjab
- === BPS-16 ===
- Estate Officer / Admin Officer
- PA to Principal
- Head Clerk
- === BPS-15 ===
- Computer Operator
- === BPS-11 ====
- Junior Clerks
- === BPS-07 ===
- Paramedical Staff Dispenser
- === BPS-05 ===
- Qari / Imam / Mozzan
- Drivers
- Mason
- Electrician
- === Fixed Pay ===
- Drill Instructor
- Mess Supervisor
- Security Supervisor
- Security Guards
- Cooks
- Tandorchi
- === BPS-02 ===
- Waiters
- === BPS-01 ===
- Lab Attendants
- Naib Qasid
- Mali / Ground Man / House Boy
- Sweepers
13-Nov-2016 (Sunday) - Express
Indus Hospital Lahore Jobs November 2016 Apply Online Shahbaz Sharif Maternal and Child Hospital Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Anesthesiology ===
- Consultant
- === Gynecology & Obstetrics ===
- Consultant
- Medical Officer
- === Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) ===
- Consultant Neonatologist
- Medical Officer
- === Pediatrics ===
- Medical Officer
- === Nursing Education Services (NES) ===
- Clinical Nurse Instructor
- === Infectious Diseases ===
- Infection Control Nurse
- === Nursing Services ===
- Assistant Manager
- Head Nurse
- Staff Nurse
- === Operation Theatre ===
- OT Technician
- === Radiology ===
- Ultrasound Technician
- === Public Health Initiative ===
- Supervisor
- Community Health Worker
- Vaccinator
- === Health Informatics ===
- System Support Officer
- Telephone Operator
- === Nutrition & Food Services ===
- Senior Officer
- Supervisor
- Cook
- === House Keeping ===
- Team Lead
- === Security ===
- CCTV Operator
- Security Guard
13-Nov-2016 (Sunday) - Express
DHA Suffa University Karachi Jobs 2016 November Application Form Teaching Faculty & Lab Engineers Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Professors, Associate / Assistant Professors ===
- === Lecturers, Lab Engineers / Instructors ===
- --- Department of Mechanical Engineering ---
- Robotics / Controls
- Thermo Fluids / Heat Transfer
- Structures / Materials
- Renewable / Alternate Energy
- --- Department of Electrical Engineering ---
- Electrical Power Systems and Electrical Machines
- RF and Microwave Engineering
- Telecommunication and Control Engineering
- Solid State Devices, VLSI Design & Digital Electronics
- --- Department of Computer Science ---
- Software Engineering
- Data Structures & Algorithms
- Data Communication & Computer Networks
- Computer Architecture
- Database Systems
- High Performance Computing
- Information Security
- --- Department of Management Science ---
- Accounting & Finance
- Economics
- Entrepreneurship
- HRM & OB
- Marketing
- Supply Chain Management
- --- Department of Basic Sciences ---
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- --- Department of Humanities ---
- English
- Islamic Studies
08-Nov-2016 (Tuesday) - Jang
Center of Excellence Government High School Rojhan Jobs November 2016 Punjab Danish Schools Latest
in Rojhan, Rajanpur, Punjab
- === Teachers (OG-I) ===
- 10 Urdu
- 09 Mathematics
- 02 English
- 02 Islamiat
- 05 Pakistan Studies
- 01 Biology
- 04 Science
- 04 Arts & Drawing
- 01 Education
- 03 PTI / Games
- 01 Physics
- 01 Computer
- 02 Home Economics
- === DS-16 ===
- 02 Head Clerk
- 02 Assistant PTI
- 01 Qari
06-Nov-2016 (Sunday) - The News
KRL Institute of Technology Kahuta Jobs November 2016 Admin Officer, Driver & Others Latest
in Kahuta, Rawalpindi, Punjab
- Senior Instructor - Electrical (BPS-17)
- Lecturer - Physics (BPS-17)
- Admin Officer (BPS-16)
- Lab Supervisor - Mechanical (BPS-10)
