13-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Talent Research Development Authority Jobs 2021 June RTS Application Form TRDA Latest
in Pakistan
- === BPS-17 ===
- 28 Assistant (Mechanical / Electrical / Civil / IT Engineer)
- 07 Assistant Director
- 07 Finance Officer
- 07 Research Officer
- === BPS-16 ===
- 07 Accountant
- 15 Assistant
- 08 Training Instructor
- 07 Design In-Charge
- === BPS-15 ===
- 10 Stenotypist
- === BPS-12 ===
- 56 Sub Engineer (Civil / Electrical / Mechanical / IT)
- === BPS-11 ===
- 14 Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- 07 Call Center Agent
- === BPS-10 ===
- 05 Generator Operator
- === BPS-09 ===
- 18 Lower Division Clerk (LDC)
- === BPS-07 ===
- 07 Store Keeper
- === BPS-05 ===
- 05 Painter
- 05 Plumber
- === BPS-03 ===
- 28 Helper
- === BPS-01 ===
- 10 Mali
- 07 Naib Qasid
- 14 Station / Office Attendant
- 07 Warden
- 23 Chowkidar
- 07 Sweeper
13-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Pak Emirates Military Hospital FCPS Postgraduate Training 2021 June PEMH Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Three Years FCPS Training Level-II ===
- Pediatric Surgery
- === Two Years FCPS Training Level-III ===
- Infectious Diseases
- Critical Care Medicine
- Neonatology
- Rheumatology
13-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Express
U Microfinance Bank Limited Jobs 2021 June Tellers, Customer Services Officers & Others Latest
in KPK, Punjab, Pakistan
- Branch Managers
- Operation Managers
- Relationship Officers
- Customer Services Officers
- Universal Tellers
- Verification Officers
13-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Express
www.careerjobs1737.com MS Postgraduate Fellowships 2021 June Apply Online NDC / NESCOM Latest
in Pakistan
- === Postgraduate Fellowships ===
- MS - Electrical Engineering
13-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Cadet College Mohmand Jobs June 2021 Waiters, Khakroob & Others Latest
in Mohmand Tribal District, FATA, KPK
- === BPS-18 ===
- 01 Medical Officer
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Head Clerk
- 01 Hostel Supervisor
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Imam Masjid (Khateeb)
- === BPS-07 ===
- 03 Driver
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 Electrician
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Cook
- 02 Nan Bai
- === BPS-03 ===
- 06 Khakroob (Sanitary Worker)
- === BPS-02 ===
- 02 Chaprasi (Classroom Attendant)
- 03 Naib Qasid
- 07 Mess Waiter
- 01 Dish Washer
- 06 Mali
12-Jun-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Family Welfare Worker Free Courses in AJK June 2021 Population Welfare Department Latest
in AJK
- === Trainees for Free Courses ===
- 27 Family Welfare Workers (FWWs)
12-Jun-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Prison Department Sahiwal Jobs June 2021 Sanitary Workers & Others Latest
in Sahiwal, Punjab
- === BPS-04 ===
- 05 Motor Drivers
- 09 Plumbers
- === BPS-01 ===
- 33 Sanitary Workers
- 02 Garden Coolie
12-Jun-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Small Dams Division Jhelum Jobs 2021 June Chowkidar, Baildar, Coolie & Others Latest
in Jhelum, Punjab
- Chowkidar
- Mali
- Guage Reader
- Baildar
- Lab Attendant
- Lab Technician
- Survey Coolie
- Driver
- Computer Operator
- Skilled Coolie
- Coolie
- Regulation Baildar
- Work Supervisor
- Attendant
- Sanitary Worker
- Earth Work Mistry
