05-Mar-2013 (Tuesday) - Jang
Female Yoga/Zumba/Aerobic Trainers Jobs 2013 & Salon Staff
in Pakistan
- Female Trainers/Instructors for Yoga / Zumba / Aerobics
- Salon Staff
05-Mar-2013 (Tuesday) - Jang
ICCBS Summer Internship Program for Youth June-July 2013 Latest Advertisement
in Karachi
- Mechanical Engineering
- Molecular & Cellular Immunology
- Civil Engineering
- Biochemistry
- ISO Management System
- Organic Chemistry
- Computational Chemistry & Drug Design
- Electronic Engineering
- Protein Chemistry
- Structural Biology
- Information Technology
- Applied Chemistry
- Neurophysiology
- Cell Biology (Microscopy)
- Stem Cell Research
- Pharmacology
- Analytical Chemistry
- Biomedical Engineering
- Molecular Biology
- Bioassay Screening
- Biotechnology
05-Mar-2013 (Tuesday) - The News
ICCBS Summer Internship Program 2013
in Karachi
- Biochemistry
- Biotechnology
- Organic Chemistry
- Neurophysiology
- Computational Chemistry & Drug Design
- Structural Biology
- Protein Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Cell Biology (Microscopy)
- Information Technology
- Electronic Engineering
- Molecular Biology
- Bioassay Screening
- Pharmacology
- Analytical Chemistry
- Stem Cell Research
- Mechanical Engineering
- Molecular & Cellular Immunology
- ISO Management System
- Biomedical Engineering
- Applied Chemistry
05-Mar-2013 (Tuesday) - Dawn
ICCBS Internships 2013
in Karachi
- === FIELDS ===
- Organic Chemistry
- Applied Chemistry
- Analytical Chemistry
- Neurophysiology
- Molecular Biology
- Stem Cell Research
- Protein Chemistry
- Cell Biology (Microscopy)
- Biochemistry
- Structural Biology
- Pharmacology
- Molecular & Cellular Immunology
- Computational Chemistry & Drug Design
- Bioassay Screening
- Biotechnology
- Biomedical Engineering
- Electronic Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Information Technology
- ISO Management System
05-Mar-2013 (Tuesday) - Express
Jobs in Libya 2013 Latest for Doctors, Surgeons & Other Medical Staff through Zarqa International
in Libya
- General Surgeon
- Abdominal Surgeon
- Cardiac Specialist
- Obstetrician Doctor
- Urinalysis Doctor
- CCU Doctor
- Thoracic Surgeon
- Psychiatric Doctor
- Anesthetic
- Pathologist
- Gynecologist
- Child Pediatrician
- Orthopedic Surgeon
- Neurologist
- Radiologist (X-ray)
- Vascular Surgery (Blood)
- Children's Heart Surgeon
04-Mar-2013 (Monday) - Jang
Staff Nurse Jobs in Lahore 2013 Latest at National Hospital & Medical Center
in Lahore
- Staff Nurses (for Paediatrics Department)
04-Mar-2013 (Monday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology Jobs 2013 RIC Rawal Road Latest Advertisement
in Rawalpindi
- Professor of Cardiology (BS-20)
- Professor of Paediatric Cardiac Surgery (BS-20)
- Professor of Paediatric Cardiology (BS-20)
- Professor of Anesthesia (BS-20)
- Professor of Radiology (BS-20)
- Associate Professor of Paediatric Cardiac Surgery (BS-19)
- Associate Professor of Pulmonology (BS-19)
- Associate Professor of Cardiac Anesthesia (BS-19)
- Principal Bio Chemist (BS-19)
- Consultant Cardio Nuclear Medicine (BS-19)
- Associate Professor of Electrophysiology (BS-19)
- Assistant Professor of Cardiology (BS-18)
- Assistant Professor of Cardiac Surgery (BS-18)
- Assistant Professor of Nuclear Cardiology (BS-18)
- Assistant Professor of Paediatric Cardiology (BS-18)
- Assistant Professor of Electrophysiology (BS-18)
- Senior Registrar of Cardiology (BS-18)
- Senior Registrar Cardiac Surgery (BS-18)
- Senior Registrar Paediatric Cardiac Surgery (BS-18)
- Senior Registrar Radiology (BS-18)
- Senior Registrar of Paediatric Cardiology (BS-18)
- Senior Micro Biologist (BS-18)
- Computer Programmer (BS-17)
- MO / Registrar (BS-17)
- Medical Physicist (BS-17)
- Electronic Care Taker (BS-17)
- Head Nurses (BS-17)
- Medical Technologist (BS-17)
- Chief Lab Technician Nuclear Cardiology (BS-16)
- Store Officer (BS-16)
