The selected candidate will he reqúired to associate with the PMU as Research Associate (IIRM) for thc following: V i) Administer ompensatioi1, benefits. perfoimance management systems, safety measures and recreation programs ii) Identify staff vacancies and recruit, interview and select applicants iii) AIIocae hwnan resources, ensùring appropriate matches between personnel iv) Provide current and prospective employees with information about policies, job duties, working conditions. wages, opportunities for prorpotion and employee benefits y) Perform difficult staffing duties, including dealing with understafling, refereeing disputes, and administering disciplinary procedures vi) Analyze and modify compensation and benefits policies to establish competilive programs and ensure compliance with legal requirements . s’ii) Plan and conduct ne employee orientation to foster positive attitude tosard organizational objectives V viii) Serve as a link between management and employees by handling questions, interpreting and administering contracts and helping resoke work-relatcd problems ix) Plan, direct, supervise. and coordinate work activities of subordinates and staff relating to employment, compensation, labor relations, and employee relations x) Analyze training needs to design employee development, language training and health and safety programs . xi) Maintain records and compile statistical reports concerning personnel-related data such as hires, transfers, performance appraisals, and absenteeism rates xii) Analyze statistical data and reports to identi and determine causes of persoinel problems and develop recotumetidations foc improvement of organization's personnel policieš and practices xiii) Plan, organize, direct, control or coordinate the personnel, training, or labor relations activities ofan organization xiv) Conduct exit interviews to identify reasons for employee termination xv) lnvcstigatc and report on industrial accidents for insurance carriers xvi) Represent organization at personnel-related hearings and investigations xvii) Negotiate bargaining agreements and help interpret labour contracts xviii) Prepare personnel forecast to project employment needs xix) Prepare and follos budgets for personnel operations xx) Provide terminated employees with outplacement or relocation assistance ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION: MBA degree in RRP1 from an HEC recognized tnstitution. SALARY: upto Rs.35.000,’- per month AGE: 25 to 40 Years __________________ STFNOGRAPHERP.\ (01 PoST) LOB DESCRIPTION; The selected candidate shall perform the following duties: j. faking dictation; short hand proficiency will be an additional qualification ii. Will maintain reference books and keep them up-to-date by getting the correction slips pasted iii. Personally responsible for adding to a case any precedent. policy, rules or regulations relating to it and for flagging them properly and making references in the margins of the case before its submission to the concerned department ¡: Should undertake reference and research work, i.e., acquaint himself with the rules and regulations pertaining to the subjects dealt with in thc PMU. maintain such statistics as are required by the PMU (e.g. maintain lists, postings. etc.), and while examining old records, take extracts of important policy decision, etc. ‘. Prepare such statements and returns and collect such material and statistics, as may be required by the PMU vi. Also maintain prescribed charts regarding: I. All outstanding reports and return is due to be received in the PM Job to be submitted by the PMU and; 2. Time-limit cases . vii. In the temporary absence of the concerned officer, he will submit and personally explain urgent cases to the senior concerned officer viii. Undertake periodically a proper classification, recording, indexing and weeding cf files in accordance with the instructions under the guidance of the concerned officer