605 Regional Workshop EME Nowshera Cantt Jobs 2017 August Pakistan Army Latest
13-Aug-2017 (Sunday) in
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- === Highly Skilled Mechanic (BPS-10) ===
- Vehicle Mechanic AFV
- Computer Technician
- === Highly Skilled Grade-I (BPS-07) ===
- Telecom Technician
- Vehicle Mechanic B-Vehicle
- Electro Medical
- === Highly Skilled Grade-II (BPS-06) ===
- Vehicle Mechanic AFV
- Electrician AFV
- Vehicle Mechanic B-Vehicle
- Optronics Technician
- === Skilled (BPS-04) ===
- Welder
- Vehicle Mechanic B-Vehicle
- Upholster
- === SS-I (BPS-04) ===
- Painter
- Telecom Technician
- Electrician
- === BPS-01 ===
- USM Labour
- Chowkidar
- Sanitary Worker
City / Location:
- Jobs in Nowshera Cantt, KPK
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- Recent / Current / Upcoming / Fresh / New / Latest
- 605 Regional Workshop EME Nowshera Cantt Jobs 2017 August Pakistan Army
- Advertisement in Daily Express Newspaper on Sunday 13-August-2017
- Primary / Middle / Matriculate / Matric - Pass
- Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE) - Electronics / Mechanical - Engineering
- Highly Skilled Mechanic (HSM) , Highly Skilled Grade-I / II
- Vehicle Mechanic Jobs in 605 Regional Workshop EME Nowshera Cantt 2017 August
- Maximum / Minimum - Age Limit / Relaxation
- Punjab , Sindh , Nowshera - Quota / Domicile
- Pakistan Army / Armed Forces , Government of Pakistan
- Telecom Technician , Computer Technician
- Optronics Technician , Electromedical
- Electrician Jobs in 605 Regional Workshop EME Nowshera Cantt 2017 August
- End / Closing Date , How to Apply , Last Date to Apply
- FATA , Gilgit Baltistan (GB) , Balochistan - Quota / Domicile
- Cleaner , Sweeper , Khakroob , Sanitary Worker
- Watchman , Gate Keeper , Chowkidar , Security Guard
- Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , KP , KPK - Quota / Domicile
- Unskilled Manual , USM , Labour / Labor
- Welder / Electrician / Painter Jobs in 605 Regional Workshop EME Nowshera Cantt 2017 August
- Application Process / Deadline , Application Procedure
- PID(P) 99674/17 , PID(P) 99674/2017