- Recent / Fresh / Current / New / Latest
- CMH Pano Aqil Jobs 2017 August Combined Military Hospital
- Advertisement in Daily Express Newspaper on Sunday 20-August-2017
- Middle / Primary / Matriculate / Matric - Pass
- F.A. / F.Sc. / Inter / Intermediate - Pass
- Graduate / Postgraduate / Bachelor's / Master's Degree
- B.A. / B.Sc. / M.A. / M.Sc. / BCS
- Ladies / Women / Female
- Medical Assistant Jobs in CMH Pano Aqil 2017 August
- Maximum / Minimum - Age Limit / Relaxation
- Pakistan Army / Armed Forces , Government of Pakistan
- Inventory Control , Store Keeper , Storeman
- Driving License Holder Driver
- Ward Attendant / Cleaner , Ward Servant / Boy
- Mason , Mistry , Raaj , Raj
- CMH Hospital Pano Aqil Jobs 2017 August Sukkur Sindh
- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) - Quota / Domicile
- Labour / Labor , Mazdor , Mazdoor , General Worker , Baildar
- Punjab , Sindh Urban (U) , Sindh Rural (R) - Quota / Domicile
- Cleaner , Sweeper , Khakroob , Sanitary Worker
- Nanny , Aya , Ayya , Aaya , Female Attendant
- Watchman , Gate Keeper , Chowkidar, Security Guard
- Combined Military Hospital Pano Aqil Jobs 2017 August
- End / Closing Date , Last Date to Apply , How to Apply