06-Jul-2021 (Tuesday) - The Nation
Teaching Jobs in District Public School and College Kasur 2021 July Latest
in Kasur, Punjab
- English
- Urdu
- Pak Studies
- Islamiyat
- Science Teacher
29-Jun-2021 (Tuesday) - Jang
Balochistan Residential College Zhob Jobs June 2021 July Lab Attendants & Others Latest
in Zhob, Balochistan
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 PTI
- 01 Receptionist
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Junior Clerk
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Electrician
- 03 Lab Attendants
- 01 Store Keeper
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 Generator Operator
- 01 Carpenter
- === BPS-01 ===
- 01 Bawarchi
- 01 Dish Washer
- 02 Mali
- 01 Nan Bai
- 01 Security Guard
- 01 Waiter
- 01 Barber
- 02 Washerman
27-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
Benazir Shaheed Model Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Center Sindh Jobs 2021 June / July Latest
in Sindh
- 04 Psychiatrist
- 04 Medical Officers
- 03 Psychologists
- 01 Social Worker
- 12 Nurses
- 01 Tailor - Skill Trainer Instructor
- 01 Electrician - Skill Trainer Instructor
- 01 Computer - Skill Trainer Instructor
- 02 Motivator
- 03 Out Reach Worker
- 01 Account Clerk
- 02 Data Entry Operator
- 03 Admin Officer
- 02 Receptionist
- 01 Dispenser
- 01 Naib Qasid
- 01 Barber
- 01 Electrician
- 05 Driver
- 05 Cook
- 03 Washerman
- 07 Sweeper
- 08 Chowkidar / Security Guard
23-Jun-2021 (Wednesday) - Jang
Pakistan Community Sports Council Jobs 2021 June Apply Online Sports Officers, Assistant Directors & Others Latest
in Pakistan
- 115 Assistant Directors (Youth Development)
- 04 Assistant Directors (Contract Management)
- 03 Assistant Directors (GIS)
- 451 Tehsil Sports Officer
- 77 Assistant Coach (Cricket, Football, Badminton, Athletics, Hockey, Volleyball)
- 02 Boarding Officers (National Events)
- 09 Network Supervisors
- 12 Sub Engineer (Civil)
- 20 IT / Computer Assistant
- 06 CCTV Operators
- 44 Mali
20-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
NUMS University Rawalpindi Jobs June 2021 Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Professors ===
- Nutrition
- Axiology
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- === Associate Professors ===
- Nutrition
- Axiology
- Philosophy
- === Assistant Professor ===
- Philosophy
- Anatomy
- Axiology
- === Lecturer ===
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Food Technology
- === Demonstrator ===
- Community Medicine
- Pathology
- === Others ===
- General Practitioner
- Pharmacist
- Nursing Instructor
- Lab Technologist
- Assistant Manager DT
- Coordinator Call Center Telemedicine
- Pharmacy Technician
- Lab Technician
- Medical / Nursing Assistant
- Medical / Nursing Aide
- Phlebotomist
- Driver
- Dispatch Rider
- Assistant Director (Administrative Affairs)
- Assistant Manager (Administrative Affairs)
- Manager Accounts
- Office Assistant
- Sub Engineer
- Quantity Surveyor
20-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
Southern Punjab Embroidery Industries Multan Jobs 2021 June SPEI Internship Program Walk In Interview Latest
in Multan, Punjab
- 02 Communication Officer Project
- 04 Admin Officer Trainee
- 04 Accounts Officer Trainee
- 10 Vocational Instructors (Female)
- 02 Event Organizer
- 02 Receptionist
- 05 Chowkidar / Aya / Khakroob /Mali / Cook / Khansama
16-Jun-2021 (Wednesday) - Jang
Civil Defence Department Balochistan Jobs 2021 June Bomb Disposal Technicians, Commanders & Others Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-15 ===
- 11 Commander Bomb Disposal
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Chief Instructor
- 09 Stenographers
- === BPS-12 ===
- 04 Assistant Computer Operators
- === BPS-11 ===
- 05 Junior Clerks
- 01 Staff Officer
- 01 Laboratory Assistant
- 01 Security Supervisor
- === BPS-06 ===
- 35 Technician Bomb Disposal
- === BPS-05 ===
- 02 Fireman
- 02 Junior Instructors
- 01 Rescuer
- 08 Security Guards
- 02 Swimmers
- === BPS-04 ===
- 09 Drivers
- === BPS-03 ===
- 02 Demonstrators
- === BPS-02 ===
- 01 Daftari
- === BPS-01 ===
- 07 Chowkidar
- 01 Mali
- 10 Naib Qasid
16-Jun-2021 (Wednesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Education Department Mianwali Jobs 2021 June Teachers & Others Latest
in Mianwali, Punjab
- 12 JSET
- 08 SSET
- 02 Speech Therapist
- 01 Computer Instructor
13-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Talent Research Development Authority Jobs 2021 June RTS Application Form TRDA Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-17 ===
- 28 Assistant (Mechanical / Electrical / Civil / IT Engineer)
- 07 Assistant Director
- 07 Finance Officer
- 07 Research Officer
- === BPS-16 ===
- 07 Accountant
- 15 Assistant
- 08 Training Instructor
- 07 Design In-Charge
- === BPS-15 ===
- 10 Stenotypist
- === BPS-12 ===
- 56 Sub Engineer (Civil / Electrical / Mechanical / IT)
- === BPS-11 ===
- 14 Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- 07 Call Center Agent
- === BPS-10 ===
- 05 Generator Operator
- === BPS-09 ===