- Driver (BPS-06)
06-Nov-2016 (Sunday) - The News
Shaukat Khanum Hospital Jobs November 2016 SKMCH&RC Medical Officers, Consultants & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh, Lahore, Punjab, Peshawar, KPK
- === Consultant Positions ===
- Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Physician
- Pediatric Oncologist
- Locum Consultant Urologist
- Medical Oncologist (Part Time)
- Visiting Consultant Nuclear Medicine
- Physician in Infectious Diseases
- Physician / Neurologist
- General Internal / Respiratory
- Gynecologic Oncological Surgeon
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Urologist Surgeon
- Medical Oncologist
- Orthopedics Oncologist Surgeon
- Employee Health Physician
- Locum Consultant Pediatrician / ICU
- Radiologist
- Anesthetist
- Head and Neck Surgeon
- Physician / Non-Invasive-Cardiology
- Physician / Endocrinologist
- Physician / Nephrologist
- Gastroenterologist
- Pediatrician / Hospitalist
- Pathologist
- === Medical Positions ===
- --- Senior Instructors ---
- Pediatric Oncology
- Medical Oncology
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases
- Pediatric Critical Care
- --- Fellowships ---
- Pediatric Oncology
- Medical Oncology
- Radiology
- --- Resident Doctor / Medical Officers ---
- Histopathology
- Hematology
- Pediatric Oncology
- Radiation Oncology
- === Paramedical, Technical & Management Positions ===
- Speech Therapist
- Trainee Cancer Registry Officer
- Junior Nuclear Medicine Technology
- Junior Medical Imaging Technologist
- Medical Lab Technologist
- HVAC Engineer
- Quality Assurance Executive
- Fundraising Officer
- Financial Support Officer
- Transport Supervisor
- Security Guard
- Driver
- Housekeeping Attendant
- Postgraduate Diploma in Medical
- Laboratory Technology
06-Nov-2016 (Sunday) - Dawn
Berlitz Pakistan Jobs November 2016 Call Centre Agents, Tellers, Receptionists & Others Latest
in Islamabad, Karachi, Sindh, Lahore, Punjab
- English Language Instructors
- Student Counsellors
- Customer Representative Officers / Receptionists
- Tellers-Accountants
- Call Centre Agents
03-Nov-2016 (Thursday) - Jang
PPSC Written & Shorthand Test Schedule November 2016 Roll Number Slip Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Chief Minister's Office, Overseas Pakistanis Commission ===
- Assistant Director - IT Software (BPS-17)
- Assistant Director / Manager Customer Services (BPS-17)
- Assistant Director - IT Hardware (BPS-17)
- Assistant (BPS-16)
- === Board of Revenue ===
- Land Record Officer (BPS-16)
- === Punjab Public Service Commission ===
- Branch Officer (BPS-17)
- === Child Protection & Welfare Bureau ===
- Nurse (BPS-16)
- === Home Department ===
- Law Instructor (BPS-16)
- Stenographer (BPS-14)
01-Nov-2016 (Tuesday) - Express
POF Wah Cantt Jobs November 2016 Apply Online Sportsmen, Coaches & Nursing Sister Latest / New
in Wah Cantt, Punjab
- 07 Nursing Sisters (BPS-16)
- 05 Coaches (BPS - 11-14)
- 20 Sportsmen-I (BPS - 09-10)
- 30 Sportsmen-II (BPS - 05-08)
- 60 Sportsmen-III (BPS - 01-04)
01-Nov-2016 (Tuesday) - The Nation
Danish School Dera Ghazi Khan Jobs November 2016 Teachers, Lab Assistants, Admin & Support Staff Latest
in Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab
- Chemistry Teacher
- English Teacher
- Physics Teacher
- Doctor
- Assistant Physical Training Instructor
- Coaches
- IT Lab Assistant
- Library Attendant
- Store Keeper
- Driver
- Tractor Driver
- Science Lab Attendants
