19-Sep-2015 (Saturday) - Express
Elite Police Training Center KPK Jobs 2015 September Naib Qasid, Electrician, Cook, Washerman, Mali & Others
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17-Sep-2015 (Thursday) - The News
KPK Public Service Commission Jobs September 2015 KPPSC Advertisement No 06/2015 Apply Online Latest
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- === Elementary & Secondary Education Department ===
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- === Environment Department ===
- Assistant (BPS-16)
- Assistant (Female) (BPS-16)
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- --- Assistant Professor (BPS-18) ---
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- --- BPS-17 ---
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- Assistant (BPS-16)
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17-Sep-2015 (Thursday) - The News
KPK Police Jobs September 2015 KPPSC Apply Online Computer Operator, Qualitative Analyst & Others in Police Department
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15-Sep-2015 (Tuesday) - Jang
FBR Islamabad Jobs September 2015 NTS Application Form Assistants, Stenotypist, Clerks & Others at Headquarters
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15-Sep-2015 (Tuesday) - Jang
Pakistan Customs Jobs September 2015 FBR NTS Application Form Download Latest Advertisement
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- === BPS-11 ===
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- === BPS-08 ===
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14-Sep-2015 (Monday) - Jang
ASI Jobs in Balochistan Police 2015 September BPSC Application Form Download Latest
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11-Sep-2015 (Friday) - Jang
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06-Sep-2015 (Sunday) - The News
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06-Sep-2015 (Sunday) - The News
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06-Sep-2015 (Sunday) - The News
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06-Sep-2015 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs September 2015 Online Apply Consolidated Advertisement No 9/215 (09/2015) Latest
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- === EME Corps, Ministry of Defence ===
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- === Pakistan Railways Police ===
- Inspectors (BPS-16)
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06-Sep-2015 (Sunday) - Express
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02-Sep-2015 (Wednesday) - Jang
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01-Sep-2015 (Tuesday) - Jang
National Academy of Prisons Administration Lahore Jobs 2015 September NAPA Application Form Download
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30-Aug-2015 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
PO Box 3249 GPO Islamabad Jobs 2015 August / September Security Guards Public Sector Organization
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28-Aug-2015 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Punjab Forensic Science Agency Jobs August 2015 PFSA Application Form Admin & Support Staff Latest
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27-Aug-2015 (Thursday) - The Nation
Punjab Forensic Science Agency Jobs August 2015 NTS Application Form Download Latest
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27-Aug-2015 (Thursday) - The Nation
Punjab Forensic Science Agency Jobs 2015 August NTS Junior Scientists / Lab Technicians & Assistant Directors
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25-Aug-2015 (Tuesday) - Jang
PPSC Written Test Schedule August 2015 Examination of Assistant Sub Inspector & Assistant / Director
in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan, Punjab
- === Anti-Corruption Establishment Wing of S&GAD ===
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- === Food Department ===
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- === Police Department ====
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23-Aug-2015 (Sunday) - Jang
Constable Jobs in Balochistan Police 2015 August Latest Advertisement
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23-Aug-2015 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Gulab Devi Hospital Lahore Jobs 2015 August Female / Lady Security Guards
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21-Aug-2015 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Punjab Constabulary Farooqabad Jobs 2015 August Mali, Sanitary Worker, Langri, Mochi, Hajam & Dhobi Latest
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21-Aug-2015 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Punjab Police Special Protection Unit Jobs 2015 August Security Constables Latest / New
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16-Aug-2015 (Sunday) - Dawn
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- === Departments ===
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16-Aug-2015 (Sunday) - Express
Balochistan Highway Police Naseerabad Jobs 2015 Test / Interview Schedules of Stenographer & Junior Clerks
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13-Aug-2015 (Thursday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Special Protection Unit Punjab Police Jobs August 2015 Security Constables Latest Advertisement