- 18 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- === BPS-07 ===
- 07 Store Keeper
- === BPS-05 ===
- 05 Painter
- 05 Plumber
- === BPS-03 ===
- 28 Helper
- === BPS-01 ===
- 10 Mali
- 07 Naib Qasid
- 14 Station / Office Attendant
- 07 Warden
- 23 Chowkidar
- 07 Sweeper
12-Jun-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal Department Gujranwala Jobs 2021 June Craft Supervisors & Others Latest
in Gujranwala, Punjab
- === BPS-11 ===
- 02 Junior Clerks
- 15 Craft Supervisor
- 02 Marketing Organizers
- 01 Warden (Female)
- 04 Store Keeper
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Supervisor
- === BPS-08 ===
- 02 Handi Craft Teachers
- 02 Needle Craft Instructor
- 01 Religious Teacher (Female)
- === BPS-06 ===
- 02 Child Care Worker
12-Jun-2021 (Saturday) - The Nation
Army Public School Rawalpindi Jobs June 2021 Teachers & Others GLD Campus CMT &SD Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Teachers ===
- Physical
- English
- Urdu
- Mathematics
- Pre School
- General Teacher
- === Non-Teaching ===
- Librarian
- Clerk
- Security Guard
06-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs June 2021 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 04/2021 4/2021 Latest
in Pakistan
- === Ministry of National Food Security and Research ===
- Chief (BPS-20)
- Chief Statistician (BPS-20)
- Director Coordination (BPS-19)
- Deputy Chief (BPS-19)
- Assistant Chief (BPS-18)
- Assistant Chief (IT) (BPS-18)
- System Analyst (BPS-18)
- Computer Programmer (BPS-17)
- Senior Technician (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training ===
- Senior Elementary Teacher (Drawing) (Male) (BPS-16)
- Senior Elementary Teacher (Drawing) (Female) (BPS-16)
- === Staff Welfare Organization ===
- Computer Instructor (BPS-17)
- === Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment ===
- Accountant (BPS-16)
- Inspector (BPS-16)
- === Ministry of Energy ===
- Director (Non-Technical) (BPS-19)
- === Ministry of Narcotics Control ===
- Psychiatrist (BPS-17)
- === Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institution ===
- --- Associate Professors (Female) (BPS-19) ---
- Islamiyat
- Mathematics
- Pakistan Studies
- Physics
- --- Assistant Professor (Female) (BPS-18) ---
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Economics
- English
- Islamiyat
- Mathematics
- Pakistan Studies
- Physics
- Psychology
- Urdu
- --- BPS-17 ---
- Secondary School Teachers (SST)
- === Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan ===
- Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil) (BPS-17)
- === Pakistan Railways ===
- Assistant Mechanical Engineers (BPS-17)
- === Medical Directorate, GHQ ===
- 13 Dietitians (BPS-16)
06-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Army Public School and College Rawalpindi Jobs June 2021 FWO Teachers & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Senior Teachers ===
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- English
- Urdu
- Islamiat / Pak Study
- Computer Teacher
- === Junior / Middle Teachers ===
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Science
- Mathematics
- English
- Urdu
- Islamiat / Pak Study
- === Pre School Teachers ===
- Pre School Teacher
- Art Teacher
- Music Teacher
- === Administration Staff ===
- Section Head
- Accountant
- IT Supervisor / Database Administrator
- Clerk
- Head Clerk
- Nursing Assistant
- Librarian / Assistant Librarian
- Computer Lab Attendant
- Science Lab Attendant
- Security Supervisor
- Lady Searcher
03-Jun-2021 (Thursday) - Express
Model Institute for State Children Peshawar Jobs 2021 June Application Form Naib Qasid, Drivers & Others Latest
in KPK
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Social Welfare Organizer
- 01 Admin and Accounts Assistant
- 02 SE Teacher
- 01 Computer Instructor
- 01 Hostel Warden
- === BPS-14 ===
- 02 Certified Teachers
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Vocational Teacher
- 01 PTI Sports Incharge
- 01 Theology / Religious Teacher
- 01 PTC Teacher
- 01 Junior Clerk
- 01 Assistant Hostel Warden
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Qari / Imam Masjid
- 01 Medical Technician
- === BPS-06 ===
- 02 Drivers
- === BPS-03 ===
- 02 Cook
- 02 Waiter Bearers
- 03 Chowkidar / Security Guard
- 02 Naib Qasid
- 02 Aya / Attendant
- 01 Sweeper
09-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
DHA Suffa University Karachi Jobs May 2021 DSU Application Form Teaching Faculty Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- ===Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- === Lab Engineers, Instructors ===
- Mechanical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science
- Basic Science
- Humanities & Social Sciences
- Management Sciences
09-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Karnal Sher Khan Cadet College Swabi Jobs 2021 May KSKCCS Latest
in Swabi
- Lecturer - Islamiyat (CPS-17)
- Drill / PT Staff (CPS-12)
- Swimming Life Guard (CPS-12)
- Dispenser / Nursing Assistant (CPS-06)
- Cook (CPS-03)
- Tandoorchi (CPS-03)
- Sweeper (CPS-02)
