23-Feb-2015 (Monday) - The News
Security Guards Jobs in Danish School Dera Ghazi Khan 2015 February Latest
in Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab
16-Feb-2015 (Monday) - Jang
National Highway and Motorway Police Free Driving Training Course 2015 February PSDF
in Sheikhupura, Punjab
14-Feb-2015 (Saturday) - Jang
Engine / Electrician Mechanic Jobs in Provincial Police Flight Balochistan 2015 February
in Quetta, Balochistan
- Engine Mechanic (BPS-15)
- Electrician Mechanic (BPS-15)
13-Feb-2015 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Prison Department Rawalpindi Jobs 2015 February NTS Application Form Warders, Clerks & Others
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- Dispenser (BPS-09)
- Lady Health Visitor (LHV) (BPS-08)
- Lady Dispenser (BPS-06)
- X-Ray Operator (BPS-06)
- Junior Clerk (BPS-07)
- PTC Teacher (BPS-07)
- Laboratory Assistant (BPS-05)
- Dark Room Attendant (BPS-05)
- Motor Driver (BPS-04)
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- Warder (BPS-05)
08-Feb-2015 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Sub Inspector Test for Punjab Police 2015 Examination Schedule & Roll No Slip Download
in Punjab
- Sub Inspectors of Police (BPS-14)
03-Feb-2015 (Tuesday) - Jang
Islamabad Police Jobs 2015 ASI, Constables & Drivers NTS Application Form Download Latest
in Islamabad
- Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI)
- Constables
- Driver Constables
25-Jan-2015 (Sunday) - Express
Sindh Rangers Jobs 2015 Interview / Recruitment Schedule Sipahi General Duty, Cook, Waiter, Masalchi & Midwife
in Sindh
- === Sipahi ===
- General Duty
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- Masalchi
25-Jan-2015 (Sunday) - Express
Punjab Police Jobs 2014-2015 Test / Interview Schedule Naib Qasid, Mali, Electrician, Sanitary Worker & Others
in Lahore, Punjab
- === BPS-01 ===
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- Khalasi
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- Langri
- === BPS-02 ===
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- === BPS-05 ===
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23-Jan-2015 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
AJK Police Jobs 2015 Lady Constables Latest Advertisement
in AJK
21-Jan-2015 (Wednesday) - Jang
Sub Inspector Jobs in Punjab Police 2015 Pakistan PPSC Apply Online Latest / New
in Punjab
18-Jan-2015 (Sunday) - Jang
PPSC Punjab Police Jobs 2015 Assistants & Data Entry Operator Pakistan Online Apply
in Punjab
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18-Jan-2015 (Sunday) - Jang
PPSC Jobs 2015 Consolidated Advertisement 02/2015 (2) Apply Online
in Punjab
- === Health Department ===
- Consultant E.N.T Specialist (BPS-18)
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- Consultant T.B. & Chest Specialist (BPS-18)
- Consultant Nephrologist (BPS-18)
- Senior Registrar Obst. & Gynae (BPS-18)
- Senior Registrar Preventive Paediatric (BPS-18)
- Women Medical Officer (BPS-17)
- === Livestock & Dairy Development Department ===
- Senior Veterinary Officer / Assistant Director, SPU / Deputy District Officer Livestock (BPS-18)
- Additional Principal Veterinary Officer (Deputy Director / ARO / DOL / Principal / Senior Instructor) (BPS-19)
- === Punjab Police Department ===
- Assistants (BPS-14)
- Data Entry Operators (BPS-11)
16-Jan-2015 (Friday) - Express
Vital Security Services Quetta Jobs 2015 Security Guards, Computer Operator & Managers Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
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10-Jan-2015 (Saturday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
AJK Police Jobs 2015 Constables in Reserve / Rangers Latest / New
in AJK
02-Jan-2015 (Friday) - Jang
Balochistan Police Jobs 2015 Data Entry Clerks Recruitment Schedule
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24-Dec-2014 (Wednesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Anti Narcotics Force Jobs December 2014 Pakistan Application Form Download Latest Advertisement
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- === BPS-14 ===
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- === BPS-07 ===
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- === BPS-05 ===
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- === BPS-04 ===
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- === BPS-01 ===
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- Orderly
21-Dec-2014 (Sunday) - Dawn
Sindh Police Constable Jobs 2014 Physical / Written Test / Interview Schedule
in Sindh
14-Dec-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Nayatel Jobs 2014 December Rawalpindi / Islamabad Associate Engineer, Electrician & Driver
in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Punjab
- Associate Engineer - Telecom / Electrical / Electronics
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07-Dec-2014 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC National Highway and Motorway Police Jobs December 2014 Computer Operators
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- === National Highway & Motorway Police ===
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07-Dec-2014 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs December 2014 Consolidated Advertisement No. 11/2014 Apply Online
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- === Remount Veterinary & Farms Corps ===