- Chowkidar cum Cook
- Mali / Baildar
- Boatman
- Marter Mate
- Security Guard
12-Jun-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Social Welfare and Bait-ul-Maal Department Gujranwala Jobs 2021 June Craft Supervisors & Others Latest
in Gujranwala, Punjab
- === BPS-11 ===
- 02 Junior Clerks
- 15 Craft Supervisor
- 02 Marketing Organizers
- 01 Warden (Female)
- 04 Store Keeper
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Supervisor
- === BPS-08 ===
- 02 Handi Craft Teachers
- 02 Needle Craft Instructor
- 01 Religious Teacher (Female)
- === BPS-06 ===
- 02 Child Care Worker
12-Jun-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Medical Teaching Institutions Appellate Tribunal KPK Jobs 2021 June Latest
in KPK
- === BPS-06 ===
- Driver
- === BPS-03 ===
- Naib Qasid
- Chowkidar
- Sweeper
12-Jun-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Teaching Faculty Jobs in Faisalabad Medical University 2021 June Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === Professors (BPS-20) ===
- Biochemistry
- Physiology
- Pharmacology
- Forensic Medicine
- Paed Surgery
- Urology
- Gastroentrology
- === Associate Professors (BPS-19) ===
- Biochemistry
- Anatomy
- Forensic Medicine
- Pathology
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Gynae & Obst
- Anesthesia (Burn Center)
- Cardiology
- Psychiatry
- Radiology
12-Jun-2021 (Saturday) - Express
BUITEMS University Quetta Jobs 2021 June Application Form Lecturers & Others Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
- === Lecturers (BPS-18) ===
- Fashion & Textile Design
- Software Engineering
- Public Administration
- Management Sciences
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Fine Arts
- === BPS-17 ===
- Laboratory Engineer
- Studio Incharge
11-Jun-2021 (Friday) - Express
NUTECH University Islamabad Jobs June 2021 National University of Technology Latest
in Islamabad
- === Consultant ===
- Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) - Japan
- === Lab / Support Staff ===
- Director / Deputy Director - Quality Assurance
- Deputy Director / Assistant Director / Deputy Assistant Director - ICT
- Assistant Director / Deputy Assistant Director - Transport
- Lab Engineers
- Lab Supervisors
- === Clerical Staff ====
- Supervisor
- Senior / Junior Supervisor
- Assistant
- Senior / Junior Assistant
- === General Support Staff ===
- Operator (Exchange, Motorpump , Photocopier)
- Drivers
- Security Guards
- Cook / Chef
- Naib Qasid
- Class / Hostel Attendant
- Waiter
- Administration
- Sanitary Worker
- Mali
11-Jun-2021 (Friday) - Express
The Urban Unit Peshawar Jobs 2021 June GIS Professionals / Surveyors & Supervisors Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- 50 GIS Professional / Surveyors
- 03 Survey Supervisors
10-Jun-2021 (Thursday) - Express
Elementary and Secondary Education Department KPK Jobs June 2021 KPPSC Apply Online Latest
in KPK
- === BPS-17 ===
- 81 Headmistress
- 48 Headmaster
- 02 Librarian
- 03 Subject Specialists (Chemistry)
- 01 Subject Specialist (Physics)
- === BPS-16 ===
09-Jun-2021 (Wednesday) - Express
Transport and Mass Transit Department KPK Jobs 2021 June ETEA Apply Online Latest
in KPK
- === BPS-16 ===
- 07 Office Assistant
- 07 Computer Operators
- 01 Accountant
- === BPS-12 ===
- 07 Technicians
- === BPS-06 ===
- 07 Drivers
- === BPS-03 ===
- 07 Naib Qasid
- === BPS-01 ===
- 07 Chowkidar
- 07 Sweepers
