The University of Health Sciences, Lahore Jobs Opportunity

21-Feb-2012 (Tuesday)  in  Nawa-i-Waqt  
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  • Project Director
  • Director (P&D)
  • Civil Engineer
  • Sub-Engineer (Electrical)
City / Location:
  • Jobs in Lahore
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The University of Health Sciences, Lahore Jobs Opportunity
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  • The University of Health Sciences, Lahore
  • Public Sector
  • Government Jobs
  • Jobs in Lahore
  • Project Director
  • Director (P&D)
  • Civil Engineer
  • Sub-Engineer (Electrical)
The University of Heath Science Lahore, an equal oppoilursty employer. oflermg a oongeni workÉig environment with exceent oppoøy for
personal and professional growth, mvfles applications forme following posts on contract basis:
SrI Narneo( Post__ Pay PackagelBPS T MOOt Qualification & experience
Protect Oledor Special Package 01 MAM,ScYPA from HEC recognized nslthibin with iid relevant
(For IHS new Canus wiuich Is negotiable experience in Institutional Development OR
at Kala Shah K*u keeping in ‘new BSc (CiW Engineenng) from NEC recogrlzed University/Institute
quatificatioms and with at least 15 years eiipenenœ in the exeaslion of civil
experience work is development pr*cts ‘n organizations of repute.
Preference shal be given lo those candidates having expenence n
___________ ___________ ______ execution and management of at least 3 mega pro,eclL
2 Drectcr IP&D,l Special Paciiage 01 M8BS with Maste?s an Piic Health Masle?s in HealI
wtld is negotiable Management’ Maslei’s in Business Adminisb’aon from a HEC
keeping In ‘new recognized University. OR
quatificans and MAMScIMPA from HEC recognized nstjtun with radi relevant
experience expenence n Institutional Ptarmcg& Development
Candidates wh minimum 10 years exrience of prced pianring.
management and implementation in an orgarszalion.
3. Cl Engineer BPS-I! 01 BSc (Civil £rigoeering) from NEC recogrszed University insteote
with experience n the exeaon of civil ksl development protects
in Government oroanxzation,
Sub Engineer (Electrical)
Diploma of Associate Engineer (DAE) n Electrical with Unirmim
2-year experience.
•Apptcation along with coniplete date. attested copees of ce.lificatesldegrees. CNIC aid three fresh passpoil size pbotographs must reach
the office cl Director (Admin ¡ Cocad) by 08-03-2012. • Only short listed candidates will be called for interview and selection will be made
sthciiyc Uerit basis •No TA DA wiII be admissible, •Tho readymservicemutapplytlvoi4 proper channel.
042-99231 304-9 :‘-, ‘042-99230870 ‘111-33-33-66