23-Dec-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Combined Competitive Examination December 2018 Apply Online Advertisement No 38/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Combined Competitive Examination - 2018 ===
- === Service and General Administration Department ===
- 49 Provincial Management Service
16-Dec-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs December 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 37/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Industries, Commerce & Investment Department ===
- 01 Assistant (BPS-16)
- === Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department ===
- 08 Senior Registrars Psychiatry (BPS-18)
- 06 Senior Registrars Dermatology (BPS-18)
- 03 Assistant Professors (BPS-18)
18-Nov-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs November 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 34/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Agriculture Department ===
- Assistant Agronomists (BPS-18)
- Assistant Director Technical (BPS-18)
- Agricultural Officers (BPS-17)
- Assistant Agricultural Information Officers (BPS-17)
- Assistant (BPS-16)
- === In the Archives & Libraries Wing, S&GAD ===
- Assistant Director Records (BPS-17)
- === Mines & Minerals Department ===
- Subject Specialist Biology (BPS-17)
- Computer Instructors (Male / Female) (BPS-16)
- Physical Education Instructor (BPS-16)
11-Nov-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Pharmacist Jobs in Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab November 2018 PPSC Online Apply Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department ===
- 586 Pharmacists (BPS-17)
11-Nov-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Subject Specialist Jobs in Labour and Human Resource Department Punjab 2018 November PPSC Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Labour and Human Resource Department ===
- === Punjab Worker's Welfare Board ===
- --- 37 Subject Specialists (BPS-17) ---
- Physical Education
- Economics
- Psychology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Urdu
- Pak Study / History / Political Science
- English
- Islamiat
- Computer Science
- Statistics
- Biology
- Mathematics
11-Nov-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs November 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 33/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Livestock and Dairy Development Department ===
- 09 Assistants (BPS-16)
- 02 Additional Principal Veterinary Officer (BPS-19)
- === Primary & Secondary Health Department ===
- 586 Pharmacists (BPS-17)
- === Labour and Human Resource Department ===
- 03 Vice Principals (BPS-17)
- --- 37 Subject Specialists (BPS-17) ---
- Physical Education
- Economics
- Psychology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Urdu
- Pak Study / History / Political Science
- English
- Islamiat
- Computer Science
- Statistics
- Biology
- Mathematics
28-Oct-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs October 2018 November Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 32/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department ===
- === 11 Senior Registrars (BPS-18) ===
- Pediatric Endocrinology
- Electrophysiology
- Infectious Diseases
- Preventive Pediatric
- Pulmonology
- Gastroenterology
- === Agriculture Department ===
- 01 Director Processing (BPS-19)
- 03 Deputy Director Directors Processing (BPS-18)
- 07 Extra Assistant Director of Agriculture (E&M) / Project Manager / Agriculture Economist / Marketing Specialist / Programme Coordinator (BPS-18)
- 02 Assistant Director Processing (BPS-17)
- 03 Assistant Directors Farm / Procurement (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Director Legal (BPS-17)
- 03 Assistant Director Marketing / Administration (BPS-17)
- === Law & Parliamentary Affairs Department ===
- 01 Chief Translator (BPS-18)
- 01 Database Administrator (BPS-17)
- 01 Network Administrator (BPS-17)
- 02 Translators (BPS-17)
21-Oct-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Special Education Teacher Jobs in Special Education Department Punjab October 2018 PPSC Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Special Education Department ===
- 68 Junior Special Education Teachers (Dead) (BPS-16)
21-Oct-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs October 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 31/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Special Education Department ===