- Hostel Boy / Girl
- Tailor
- Hair Dresser
- Cobbler
- Security Guards
- Black Smith
- Janitor / Sweepers
- Waiter / Dishwashers
- Cook
- Tandorchi
- Cook Helper
- Mason
- Laundry Steward
- Laundryman - Washing
- Laundryman - Ironing
30-Oct-2016 (Sunday) - Dawn
Indus Hospital Karachi Jobs October 2016 November Apply Online Medical Officers, Specialist Doctors & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Internal Medicine ===
- Senior Instructor
- === Family Medicine ===
- Specialist
- === CCU ===
- Senior Medical Officer
- === Blood Centre ===
- Assistant Manager
- Assistant Manager Marketing
- Transfusion Officer
- Blood Bank Technologist
- Phlebotomist
- Driver
30-Oct-2016 (Sunday) - Dawn
Ziauddin University Karachi Jobs October 2016 November Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Deans ===
- Management Sciences
- Social Sciences & Media Studies
- === Professors, Associate/Assistant Professors ===
- Medicine / Cardiology & Nephrology
- === Associate Professors ===
- Anatomy & Forensic Medicine
- === Assistant Professors ===
- Community Health Sciences
- Physiology
- Pharmacology
- Forensic Medicine & Community Health Sciences
- === Lecturers & Instructors ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Zoology
- Biology
- English
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- General Manager Food & Beverage
- Executive House Keeper
- Manager Security
- Principle for Intermediate College
23-Oct-2016 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Army Burn Hall College Abbottabad Jobs October 2016 Application Form Teachers, Office Assistant & Others Latest
in Abbottabad, KPK
- Chief Instructor (BHPS-19)
- Female Teachers (BHPS-17)
- Master (BHPS-17)
- Office Assistant (BHPS-13)
- Lower Division Clerk (BHPS-07)
- Lab Assistant (BHPS-10)
22-Oct-2016 (Saturday) - Express
Civilian Instructor Jobs in Pakistan Navy October 2016 at PNS Karsaz Karachi Latest / New
in Karachi, Sindh
- Civilian Instructors (BPS-17 / 18)
16-Oct-2016 (Sunday) - The News
TUSDEC Jobs 2016 October at Hub Lasbela Demonstrators / Operators, Supervisors & Others Latest
in Hub, Lasbela, Balochistan
- Manager Technical & Skill Development
- Assistant Manager Technical & Production
- Senior Instructor
- Junior Instructor
- Assistant Manager Design & Training
- Sales & Marketing Officer
- Supervisor
- Demonstrator / Operator
- Storekeeper
16-Oct-2016 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Punjab Workers Welfare Board Jobs October 2016 Application Form Educators / Teachers & PTI Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === 413 Vacancies for Teachers / Educators ===
- === Secondary School Educators (SSE) (BPS-16) ===
- Arts / General
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English
- Computer Science
- === Elementary School Educators (ESE) (BPS-14) ===
- General
- Science / Mathematics
- English
- Urdu
- Mathematics
- Science
- Arabic
- === BPS-14 ===
- Physical Training Instructor (PTI)
07-Oct-2016 (Friday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs October 2016 Consolidated Advertisement No 35/2016 Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Home Department ===
- 12 Deputy Superintendents of Jail (BPS-17)
- 01 Statistical Officer (BPS-17)
- 100 Assistant Superintendents of Jail (BPS-16)
- 06 Lady Assistant Superintendents of Jail (BPS-16)
- 01 Law Instructor (BPS-16)
- 08 Stenographers (BPS-14)
- === Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department ===
- 01 Associate Professor - Ophthalmology (BPS-19)
- 11 Senior Registrars - Ophthalmology (BPS-18)
- 07 Senior Registrars - Urology (BPS-18)
- 04 Senior Registrars - Neurosurgery (BPS-18)
07-Oct-2016 (Friday) - The Nation
Home Department Punjab Jobs October 2016 PPSC Assistant Superintendents of Jail & Others Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Home Department ===
- 100 Assistant Superintendents of Jail (BPS-16)
- 06 Lady Assistant Superintendents of Jail (BPS-16)
- 12 Deputy Superintendents of Jail (BPS-17)
- 01 Statistical Officer (BPS-17)
- 01 Law Instructor (BPS-16)
- 08 Stenographers (BPS-14)
02-Oct-2016 (Sunday) - The News
Shaukat Khanum Hospital Jobs October 2016 Medical Officers, Software Engineers & Others SKMCH&RC Latest
in Lahore, Punjab, Peshawar, KPK, Karachi, Sindh
- === Consultant Positions ===
- Gynecologic Oncological Surgeon
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Radiologist
- Anesthetist
- Head and Neck Surgeon
- Urologist Surgeon
- Medical Oncologist
- Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Physician
- Pediatric Oncologist
- Physician in Infectious Diseases
- Physician / Neurologist
- Physician / Non-Invasive-Cardiology
- Physician / Endocrinologist
- Physician in General Internal / Respiratory Medicine
- Physician / Nephrologist
- Gastroenterologist
- Pediatrician / Hospitalist
- Pathologist
- Employee Health Physician
- Locum Consultant Pediatrician / ICU
- Locum Consultant Urologist
- Medical Oncologist (Part Time)
- Visiting Consultant Nuclear Medicine
- === Medical Positions ===
- --- Senior Instructors ---
- Pediatric Oncology
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases
- Pediatric Critical Care
- --- Fellowships ---
- Surgical Pathology
- Anesthesia
- Medical Oncology
- Pediatric Oncology
- --- Resident Program (FCPS) ---
- Radiation Oncology
- --- Medical Officers ---
- Medical Oncology
- Pediatric Oncology
- === Nursing, Paramedical, Technical & Management Positions ===
- Clinical Nurse Manager
- Trainee Cancer Registry Officer
- Junior Nuclear Medicine
- Technologist
- Software Engineer - Oracle Developer
- Software Engineer - Oracle ADF Developer
- Software Quality Engineer
- Software Implementation Engineer
- Software Support Engineer
- Assistant Manager Marketing
30-Sep-2016 (Friday) - The News
District Public School Sheikhupura Jobs September 2016 October Teachers, Principal, Aya & Security Guards Latest
in Sheikhupura, Punjab
- Principal
- Teacher - Primary Section
- Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Islamic Studies
- Fine Art Teacher
- Aya
- Security Guard
25-Sep-2016 (Sunday) - Jang
PIMS Hospital Islamabad Jobs September 2016 OTS Application Form Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences Latest
in Islamabad
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Dietician
- 02 Assistant Electronic Medical Engineering
- 01 Assistant Engineer - HVAC
- 40 Medical Officers
- 15 Assistant Anesthetists
- 03 Assistant Dental Surgeons
- 03 Pharmacists
- 01 Physiotherapist
- 02 Head Nurses
- 02 Nursing Supervisors
- 07 Medical Officers - Cardiology & Cardiac Surgery
- 01 Per-fusionist
- 01 Nutritionist
- 01 Assistant Electro Medical Engineer
- 01 Hardware Engineer
- 01 Social Welfare Officer
- === 11 Principal Technicians (BPS-17) ===
- Pathology / Laboratory
- Radiology
- Physiotherapy
- Operation Theater
- Anesthesia
- Pharmacy / Dispenser
- Dresser
