UOG (University of Gujrat) Jobs
08-Apr-2012 (Sunday) in
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- University of Gujrat
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- University Jobs
- Professors
- Associate Professors
- Assistant Professors
Hafiz Hayat Campus, Gujrat ApIictions are inviLed from Pakistaii nationals [male/fen-ale]. who are dynamic, dedicated and competent protrssioals in their fields and like to serve at University of Gujret. (Regular / Contract) r English Statistics Physics - Mathematics Quolificotion I Exp.rienc. Ph. D from HEC recognized University I InsuLation n the relevant field wih 1 5-yeors teochin / research experience cl least 8yeo’s PostiTh. DleveIepewience ¡n HEC vecouzed Universêyo a post-gradvoteInstiIuton oi piofessionole%perience intie televritfi&d in o Nolionol or nterncrionol organizotion. The opplicont must hove 1 5 research publications (with at least S publicatons in Icst 5yeo’s ¡n HEC iecoOniied JouinoIs OR 1 O.yeors Pasi Ph. D teoding I research experience in o recognze Univecsity o pos? gccduo’e nsliIubon or prolcssionol cxpcricnce in the relcont uield ‘n a national or intemolionol orgaiizction. The oppliconi must hove I 5 -espoich pubticorions (with cl least 5 publicotiors n lost 5.yeors in HEC recognzed Journols). OR L.LM. J.D in Low or equivalent degree from on NEC recognzed Universily I nSHulicn With 1 7-yeors eochinq I resecrch experience (with at least 8.yeors cxper.ence oftei’ 11M I or equivolen k HEC recognized Universify or o Poi-gaduate Instit,tion or Professional experience i’ the relevont field ¡n o Notional or lnternotiono Organization. The applicant must hove 1 5 reseorch publications (with at leosi S publications in ost 5. yea’s in HEC recognized iournoIs. Subject I No. of Posts (One for coch subject) Qualification I Exp.rience: Ph. D degree in televont field, recognized oy hEC in consultotion with PEC, wiih 1 2.yeors tec,ct,ing I research e*perience in o recognized Institutions f College I Univesily or 1 2.yeois pofessionol experience in he relevant field in o Notional or International organization out of which 05 yecrs must be tecching experience, With 1 2 research publicolions wiJh 01 least 3 publicoiion by the colcidor yors 201 1 respcIiveIy : HEC I PEC recogrized joumols. OR 1 0-ycors Post.Ph. D tecching I research experionce ¡n on I-fEC reconize Ui,iversty o’ o post graduate intiIuion or professional experience in the reevcnI field in o Notional o International o.goniza$ior, with 2 reseciich pub ¡cotions (wih cl leosi 3 publications by iho colendai years 20 I 1 respectively in HEC I PEC recognized jownols). ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (REGUR) I US, CONTRACT (NEGOTIABLE) Subect / No. of Põsts (One for each subject) Age Umit: 35-50 Yeors (retoxoble in exceptional cosesl r Psychology r Economics r Sociology Business Administration Qualification / Exp.rienc. ‘h. Dìn the relevant field horn HEC recognized University / Institution with 1 0.yecrs leaching / research expei-ence at least 4- years Post Ph. D level experience in on HEC recognized University or a post graduate institution or professional experience in he *-elevonl field in o Notional or lnternotonal orgonizolion. The opplicont must hove 10 publicotons (with at leasi 4 publicotions in lost 5-years) in the HEC recognized Journols. OR 5-years Post Ph. D teaching / research experience in on NEC recognized University or o post groduole institution or proíessioiol experience in the relevont fields in Nc,orol or International Orgonizotion. The opplicont must hove 10 publications (with at least 4 publications in lost 5 yeors) ir NEC recognized Journals. OR L.L.M, ID in Low or equivotent degree from on HEC recognized University! Institution with 12-years eochin / reseorcb experience (with ci least 4-years experience after the Post-terminal degee level) in on NEC recognized Jniversity or a Post-graduate Institution or Professional experience in the relevcni field in o Notional or International Organization. The applicant must hove 10 research pubhicotions (witI- ot least 4 puhlicotin in lost 5-years in NEC iecogiized lournals). Subject f No. of Posts (One fr each subject) - ,.- Qualification / Experience: h. D n the re