M Sc r C MiTfor its .qulvllsat atadoriof poÑssloed quiillciloe Eepefleic. mlnhisam beD years pee sItcwios pIof..sal .ipwi.nc. in soy GcsVSN.Govt Au11Cw044 Orçar4zabon Corpoma Bcðl. Ag. Maalmwn 33 yeas for crefrad lportm.rL PUNJAB BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION 21-A KASHN1IR BLOCK, ALLAMA IQBAL TOW%. LAHORE Ph 37800188.3780003g. E.maiI:wcrciaiy(upbte.edu.pIc ICHALLENGING CAREER OPPORTUNITY The Punjab Bøud of T.chnlcal Education Is a corporal. body lo control. develop and regulate Technical. Commercial and Vocational Education as well as Trade arid Shill courses up to Diploma level in the geevince of Punjab, Purojab Board of Technical Education conducts esamination of dlff.r.nt courses of T.chnical, Commercial and Vocational Streams. It re,ires lhe services of the Punjab domiciled suitably qualified and competent Male t Female with Initiative, dtive 8 dedication fer following posts In lnlem’jtion Cornovounication Technology (ICI) Section on Contract t Deputation bail; as rnention.d ,gains( each post. Selected candidates will he offered pay according to prescribed National Pay Scale but with bierativa allowances which makes thølr salarl,i substantIally great., than theIr counterparts In other departments. Candidat.; po;;es;Ing International valid certification may be paid for Rs ioœu. (maxiim,m) as an additional monthly allowance. Name et Posts TECHNOLOGY SUPPORT OFFICER (INCI4ARGE ICI SECTICII) PS-lI) Mod cl Em.plcmwt Cortad ot diCutidon basil Qualification ¿ Experience Duties Bachelor of EngimWng (SoRwar. Engne.dusglí to piar, drict. coordinate and provide MSc In CIUCS er Is eáoiieat ac.danolci sapport fer idonblcabon. Silediori. probsalond quali&atiooi development. pocurensot. irsiatenanc. L4em4nc. to. yew poet qualification r.l.YaM and pyadthor of software. bao or prole.slonai eapwlsnce In any Oc,IJS.mi4o,1I y cmbsdded syitmos that ia ka die Autoncrog, Org.rinationtcerporve 004 domsir cf ICI. Ag. Maxlm.rn 45 ewe for comt,att qpoiaunrl NETWORK ADMBflSTRAtORI1PS7l Wed. of EmpIo-.or* Cortad or d.petatlon basis To d.119i, develop, Intel. conflgwi sad aspport PBTE’s ndwo,b loti as. adearli (LAM], mid. su iwbedo (WAs). arad bitenoet 1)151.11 DATA BASE ADMINISTRATOR PSI7) Mod. cl Empk.rmut: Contrad or dsaiadon baste B.E SObeas Engineering) or USc In CId MCS sath lp.ciiizatboaa at 5011mw. nØrae.nbg or Its qurwdorf acade.kI professional Quautcd.o Equrlesc. bisimee two yeas Poal quaVicatloia proteesbcod espenence In a.yGobtiSeOni.Gcv1 Itiatarœnou. OrganiziiosV Corporate 0.4 Age Min ram 33 reas for centrad afipoetmert To coordinate with tirreloprad lesna br devioplig. modify ne. or coring dalabasen aid databas. .ranagmn.nt aptes. - COMPUTER PROGRAMMER tePS.!l Mod. of Eaaplo3sœit ConS-act or depelation basis Mit br CSUCS or Is eqiivaiset acade,nIcJ professional quabbcation Euporlenc. bSnlmu.r two yew; post qiaiuilcadon aiputwoce cf object odaitad pmgraaiaaång amy GootiSeid4ootf Aidaiceror; Organlzaøord Corporate Body. Ag. Maalm;m 35 yeas for contrast IçpOlMmerL to develop, usais, aid midily pawoal computer eppicabons ichese œ ep.ddz.d utily proam; b, essnikt. aber ccråct. Invoritcoy ina.ugwm1.t. SUing. panoU. .ccoiridnq, record beeping sad dher buekatea promesas p.rform.d by yafous sidoons of PSYt DATA PROCESSING OFFICER IOPSil) Made of tln,Ar..o..t Contrast or d.pz*atloia Seas Mit In CIUCS I WV or ita eprmal.r* wetiead professloid qUsIutcatlOor E4rerieace I0.lmuw two yeas peat quel¼abooa prolissloisi sipwfonc In any Gc,t.ml.GoelJ AU505CO4I) (agarwoasor. Corporle Body Age Ibzlmm 351W; ter contrast ippoatinert te pIar, OrganIze. direct and nicol. III actelties related lo das acrp.d.lbon. data vabdsolon. lila tabidalion. ada e.mrasrlrsdion, data uqgregacion and l Itslithcd eralylit by computer aptan,. DATA ENTRY SUPERVISOR (SPS.1e) Mode et Empicyriwit Conbaci basis JUNIOR COMPUTER PROGRAMMER PSt5) Mode f mploym.rl: Centrad basis USc. In CS.UCSnIT