27-Aug-2018 (Monday) - Express
PO Box 769 GPO Rawalpindi Jobs August 2018 Application Form Data Entry Operator & Store Man Pak Army Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- Data Entry Operator (BPS-12)
- Store Man (BPS-05)
26-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Pakistan Rangers Sindh Jobs August 2018 Sipahi, Havildar, Naik, Sub Inspectors & Others Latest
in Sindh
- 20 Sub Inspectors General Duty (BPS-13)
- 02 Religious Teachers (BPS-11)
- 80 Havildar General Duty (BPS-08)
- 08 Sepoy Clerks (BPS-08)
- 40 Naik General Duty (BPS-07)
- === 850 Sepoy / Sipahi (BPS-05) ===
- 822 General Duty
- 20 Cook
- 06 Mess Waiter
- 02 Misalchi
- === 65 Non-Combatant Enrolled (BPS-02) ===
- Tailor
- Barber
- Carpenter
- Painter
- Boot Maker
- Water Carrier
- Sanitary Workers
26-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Garrison Academy Quetta Cantt Jobs August 2018 for Teachers Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
- === 16 Pre & Junior School Teachers ===
- General
- Urdu
- Arts
- === 03 Middle School Teachers ===
- English
- Science
- Urdu
- === 03 Senior School Teachers ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
25-Aug-2018 (Saturday) - Express
NLC Jobs August 2018 Apply Online Auditors, Accountants & Others Latest
in Gharo, Thatta, Sindh, Rawalpindi, Punjab
- General Manager / Senior Manager Finance & Accounts
- Senior Manager Audit
- Senior Auditor
- Assistant Auditor
- Senior Accountant
- Accountant / Assistant Accountant
19-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - The News
Army Heritage Foundation Rawalpindi Jobs 2018 August Clerks, Internees & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- Assistant Accounts Officer
- Accountant
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- Internship
19-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Army Aviation Spares Depot EME Multan Jobs 2018 August Storeman & Watchman Latest
in Multan, Punjab
- 13 Storeman (BPS-05)
- 01 Watchman (BPS-01)
19-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - Express
302 Spares Depot EME Rawalpindi Jobs August 2018 Storeman, Electromedical Technician & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- HSM Computer (BPS-10)
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- HSM Electronics (BPS-10)
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- Storeman (BPS-05)
- Driver (BPS-04)
- Fireman (BPS-02)
- Packer (BPS-01)
- USM / Labour (BPS-01)
14-Aug-2018 (Tuesday) - Jang
Pakistan Marine Academy Karachi Admission 2018 / 2019 PMA 57th Batch Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
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12-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Pakistan Air Force Jobs August 2018 Online Registration Join as Aero Trades, PF&DI, Nursing Assistant, Provost, MTD, GC & Sportsman Latest
in Pakistan
- Aero Trades
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- PF & DI
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12-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Central Ammunition Depot Sargodha Jobs August 2018 Drivers, Carpenters & Others CAD Latest
in Sargodha, Punjab
- === BPS-12 ===
- Data Entry Operator
- === BPS-07 ===
- Storeman
- === BPS-05 ===
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- === BPS-04 ===
- Driver
- === BPS-03 ===
- Carpenter
- Painter
- === BPS-02 ===
- Fireman
- === BPS-01 ===
- Searcher
- Unskilled Manual (USM)
12-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Join Pakistan Navy as Sailor August 2018 Online Registration Join in C-2018(S) Batch Latest / New
in Pakistan
- === Sailors ===
- Naval Police Regulating
- Marines
- Naib Khateeb
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- MTD / Driver
- Sanitary Worker / Khakroob
- PT Branch
12-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - Express
CMH Malir Cantt Karachi Jobs August 2018 Medical Assistants, Sanitary Workers & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === BPS-07 ===
- 03 Medical Assistant (Male)
- 01 Medical Assistant (Female)
- === BPS-04 ===
- 01 Ward Boy
- 01 Driver
- === BPS-01 ===
- 03 Cooks
- 01 Chowkidar
- 01 Labour
- 03 Aya
- 06 Sanitary Workers (Male)
- 03 Sanitary Workers (Female)
05-Aug-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Command and Staff College Quetta Jobs August 2018 Clerks, Sanitary Workers & Others Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Computer Operator
- === BPS-13 ===
- 01 Cameraman
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Computer Operator Graphics
- 01 Accountant
- === BPS-09 ===
- 05 Lower Division Clerks (LDC)
- === BPS-04 ===
- 01 Civil Driver
- === BPS-01 ===
- 02 Labour
- 01 Naib Qasid
- 03 Mess Waiters
- 05 Sanitary Workers
- 01 Mali
29-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Join Pakistan Navy through Short Service Commission Course 2018-B Online Registration Latest / New
in Pakistan
- === Special Branch - Research Design & Technical Analysis (RD & TA) Department Dockyard ===
- BE Mechanical Engineering