02-May-2021 (Sunday) - Dawn
PCSIR Jobs 2021 May Application Form Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-19 ===
- 02 Principal Engineers
- 03 Principal Scientific Officers
- === BPS-18 ===
- 03 Chief Instructors
- 01 Senior Admin Officer
- 01 Senior Law Officer
- 01 Senior Accounts Officer
- 01 Senior Public Relation Officer
- === BPS-17 ===
- 07 Junior Engineer
- 20 Scientific Officers
- 05 Senior Instructors
- 02 Technical Officers
- 02 Medical Officers
- 05 Admin Officers
- 02 Accounts Officer
- 04 Industrial Liaison Officers
- 01 Law Officer
- 01 Public Relation Officer
- 01 Librarian
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Assistant Security Officer
- 10 Instructors
- === BPS-15 ===
- 03 Assistant
- === BPS-14 ===
- 05 Research Assistant
- 02 Senior Workshop Tech
- === BPS-11 ===
- 03 Technicians
- 05 Upper Division Clerk
- === BPS-09 ===
- 05 Lower Division Clerk
- === BPS-05 ===
- 30 Apprentice Technicians
- 12 Lab / Workshop Assistant
- === BPS-04 ===
- 10 Drivers / Dispatch Rider
- === BPS-01 ===
- 13 Lab Attendants
- 05 Naib Qasid
- 03 Cook
02-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Directorate General Civil Defence Jobs 2021 May Online Apply Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Instructors & Others Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-15 ===
- 03 Assistant
- === BPS-14 ===
- 14 Junior Instructors
- 04 Stenotypists
- === BPS-09 ===
- 02 Lower Division Clerk
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Cinema Operator
- 01 Drill Instructor
- === BPS-06 ===
- 03 Bomb Disposal Technicians
- === BPS-04 ===
- 13 Drivers
- 01 Dispatch Rider
- 01 Duplicating Machine Operator
- === BPS-03 ===
- 01 Dire Crew
- 01 Demonstrator
- === BPS-01 ===
- 15 Naib Qasid
- 15 Chowkidar
- 04 Mali
- 02 Frash
- 02 Cook
- 03 Sweepers
02-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Prison Department Lahore Jobs 2021 May Dental Technicians & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === BPS-09 ===
- 39 Dental Technicians
- 04 Drill Instructors
- === BPS-07 ===
- 02 Armourer
29-Apr-2021 (Thursday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Instructor Jobs in Rescue 1122 April 2021 May PTS Online Application Form Punjab Emergency Service Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Instructors (BPS-12) ===
- 08 Nursing
- 08 Physical
- 06 Rescue
- 07 Fire
- 12 Fire Drill
- 17 Rescue Drill
- 07 Drill & Physical
- 02 Driving
- 02 Auto Electrician
28-Apr-2021 (Wednesday) - Express
PKLI Jobs April 2021 Lahore Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center PKLI&RC Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Consultants ===
- 01 Nuclear Medicine
- 02 Nephrology
- 01 Immunology
- 01 Histopathology
- 01 Chemical Pathology
- 01 Infectious Diseases
- 01 Cardiology
- 01 Neurology
- === Senior Registrars ===
- 02 Anesthesia
- 02 Nephrology
- 01 Immunology
- 01 HPB / Liver Transplant Surgery
- 01 Medicine
- 01 Radiology
- === Registrars ===
- 01 Pediatrics
- 03 Anesthesia
- 01 Nuclear Medicine
- 01 Hepathology / Gastroenterology
- 01 Nephrology
- === Post-Graduate Residency Training (FCPS-II) ===
- 01 Nephrology
- 02 Urology
- 04 Gastroenterology
- 02 Critical Care Medicine
- === Others ===
- 18 General Medical Officer
- 80 Staff Nurse (OR / ICU / IPD / Dialysis / ER)
- 02 Instructor Nursing Educational Services
- 25 Nursing Assistant
- 01 Interventional Radiology Coordinator
- 01 BMS Engineer
- 01 BMS Technician
- 02 Engineering Assistant Biomedical
- 04 Electrical Technician
- 02 HVAC Technician
- 01 Assistant Manager House Keeping
- 02 House Keeping Officer
- 01 Admin Officer
- 02 Laundry Officer
- 02 Laundry Supervisor
- 06 House Keeping / Yellow Room Supervisor
- 04 Call Center Representative
- 02 Supervisor Call Center
- 02 Supervisor Food and Nutrition Services
- 01 Coordinator Food and Nutrition Services
- 01 Oracle Database Administrator
- 01 Software Developer
- 02 Support Technician
- 01 EMR Administrator
25-Apr-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
Teaching Faculty Jobs in FAST National University April 2021 May Apply Online Latest
in Pakistan
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers, Instructors ===
- --- Computer Science ---
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data
- Block Chain Technologies
- Cloud Computing, Containerization and Virtualization
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Networks
- Computer Vision
- Cyber Security
- Data Analytics
- Data Bases
- Data Science
- Deep Learning
- DevOps
- Digital Forensics
- Game Development
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Information Sciences
- Information Security
- Internet of Things (IOT)
- Machine Learning
- Operating Systems
- Parallel and Disturbed Computing
- Programming and Software Development
- Programming Languages
- Robotics
- Software Engineering
- Software Project Management
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Web Based Technologies
- Web Technologies
- === Assistant Professors / Lecturers ===
- --- Management Sciences ---