- 68 Junior Special Education Teachers (Deaf) (BPS-16)
- === Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department ===
- 01 Assistant Professors - Pediatric Histopathology (BPS-18)
- 02 Senior Registrars - Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia (BPS-18)
- 01 Assistant Professor - Neurology (BPS-18)
- === Zakat & Ushr Department ===
- 01 Assistant Secretary (BPS-17)
- === Human Rights and Minorities Affairs Department ===
- 01 Personal Assistant
- === Industries Commerce and Investment Department ===
- 01 Assistant Director - Legal (BPS-17)
- 01 Assistant Director - Mechanical (BPS-17)
07-Oct-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs October 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 30/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Mines and Minerals Department ===
- === Mines Labour Welfare Organization ===
- 03 Secondary School Teachers (Science) (BPS-16)
- === Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department ===
- 09 Senior Registrars - Orthopedic Surgery (BPS-18)
- 03 Senior Registrars - Nuclear Medicine (BPS-18)
30-Sep-2018 (Sunday) - The News
KPPSC Jobs September 2018 October KPK Public Service Commission Civil Judge Apply Online Advertisement No. 6/2018 Latest
in KPK
- 55 Civil Judges-cum-Judicial Magistrates / Alaqa Qazi (BPS-18)
23-Sep-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Sub Inspector Jobs in Cooperative Department Punjab 2018 September PPSC Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Cooperatives Department ===
- 145 Sub Inspectors - Cooperative Societies (BPS-11)
23-Sep-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs September 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 29/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department ===
- 01 Assistant Professor Development Pediatric (BPS-18)
- === Mines and Minerals Department ===
- 07 Assistant Directors - Mines & Minerals (BPS-17)
- === Cooperatives Department ===
- 145 Sub Inspectors - Cooperative Societies (BPS-11)
16-Sep-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs September 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 28/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Labour and Human Resource Department ===
- Assistant (BPS-16)
- === Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department ===
- Professor of Pediatric Neurology (BPS-20)
- Associate Professor - Pediatric Cardiology (BPS-19)
- === Agriculture Department ===
- Agriculture Officer (E&M) / Instructor (BPS-17)
09-Sep-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs September 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 27/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Local Government & Community Development Department ===
- 18 Assistant Engineers - Civil (BPS-17)
- 68 Assistant Directors (BPS-17)
- === Agriculture Department ===
- 01 Computer Programmer (BPS-17)
- === Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department ===
- === 15 Associate Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Gastroenterology
- Infectious Diseases
- Neonatology
- Cardiac Surgery
- Radiotherapy
- Pediatric Gastroenterology
- Preventive Pediatric
- Electrophysiology
- === 46 Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ===
- Urology
- Pediatric Neurology
- Immunology
- Biochemistry
- Pharmacology
- Anesthesia
- Radiology
- Anatomy
- === 08 Senior Registrars (BPS-18) ===
- Pediatric
- Hematology
- Oncology
- Developmental Pediatrics
- Endocrinology
09-Sep-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Local Government and Community Development Department Punjab Jobs September 2018 PPSC Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Local Government and Community Development Department ===
- 18 Assistant Engineers - Civil (BPS-17)
- 68 Assistant Directors (BPS-17)
02-Sep-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Punjab Police Junior Clerk Jobs 2018 September PPSC Apply Online Latest Advertisement
in Punjab
02-Sep-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Excise and Taxation Inspector Jobs 2018 PPSC Apply Online Latest
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- 137 Excise and Taxation Inspectors (BS-16)
12-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Lahore High Court Jobs August 2018 PPSC Apply Online Latest
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- === BPS-18 ===
- 03 Assistant Registrar
- 03 Audit Officers
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Accounts Officer