- Assistant Physiotherapist (BS-16)
- Charge Nurse (BS-16)
- Senior Lab Technician Nuclear Cardiology (BS-14)
- Computer Operator (BS-12)
- Assistant Electronic Care Taker (BS-11)
- Nursing Assistant (BS-10)
- ECG Technician (BS-09)
- Laundry Manager (BS-09)
- Lab Technician (BS-09)
- Assistant Perfusionists (BS-09)
- X-Ray Technician (BS-09)
- OT Technician (BS-09)
- Junior Clerks (BS-07)
- Cashier (BS-07)
- House Keeper (BS-06)
- Electrical Mechanic (BS-06)
- General Service Mechanic (BS-06)
- OT Assistant (BS-06)
- Electrician (BS-06)
- Radiographer / X-Ray Assistant (BS-06)
- Physiotherapy Aid (BS-06)
- Sterilizer Operator (BS-06)
- Ward Master (BS-06)
- Lab Assistant for Collection / Information Centre (BS-05)
- Dark Room Assistant (BS-05)
- Receptionist / Record Keeper (BS-05)
- Driver (BS-04)
- Project Operator (BS-04)
- Tube Well Operator (BS-03)
- Lift Operator (BS-03)
- Tailor (BS-03)
- Plumber (BS-03)
- Head Mali (BS-02)
- OT Attendant (BS-02)
- Cook (BS-02)
- Mali (BS-02)
- Masalchi (BS-02)
- Dhobi (BS-02)
- Ward Attendant (BS-02)
- Aya (BS-02)
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - The News
FPSC Jobs 2013 March Latest Advertisement
in Pakistan
- === Pak. PWD, Ministry of Housing & Works ===
- Assistant Executive Engineers (Civil) (BS-17)
- === Directorate General of Special Education, Ministry of Capital Administration & Development ===
- Librarian (BS-17)
- === Federal Public Service Commission ===
- Assistant Network Administrators (BS-16)
- === Geological Survey of Pakistan, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources ===
- Photogrammetrists (BS-17)
- Senior Drilling Engineers (BS-18)
- === Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts / Garrisons), Ministry of Defence ===
- Headmasters (BS-18) (F. G. Urdu Medium Male Schools)
- Headmistresses (BS-18) (F. G. Urdu Medium Female Schools)
- Assistant Headmasters (BS-17) (F. G. Urdu Medium Male Schools)
- Assistant Headmistresses (BS-17) (F. G. Urdu Medium Female Schools)
- Principals (BS-18) (F. G. English Medium (Public Schools))
- Vice Principals (BS-17) (F. G. English Medium (Public Schools))
- Trained Graduate Teachers (Male) (BS-16) (F. G. English Medium (Public Schools))
- Associate Professor (History) (Male) (BS-19) (F. G. Colleges)
- === Military Hospitals, Ministry of Defence (Defence Division) ===
- Charge / Staff Nurses (Female) (Civilian) (BS-16)
- === Directorate General of Special Education, Ministry of Capital Administration & Development ===
- Director (Works) (BS-19)
- === National Highways & Motorways Police, Ministry of Communications ===
- Assistant Directors (BS-17)
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - The News
Jobs in Saudi Arabia 2013 Architect, Structural/Mechanical/Electrical Engineers, Surveyors & Draughtsmans
in Saudi Arabia
- Design Engineering Manager
- Architect, Structural, Mechanical & Electrical Engineers
- Quantity Surveyors
- Mechanical, Electrical & Building Technology Draughtsman
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - The News
WHO Jobs 2013 (World Health Organization)
in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, Loralai, Khuzdar, Killa Saifullah, Diamer, Bagh, Kasur, Rajanpur, Kambar, Jamshoro, Faisalabad
- Provincial Campaign Officer
- Provincial Communication Officer
- Provincial Surveillance Officer
- Provincial Campaign Support Officer
- Provincial Polio Eradication Officer
- Polio Eradication Officer
- Provincial Operations Room Officer
- Finance Assistant
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - The News
Training Program for Journalists & Reporters
in Islamabad
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - The News
Nursing Jobs by FPSC Charge/Staff Nurse in Combined Military Hospitals Ministry of Defence 03-March-2013 Ad Latest
in Pakistan
- === Military Hospitals, Ministry of Defence (Defence Division) ===
