NTDC (National Transmission and Dispatch Company) Govt Jobs

01-Apr-2012 (Sunday)  in  Nawa-i-Waqt  
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  • General Manager-Central Contract Cell
  • Manager Finance
  • Manager (Energy Contracts)
City / Location:
  • Jobs in Lahore
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NTDC (National Transmission and Dispatch Company) Govt Jobs
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  • NTDC
  • National Transmission and Dispatch Company
  • Jobs in Punjab
  • Public Sector
  • Government Jobs
  • Jobs in Pakistan
  • WAPDA Jobs
  • Energy Sector
N rrvted ConWany Power n Urets and Lo enters o the en re œuntly, thus oeal ig oneo the largest
uousGfldsys*eaisofthewvdd. Itis responsible for transrnithng the power from hydroelectric stations klcaled in tie North. Themial units in
public and private sector nsted mosay m the Central and Southern Regions afilie country and suppltelig this pertodisIiibubon anies
NTDC owns, operates. mawilaeis 500KV and 220KV transmission netwerk ri the wee of territory licensed NTDC is also responsible lo expand
500KV transmission nefworkto meet the owwig demand of EIect&Iy.
A Central Contract Cal isestabkstied in NTDCL The man functions of Central Contract Cel in NTDCL are as below:.
. An ‘Independent Exp 4 Advisory Body. deahng & sautiolzing the cases/contrads and after arriving at cendusion keeplig in view the
interest 01 NTDC, wouto report to relevant tonas as per ptostons of ‘Book of Financial Powors about its recoirimendations, wNcli
would, however. bedisaelioriaryfor sacceplanœbymecompetentaifhor4
. Develop lie Saandardfl’ermsiProajrement Manual In lie light of PPRA Rules. Pakistan Engineenng Counol (PEC) Guidelines, FIDK
and the Gwdelines of other donor agencies. The vetwig and saiiIny of al draft ser’nce agreements (Consaitancy Agreements and Rate
Contradsetc.)andprequakfication of Consultants will arriedont n the hghtcf these Standard Terms.
• Sautwiy ofal draft Bidding Documents and contracts will be corned cai by lie Cell, However, the Conbads Cell mi also develop an SOP
or the facilitation of NTDC Consultants iEnieers of the Pro(ed towards preparation 01 lie Biddeig Documents. Bid Evakjatlizns,
Awards and rescôjiicin of Contractuel mailers etc so that the ises at sirmtar nature are nd referred to Coi*acts Call every time
However, lie Pro(ed authorities wii ensure lie implementation of these decisions t instructions issued by the Cel in letter and spÉ4 his
achieving the d*ctlves of blrging unhfomiðyltransparencyIn the tendering proœss.
• The ameridnients in the Bidding Documents related tocontract management wd also be vetted by tire Cel.
• ScrutIny of al Evaluation Reports havingwvrtholRs. 100 mibonermorewili becarñed out bytheCell. However, theccrelent authority
may refer any case where deemed necessary
• he Contracts Cci w’ Il help/support the management in preparation of Agenda items for scrutinyof the Tedimical Convrittee and further
svibnonto BoO NTDC
• The Cell wd exanirwi the time extension cases with the reasons thereof, and wil develop an SOP and will give a realistic view on EOT
cases & othercontraclual matters. ifreferradbythe cenWetemfauliodty If the reasonsforgrantofbmeextenslon aretound appropnate
andustrted bythe Cell. thenthe casewill be submitted for theapproval o(thecompelenlauthonty,
. For any contract management issues like Price Escalation Application of Force Maevire. IC related issues and conflict resolutions etc
and legal opwirnn on any matter. this Cell wit playifsrole for smooth exeoj onof the contrads
• Fmanäal Projections (modeling.
Apçations are invited from experienced aid energetic candidates lotIt the $owing positions in Cenital Contract Cell-NTDCL
1. GENERAL MANAGER (Central Confrect Cd)
On contract for one year (extendable)
a. ELIGIBILITY:’ BSc.B.E (Electrical Engeieerrng) preferably with Degree in Management Sciences and/at Law. The candidate
should hareat-leas* I 5-Yeersotexpenienceof handlig sinarnatureo(job.
b. AGE:. Maximum 50yeai-s(relar able in exceptional cases only)
c. Package- Successful candidates will be offered niarket based (negotiable I remuneration pacirage
On contract for oni year (.xt.ndabi.)
Mernberof the Institute of Chartered Accountants/Cost and Management Accountants with three years post qualification experience in
Audit and Accounts of Government Departments ¿Seni Goveniwneni Organizations ¡ Autonomous Bodies at large Commercial
Organizabons of repute OR
M,Com MBA(Majcrn Fmance) with 12 years post q