- 31 Personal Assistants
- 21 Stenographers
- 01 Supervisor - Hardware
- === BPS-16 ===
- 17 Assistant
- 03 Assistant - IT
- 02 Server Technicians
25-Jul-2018 (Wednesday) - The News
Deputy Prosecutor General Jobs in Public Prosecution Department Punjab 2018 July / August PPSC Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Public Prosecution Department ===
- 10 Deputy Prosecutor General (BPS-18)
15-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Data Entry Operator Jobs in Punjab Police July 2018 PPSC Apply Online Latest
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- === Punjab Police Department ===
- 16 Data Entry Operators (DEO) (BPS-12)
12-Jul-2018 (Thursday) - Jang
PPSC Written Test Schedule July 2018 Roll Number Slip & Examination Center Information Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Agriculture Department ===
- Deputy Director (BPS-18)
- Soil Survey Research Officer (BPS-17)
- Field Assistants / Crop Reporters (BPS-11)
- === Wildlife & Fisheries Department ===
- GIS Analyst / Data Analyst (BPS-17)
- === Women Development Department ===
- Communication Specialist (BPS-17)
- === Human Rights & Minorities Affairs Department ===
- Communication Specialist
08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
PPSC Jobs July 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 21/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department ===
- --- Senior Registrars (BPS-18) ---
- Urology
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- --- Assistant Professors (BPS-18) ---
- Pediatric Radiology
- Pediatric Histopathology
- Pediatric Dermatology
- Neurosurgery
- Pediatric Ophthalmology
- Infectious Diseases
- Electro-Physiology
- === Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department ===
- Assistant Director (BPS-17)
- Accounts Officer (BPS-16)
05-Jul-2018 (Thursday) - The Nation
PPSC Written Test Schedule July 2018 Deputy Prosecutor General Roll Number Slip Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Public Prosecution Department ===
- Deputy Prosecutor General (BPS-18)
03-Jul-2018 (Tuesday) - Jang
ASI Jobs in KPK Police 2018 July Assistant Sub Inspectors KPPSC Online Application Form Latest
in KPK
- === Police Department ===
- 420 Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASI) (BPS-11)
03-Jul-2018 (Tuesday) - The Nation
PPSC Written Test Schedule July 2018 Roll Number Slip & Examination Center Information Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Punjab Land Record Authority ===
- Service Centre Officials
- === Forestry, Wildlife & Fisheries Department ===
- Equipment Engineer (BPS-17)
- Computer Programmer (BPS-17)
- Database Administrator (BPS-17)
27-Jun-2018 (Wednesday) - The Nation
PPSC Written Test Schedule June 2018 July Roll Number Slip & Examination Center Information Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Public Prosecution Department ===
- Deputy Prosecutor General (BPS-18)
- === Agriculture Department ===
- Computer Programmer (BPS-17)
- === Forestry, Wildlife, Fisheries Department ===
- Evaluation Officer / Statistical Officer / Economist / Research Officer (BPS-17)
- Assistant Director Fisheries / Zoologist (BPS-17)
- Senior Chemist (BPS-17)
- === Archives & Libraries Wing, S&GAD ===
- Librarian (BPS-17)
- Junior Programmer (BPS-14)
- Data Entry Operator (BPS-12)
24-Jun-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
PPSC Jobs June 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 20/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department ===
- Associate Professors - Urology (BPS-19)
- Associate Professor - Oncology (BPS-19)
- Associate Professor - Dermatology (BPS-19)
- === Labour and Human Resource Department ===
- Director Legal (BPS-18)
- Deputy Director - Prosecution (BPS-18)
- Deputy Director - Legal (BPS-17)
- Law Officer (BPS-17)
21-Jun-2018 (Thursday) - The Nation
PPSC Written Test Schedule June 2018 Sub Engineers Roll Number Slip Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Punjab Irrigation Department ===
- Sub Engineer - Civil (BPS-14) (Research Zone)
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13-Jun-2018 (Wednesday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs June 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 19/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department ===
- 03 Associate Professors - Ophthalmology (BPS-19)
- 03 Assistant Professors - Prosthodontics (BPS-18)
- 03 Assistant Professors - Operative Dentistry (BPS-18)
08-Jun-2018 (Friday) - The Nation