- Charge / Staff Nurses (Female) (Civilian) (BS-16)
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
New FPSC Jobs March 2013
in Pakistan
- === Pak. PWD, Ministry of Housing & Works ===
- Assistant Executive (Civil) (BS-17)
- === Directorate General of Special Education, Ministry of Capital Administration & Development ===
- Librarian (BS-17)
- === Federal Public Service Commission ===
- Assistant Network Administrators (BS-16)
- === Geological Survey of Pakistan, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources ===
- Photogrammetrists (BS-17)
- Senior Drilling Engineers (BS-18)
- === Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts / Garrisons), Ministry of Defence ===
- Headmistresses (BS-18)
- Assistant Headmasters (BS-17)
- Assistant Headmistresses (BS-17)
- Headmasters (BS-18)
- Principals (BS-18)
- === Military Hospitals, Ministry of Defence (Defence Division) ===
- Charge / Staff Nurses (Female) (Civilian) (BS-16)
- === (Public Schools) Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts / Garrisons), Ministry of Defence ===
- Trained Graduate Teachers (Male) (BS-16)
- Vice Principals (BS-17)
- === F.G. Colleges, Directorate of Federal Government Educational Institutions (Cantts / Garrisons), Ministry of Defence ===
- Associate Professor (Male) (BS-19)
- === Directorate General of Special Education, Ministry of Capital Administration & Development ===
- Director (Works) (BS-19)
- === National Highway & Motorways Police, Ministry of Communications ===
- Assistant Directors (BS-17)
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Nursing Staff, OTA, Electrician & Ward Boy Jobs for Hospital
in Multan
- Nursing Staff
- Electrician
- Ward Boy
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - Express
Engineers, Supervisors & Technical Jobs in Saudi Arabia through Mansol
in Saudi Arabia
- === ENGINEERS ===
- Planning
- QA / QC
- Welding
- Mechanical
- Area Planner
- Project Coordinator
- Planning Assistant
- QA / QC
- Mechanical
- Piping
- Rotary
- === INSPECTORS ===
- QA / QC Welding (CSWIP)
- Painting (BGAS)
- HSE Inspectors / Officers
- === WELDERS ===
- Multi (SS)
- Multi (CS)
- Plate Welders
- Piping
- Structure & Millwright Technician
- === FITTERS ===
- Piping
- Structure & Millwright Technician
- === OTHERS ===
- Draftsman (Piping)
- Auto Electrician
- HD Mechanic
- Quantity Surveyor (Mechanical)
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - Express
3A's Universal Services Jobs 2013
in Gilgit, Azad Kashmir
- Engineers: Electrical, Mechanical, IT, Software / Hardware
- Administration / Accounts Manager
- Computer Staff
- Marketing / Call Center
- AutoCAD - Electrical / Safety Supervisor
03-Mar-2013 (Sunday) - The Nation
Punjab Public Service Commission Jobs 2013 March www.ppsc.gop.pk
in Lahore, Punjab
- Producer (BS-17) (Directorate of Agricultural Information, Punjab)
- District Officer (OFWM) (BS-18)
- Deputy District Officer (OFWM) (BS-18)
- Assistant Accounts Officer (BS-16)
- Associate Professor of Nutrition & Dietetics (BS-19)
02-Mar-2013 (Saturday) - Express
Nawaz Sharif Social Security Hospital Lahore House Jobs Training Program 2013
in Lahore
- === House Job Specialities ===
- General Medicine
- General Surgery
- Orthopedic
- Urology
- TB & Chest Medicine
28-Feb-2013 (Thursday) - Jang
Staff Nurses Jobs (Male/Female) in Begum Akhtar Rukhsana Memorial Trust Hospital Bahria Town Rawalpindi
in Rawalpindi
- Staff Nurses (Male/Female)
27-Feb-2013 (Wednesday) - Express
Site / Mechanical / Electrical Engineers, Supervisors, Admin / Safety Officers Jobs 2013
in Pakistan
- Site Engineers
- Mechanical Engineers
- Electrical Engineers
- Supervisors
- Safety Officers
- Admin Officers
25-Feb-2013 (Monday) - Jang
Al-Tibri Medical College & Hospital Karachi Jobs 2013 Teaching Faculty, Medical Officers & Staff
in Karachi
- Associate Professors, Assistant Professors & Senior Registrar in ENT, Pediatrics, Anesthesiology & Radiology