- === 14 Chief Technicians (BPS-16) ===
- Pathology / Laboratory
- Radiology
- Cardiology
- Physiotherapy
- Operation Theater
- Anesthesia
- Sterilization
- Pharmacy
- Dresser
- === BPS-16 ===
- 191 Charge Nurses
- 02 Senior MRI Technologists
- 01 Bio Medical Engineer
- 01 Instructor - Engineer Subject
- 01 ECG Supervisor
- 02 Senior Cath Lab Technologists
- 03 Stenographers
- === BPS-14 ===
- 06 Stenotypists
- 03 Statistical Assistants
- 01 Draftsman
- 01 Sub Engineer - Electrical
- 02 Medical Record Keepers
- 01 Assistant Librarian
- 01 Cataloger
- === BPS-12 ===
- 02 Sanitary Inspectors
- === BPS-11 ===
- 06 Data Entry Operators (DEO)
- 02 Computer Operators
- 02 Sub Engineers - Civil
- 01 Projectionist
- 02 Receptionist Officers
- === BPS-09 ===
- 04 Telephone Operators
- === BPS-07 ===
- 02 Cashiers
- 11 Lower Division Clerks (LDC)
- 01 Auto Electrician
- 01 Motor Mechanic
- 04 Store Keepers
- 01 Telephone Mechanic
- 01 Telephone Technician
- 01 Welder
- 02 Generator Operators
- 01 Power Technician
- 01 Power Electrician
- 01 EMDG Operator
- 01 Mechanic General Service
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 Store Keeper
25-Sep-2016 (Sunday) - Dawn
SPSC Jobs September 2016 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No. 07/2016 7/2016 Latest
in Sindh
- === Agriculture Department ===
- 08 Statistical Officers (BPS-17)
- === Culture, Tourism & Antiquities Department ===
- 08 Librarians (BPS-17)
- === Energy Department ===
- 05 Assistant Electric / Inspector / District Supervisor / Village Electrification Officer (BPS-17)
- === Health Department ===
- --- 386 Specialist Cadre Doctors (BPS-18) ---
- Chest Specialist
- Pediatrician
- Ophthalmologist
- Anesthetist
- Physician
- ENT Specialist
- Surgeon
- Orthopedic Surgeon
- Dermatologist
- Pathologist
- Urologist
- Radiologist
- Psychiatrist
- === Mines and Mineral Development Department ===
- 04 Junior Inspector Mines / Safety Engineer / Instructor (BPS-17)
- === Planning & Development Department ===
- 11 Statistical Officers (BPS-17)
- === Population Welfare Department ===
- 03 Women Medical Officer (BPS-17)
25-Sep-2016 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra Jobs September 2016 Apply Online PAC Latest Advertisement
in Kamra, Attock, Punjab
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 PFM Radar Fitter
- === BPS-15 ===
- 01 FM Radar Fitter
- 01 Junior Medical Assistant
- 01 FM Instrument Fitter
- === BPS-14 ===
- 02 AFM Radar Fitter
- 03 AFM Radio Fitter
- 07 AFM Airframe Fitters
- 01 AFM Fabric Worker
- 04 Stenotypists
- === BPS-13 ===
- 01 Nursing Supervisor
- === BPS-12 ===
- 06 Charge Hand Radar Fitter
- 10 Charge Hand Radio Fitters
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Supervisor Painter
- === BPS-10 ===
- 02 Boiler Operators
- 01 Hobart Operator
- 02 HSW Painters
- 01 HSM Airframe Fitter
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Draughtsman
- 02 Senior Workers - Metal Worker
- 01 Senior Worker - Painter
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Junior Worker - MT Fitter
- 01 Junior Worker - Airframe Fitter
- === BPS-07 ===
- 02 HS-I Electric Fitters
- 02 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- 01 Medical Assistant
- 01 Education Instructor
- 01 Security Assistant
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 HS-II Electrical Fitter
- === BPS-04 ===
- 01 FCT / DFT Driver
- 03 MTD Drivers
- 01 Aya
- === BPS-03 ===
- 01 Cook
- === BPS-01 ===