- Accounting
- Management / Entrepreneurship
- --- Electrical Engineering ---
- Internet of Things (IOT)
- Power Systems
- Robotics
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- --- Computer Science ---
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cyber Security
- Robotics
- == Lecturers ===
- --- Science and Humanities ---
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Pak Studies & Islamiyat
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors ===
- --- Civil Engineering ---
- Construction Engineering and Management
- Highway & Transportation Engineering
- Hydraulics & water Resources Engineering
- Structural Engineering
- --- Science and Humanities ---
- English
- === Associate Professors, Assistant Professors ===
- === Lecturers, Instructors ===
- --- Management Sciences ---
- Accounting
- Digital Marketing
- Business Analytics / Data Science
- === Lecturers ===
- --- Science and Humanities ---
- English
- Pak Studies / Political Sciences
- === Instructor ===
- --- Science and Humanities ---
- English
- === Lab Engineers ==
- --- Electrical Engineering ---
- Industrial Automation
- Internet of Things (IOT)
- Robotics
25-Apr-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Kamra Jobs 2021 April PAC Apply Online Latest
in Kamra, Attock, Punjab
- === BPS-19 ===
- 01 Engineer (Mechanical)
- === BPS-18 ===
- 01 Engineer (Mech)
- 01 Engineer (Electronics)
- 01 Statistical Officer
- 01 Deputy Director Budget & Accounts
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Assistant Works Manager (Aero)
- 01 Assistant Director (Tech Engineer)
- 02 Medical Officer / Lady Doctor
- 01 Medical Officer (Male)
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 PFM Armament Fitter
- 01 Security Supervisor
- 01 PFM Avionics
- 02 Assistant Equipment Officer
- 01 PFM Compressor Operator
- 02 Interpreters
- 01 PFM Ref Plant Operator
- === BPS-15 ===
- 01 FM Engine Fitter
- 01 FM Ref Plant Operator
- 02 FM Avionics
- 02 FM Machinist
- 01 Education Instructor
- 02 FM Metal Worker
- 03 Med / Nursing Staff
- === AFM (BPS-14) ===
- 01 Computer Aided Manufacturer
- 03 Airframe Fitter
- 06 Engine Fitter
- 01 Machinist
- 01 Metal Worker
- 01 Electric Fitter
- 01 Painter
- 01 Armament Fitter
- 04 Avionics
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Nursing Sister
- 02 IT Assistant (Grade-II)
- 07 Laboratory Assistant (Grade-II)
- 01 Assistant Education Instructor
- 07 Stenotypist
- 01 Accounts Assistant
- === BPS-13 ===
- 05 Senior Charge Hand Airframe Fitter
- 04 Laboratory Assistant (Grade-III)
- 01 Senior Charge Hand LSE
- 02 Accounts Assistant
- 03 Senior Charge Hand Gen Fitter (M/W/BS/Molder)
- 03 Med / Nursing Staff
- === Charge Hand (BPS-12) ===
- 04 Airframe Fitter
- 11 Armament Fitter
- 05 Boiler Operator (Grade-III)
- 02 Engine Fitter
- 01 Electro Mech
- 01 Painter
- 01 Fabric Worker
- 01 GSO
- 01 Aircraft Finisher
- 01 Machinist
- 02 Gen Fitt (M/W/BS/B/S & Moulder)
- 05 Rubber Tech
- 03 Welder
- 01 Pattern Maker
- === BPS-12 ===
- 06 Med / Nursing Staff
- 01 Ch/H Refrigeration Plant Operator
- 03 Laboratory Assistant (Grade-IV)
- === Supervisors (BPS-11) ===
- 05 Airframe Fitter
- 05 Armament Fitter
- 01 Machinist
- 05 Gen Fitter (M/W/BS/B/S & Moulder)
- 01 LSE
- 01 Painter
- === BPS-11 ===
- 37 Upper Division Clerks (UDC)
- 01 Research Assistant
- 01 Carpenter
- === HSW (BPS-10) ===
- 58 Airframe Fitter
- 03 Carpenter
- 05 Compressor Operator
- 06 Avionics
- 01 Fabric Worker
- 10 Welder
- 03 Fabric Worker
- 01 GSO
- 39 Machinist
- 02 Electro Mech (EF/IF)
- 01 Refrigeration Plant Operator
- 01 MT Fitter
- === HSM (BPS-10) ===
- 01 Boiler Operator (Grade-IV)
- 07 Aircraft Finisher
- 01 Electric Fitter
- 03 Engine Fitter
- 01 Armament Fitter
- 01 Chemist
- 01 Electro Mech
- === BPS-10 ===
- 07 Draughtsman
- 02 Med / Nursing Staff
- 02 Hobart Operator (Grade-III)
- 01 Admin Assistant
- === BPS-09 ===
- 22 Lower Division Clerks (LDC)
- 01 Draughtsman
- 01 Junior Security Supervisor
- 01 Senior Worker GSO
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Data Processing Assistant (CCTV Monitoring)
- 01 Data Process Assistant
- 01 Med / Nursing Staff
- 01 Chartist
- === Junior Workers (BPS-08) ===
- 02 Carpenter
- 03 Avionics
- 01 Machinist
- 03 Gen Fitter (MW/B/S/ Molder)
- 01 Engine Fitter
- 01 Welder
- === MC-I (BPS-08) ===
- 16 Airframe Fitter
- 01 Welder
- 04 Electric Fitter
- 01 HT Worker
- 01 Instrument Fitter
- 01 Laboratory Assistant
- 06 Mechanical
- 03 Metal Worker
- 07 General Fitter
- 01 Pattern Maker
- === MC-1 / Junior Worker (BPS-08) ===
- 03 MT Fitter
- 02 Painter
- 02 Radar Fitter
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Med / Nursing Staff
- 09 Supply Assistant
- 01 SM-II MT Fitter
- 02 MC-I / HS-I Airframe Fitter
- === MC-1 (BPS-07) ===
- 08 Engine Fitter
- 04 Metal Worker
- 02 MC-1 Machinist
- 01 Welder
- 02 Air Condition Mechanic
- === MC-II (BPS-06) ===
- 20 Airframe Fitter
- 24 Machinist
- 18 Metal Worker
- 03 Electric Fitter
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 HS-II MT Fitter
- === BPS-05 ===