06-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Army Public School and College Rawalpindi Jobs June 2021 FWO Teachers & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Senior Teachers ===
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- English
- Urdu
- Islamiat / Pak Study
- Computer Teacher
- === Junior / Middle Teachers ===
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Science
- Mathematics
- English
- Urdu
- Islamiat / Pak Study
- === Pre School Teachers ===
- Pre School Teacher
- Art Teacher
- Music Teacher
- === Administration Staff ===
- Section Head
- Accountant
- IT Supervisor / Database Administrator
- Clerk
- Head Clerk
- Nursing Assistant
- Librarian / Assistant Librarian
- Computer Lab Attendant
- Science Lab Attendant
- Security Supervisor
- Lady Searcher
06-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Express
CMH Rawalpindi FCPS / MCPS Postgraduate Training 2021 June Combined Military Hospital Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === Four / Five Years FCPS Training Level-I ===
- General Surgery
- Diagnostic Radiology
- Gynae & Obs
- Anesthesia
- General Medicine
- Pediatric
- Radiation Oncology
- Emergency Medicine
- === Three Years FCPS Training Level-II ===
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Plastic Surgery
- Thoracic Surgery
- Neuro Surgery
- Medical Oncology
- === Two Years FCPS Training Level-III ===
- Critical Care Medicine
- Pain Management
- Paeds Gastroenterology
- Pediatric Oncology
- Neonatology
- Breast Surgery
- Vascular Surgery
- === Clinical Fellowship Program ===
- Spine Surgery
- === Two Years MCPS Training ===
- Diagnostic Radiology
- Gynae & Obs
- Anesthesia
06-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Express
AFIP Rawalpindi FCPS-II Trainings 2021 June Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === FCPS-II Training in ===
- Chemical Pathology
- Hematology
- Histopathology
- Immunology
- Microbiology
- Virology
- Nuclear Medicine
06-Jun-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Visiting Faculty Jobs in University of Agriculture Faisalabad June 2021 UAF Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Visiting Faculty ===
- Agribusiness
- Agricultural Engineering and Technology
- Agriculture Extension
- Agronomy
- Anatomy
- Animal Husbandry
- Animal Nutrition
- Biochemistry
- Biology / Botany
- Biotechnology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Computer Sciences
- Continuing Education
- Diary Technology
- Economics
- Education
- English
- Epidemiology & Public Health
- Finance and Accounting
- Food and Nutrition
- Food Safety & Quality Management
- Food Services Management
- Food Technology
- Forestry & Range Management
- Graphic Designing
- Horticulture
- Human Development and Family Studies
- Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Human Resource Management
- Islamic Studies
- Management
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Microbiology
- Pakistan Studies
- Parasitology
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacy Practice
- Physics
- Physiology
- Plant Breeding and Genetics
- Plant Pathology
- Psychology
- Rural Sociology / Sociology
- Soil Sciences
- Statistics
- Taxation / Corporate Law / Business Law
- Theriogenology
- Zoology
05-Jun-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Reporter Jobs in Express Media Group Pakistan 2021 June Latest
in Pakistan