- MS in Mechanical Engineering
- MS in Electrical Engineering
- MS in Electronics Engineering
- === Special Branch - Cardiac Perfusionist ===
- B.Sc. Cardiac Perfusion
- === Special Branch - Biomedical Engineer ===
- B.Sc. Bio Medicine
- === Special Branch - Religious Motivation Officers (RMOs) ===
- Dars-e-Nizami
- --- Bachelors / Masters in ---
- Usool-ud-Din
- Islamic Finance / Economics
- Shariah Law
- Business Administration
- === Medical Branch - Specialists ===
- Cardiologist
- Cardiac Anesthetist
- Registrar Cardiac Surgery
- Registrar Cardiology
- Registrar Cardiac Anesthesia
- === Education Branch - Psychologists ===
- M.A. / M.Sc. / BS (4 Years) in Psychology
29-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Join Pakistan Air Force July 2018 August Online Registration SPSSC, SSC & Permanent Commission Latest
in Pakistan
- === 147 GD (P) Course ===
- F.Sc. (Pre-Engineering / Pre-Medical / Computer Science)
- A-Level with Physics, Math or Biology
- F.Sc. with Physics / Math / Statistics / Computer Science / Biology
- === 93 Aeronautical Engineering Course ===
- F.Sc. Pre-Engineering with Chemistry
- A-Level with Physics, Chemistry & Math
- === Accounts Branch (123 CSC SSC) ===
- --- Rank - Flying Officer ---
- B.Com (4 Years) / BBA (4 Years)
- M.Com. / MBA / ACCA / ACMA
- BS (4 Years) Accounting & Finance
- === Information Technology (123 CSC SSC) ===
- MCS / BCS (Hons) / BS in Computer Science
- IT , Software Engineering , Information Security
- === 103 Air Defence Course ===
- F.Sc. (Pre-Engg / Pre-Medical / Computer Science)
- A-Level with Physics and Maths or Biology
- F.Sc. with Physics / Math / Statistics / Computer Science / Biology
- === 24 Admin & Special Duties Course ===
- F.Sc. (Pre-Engg / Pre-Medical / Computer Science)
- A-Level with Physics and Maths or Biology
- F.Sc. with Physics / Math / Statistics / Computer Science / Biology
- === Education Branch (123 CSC SPSSC) ===
- --- Rank - Flying Officer ---
- M.A. Islamiat with Farigh / Fazil Dars-e-Nizami
- === Engineering Branch (123 CSC SPSSC) ===
- --- Rank - Flying Officer ---
- Electronics / Electrical / Mechatronics Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering / Aero
- Metallurgical Engineering / Chemical Engineering
29-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Army Burn Hall College for Boys Abbottabad Jobs July 2018 August Teachers, Lab Assistant & Others Latest
in Abbottabad, KPK
- === Teachers ===
- English
- Urdu
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Librarian
- Lab Assistant - Science Lab
- Lab Attendant
- Caretaker
- Mess NCO
- Nursing
29-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
605 Regional Workshop EME Nowshera Cantt Jobs 2018 July / August Skilled Mechanics / Technicians & Others Latest
in Nowshera, KPK
- === Highly Skilled (BPS-10) ===
- Mechanic VM
- === Highly Skilled Grade-I (BPS-07) ===
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- Vehicle Mechanic C-Vehicle
- Electro Medical
- === BPS-07 ===
- Gate Keeper
- === Highly Skilled Grade-II (BPS-06) ===
- Vehicle Mechanic AFV
- Vehicle Mechanic B-Vehicle
- === BPS-05 ===
- Storeman
- Security Supervisor
- === Skilled (BPS-04) ===
- Upholster
- Electrician
- === Semi Skilled-I (BPS-04) ===
- Vehicle Mechanic AFV
- Vehicle Mechanic B-Vehicle
- Welder
- Telecom Technician
- Computer Technician
- Electrician
- Armorer
- === Semi Skilled-II (BPS-03) ===
- Vehicle Mechanic AFV
- Vehicle Mechanic B-Vehicle
- Vehicle Mechanic C-Vehicle
- Welder
- Black Smith
- Machinist
- Bench Fitter
- Painter
- Telecom Technician
- Optronics Technician
- Electro Medical
- Armorer
- === BPS-01 ===
- Labour USM
29-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Garrison Human Resource Development Center Sialkot Jobs 2018 July / August Computer Assistant & Clerk Latest
in Sialkot, Punjab
- Computer Assistant (BPS-14)
- Lower Division Clerk (LDC) (BPS-09)
29-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Pakistan Army NLI Regimental Center Bunji Gilgit Jobs 2018 July / August Clerks & Drivers Latest
in Bunji, Astore, Gilgit Baltistan
- 02 Lower Division Clerks (BPS-09)
- 02 Drivers (BPS-04)
28-Jul-2018 (Saturday) - The News
Pakistan Rangers Punjab Jobs July 2018 August Sipahi General Duty Latest Advertisement
in Punjab, Pakistan
- Sipahi / Sepoy - General Duty (GD) (BPS-05)
22-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Iqra Army Public School and College Quetta Cantt Jobs 2018 July Teachers, Section Head & Office Assistant Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
- === Teachers ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Computer
- Biology
- English
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- Islamiyat
- Urdu
- History
- Geography
- === Other Staff ===
- Section Heads
- Office Assistants
22-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Aviation Army Public School and College Rawalpindi Jobs 2018 July Teaching Staff Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Teaching Staff ===
- English