PPSC Written Test Schedule June 2018 Sub Engineers Roll Number Slip & Examination Center Information Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Punjab Irrigation Department ===
- 59 Sub Engineers (Civil) (BPS-14)
06-Jun-2018 (Wednesday) - The Nation
Agriculture Department Punjab Jobs June 2018 Field Assistants / Crop Reporters & Others PPSC Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Agriculture Department ===
- 360 Field Assistants (Stat) / Crop Reporters (BPS-11)
- 01 Director (BPS-19)
- 02 Deputy Director (BPS-18)
- 05 Soil Survey Research Officers (BPS-17)
01-Jun-2018 (Friday) - The Nation
PPSC Written Test Schedule June 2018 Roll Number Slip & Examination Center Information Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Special Education Department ===
- 06 Lecturers - Islamiyat (BPS-17)
- 03 Lecturers - Pakistan Studies (BPS-17)
- === Communication & Works Department ===
- 30 Assistant Engineers / Sub Divisional Officer / Assistant Directors (BPS-17)
- === Directorate General of Mines & Minerals , Punjab Minerals Department ===
- 05 GIS Development Officer (BPS-17)
- === Anti-Terrorism Court Punjab, Home Department ===
- 02 Assistant (BPS-16)
- 02 Senior Scale Stenographers (BPS-16)
- === Punjab Prison Home Department ===
- 06 Stenographers (BPS-15)
30-May-2018 (Wednesday) - The Nation
Service Center Officials Jobs in Punjab Land Record Authority 2018 May / June PPSC Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Punjab Land Record Authority ===
- === Revenue Department ===
- 702 Service Center Officials
30-May-2018 (Wednesday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs May 2018 June Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 17/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Mines and Minerals Department, Inspectorate of Mines ===
- 05 Research Officers / Rescue Instructors / Junior Inspectors of Mines (BPS-17)
- === Archives & Libraries Wing , S&GAD ===
- 02 Librarian (BPS-17)
- === Forestry Wildlife & Fisheries Department ===
- 04 Senior Chemists (BPS-17)
- 04 Assistant Directors Fisheries / Zoologist (BPS-17)
- 01 Computer Programmer (BPS-17)
- 01 Equipment Engineer (BPS-17)
- 03 Evaluation Officers / Statistical Officers / Economist Research Officers (BPS-17)
- === Punjab Land Record Authority, Revenue Department ===
- 702 Service Center Officials
- === Forestry Wildlife & Fisheries Department ===
- 03 Database Administrators (BPS-17)
27-May-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
PPSC Jobs May 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 16/2018 Latest
in Lahore, Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department ===
- Assistant Professor - Clinical Genetics (BPS-18)
- === Agriculture Department ===
- Computer Programmers (BPS-17)
- === Archives & Libraries Wing, S&GAD ===
- Junior Programmer (BPS-14)
- Data Entry Operator (BPS-12)
- === Auqaf & Religious Affairs Department ===
- Anesthetist (BPS-18)
25-May-2018 (Friday) - The Nation
PPSC Written Test Schedule May 2018 Lecturers Roll Numbers Slip Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Special Education Department ===
- Lecturer - Education (BPS-17)
- Lecturer - Psychology (BPS-17)
- Lecturer - Computer Science (BPS-17)
19-May-2018 (Saturday) - Jang
PPSC Written Test Schedule May 2018 Junior Forensic Scientists Roll Number Slip Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Punjab Forensic Science Agency ===
- Junior Forensic Scientist - Trace Chemistry
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16-May-2018 (Wednesday) - Jang
Sub Engineer Jobs in Irrigation Department Punjab 2018 May PPSC Apply Online Civil Engineers Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Punjab Irrigation Department ===
- 78 Sub Engineers - Civil (BPS-14)
11-May-2018 (Friday) - Jang
PPSC Written Test Schedule May 2018 Roll Number Slip & Examination Center Information Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Punjab Prisons Home Department ===
- Junior Psychologist (BPS-16)
- Psychologist (BPS-17)
- === Special Education Department ===
- --- Lecturers (BPS-17) ---
- Fine Arts
- Blind Field
- Optometry
- Urdu
- Punjab
- Audiology
- === Agriculture Department ===
- Assistant Director Agriculture (BPS-18)
09-May-2018 (Wednesday) - Jang
Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs May 2018 Corrigendum PPSC Consolidated Advertisement No 03/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department ===
- Women Medical Officers (BPS-17)