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12-Aug-2015 (Wednesday) - Jang
Forest and Wildlife Department Balochistan Jobs 2015 August Clerks, Forest Guards, Game Watchers & Others
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- === District Level Vacancies ===
- Jeep Driver (BPS-04)
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09-Aug-2015 (Sunday) - Express
Pakistan Navy Civilian Jobs August 2015 Online Registration Join Latest Advertisement
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- === Naval Headquarters, Islamabad ===
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- === Pakistan Navy Civilian Authority Karachi ===
- --- BPS-15 ---
- Foreman
- --- BPS-14 ---
- Sub Inspectors
- --- BPS-12 ---
- Leading Man
- Junior Scientific Assistant
- Data Entry Operator
- --- BPS-11 ---
- Assistant Examiner - Mechanical
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- --- BPS-10 ---
- Labour Welfare Supervisor
- Photographer
- --- BPS-09 ---
- Senior Drawing Instructor
- --- BPS-08 ---
- Assistant Examiner - Ammunition
- --- BPS-07 ---
- Junior Instructor
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- --- BPS-06 ---
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- --- BPS-05 ---
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- --- BPS-04 ---
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- --- BPS-03 ---
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08-Aug-2015 (Saturday) - Jang
Police College Sihala Islamabad Jobs 2015 August Barber, Mali, Mashki, Sanitary Workers & Others
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07-Aug-2015 (Friday) - Express
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02-Aug-2015 (Sunday) - The News
FIA Inspector Jobs August 2015 FPSC Inspector Investigation Apply Online Latest
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02-Aug-2015 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs August 2015 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No. 8/2015 (08/2015)
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02-Aug-2015 (Sunday) - Express
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31-Jul-2015 (Friday) - Jang
Jobs in Punjab Police Integrated Command & Control Communication Center Lahore 2015 July / August Application Form
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31-Jul-2015 (Friday) - The News
Radio Systems Technician / Engineer Jobs in Punjab Police 2015 July / August Integrated Command Control & Communication Centre Lahore (PPIC3)
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31-Jul-2015 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Punjab Police Constable Jobs 2015 July / August DC Operator in Integrated Command & Control Communication Center
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31-Jul-2015 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Constable Jobs in Punjab Police 2015 July / August SOMS Operator in Integrated Command & Control Communication Center
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26-Jul-2015 (Sunday) - Jang
Legal / Admin / Security Officer Jobs in Punjab 2015 July Latest
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09-Jul-2015 (Thursday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Special Branch Punjab Police Jobs July 2015 NTS Application Form Download Latest Advertisement
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- === Explosive Detection Cell ===
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- === Surveillance Wing ===
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- Senior Operator - SW (BPS-07)
- Operator - SW (BPS-05)
- === IT Unit ===
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- === Canine Unit ===
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09-Jul-2015 (Thursday) - Express
Darzi / Tailor Jobs in Punjab Police Constabulary Sheikhupura 2015 July Latest
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06-Jul-2015 (Monday) - Jang
Punjab Police Constable Jobs July 2015 for Punjab Constabulary Latest / New
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28-Jun-2015 (Sunday) - Jang
PPSC ASI Jobs in Punjab Police 2015 Psychological Test Information Corrigendum Ad No. 23/2015
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27-Jun-2015 (Saturday) - Jang
Balochistan Highway Police Naseerabad Jobs 2015 June Stenographer & Clerks Latest
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24-Jun-2015 (Wednesday) - Jang
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23-Jun-2015 (Tuesday) - The News
ASI Jobs in Peshawar Police Department 2015 June KPK Public Service Commission Online Apply Latest
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21-Jun-2015 (Sunday) - The News
KPK Public Service Commission Jobs June 2015 KPPSC Advertisement No 04/2015 (4/2015) Latest
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21-Jun-2015 (Sunday) - Express
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19-Jun-2015 (Friday) - Jang
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19-Jun-2015 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
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15-Jun-2015 (Monday) - Jang
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