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- === Ports & Shipping ===
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- === F.G. English Medium (Public Schools) ===
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- === Capital Administration & Development Division ===
- Senior Teacher, Chemistry (Male) (BPS-17)
- === F.G. Urdu Medium Female Schools ===
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- === Directorate of FGEI ===
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- === Planning, Development & Reform ===
- Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Ordnance Corps ===
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- === Establishment Division, Islamabad ===
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- === Anti-Narcotics Force ===
- Inspector (BPS-16)
- === Military Hospitals ===
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- === Federal Government Polyclinic ===
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- Pharmacist (BPS-17)
- === Pakistan Railways ===
- Assistant Mechanical Engineer (BPS-17)
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- === Pakistan Navy ===
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- === Port Health Department, Karachi ===
- Port Health Officer (BPS-18)
- === Military Hospitals ===
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- === National Highways & Motorways Police ===
- Doctor (BPS-18)
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- === Department of Communication Security ===
- Assistant Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- === Institute of Optronics ===
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04-Dec-2014 (Thursday) - Jang
Sindh Police ASI Jobs in Karachi 2014 December SPSC Online Application Form
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03-Dec-2014 (Wednesday) - Dawn
Sindh Public Service Commission Jobs December 2014 SPSC Consolidated Advertisement No. 05/2014 5/2014
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- === Mines & Mineral Development Department ===
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- === Culture Department ===
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- === Education & Literacy Department ===
- Lecturer (BPS-17) - Home Economics, Geography, Pakistan Studies, Mathematics (Female)
- Lecturer (BPS-17) - Home Economics
- === Auqaf, Religious Affairs, Zakat & Ushr Department ===
- Computer Operator (BPS-16)
- === Police Department ===
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- === Rehabilitation Department ===
- Director General (BPS-20)
30-Nov-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Free Driving Training Course at National Highways & Motorway Police Training College Sheikhupura 2014 December NH&MP
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23-Nov-2014 (Sunday) - Express
Pakistan Navy Jobs November 2014 Civilian Authority Staff Application Form Information
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- === (BPS-15) ===
- Foreman
- === (BPS-12) ===
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- Data Entry Operator
- === (BPS-11) ===
- Assistant Leading Man
- Assistant Examiner - Mechanical
- Draftsman-II Mechanical
- === (BPS-10) ===
- Labor Welfare Supervisor
- Photographer
- === (BPS-09) ===
- Lady Health Visitor
- Engine Driver
- === (BPS-08) ===
- Librarian
- Assistant Examiner - Store
- Assistant Examiner - Ammunition
- === (BPS-07) ===
- Midwife (Female)
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- Engine Driver-II
- === (BPS-06) ===
- High Skilled Technician Grade-II
- === (BPS-05) ===
- Tracer
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- === (BPS-04) ===
- Skilled
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- === (BPS-03) ===
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22-Nov-2014 (Saturday) - Dawn
Anti Corruption Department Sindh Jobs 2014 November Constables, ASI, Junior Clerks & Others
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- Junior Clerk (BPS-07)
- Constables (BPS-05)
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- Driver (BPS-04)
- Dispatch Rider (BPS-04)
- Qasid (BPS-02)
- Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
- Chowkidar (BPS-01)
- Sanitation Worker (BPS-01)
21-Nov-2014 (Friday) - Jang
Sindh Police Special Security Unit Jobs November 2014 NTS Application Form Information
in Sindh
- Police Commandos (BPS-05)
- Lady Police Commandos (BPS-05)
- Constable Driver (BPS-05)
21-Nov-2014 (Friday) - Dawn
SSU Sindh Police Jobs 2014 November Commandos & Constable Drivers Application Form
in Sindh
- Constable Driver (BPS-05)
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21-Nov-2014 (Friday) - Dawn
Jobs in Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Anti-Terrorist Training Center Karachi 2014 November Admin / Technical Staff
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- === BPS-06 ===
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- === BPS-05 ===
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- === BPS-04 ===
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- Tailor
- === BPS-03 ===
- Auto Electrician
- Auto Painter
- Auto Denter
- Auto Mechanic
- Carpenter
- === BPS-01 ===
- Naib Qasid
- Sweeper
- Barber
- Cook
- Waiter
- Washerman
- Cobbler
21-Nov-2014 (Friday) - Express
Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Anti-Terrorist Training Centre Karachi Jobs 2014 November Constable (Police / Driver / Lady)
in Karachi
- === BPS-05 ===
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19-Nov-2014 (Wednesday) - Express
Punjab Police Jobs November 2014 Junior Clerks Application Form Download
in Punjab
19-Nov-2014 (Wednesday) - Express
Punjab Police Jobs November 2014 Application Form Download BPS-05 to BPS-01
in Punjab
- === BPS-05 ===
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- === BPS-03 ===
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- === BPS-01 ===
- Naib Qasid
- Langri
- Hajjam (Barber)
- Khalasi
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- Sanitary Worker
- Mali
16-Nov-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Sindh Police Constable Jobs 2014 Application Form Download Latest / New
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- === BPS-05 ===
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16-Nov-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
State Bank of Pakistan Security Guard Jobs 2014 November Application Form Download SBP-BSC
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16-Nov-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
Sindh Police Jobs November 2014 Constable Application Form & Advertisement
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31-Oct-2014 (Friday) - Express
Sipahi & Drivers Jobs in Provincial Levies Department Quetta 2014 October / November
in Quetta
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22-Oct-2014 (Wednesday) - Dawn
AJK PSC Jobs October 2014 Latest Advertisement No 02/2014 2/2014
in Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK)
- === Department of Industry & Commerce ===
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- === Police Department ===
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- === Department of Shariat Court ===
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- Assistant Director / Project Manager
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22-Oct-2014 (Wednesday) - Dawn
Sindh Police Karachi Jobs 2014 October for Anti-Terrorist Training Centre
in Karachi
21-Oct-2014 (Tuesday) - Jang
Punjab Police Jobs October 2014 Lahore NTS Application Form Download
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21-Oct-2014 (Tuesday) - The News
Senior / Police Station Assistant Jobs in Lahore Jobs 2014 October Punjab Police
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21-Oct-2014 (Tuesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
NTS Punjab Police Lahore Jobs 2014 October Application Form
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21-Oct-2014 (Tuesday) - Express
Punjab Police Jobs 2014 October Senior / Police Station Assistants through NTS
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16-Oct-2014 (Thursday) - Dawn
Sindh Police Jobs October 2014 Psychologists, Medical Officers, Tactics Trainers & Senior Instructors
in Karachi
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16-Oct-2014 (Thursday) - Express
Sindh Police Jobs 2014 October Karachi Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Anti-Terrorist Training Center
in Karachi
- === Senior Instructors ===
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- Policing
- Women & Child Rights
- Leadership & Ethics
- Law
- === Other Positions ===
- Medical Officers
- Psychologists
- Specialized Tactics Trainer
10-Oct-2014 (Friday) - Express
Regional Directorate of National Savings Quetta Jobs 2014 October Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan Package
in Quetta, Balochistan
- Assistant National Savings Officer (BPS-14)
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- Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
- Gunman (BPS-01)
05-Oct-2014 (Sunday) - Jang
PPSC Labour Inspector Jobs in Punjab Labour & Human Resource Department 2014 October
in Punjab
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05-Oct-2014 (Sunday) - Express
Federal Investigation Agency Jobs October 2014 NTS Application Form Download IBMS
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- Assistant Director - IBMS - Database
- Assistant Director - IBMS - Information System Audit
- Assistant Director - IBMS - Networks
- System Incharge
- Programmer
- Hardware Engineer
- Accountant
- OS Admin
- Stenographer
- Assistant
- Technical Assistant - Information System (IS)
- Dispatch Rider
- Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
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- Constable
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- Naib Qasid
02-Oct-2014 (Thursday) - Express
KPK Police Jobs October 2014 Computer Operator, Driver Constable & Data Processing Supervisor
in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- Data Processing Supervisor (BPS-14)
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- Driver Constable (BPS-05)
01-Oct-2014 (Wednesday) - Jang
Punjab Police Department Jobs 2014 October PPSC Latest Inspector Legal
in Punjab
- Inspector Legal - Specialist Cadre (BPS-16)
28-Sep-2014 (Sunday) - The News
National Highway and Motorway Police Jobs NTS Application Form Download 2014 September/October
in Pakistan
- Junior Patrol Officer (Male / Female) (BS-05)
28-Sep-2014 (Sunday) - Express
Motorway Police Jobs September 2014 NTS Latest Advertisement Jang / Express
in Pakistan
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