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- Statistics
22-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Jang
Lecturer Jobs in Army Public School and College Chunian Cantt 2018 July APS&C Latest
in Chunian Cantt, Kasur, Punjab
- === Lecturers ===
- Physics
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- Mathematics
- English
22-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Pakistan Marine Academy Karachi Admission 2019 / 2020 PMA Application Form 57th Batch Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- Nautical (Deck) Cadets
- Maine Engineering Cadets
22-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Security Guard & Supervisor Jobs in Faisalabad July 2018 Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- 04 Security Supervisors
- 06 Security Guards
22-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Fauji Foundation Institute of Technology Rawalpindi Jobs 2018 July Teaching Faculty & Coordinator Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Teaching Faculty ===
- Islamiat / Pakistan Studies
- English
- Mathematics
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- Electrical Wiring
- Chemical
- Physics
- Basic Civil Engineering / Surveying
- Engineering Material & Construction Technic
- Workshop Practice / Wood Worker / Metal Works / Welding
- Engineering / Project Management
- === Other Staff ===
- Coordinator
22-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
System / Network Support Engineer Jobs in FWO 2018 July Apply Online Frontier Works Organization Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- 08 Junior Manager System / Network Support Engineers
20-Jul-2018 (Friday) - Jang
Agricultural Engineering Department Balochistan Jobs July 2018 Naib Qaisd, Chowkidar & Others Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-02 ===
- 04 Dozer Cleaner
- 01 Dozer Cleaner / Tractor Cleaner
- 02 Helper
- 01 MT Cleaner
- === BPS-01 ===
- 06 Chowkidar
- 04 Khakroob
- 06 Naib Qasid
15-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Army Special Education Academy Rawalpindi Jobs 2018 July Special Educators, Computer Teacher & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
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14-Jul-2018 (Saturday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Junior Leaders Academy Shinkiari Jobs 2018 July Clerks, Cooks & Others Latest
in Shinkiari, Mansehra, KPK
- Press Incharge Retired JCO (BPS-10)
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- Driver (BPS-04)
- Generator Operator (BPS-01)
- Cook (BPS-01)
11-Jul-2018 (Wednesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Punjab Police Constable Jobs July 2018 Latest Advertisement
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11-Jul-2018 (Wednesday) - Express
ASC Center Nowshera Cantt Jobs July 2018 Sanitary Workers, Cooks & Others Pakistan Army Latest
in Nowshera, KPK
- 01 Mess Clerk / Supervisor (BPS-07)
- 05 Civil Drivers (BPS-04)
- 06 Unit Cooks (BPS-01)
- 08 Sanitary Workers (BPS-01)
08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Security Officer Jobs in PARCO 2018 July Apply Online Pak-Arab Refinery Limited Latest
in Pakistan
08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
CMH Sialkot Jobs 2018 July Medical Assistants, Sanitary Workers & Others Combined Military Hospital Latest
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- 01 Lower Division Clerk (LDC) (BPS-09)
- 01 Medical Assistant (Male) (BPS-07)
- 02 Medical Assistants (Female) (BPS-07)
- 02 Ward Boys (BPS-04)
- 01 Cook (BPS-01)
- 01 Stretcher Bearer (BPS-01)
- 04 Sanitary Workers (BPS-01)
- 02 Aya (BPS-01)
08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Join Pakistan Army as M Cadet July 2018 Online Registration in Medical Corps Latest
in Pakistan
- === M Cadets in Pakistan Army ===
- === Eligibility Criteria ===
- Students of 4th or 5th / Final Year of MBBS
08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Join Pakistan Army as AFNS 2018 July Online Registration Armed Forces Nursing Service Admissions Latest
in Pakistan
- === Armed Forces Nursing Service (AFNS) ===
- AFNS - B.Sc. Nursing
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08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
505 Electronics Base Workshop EME Rawalpindi Jobs 2018 July Application Form Pakistan Army Skilled Technicians & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === BPS-10 ===
- HSM - Fitter
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- === BPS-06 ===
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- === BPS-04 ===
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- === BPS-01 ===
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08-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
University of Wah Jobs 2018 July Apply Online Teaching Faculty & Others Latest
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- === Associate Professors ===
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- === Assistant Professors ===
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- Education