05-Jun-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Prison Department Multan Jobs 2021 June Sanitary Workers & Others Latest
in Multan, Punjab
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Drivers
- 02 Plumbers
- === BPS-01 ===
- 28 Sanitary Workers
- 01 Garden Coolie
03-Jun-2021 (Thursday) - Express
Model Institute for State Children Peshawar Jobs 2021 June Application Form Naib Qasid, Drivers & Others Latest
in KPK
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Social Welfare Organizer
- 01 Admin and Accounts Assistant
- 02 SE Teacher
- 01 Computer Instructor
- 01 Hostel Warden
- === BPS-14 ===
- 02 Certified Teachers
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Vocational Teacher
- 01 PTI Sports Incharge
- 01 Theology / Religious Teacher
- 01 PTC Teacher
- 01 Junior Clerk
- 01 Assistant Hostel Warden
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Qari / Imam Masjid
- 01 Medical Technician
- === BPS-06 ===
- 02 Drivers
- === BPS-03 ===
- 02 Cook
- 02 Waiter Bearers
- 03 Chowkidar / Security Guard
- 02 Naib Qasid
- 02 Aya / Attendant
- 01 Sweeper
03-Jun-2021 (Thursday) - Express
Prison Department Rawalpindi Jobs 2021 June Sanitary Workers & Others Latest
in Rawalpindi, Punjab
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Motor Driver
- 03 Plumber
- === BPS-01 ===
- 25 Sanitary Worker
- 02 Garden Coolie
02-Jun-2021 (Wednesday) - Express
PO Box 626 GPO Peshawar Jobs 2021 June Public Sector Organization Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- === BPS-18 ===
- 01 Deputy Director - Geology
- 01 Deputy Director - Electrical / Mechanical
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Assistant Director - Civil
- 01 Assistant Director - Electrical / Mechanical
- 01 Assistant Director - Geology
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Accounts Officer
- 01 Assistant Director - Admin
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Assistant
- === BPS-12 ===
- 01 AutoCAD Operator
- 01 Surveyor
- 04 Computer Operator
- 01 Stenographer / PA
- 04 Sub Engineer - Civil
- 02 Sub Engineer - Electrical / Mechanical
- === BPS-09 ===
- 02 Senior Clerk
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Junior Clerk
- 01 Telephone Operator
- === BPS-05 ===
- 06 Driver
- === BPS-03 ===
- 01 Sweeper
- 06 Naib Qasid
- 02 Chowkidar
01-Jun-2021 (Tuesday) - Express
Prime Minister Office Islamabad Jobs 2021 June Application Form Naib Qasid & Others Latest
in Islamabad
- 05 Stenotypist (BPS-14)
- 03 Documentation Officer (BPS-14)
- 01 Medical Assistant (BPS-11)
- 01 Dispenser (BPS-09)
- 07 Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
- 01 Office Boy (BPS-01)
30-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan Jobs May 2021 June Computer Operators & Others Latest
in Multan, Punjab
- 01 Transport Officer
- 01 Caretaker
- 13 Computer Operators
- 13 Junior Stenographers
- 01 Nurse
- 01 Composer / Graphic Designer
- 01 Mechanical Supervisor
- 09 Junior Computer Operators
- 01 Telephone Technician
- 03 Veterinary Assistant
- 11 Lab Technicians
- 04 Electricians
- 05 Storekeepers
- 10 Lab Assistant
- 03 Telephone Operators
- 15 Plumbers
- 03 Tractor Drivers
- 03 Lineman
- 10 Lab Attendants
- 01 Telephone Lineman
30-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Division Islamabad Jobs 2021 May / June Application Form PA&SS Latest
in Islamabad
- 03 Assistant (BPS-15)
- 08 Stenotypist (BPS-14)
