Literacy and Non-Formal Basic Education Department, Government of the Punjab Jobs Opportunity
21-Jan-2012 (Saturday) in
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- District Literacy Officer 04
- Accounts Officer 01
- Programmer 01
- Caretaker 01
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- Jobs in Sialkot
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- Jobs in Punjab
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- Literacy and Non-Formal Basic Education Department
- Government of the Punjab
- Public Sector
- Government Jobs
- Jobs in Punjab
- District Literacy Officer
- Literacy Program
- Accounts Officer
- Programmer
- Caretaker
Rajaspur Sialkot SawaI Second Class or CGPA 214 Masters degree in soy discplwe of Social Sciences with prcfcraby 2 years cxpczicnce of educational project ipervision sod mondonhil Candidate thould be computer literate. Age 25 to 35 yca 8S.l6117 officer servm in ilte Œpnieation of the Pakistan Audit & Accounts or from Audit sod Accounts service of the Provincial (ìøvt Rt. I 5.00W. PM itih yearly incrctncnt of Rs. 1.00W. PMU-Litcray Progmnime ab lu case of a Goverr.mcnt servant, as admissible to a BS.16/l7offlccr. In case of a person from private sector lump turn per of Rs. 23.00W. PM with yearly Increment of R4 2.00W-. A person from thc private sector Iwving qualifications as are required in the Pakistan AUdI and Accounts or in tite Audit & Accoumts service of the Provincial Govt or with 05 experience. The ufficcr houId be compeLer literate t. M.Sc. or 04 years B.Sc. (computer science) in 2 Division or equivalent front HEC recopized Coi1egVniversrty with otic year experience of wading on dot not and SQL server il. Age of the camdidx.c should not be more titan 35ars BS-II toBS-l4ofl.a1. Ann should be 25.50 years ..... —-...-.— ,. tom with carl increment of Rs. 2.00W- As admisibc to a to 14 ornciai O