- 03 Lab Assistant (Grade-VI)
- === BPS-04 ===
- 17 MTD
- 01 Gestetner Operator
- 01 Ward Orderly
- === BPS-03 ===
- 09 Cook / Mess Waiter
- 06 Aya
25-Apr-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Indus Hospital Lahore Jobs 2021 April Apply Online QF & NST Campus Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === Consultants, Specialists ===
- === Senior / Medical Officers ===
- Anesthesia and Pain Management
- Family Medicine & Community Health
- General Surgery
- Internal Medicine
- Orthopedics
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Pediatrics & Neonatal Medicine
- === In Charge , Senior Medical Officer ===
- Accident and Emergency
- === Assistant Managers ===
- Finance
- House Keeping
- Pharmacy
- Safety & Security
- Procurement / Stores
- Assistant Manager Human Resources (HR)
- === Deputy Manager ===
- Administration
- Nursing Services
- Nursing Education Services
- === Officers ===
- Finance
- HR
- Patient Welfare
- Procurement / Stores
- Safety & Security
- === Senior Officers ===
- Administration
- HR
- Procurement / Stores
- === Supervisors ===
- Clinical Laboratories
- House Keeping
- Nutrition and Food Services
- Operating Rooms
- === Others ===
- Application Support Executive
- Application Training Executive
- Assistant Head Nurse
- Cashier
- CCTV Operator
- CCTV Support Executive
- Clinical Dietician
- Clinical Nurse Instructor
- Coder
- Consultant - Hematology
- Coordinator
- DG Operator
- Document Controller
- Electrician
- Engineer - Biomedical
- Fire & Safety Officer
- Front Desk Officer
- Gases Technician
- Head Nurse
- HVAC Operator
- Infection Control Practitioner
- Junior Hardware Support Executive
- Junior Technical Support Executive
- Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
- Manager - Maintenance
- Manager - Supply Chain
- Medical Transcriptionist
- Midwife
- Nurse Aid
- Pharmacist
- Phlebotomist
- Plumber
- Receptionist
- Security Guard
- Security Officer
- Security Supervisor
- Senior Engineer - Maintenance
- Senior Engineer - Biomedical
- Senior Network Engineer
- Service Desk Executive
- Shift Engineer
- Sonologist
- Specialist - Radiology
- Staff Nurse
- Store Keeper
- Technician Anesthesia / OT / CSSD
- Technician Pharmacy
- Technologist - Clinical Laboratories
- Technologist (Ultrasound / X-Ray)
18-Apr-2021 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Cadet College Jhelum Jobs April 2021 Game Coaches, Security Guards & Others Latest
in Jhelum, Punjab
- 20 Security Guards
- 20 Game Coaches
- 10 Physical Training Instructor
- 10 Tandoorchi
- 08 Drill Instructors
- 07 Bawarchi / Cooks
- 05 Chefs
18-Apr-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Ministry of Industries and Production Sialkot Jobs 2021 April Security Guards & Others PDC SMEDA Latest
in Sialkot, Punjab
- 01 Assistant Manager (Planning)
- 01 Assistant Engineer (Mechanical)
- 01 Manager Admin
- 01 Accounts Officer
- 01 Laboratory In Charge
- 01 Training Instructor
- 01 Supervisor
- 02 Security Guards
- 02 Semi Skilled Worker
- 02 Workers / Helper
- 02 Sweepers
14-Apr-2021 (Wednesday) - Jang
National Skills Development Program Jobs 2021 April Application Form Instructors & Others Latest
in Pakistan
- === 30 Assistant Directors ===
- 21 Skills Development
- 02 Procurement
- 05 Admin
- 02 HRD
- === 49 Instructors ===
- Civil
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- Computer
- Commerce
- Management
- Pakistan Studies
- English
- Islamic Studies
- === 46 Trade Instructors ===
- Electrician
- Civil Draftsman
- Radio TV
- Plumbing
- Tailoring
- Auto Mechanic
- Welding
- Embroidery
- Beautician
- Wood Work
- === Others ===
- 10 Assistant
- 10 Junior Clerks
- 09 Drivers
- 09 Naib Qasid
13-Apr-2021 (Tuesday) - Jang
Higher Commerce Education Archives and Libraries Department KPK Jobs April 2021 KPPSC Apply Online Latest
in KPK
- === 52 Male Lecturers (BPS-17) ===
- Commerce
- Urdu
- Islamiyat
- Pak Studies
- English
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Statistics
- Economics
- === 04 Female Lecturers (BPS-17) ===
- Islamiyat
- Pak Studies
- Mathematics
- Urdu
- === BPS-17 ===
- 19 Librarians
- 14 Director Physical Education
04-Apr-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
Army Public School Rawalpindi Jobs April 2021 Teachers & Others APS Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Teachers ===
- Section Head Pre-School
- Teachers Pre-School
- Assistant Teachers Pre-School
- Teachers Junior Wing
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Admin Supervisor
- Clerk
- Computer Lab Operator
- Naib Qasid
- Aya
- Chowkidar
- Sanitary Worker
- Librarian
04-Apr-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
OPF Girls College Islamabad Jobs 2021 April Application Form Teachers & PTI Latest
in Islamabad
- === Teachers ===
- Computer
- English
- Maths
- Physics
- Pakistan Studies
- Montessori Teacher
- Internee Teacher
- Physical Training Instructor
03-Apr-2021 (Saturday) - Express
PO Box 104 GPO Peshawar Jobs 2021 April Hostel Wardens & Others Latest
in KPK
- 01 Deputy Director