- 01 Librarian (BPS-11)
- 05 Lower Division Clerk (LDC) (BPS-09)
- 02 Driver (BPS-04)
- 03 Naib Qasid (BPS-01)
- 02 Sweeper (BPS-01)
- 01 Farash (BPS-01)
29-May-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Ministry of Law and Justice Islamabad Jobs 2021 May / June Application Form Clerks & Others Latest
in Islamabad
- === BPS-15 ===
- 02 Assistant
- === BPS-14 ===
- 01 Stenotypist (Urdu)
- 04 Stenotypist
- === BPS-11 ===
- 02 Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
- 02 Accountant-cum-Cashier
- 02 Junior Proof Reader
- === BPS-09 ===
- 14 Lower Division Clerk
- === BPS-04 ===
- 01 Dispatch Rider
- === BPS-01 ===
- 14 Naib Qasid
- 02 Chowkidar
- 02 Sanitary Workers
27-May-2021 (Thursday) - Express
Unilever Pakistan Apprenticeships May 2021 Rahim Yar Khan Application Form Latest
in Rahim Yar Khan, Pubjab
- === Apprenticeship Trades ===
- Plant Operator
- Fitter Bench
- Process Operator
26-May-2021 (Wednesday) - Express
PPSC Jobs May 2021 Consolidated Advertisement No 12/2021 Apply Online Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- === Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department ===
- === Consultants (BPS-18) ===
- 17 Cardiologist
- 63 Anesthetist
- 14 Nephrologist
- === Livestock & Dairy Development Department ===
- === BPS-18 ===
- 18 Senior Veterinary Officer (Deputy District Officer / Assistant Research Officer)
- === Auqaf & Religious Affairs Department ===
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Assistant Engineer SDO (Electrical Engineering)
- === Special Education Department ===
- === BPS-17 ===
- 05 Lecturers - Fine Arts
- === Social Welfare & Bait ul Maal Department ===
- === BPS-17 ===
- 52 Social Welfare Officer / Medical Social Officer / Deputy District Officer (SW)
- === Cooperatives Department ===
- 17 Assistant Registrar Cooperative Societies (BPS-17)
26-May-2021 (Wednesday) - Express
NADRA Jobs May 2021 Walk In Test / Interview Registration Executives & Drivers Latest
in Punjab, Pakistan
- Registration Executives
- Drivers
23-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Provincial Building Division Karachi Jobs 2021 May Baildar, Sanitary Workers & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- === BPS-04 ===
- 03 Pump Operators
- 01 Driver
- 02 Painters
- === BPS-03 ===
- 02 Generator Operators
- === BPS-02 ===
- 03 Electricians
- === BPS-01 ===
- 07 Mali
- 04 Helpers
- 12 Baildar
- 05 Chowkidar
- 01 Farash
- 03 Mate
- 03 Naib Qasid
- 11 Sanitary Workers
- 03 Gutter Man
- 02 Cook
- 01 Lift Operator
23-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Health Department Dadu Jobs May 2021 Drivers, Aya, Dai & Others Latest
in Dadu, Sindh
- === BPS-01 to BPS-04 ===
- Aya / Dai
- Bahishti
- Bearer
- Chowkidar
- Dental Attendant
- Driver
- Lab Attendant
- Mali
- Naib Qasid
- Nursing Orderly
- OT Attendant
- Plumber
- Pump Operator
- Sanitary Inspector
- Sanitary Worker
- Store Coolie
- Tailor Master
- Ward Boy
- Ward Servant
- X-Ray Attendant
22-May-2021 (Saturday) - Express
Wildlife Department KPK Jobs May 2021 KPTA Application Form Swat Mini Zoo Latest
in Swat, KPK
- 01 Veterinary Officer (BPS-17)
- 01 Computer Operator (BPS-16)
- 01 Deputy Ranger Wildlife (BPS-11)
- 02 Junior Clerks (BPS-11)
- 02 Veterinary Assistants (BPS-10)
- 03 Wildlife Watchers (BPS-07)
- 05 Drivers (BPS-06)
- 02 Sweepers (BPS-03)
- 05 Chowkidar (BPS-03)
- 05 Naib Qasid (BPS-03)
