Public Sector Organization Required Nurse and Technicians
10-Feb-2012 (Friday) in
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- Nurse
- Technician-II (Medical)
- Tech-IV (Compounder/Dispenser)
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- Jobs in Lahore
- Jobs in Pakistan
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- Public Sector Organization
- Government Jobs
- Jobs in Pakistan
- Nurse
- Technician-II (Medical)
- Tech-IV (Compounder/Dispenser)
RECRUITMENT)2O12IO1jl Name cf Post — OuaIification and Exp Nurse a) 3 yeas diploma in ,sVigwth 1 year idwi course diáy recognized by PNC with (SPS4)Pay scab: Rs, 15690-880-42090 2. Technician-Il(M.dicall (SPS-3) PAY ScaIe: Rs,9260-630.28160 (On Con) 3. Tech4V (Compounder /Dispenser) (SPS.1)PAY ScaIe: Rs.6440.31015740 (On Contract) 02 years expenence in Operation There. b) 3 years Diploma in Nursrg with 1 yeat course in Operation Theatre etc diiy recogrezed by PNC with 02 years experience m Operabon Theatre. C) 4yesB.ScNursing(aeleinete)iyrecognizedbyPNC d) M.Scl4itig) two)eats courseafter8ScIPrng)duly recogrized by PNC a) Matnc with Science (1st Div.) with 1 year course n relevant field (Operation Theatre As&stantl from a Govt recognized lwisùbjte with 3 ears expenenœ b) Matno with Science (1st Div.) with 2 years cow’se in relev1l field (Operation Theatre Assistant) from a Govt recogÆzed Insidule with 2yearsexpenence c) FSc (preferably 1st Dii.) with lyaw Diploma in relevant fIeld (Operabon Theatre Assistant)from a Govt. recognized Institute, Mainc with Science with mxwmrn 2nd Div. with at as*50% marks,