- English
- Psychology
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- Mechanical Engineering
- === Lecturers ===
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Statistics
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- Education
- Psychology
- Fine Arts
- Civil
- Chemical
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- === Lab Engineers ===
- Chemical Electrical
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- === Demonstrators ===
- Biosciences
- Statistics
- Computer Science
- Management Science
- Psychology
- === Management / IT Department ===
- Assistant Controller of Examinations
04-Jul-2018 (Wednesday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
CMH Hyderabad Jobs July 2018 Medical Assistants, Storeman, Ward Boys & Others Latest
in Hyderabad, Sindh
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- === BPS-09 ===
- 02 Storeman
- 01 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- === BPS-07 ===
- 03 Medical Assistants
- === BPS-04 ===
- 02 Ward Boys
- === BPS-01 ===
- 01 Labour
- 02 Cooks
- 01 Sanitary Worker (Female)
- 01 Sanitary Worker (Male)
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Federal Urdu University Islamabad Jobs July 2018 Application Form Security Officers / Supervisor & Others Latest
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01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
CMH Risalpur Jobs July 2018 Cook, Sanitary Worker & Labour Combined Military Hospital Latest
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01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
Skilled Labour Jobs in Transport Battalion Army Service Corps Rawalpindi 2018 July GHQ Latest
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01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - Express
School of Infantry and Tactics Quetta Jobs July 2018 Application Form Ministry of Defence Latest
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- === BPS-12 ===
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- === BPS-07 ===
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- Plate Maker
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01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Army Public School and College Sukkur Jobs July 2018 Teachers, Lecturers & DPE Latest
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- === General Teachers ===
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- === Lecturers ===
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- === Other Staff ===
- Director Physical Education
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
Army Public School and College Rawalpindi Jobs July 2018 FWO for Teachers APS&C Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Senior School Teachers ===
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
01-Jul-2018 (Sunday) - The Nation
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- Sanitary Worker (BPS-01)
28-Jun-2018 (Thursday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
FWO Jobs June 2018 July Apply Online Frontier Works Organization Latest Advertisement
in Pakistan
- === Professors, Associate / Assistant Professors ===
- Civil Engineering
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- Computer Science
- Management Science / Business Administration
- === Lecturers ===
- Civil Engineering
- Architectural Engineering
- Computer Science
- Business Administration
- Mathematics
- English
- === Lab Engineers ===
- Civil
- Architecture
- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Deputy Registrar
- Deputy Director Administration
- Deputy Director Admissions / Registration
- Security Officer
- Assistant Registrar
- Assistant Controller of Examinations
- Assistant Treasurer
- Manager Counselling and Students Affairs
- Assistant Director Sports
- PS to Principal
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- Assistant Security Officer
- Computer Operator
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- Assistant
- Senior Clerk
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27-Jun-2018 (Wednesday) - Dawn
Pakistan Scouts Cadet College Batrasi Mansehra Jobs June 2018 July Lecturer, Drill Instructor & Others Latest
in Mansehra, KPK
- Lecturer - Mathematics (BPS-17)
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- Assistant Security Officer (BPS-11)
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- Drill Instructor (BPS-09)
- Security Guard (BPS-02)
24-Jun-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Army Public School COD Karachi Jobs June 2018 Admin Officer, Front Desk / Office Assistant & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
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24-Jun-2018 (Sunday) - Dawn
Army Public School COD Karachi Jobs June 2018 Teachers, Lab Assistant & CCA Coordinator Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === Teachers ===
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- === Non-Teaching Staff ===
- Co-Curricular Activity Coordinator
- Lab Assistant