21-May-2021 (Friday) - Express
FC KPK Jobs May 2021 Frontier Corps North Sipahi General Duty Core Latest
in KPK
21-May-2021 (Friday) - Express
Directorate of Colleges Balochistan Jobs May 2021 Education Department Latest
in Balochistan
- === BPS-11 ===
- 01 Junior Clerk
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Library Attendant
- === BPS-07 ===
- 117 Lab Attendants
- === BPS-04 ===
- 20 Drivers
- === BPS-02 ===
- 01 Lab Attendant
- === BPS-01 ===
- 01 Attendant
- 01 Naib Qasid
- 72 Cook
- 01 Mali
- 02 Chowkidar
- 72 Helpers
21-May-2021 (Friday) - Express
Special Education Department Sindh Jobs May 2021 Attendants, Drivers, Chowkidar & Others Latest
in Shaheed Benazirabad, Sanghar, Naushahro Feroze, Sindh
- === BPS-04 ===
- 07 Drivers
- === BPS-02 ===
- 13 Attendants / Aya
- 01 Conductor
- 05 Naib Qasid
- 03 Cooks
- 06 Chowkidar
- 01 Security Guard
- === BPS-01 / 02 ===
- 04 Sweepers / Sanitary Workers
20-May-2021 (Thursday) - Express
Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency Islamabad Jobs 2021 May PEPA Ministry of Climate Change Latest
in Islamabad
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Senior Scientific Officer
- === BPS-08 ===
- 01 Deputy Scientific Officer Air
- 01 Deputy Scientific Officer Water
- 01 Deputy Scientific Officer Data / Monitoring
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Scientific Officer Air
- 01 Instrument Engineer
- 01 Scientific Officer Data / Mapping
- 01 Procurement Officer HR / Finance
- 01 Outreach Officer
- === BPS-06 ===
- 01 Research Assistant Air
- 01 Research Assistant Water
- 01 Research Assistant Emission Testing
- 01 Office Assistant
- 01 Account Assistant
- === BPS-05 ===
- 01 Inspector / Field Officer Air
- 01 Inspector / Field Officer Water
- 02 Inspector / Field Officer Emission Testing
- 01 Stenotypist
- === BPS-04 ===
- 02 Field Assistant Air
- 02 Field Assistant Water
- 04 Field Assistant Emission Testing
- === BPS-03 ===
- 01 Mechanic
- === BPS-02 ===
- 01 Electrician
- === BPS-01 ===
- 03 Driver
- 02 Office Boy
- 08 Gate Keeper / Chowkidar
19-May-2021 (Wednesday) - Express
Field Assistant Jobs in Agriculture Department Balochistan May 2021 Latest
in Balochistan
- 53 Field Assistant (BPS-06)
18-May-2021 (Tuesday) - Express
Baloch Training Wing Quetta Cantt Jobs 2021 May Chowkidar & Others Pak Army Latest
in Quetta, Balochistan
- === BPS-05 ===
- 02 Store Man
- === BPS-04 ===
- 01 Driver
- === BPS-01 ===
- 04 Chowkidar
- 01 Mali
- 01 Skilled Labor
- 01 Cook Mess
- 01 Waiter
- 01 Sanitary Worker
18-May-2021 (Tuesday) - Express
Redco International Qatar Jobs May 2021 Masons, Carpenters & Others Walk in Interview Latest
in Doha, Qatar
- 300 Mason
- 200 Steel Fixers
- 200 Carpenters
- 100 Electricians
- 100 Plumbers
- 100 Pipe Fitters
- 60 Painters
- 25 Welders
12-May-2021 (Wednesday) - Express
Mess Waiter Jobs in 59 Punjab Regiment Peshawar 2021 May Pak Army Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
11-May-2021 (Tuesday) - Express
Kohsar University Murree Jobs 2021 May Security Guards, Drivers & Others Latest
in Murree, Rawalpindi
- === BPS-19 ===
- 01 Project Director
- === BPS-17 ===
- 01 Assistant Director (Planning and Development)
- 01 Assistant Director (Store and Purchase)
- 01 Project Accountant
- === BPS-16 ===
- 01 Office Assistant
- === BPS-04 ===
- 02 Driver
- === BPS-01 ===
- 03 Security Guards
- 02 Office Boys
11-May-2021 (Tuesday) - Express