- 01 Principal
- 01 Office Assistant (HR)
- 11 Hostel Wardens
- 08 Assistant Hostel Wardens
- 02 Computer Operators
- 04 Junior Clerks
- 01 Psychologist
- 03 Senior Teachers
- 06 Junior Teachers
- 02 PTI / Sports In-Charge
- 01 Electrician
- 01 Driver
- 01 Mali
- 06 Waiters / Bearer
- 12 Aya / Khala
- 01 Barber
- 01 Washer Man
- 05 Sweepers
28-Mar-2021 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Pakistan Air Force Jobs March 2021 April Online Registration Join as Education Instructor, Religious Teacher, PF&DI, Fire Fighter & MTD Latest
in Pakistan
- Education Instructors
- Religious Teacher
- PF & DI
- Fire Fighter
- Mechanical Transport Driver (MTD)
28-Mar-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Military College Murree Jobs 2021 March Physical Instructor, Mess Supervisors & Others Latest
in Murree, Rawalpindi
- === BPS-15 ===
- 01 Assistant
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Upper Division Clerk
- 05 Physical Instructors (PTI)
- 02 Drill Instructors
- 01 IC Rider
- 01 IC Furniture / Accommodation
- === BPS-10 ===
- 04 Mess Supervisors
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Lab Assistant
- 01 Drawing Instructor
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 VM
- 03 Nursing Assistant
- 01 Dresser
- === BPS-05 ===
- 01 SMT
- 03 Lab Attendants
- === BPS-04 ===
- 01 Civil Driver
- === BPS-01 ===
- 07 Sais
27-Mar-2021 (Saturday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Health Department KPK Jobs 2021 March KPPSC Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in KPK
- === BPS-20 ===
- 01 Professor Forensic Medicine
- === 09 Associate Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Psychiatry
- Anatomy
- Physiology
- Bio-Chemistry
- Pharmacology
- Pathology
- Chemical Pathology
- Forensic Medicine
- Ophthalmology
- === 20 Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ===
- Cardiothoracic
- Medical Education
- Physiology
- Biochemistry
- Forensic Medicine
- Community & Preventive Dentistry
- Oral Pathology
- Dental Material
- Oral Biology
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Operative / Restorative / Conservative Dentistry
- Periodontology
- Oral Medicine
- Orthodontics
- Anesthesia
- Oncology
- Plastic Surgery
- Cardiac Surgery
- Forensic Medicine
- === 06 Senior Registrars (BPS-18) ===
- Pathology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Nephrology
- Anesthesia
- Oncology
- Plastic Surgery
- === BPS-18 ===
- 01 Consultant Cardiologist
- === BPS-17 ===
- 50 Dental Surgeon
- 01 Assistant Director Tibb
- 03 Medical Officers
- 01 Librarian
- 01 Pharmacist
- 40 Demonstrators
- 01 Clinical Psychologist
- 01 Clinical Technologist Dental
- 16 Nursing Instructors / Nursing Superintendents / Nursing Directress
- === BPS-16 ===
- 04 Homeopathic Doctor
- 04 Tabeeb
27-Mar-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Instructor Jobs in Frontier Corps Balochistan 2021 March / April FC South Ex / Retired JCO / Havaldar Latest
in Balochistan
- === Instructors ===
- === Ex / Retired Armed Forces ===
- Havaldar
27-Mar-2021 (Saturday) - Express
KPK Public Service Commission Jobs March 2021 KPPSC Apply Online Advertisement No 03/2021 Latest
in KPK
- === Elementary and Secondary Education Department ===
- === Subject Specialists (BPS-17) ===
- 02 English
- 01 Statistics
- 01 Biology
- 02 History cum Civics
- === BPS-17 ===
- 02 Director Physical Education
- === BPS-20 ===
- Professor Forensic Medicine
- === Associate Professors ===
- === BPS-19 ===
- Forensic Medicine
- Ophthalmology
- Physiology
- Bio-Chemistry
- Chemical Pathology
- Pharmacology
- Pathology
- Psychiatry
- Anatomy
- === Assistant Professors ===
- === BPS-18 ===
- Anesthesia
- Biochemistry
- Cardiothoracic
- Community & Preventive Dentistry
- Dental Material
- Forensic Medicine
- Medical Education
- Oncology
- Operative / Restorative / Conservative Dentistry
- Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
- Oral Biology
- Oral Medicine
- Oral Pathology
- Orthodontics
- Periodontology
- Physiology
- === Senior Registrars ===
- === BPS-18 ===
- Nephrology
- Anesthesia
- Pathology
- Oncology
- Plastic Surgery
- Cardiac Surgery
- === Consultant (BPS-18) ===
- Cardiologist
- === BPS-17 ===
- 50 Dental Surgeons
- 16 Nursing Instructors / Nursing Superintendents / Nursing Directress
- 01 Librarian
- 01 Assistant Director Tibb
- 03 Medical Officers
- 40 Demonstrators
- 01 Clinical Psychologist
- 01 Pharmacist
- 01 Clinical Technologist Dental
- === BPS-16 ===
- 04 Homeopathic Doctor
- 04 Tabeeb
- === Higher Education, Achieves and Libraries Department ===
- === Associate Professors ===
- === BPS-19 ===
- Pakistan Studies
- Commerce Education and Management Sciences
- === Assistant Professors ===
- === BPS-19 ===
- Mathematics
- Pakistan Studies
- Pashto
- Physics
- Health & Physical Education
- History-cum-Civics
- Commerce
- Computer Science
- English
- Islamiyat
- Law
- Political Science
- Chemistry
- Urdu
- Zoology
- Botany
- === Lecturers ===
- === BPS-18 ===
- Resource & Facility Management
- Human Development
