Engineers Jobs
08-Apr-2012 (Sunday) in
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- Protection Design Engineer
- Testing & Commissioning Engineer
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- Middle East
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- Jobs in KSA
- Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Protection Design Engineer
- Testing & Commissioning Engineer
A Leading Contracting Company in Saudi Arabia specialized in consiruction of large scak [IV 1I1V Substations. Power plants. Water & Industrial Plants Projects have acancy for the following positions: IPR0TET10N DESIGNNG1NFÆR ÏREF. T.PDEÏ] H.Sc. in Electrical Engineering with 5-K years relevant experience. Design experience of I 32/2 303 80k’ Substation’s Control. Protection. Metering. . Preparation of SLD’s, SL[Ys with CT VT data, relaying & metering one line diagrams etC. prepare SAS Architecture. Perform (‘T & PT Sizing Calculations. Review & prcparc schematics diagrams. Interface engineering, Relay Settings studies. B.Sc. ¡n Electrical Engineering with 5.8 years relevant experience of Testing & Commissioning of 132/230/380kV Substation’s Protection & Control system. Protection. Mctcriñg etc. T & C of all the major conventional as well as the slate of the art lED relays & Controllers like BCU’s, Distance protection. DHTerencial Protection (Line, Cable. Transformers etc.). Bus Bar Protection, Over current protection etc. . Experience of testing A 1311. SIEMENS. ALSTOM GRID. SEL & SCHNEIDER Relays. . Experience & checking the conventional to complex schemes for protection ysteins. • Primary Injection. Stability & Sensitivity checking of dit’tìrential protection. • T & C of Transformers. CT’s. VTs, Aux. Relays. Cli’s, DS’s, ES’s, SAts. Cables etc. Know how ftr the T & C oÍSAS. ‘ lxpericnce of Networking system will be an advantage. .\ll qualified applicants should senti their cornprchcnsi’e CV and indicate the JOB REF. forthe position applied for, to Ernail: ksa.6341 á jobsalja(tida, crnecoa ALJADID MANPOWER SERVIŒS OEPL. No. 0795/ICAR. PE(S) 13243 Ot23-02-2011 Rawalpindi: House No. D-164, 6th Road, SateUlte Town. Tql: (051) 4S8040, 4853216 E-Mas: emecoQcyber.netpk IIi AJMS Karachi: 211. Business Avenue. Block 6 P.E.C.H.S, Shahrab-e-FaIsai. Tel: (021) 34522158 E-Mail: Jot” --