Prison Department Lahore Jobs 2021 May Dispensers, Lab Technicians & Others Latest
in Lahore, Punjab
- === BPS-09 ===
- 04 Dispenser
- 05 Lady Dispenser
- === BPS-06 ===
- 03 X-Ray Operator
- 06 Lab Technician
10-May-2021 (Monday) - Express
Army Air Defence Center Malir Cantt Karachi Jobs 2021 May Clerks, Store Man & Others Latest
in Karachi, Sindh
- 01 Assistant (BPS-15)
- 01 Stenotypist (BPS-14)
- 01 Khatib (BPS-14)
- 04 Computer Technician (BPS-11)
- 02 Mess Supervisor (BPS-10)
- 10 Lower Division Clerk (BPS-09)
- 01 Vehicle Mechanic (BPS-07)
- 09 Store Man (BPS-05)
- 01 Driver (BPS-04)
- 02 Electrician (BPS-04)
- 01 Aya (BPS-01)
- 06 Sweeper (BPS-01)
09-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan Jobs 2021 May Application Form Security Guards, Naib Qasid & Others Latest
in Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab
- === BPS-19 ===
- 01 Chief Security Officer
- === BPS-18 ===
- 02 Deputy Registrar
- 01 Deputy Treasurer
- === BPS-17 ===
- 03 Assistant Treasurer
- 04 Assistant Controller of Examinations
- 03 Assistant Registrar
- 01 Assistant Director Legal Matters
- 01 Assistant Director Sports
- === BPS-16 ===
- 02 Assistant
- 02 Senior Computer Operator
- === BPS-15 ===
- 03 Computer Operator
- 01 Stenographer
- === BPS-12 ===
- 03 Junior Computer Operator
- 01 Imam
- === BPS-11 ===
- 20 Junior Clerk
- 02 Electrician
- === BPS-09 ===
- 01 Camera Man
- === BPS-07 ===
- 01 Junior Store Keeper
- === BPS-05 ===
- 01 Tubewell Operator
- 36 Security Guard
- 02 Security Guard (Female)
- 04 Cook
- === BPS-04 ===
- 01 Tractor Driver
- 02 Bus Driver
- 02 Driver (LTV)
- 01 Plumber
- === BPS-01 ===
- 01 Khadim Masjid
- 08 Chowkidar
- 20 Sweeper
- 05 Bus Cleaner
- 12 Beldar
- 03 Mali
- 02 Sewer Man
- 22 Naib Qasid
09-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
WASA Faisalabad Jobs May 2021 NTS Apply Online Water and Sanitation Agency Latest
in Faisalabad, Punjab
- === BPS-20 ===
- 01 Project Director
- === Deputy Directors (BPS-18) ===
- 01 Technical / Civil
- 01 Technical / Mechanical
- 01 Finance
- === Assistant Director (BPS-17) ===
- 01 IT
- 02 Civil / Technical
- 01 Electrical / Technical
- 01 Mechanical / Technical
- === Sub-Engineer (BPS-14) ===
- 03 Civil
- 01 Electrical
- 02 Mechanical
- === Others ===
- 01 Account Clerk
- 03 Junior Clerks
- 01 Auto CAD Operator
- 03 Drivers
- 04 Office Boys
- 02 Daak Runners
- 08 Security Guards
09-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Sheringal Jobs 2021 May Application Form Dir Upper Latest
in Sheringal, Upper Dir, KPK
- === 07 Lecturers ===
- 01 Biotechnology
- 01 Sociology
- 01 Management Studies
- 01 Social Work
- 02 Geology
- 01 Microbiology
- === 04 Trained Graduate Teacher ===
- 02 Islamic Studies
- 01 Mathematics
- 01 Physics
- === 04 Helper ===
- 02 Electrician
- 01 Painter
- 01 Plumber
- === Others ===
- 02 Assistant Professors - Chemistry
- 02 Office Assistants
- 01 Accounts Assistant
- 03 Sub Engineer - Civil
- 07 Junior Clerk
- 03 Key Punch / Data Entry Operator
- 01 Photographer
- 03 Driver
- 02 Laboratory Attendants
- 01 Machine (Excavator Operator)
- 15 Naib Qasid
- 02 Hostel Bearer
- 25 Security Guards / Chowkidar
09-May-2021 (Sunday) - Express
PO Box 59 GPO Peshawar Jobs 2021 May Driver, Naib Qasid & Others Latest
in Peshawar, KPK
- === BPS-06 ===
- Driver
- === BPS-03 ===
- Ward Attendant
- Attendant
- Naib Qasid
- Cook
- Chowkidar
- Sweeper