- Dental Surgeon
- Medical Officers
- Matron
- OT Technicians
- Radiographers
- Lab Technicians
- Security Guards
24-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Dawn
Sui Southern Gas Company Jobs 2013 in Karachi & Sindh Latest Ad for Managers, Doctors & Engineers
in Karachi, Sindh, Balochistan
- Project Director
- Senior General Manager - Engineering Services
- General Manager - LNG
- Chief Medical Officer
- Consultant Physicians
- Deputy General Manager - Financial Audit
- Deputy General Manager - IT Audit
- Manager - IT Audit
- Distribution & Transmission Engineers
24-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Family Welfare Workers Diploma Course Training 2013 in Punjab
in Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Sahiwal
24-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Express
Shifa International Hospital Islamabad Jobs 2013 Latest Interview Schedule in Lahore for Nursing Staff
in Islamabad
- Staff Nurse
- Lady Health Visitor (LHV)
- Midwife
- Nursing Assistant
22-Feb-2013 (Friday) - Jang
PO Box 1158 GPO Rawalpindi Jobs 2013 in a Government Organization
in Pakistan
- Principal Medical Officer (BPS-10)
- Medical Specialist (BPS-10)
- Junior Assistant (BPS-4/5)
- Mess Waiter (BPS-1)
20-Feb-2013 (Wednesday) - Jang
Silver Jubilee Maternity & Children Hospital Sahiwal Jobs for Anesthetist, Gynecologist & Security Guard
in Sahiwal
- Anesthetist
- Gynecologist (Female)
- Security Guard
20-Feb-2013 (Wednesday) - Jang
Station Health Organization Lahore Cantt Jobs 2013 Supervisors & Labours for Malaria Control
in Lahore Cantt.
- Labours (BPS-01)
- Supervisors (BPS-01)
20-Feb-2013 (Wednesday) - Express
Station Health Organization Attock Cantt Jobs 2013 for Seasonal Supervisor & Labour for Malaria Control
in Attock Cantt.
- Seasonal Supervisor (BPS-01)
- Seasonal Labour (BPS-01)
20-Feb-2013 (Wednesday) - Express
Field Officer Job at Social Security Hospital Hattar by a National Civil Society Organization
in Hattar, Haripur District, KPK
18-Feb-2013 (Monday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Lady Health Visitors (LHV) Training Course 2013 in Punjab Pakistan Session 2012-2014
in Punjab
- Lady Health Visitor (LHV) (BS-09)
18-Feb-2013 (Monday) - The Nation
Ammar Medical Complex Lahore Jobs 2013 in Medicine, Surgery, Gyne / Obs & Pediatrics
in Lahore
- Gyne / Obs
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Pediatrics
17-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Jang
Interloop Faisalabad Jobs 2013 Latest Advertisement
in Faisalabad, Lahore
- Deputy Manager
- Senior Officer
- Assistant Manager Planning (Product Development)
- Senior Officer Execution (Product Development)
- Senior Officer Material Planning
- Senior Officer Planning
- Junior / Assistant Foreman Knitting
- Assistant Manager Processing
- Assistant Manager Materials
- Officer Designing
- Assistant Officer Sourcing & Development
- Assistant Officer Supplies (Imports)
- Assistant Officer Supplies (Local)
- Assistant Officer Cost Control
- === ENERGY ===
- Junior Foreman Mechanical
- Executive Secretary
- Officer Corporate Social Responsibility
- Company Medical Officer
- In-charge Training & Development
- Officer Strategy Management Office
17-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Jang
Islamabad Diagnostic Center (IDC) Jobs 2013 for Female Staff Nurse & Receptionist
in Islamabad
- Receptionist (Female)
- Staff Nurse (Female)
17-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Jang
Himont Pharmaceuticals Jobs 2013 Fresh Graduates as Sales Promotion Officers in Lahore / Karachi / Islamabad
in Pakistan
17-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Jang
Al-Shifa Eye Hospital Jobs 2013 for Doctors as Registrars
in Rawalpindi, Muzaffarabad, AJK
17-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Jang