- 01 Fire Crew
23-Sep-2016 (Friday) - Jang
Islamabad Capital Territory Jobs 2016 September in Government Departments PTS Application Form Latest
in Islamabad
- === Chief Commissioner Office ===
- 01 Assistant
- 01 Caretaker
- 04 Stenotypists
- 01 Field Supervisor
- 01 Lady Field Supervisor
- 02 Lady Instructors
- 06 Lower Division Clerks (LDC)
- 02 Telephone Operators
- 01 Dispatch Rider
- 02 Naib Qasid
- 01 Chowkidar
- === Deputy Commissioner Office ===
- 01 Assistant
- 02 Upper Division Clerks (UDC)
- 11 Lower Division Clerks (LDC)
- 03 Naib Qasid
- 03 Process Servers
- 04 Chowkidar
- === Excise and Taxation Department ===
- 01 Stenotypist
- 01 Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- 01 Driver
- 02 Constable / Naib Qasid
- === Cooperative Societies Department ===
- 01 Inspector
- 01 Sweeper
- === Food Department ===
- 01 Assistant
- 01 Food Grain
- 02 Lower Division Clerks (LDC)
- === Auqaf Directorate ===
- 09 Khateeb (Deobandi)
- 13 Khateeb (Barelvi)
- 09 Moazin (Deobandi)
- 09 Moazin (Barelvi)
- 01 Moazin (Shea)
- 01 Khadim (Deobandi)
- 01 Mudaris (Deobandi
- === Office of the District Attorney ===
- 01 Stenotypist
- 01 Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- 01 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- 01 Driver
- 01 Naib Qasid
- === Civil Defence Department ===
- 01 Stenotypist
- 02 Instructors
- 01 Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- 01 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- 01 Demonstrator
- 01 Mazdoor
- === Local Government & Rural Department ===
- 01 Mechanic
- 02 Drivers
- 01 Tractor Driver
- === Health Department ===
- 01 Stenotypist
- 05 Lady Health Visitors
- 02 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- 03 Medical Assistants
- 06 Sanitary Inspectors
- 01 Medical Lab Tech
- 01 Projectionist
- 02 Ward Masters
- 01 Dresser
- 03 Vaccinators
- 02 SDC Supervisors
- 01 Dispenser
- 08 Nursing Assistants / Dai
- 07 Drivers
- 01 Aya / Dai
- 01 Sanitary Patrol
- 03 Naib Qasid
- 002 Mali
- 04 Chowkidar
- 10 Sanitary Workers
- === Labour Welfare Department ===
- 01 Stenotypist
- === Industries Department ===
- 01 Driver
- === Agriculture Department ===
- 03 Baildar
- 01 Chowkidar
- 01 Sanitary Worker
- === Fisheries Department ===
- 02 Fisheries Research Assistants
- 01 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- 01 Fisheries Supervisor
- 01 Tubewell Mechanic
- 01 Laboratory Attendant
- 02 Chowkidar
- 04 Baildar / Fisherman
- === Soil Conservation Department ===
- 01 Draftsman
- 01 Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- 01 Office Bearer
- 01 Truck Driver
- 02 Tractor Drivers
- === Livestock & Dairy Development Department ===
- 02 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- 03 Stock Assistant
- 01 Naib Qasid
- === Zakat & Usher Department ===
- 01 Stenotypist
- 01 Accountant
- 01 Accounts Clerk
- 01 Driver
- 01 Chowkidar
21-Sep-2016 (Wednesday) - Jang
Danish School Jaranwala Jobs 2016 September Center of Excellence Government Higher Secondary School Latest
in Jaranwala, Faisalabad, Punjab
- === DS-16 ===
- Assistant Admin Officer
- Assistant Physical Training Instructor
- === DS-14 ===
- Dispenser
- === DS-11 ===
- Junior Clerk - General
- Junior Clerk - Accounts
- === DS-09 ===
- Store Keeper
- === DS-05 ===
- Science / IT Lab Attendant
- === DS-04 ===
- Electrician
- Carpenter
- === DS-02 ===
- Security Guard
- === DS-01 ===
- Naib Qasid
- Mali
- Janitor / Sweeper