- === BPS-17 ===
- Librarians (Female)
- === Industries, Commerce & Technical Education Department ===
- === BPS-16 ===
- 02 Senior Scale Stenographer (Female)
- === Irrigation Department ===
- 01 Assistant Engineer / SDO (Civil) (BPS-17)
- 01 Zilladar (BPS-15)
- === Law, Parliamentary Affairs and Human Resource Development Department ===
- 01 Senior Scale Stenographer (BPS-16)
- === Mines & Minerals Development Department ===
- === BPS-18 ===
- 02 Senior Inspector of Mines
- === BPS-17 ===
- 09 Assistant Director Technical (Mining Engineer)
- 01 Assistant Director (Mining Engineer)
- 01 Assistant Director (Exploration)
- 01 Assistant Director (Administration)
- 01 Inspector of Mines (Female)
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Senior Scale Stenographer
- === Population Welfare Department ===
- 01 Assistant Sister Tutor (BPS-15)
- === Provincial Inspection Team ===
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Senior Scale Stenographer
- === Sports, Tourism, Archeology, Museums & Youth Affairs Department ===
- 01 Hockey Coach (BPS-18)
18-Mar-2021 (Thursday) - Express
Cantonment Board Public School and College Quetta Jobs 2021 March Lecturers, Teachers & Others Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
- === Lecturers / Teachers ===
- Urdu
- English
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Islamiyat
- === Teachers ===
- Arts
- Computer
- General Teacher
- Montessori Trained Teacher
- === Others ===
- Physical Education Instructor
- Lab Assistant
- Helper
11-Mar-2021 (Thursday) - Express
Prison Department KPK Jobs 2021 March Machine Operators, Store Keeper & Others Latest
in KPK
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Training Instructor
- 01 Workshop Supervisor / Training Instructor
- 01 Designer / Pattern Maker
- 01 Instructor
- 01 Workshop Supervisor
- 01 Designer Incharge
- === BPS-12 ===
- 01 Computer Designer
- === BPS-11 ===
- 03 Accountants
- === BPS-08 ===
- 03 Storekeepers
- 01 Long Band Saw Operator
- 01 Band Saw Operator
- 01 Painter
- 01 Polisher
- 01 Machine Operator (Cutting)
- 01 Machine Operator (Splitting)
- 01 Machine Operator (Stitching)
- 04 Machine Operators
- === BPS-06 ===
- 02 Carpenters
- === BPS-05 ===
- 02 Drivers
- === BPS-03 ===
- 01 Chaprasi / Peon
- 02 Helpers / Sweeper / Mali
- 04 Helpers
07-Mar-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
Instructor Jobs in Balochistan Institute of Technical Education Quetta 2021 March BITE Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
- === Instructors ===
- Auto Mobile Electrician
- Driving
- Computer Basic and Applications (Female)
- === Assistant Instructors ===
- Computer Basic and Applications
- Refrigeration and Air Condition Mechanic
04-Mar-2021 (Thursday) - Jang
Fazaia Inter College Islamabad Jobs 2021 March Teachers & Others Latest
in Islamabad
- === Teachers O Levels ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- English
- Islamiyat
- === Teachers Senior Section ===
- English
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Urdu
- === Teachers Junior Section (Female) ===
- English
- Urdu
- Mathematics
- === Others ===
- Vice Principal (College)
- Headmistress (Female)
- College Lecturer Urdu
- PTI (Female)
01-Mar-2021 (Monday) - Jang
Janbaz Force Jobs 2021 March Instructors & Coast Guards Ex / Retired Havildar Latest
in Pakistan
28-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Islamia University Bahawalpur Jobs 2021 February / March IUB Apply Online Security Guards, Drivers & Others Latest
in Rahim Yar Khan, Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Punjab
- === BPS-20 ===
- 01 Director Students Counseling
- 01 Director Career Counseling and Placement Center
- 01 Director Faculty Training Center
- 01 Director University Advancement & Fund Raising
- === BPS-19 ===
- 01 Librarian
- === BPS-18 ===
- 02 Deputy Registrar
- 03 Deputy Treasurer
- 02 Deputy Director (Planning & Development)
- 03 Senior Programmer
- 04 Deputy Director IT
- 02 Senior Network Administrator
- 01 Pathologist
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Farm Manager (Livestock)
- 01 Senior Producer (News)
- 01 Senior Engineer
- 06 Assistant Director IT
- 04 Network Administrators
- 02 Programmers
- 01 Assistant Director Physical Education / Sports
- 04 Medical Officers
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Assistant Network Administrator
- 04 Junior Programmers
- 02 Lab Administrators
- 03 Game Supervisors (Female)
- 01 Senior Editor (NLE)
- 01 Sub-Engineer-II (Civil)
- === 05 Junior School Teachers (BPS-15) ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Mathematics
- English
- Islamiyat (Tajweed)
- === BPS-14 ===
- 04 Trainee School Teacher
- 01 Archive Admin
- === BPS-13 ===
- 01 Supervisor (Civil)
- === BPS-12 ===
- 01 Quantity Surveyor
- === BPS-11 ===
- 05 Laboratory Technician (Civil)
- === BPS-09 ===
- 02 Security Supervisor-I
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Line Man
- 25 Drivers (HTV/PSV)
- 02 AC Mechanic
- === BPS-05 ===
- 20 Drivers (LTV)
- 05 Generator Operators