Crest Pharmaceuticals Islamabad Jobs 2013 for Fresh Pharmacists in Production / QC / QA
in Islamabad
- Pharmacists (Male/Female) in Production, QC & QA Departments
17-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - The News
Ministry of Health Saudi Arabia Jobs 2013 February Latest through Q. A. Enterprises
in Saudi Arabia
- === Male / Female Consultants, Specialists ===
- === & Resident Medical Officers (RMO) ===
- Orthopaedics
- Obs / Gynae
- Dermatology
- Neonatology
- Anesthesia
- Neuro Surgery
- Internal Medicine
- General Surgery
17-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Ammar Medical Complex Lahore Jobs 2013 for Doctors
in Lahore
- === Doctors / Medical Specialists ===
- Pediatrics
- Gyne / Obs
- Medicine
- Surgery
17-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Express
Baqai Dental College Karachi House Jobs in Dentistry 2013
in Karachi
- Trainee for House Job in Dentistry
17-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Express
Nazeer Hussain Hospital Karachi Jobs for Resident Medical Officers, Staff Nurses, Admin & Accountant
in Karachi
- Administrator
- Accountant
- Resident Medical Officers (RMO)
- Staff Nurses (Female)
17-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - The Nation
Doctors / Medical Specialists Jobs in Lahore 2013 at Ammar Medical Complex
in Lahore
- === Doctors / Medical Specialists ===
- === MBBS with House Job / FCPS ===
- Medicine
- Surgery
- Gyne / Obs
- Pediatrics
16-Feb-2013 (Saturday) - Jang
Save The Children Pakistan Jobs 2013 Female Obstetricians / Gynecologists & Woman Medical Officers
in Gwadar, Lasbela, Ziarat, Balochistan
- Obstetricians / Gynecologists (Female)
- Woman Medical Officers (WMO) (Female)
15-Feb-2013 (Friday) - Jang
Doctors' Walk in Interviews for Ministry of Health Saudi Arabia through Fauji Foundation OES
in Saudi Arabia
- === Consultants, Specialists & Residents ===
- Orthopaedics
- General Surgery
- Dermatology
- Obstetrics & Gynecology
- Pediatrics
- Nephrology
- Neurosurgery
- Internal Medicine
15-Feb-2013 (Friday) - The News
UNICEF Pakistan Jobs 2013 February Latest
in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Quetta
- Communication for Development Officer Polio
- Child Protection Officer
- Health Officer
- Admin Assistant
15-Feb-2013 (Friday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
Corrigendum: PO Box 03 Dera Ismail Khan Jobs 2013
in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan
- Staff Nurse (BPS-16)
- Scientific Assistant-I (SA-I) (BPS-09)
- Tech-I (BPS-09)
- Computer Operator (BPS-09)
- Scientific Assistant-II (SA-II) (BPS-07)
- Tech-II (BPS-07)
- Junior Assistant-I (Admin) (BPS-09)
- Junior Assistant-I (Accounts) (BPS-09)
- Telecom Operator-II (BPS-07)
- Driver-III (BPS-05)
- Cook-II (BPS-05)
15-Feb-2013 (Friday) - Express
Engineers, Contractors, Managers & Doctors Jobs for Construction Projects
in Pakistan
- Engineers
- Contractors
- Managers
- Doctors
12-Feb-2013 (Tuesday) - Jang
Consultant Vacancy at GIZ Pakistan 2013
in Pakistan
- Consultant for Costing of Hospital Services in KPK
12-Feb-2013 (Tuesday) - Dawn
GIZ Health Sector Support (HSS) Programme Pakistan Job 2013 for Consultant
in KPK, Pakistan
- Consultant for Costing of Hospital Services in KP (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
12-Feb-2013 (Tuesday) - Express
Social Mobilizer Jobs in Attock, Haripur & Thatta in NGO 2013
in Thatta, Haripur, Attock
10-Feb-2013 (Sunday) - Nawa-i-Waqt
PO Box 03 Dera Ismail Khan Jobs 2013 in a Public Sector Organization
in Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan
- Staff Nurse (BPS-16)
- Scientific Assistant (SA-II) (BPS-09)
- Tech-II (BPS-09)
- Computer Operator (BPS-09)
- Scientific Assistant (SA-III) (BPS-07)
- Tech-III (BPS-07)
- Junior Assistant-I (Admin) (BPS-09)
- Junior Assistant-I (Accounts) (BPS-09)
- Telecom Operator-II (BPS-07)
- Driver-III (BPS-05)
- Cook-II (BPS-05)