09-May-2018 (Wednesday) - Jang
PPSC Jobs May 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 14/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department ===
- --- 01 Professor (BPS-20) ---
- Communication Medicine
- --- 06 Associate Professors (BPS-19) ---
- Anesthesia
- --- 50 Senior Registrars (BPS-18) ---
- Nuclear Medicine
- Gastroenterology
- Pediatrics Urology
- Pediatrics Endocrinology
- Pediatrics Ophthalmology
- Pediatric ENT
- Pediatric Pulmonology
- Neonatology
- Pediatric Gastroenterology
- Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia
- Pediatric Nephrology
- === Anti-Terrorism Court, Punjab Home Department ===
- 02 Assistants (BPS-16)
- 02 Senior Scale Stenographers (BPS-16)
09-May-2018 (Wednesday) - Jang
Medical Officer Jobs in Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department Punjab May 2018 PPSC Corrigendum Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department ===
- Medical Officers (BPS-17)
06-May-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
PPSC Jobs May 2018 Apply Online Consolidated Advertisement No 13/2018 Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Population Welfare Department ===
- 06 Theatre Nurses (BPS-16)
- === Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department ===
- === 85 Senior Registrars (BPS-18) ===
- Electrophysiology
- Medicine (Emergency)
- Surgery (Emergency)
- Pediatric Cardiology
- Infectious Diseases
- Pediatric Radiology
- Kidney Transplant
- Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
- Oncology
- Pediatric Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Psychiatry
- Preventive Pediatrics
- Pediatric Neurology
- === Social Welfare & Bait-ul-Maal Department ===
- 20 Medical Officers (BPS-17)
- === Communication & Works Department ===
- 30 Assistant Engineers / Sub Divisional Officer / Assistant Directors (BPS-17)
- === Mines and Minerals Department ===
- 01 Geologist (BPS-17)
- 05 GIS Development Officers (BPS-17)
06-May-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Medical Officer Jobs in Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal Department Punjab May 2018 PPSC Apply Online Latest
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- === Social Welfare & Bait-ul-Maal Department ===
- 20 Medical Officers (BPS-17)
06-May-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Communication and Works Department Punjab Jobs May 2018 Civil Engineers PPSC Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Communication & Works Department ===
- 30 Assistant Engineers / Sub Divisional Officer / Assistant Directors (BPS-17)
06-May-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Senior Registrar Jobs in Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department Punjab May 2018 PPSC Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Specialized Healthcare and Medical Education Department ===
- === 85 Senior Registrars (BPS-18) ===
- Plastic Surgery
- Psychiatry
- Preventive Pediatrics
- Pediatric Neurology
- Surgery (Emergency)
- Pediatric Cardiology
- Infectious Diseases
- Electrophysiology
- Medicine (Emergency)
- Pediatric Radiology
- Kidney Transplant
- Pediatric Cardiac Surgery
- Oncology
- Pediatric Surgery
04-May-2018 (Friday) - Jang
PPSC Written Test Schedule May 2018 Roll Number Slip & Examination Center Information Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Special Education Department ===
- Lecturer Physical Education (BPS-17)
- Assistant Director / Admin Officer (BPS-17)
- === Law & Parliamentary Affairs Department ===
- Network Administrator (BPS-17)
- System Administrator (BPS-17)
- Database Administrator (BPS-17)
- === Agriculture Department ===
- Agriculture Officer (BPS-17)
- === Industries, Commerce & Investment Department ===
- Research Officer (BPS-17)
28-Apr-2018 (Saturday) - Jang
Punjab Forensic Science Agency Jobs April 2018 PPSC Advertisement No 03/2018 Corrigendum Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Punjab Forensic Science Agency ===
- Junior Forensic Scientist (Trace Chemistry)
- Junior Forensic Scientist (Firearms & Tool Marks)
27-Apr-2018 (Friday) - Jang
PPSC Written Test Schedule April 2018 Roll Number Slip & Examination Center Information Download Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Labour & Human Resource Department ===
- Social Security Officer (BPS-16)
- === Industries, Commerce & Investment Department ===
- Fashion Designer (BPS-17)
- Civil Engineer (BPS-18)
- === PDMA, Board of Revenue ===
- Computer Operator (BPS-12)