- 01 Ward Boy
- 07 Cook
- === BPS-03 ===
- 01 Aya
- 50 Security Guard-I
- 05 Tubewell Operators
- 02 Assistant Cook
- === BPS-01 ===
- 05 Helpers to Electrician
- 05 Helpers to Plumber
- 01 Helper to Mason
- 01 Helper to Carpenter
- 07 Cattle Attendant
24-Feb-2021 (Wednesday) - Jang
Forest Department Balochistan Jobs 2021 February TTS Application Form Forest Guards, Clerks & Others Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-14 ===
- 03 Stenographers
- === BPS-12 ===
- 04 Assistant Computer Operators
- === BPS-11 ===
- 34 Junior Clerks
- 12 Ranger Wildlife
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Physical Training Instructor
- === BPS-07 ===
- 13 Forester
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 Field Assistant
- === BPS-05 ===
- 254 Forest Guard
- 09 Tractor Drivers
- 04 Tubewell Operators
- 02 Deputy Ranger Wildlife
- 01 Supervisor
- 01 Stock Assistant
23-Feb-2021 (Tuesday) - Express
Dar e Arqam Institute of Modern Sciences Sargodha Jobs 2021 February Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Sargodha, Punjab
- === Professors, Associate Professors ===
- === Assistant Professors, Lecturers ===
- === Instructors ===
- Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
- Computer Science
- IT
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics
- English
- Education
- Psychology
- Zoology
- Food Science & Technology
- Nursing
- === Others ===
- Admin Officer
- Head Clerk
21-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Cadet College Jhelum Jobs 2021 February Teachers & Others Latest
in Jhelum, Punjab
- === Subject Teachers (BPS-17/18) ===
- === Subject Coordinators (BPS-18) ===
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- English
- Urdu
- Pak-Studies
- Computer
- Arabic
- === BPS-16 ===
- Music Teacher
- === Others ===
- Vice Principal
- Clerk
- Nursing
- PT / Drill Instructor
- Chef / Bawarchi / Cook
- Tandoorchi
- Hostel Warden
- Drivers
- Mali
- Storeman (SMT)
- Mess Incharge
- Lab Assistant
- Imam Masjid
- Security Guards
- Khakroob (Sweepers)
- Mistry
- Mazdoor
17-Feb-2021 (Wednesday) - Jang
Balochistan Residential College Loralai Jobs 2021 February Hostel Warden & Others Latest
in Loralai, Balochistan
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Medical Officer
- 01 Sports Officer
- 01 Librarian
- === BPS-16 ===
- 04 Hostel Warden
- 01 Office Assistant
- 01 Accountant
- === BPS-15 ===
- 01 PA to Principal
- 01 Band Master
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Physical Education Teacher (PET)
- === BPS-12 ===
- 01 Assistant Computer Operator
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Sub Engineer
- === BPS-09 ===
- 02 Physical Training Instructor
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Foreman
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 Electrician
- 01 Khadim Masjid
- === BPS-05 ===
- 01 Plumber
- === BPS-04 ===
- 02 Driver
- === BPS-01 ===
- 01 Gate Guard
- 01 Waiter
- 01 Chaprasi / Chowkidar
- 01 Khakroob
14-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
Elementary and Secondary Education Department AJK Jobs 2021 February Teachers Walk in Interview Latest
in AJK
- === Subject Specialist (BPS-17) ===
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- English
- === BPS-17 ===
- Computer Instructors
- === Secondary School Teachers (BPS-16) ===
- Science
- Biology
- === BPS-16 ===
- Senior School Teacher (General)
14-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Jang
NUML University Jobs February 2021 Application Form Accountant & Others Latest
in Islamabad, Karachi, Sindh
- Regional Director
- Assistant Professor / Lecturer (Chinese Language)
- Computer Programming Officer
- Web Master
- Web Developer
- Civil Engineer
- Accountant
07-Feb-2021 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Indus Hospital Muzaffargarh Jobs February 2021 Apply Online Medical Officers, Nurses & Others Recep Tayyip Erdogan Hospital Latest
in Muzaffargarh, Punjab
- === Consultants ===
- Anesthesia & Pain Management
- Cardiology
- Radiology
- Plastic Surgery
- Dental Services
- Psychiatry
- === Senior Medical Officers ===
- Critical Care
- Radiology
- Urology
- Orthopedics
- === Dental Services ===
- Senior Medical Officer
- Medical Officer
- Dental Hygienist
- Dental Technician
- === Cardiology ===
- Echo Technician
- Cath Technician
- === Critical Care Unit (CCU) ===
- CCU Technician
- Coordinator
- Physiotherapist
- === Nursing Education Services ===
- In Charge NES
- Clinical Nurse Instructor
- === Others ===
- Deputy Manager
- Coordinator (Clinical Affairs)
- Biomedical Engineer
- Head Nurse
- Staff Nurse
- Technologist (Pulmonology)
05-Feb-2021 (Friday) - Jang
Cadet College Kohlu Jobs 2021 February CTSP Application Form Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
in Kohlu, Balochistan
- === Teaching Faculty (BPS-15) ===
- Pakistan Studies
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Urdu
- Computer Instructor
- === Non-Teaching ===
- Junior Clerks (BPS-08)
- Store Keeper (BPS-07)
- Cook Helper (BPS-01)
- Welder (BPS-01)