GC University, Faisalabad (Govt Jobs) Requires Staff
11-Mar-2012 (Sunday) in
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- Assistant Registrar (SFAO)
- Co-ordinator, Quality Enhancement Cell
- Superintendent (Hostel)
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- GC University, Faisalabad
- Public Sector
- Government Jobs
- Assistant Registrar (SFAO)
- Co-ordinator, Quality Enhancement Cell
- Superintendent (Hostel)
GC University, Faisalabad POSJTIC4S VA CA !VT Applications are invited (or the following temporary (likely lo become permanent) posts at GC University. Folsolobad. from Pokiston. Nationals. with givon pay scale mentioned os under pk,s usual allowances as permissible under the rules of the Un.versity. The candidates must meet the qudificotions/exporience as detoiled below: 1. AssIstant Reabiror ($FAO) Age UmIt 24-35 years Qualification and Experience: MA/MSc. preference will be given to those who hove reosonoble experience in the relevant field ond also of computer programming and who have good knowledge of wnportont software packages 2. Cp-prdlnatpr. QuotIt Lnhpncement Cell 1PS-17) Age Limit 75-35 years (on closing dote of the opplicotion). Qualification ¡ Experience 21d Class Masters degree or equivalent degree awarded otter 16 years education, from HEC recognized University? institution. However, any higher or odditionol qualification (s) will be preferred with 02 years experience of work wi relevant field in a government? semi-government organization? Autonomous body? Recognized University. Experience of working in quality assurance or in a similar capacity will be preferred. 3. Sucednl.nd.nt (Hostel) (F.mole) SPS-1ô . Age LImit: 25-40 yeors Qualification and Experience:— Graduation from o rocognized University with at least 10 years experience in office administraban? occounts. INSTRUCTiONS: 1. The prescribed application form con be downloaded from the website of the University (hftD:IJwww.ocuf.edu.DIU) and shall be submitted with demand drof t of Is. 300/- in favour of Treasurer, (C University. Faisalobod. However, the opphcänts desiring to hove form through post may obtain the some on written request along with self addressed enveloi of large si with 1.. 30/- postage stomps. The dully filled in application form must be. supported with attested copies of educational testimonials / certificates. 1.0. Cord, two recent photog.ophs and updotod Curriculum Vitae. 2. the condidales from abroad may submit their applications on plain poper. accompanied by recent Curriculum Vitae along with attested copies of degrees I testimonials and experience certificates. 3. Incomplete or the applications received otter due dote will not be entertoined. 4. The University reserves the rights not to consider any application or flU the post without giving any reason. 5. The applications ore requwed on prescribed form in triplicate. 6. The candidate atroody In Service must apply through pioper channel by the duodote. 7. Complcto opplicob.ns must reach lo the Recruilmeni Section, Additional Regisiror (Ac ad.). GC Uriversity. Foisolobod by mo not lotor than 30-03-2012. Mofe: .- Only short listed candidates wiN be coiled for interview. Piel erçnce will bc givon to highly qualified candidates. The University Is not responsible ¡f cal letters are delayed or not received due to any lapse of Courier Agency/Post Office/Telephonic message. ,- No TA/DA Is admissible when colied for interview. MUHAMMAD AKRAM (Registrar)