THE PUNJAB EMPLOYEE’S SOCIAL SECURITY INSTITUTION (HEAD OFFICE) 3-A, GULBERG — V, LAHORE SITUATION VACANT App’ications are invited from suitable candidates to fill the following posts, ¡n various PESSI Hospitals having Punjab domicile, qualification and age limit as mentioned against each category. M885, FCP5/MRcP/FRI MD (Medicine) cr equhi, qualification recognized by PMDC Islamabad, Minimum 05-years ot service I profsoriaI experience in revant flcd after p graduatIon. M685, FCPS/FRS1 MS (Surgery) equlv, qualification recognized by PMDC Namabad, Minimum 05-years of serce f pmfessional eper1ence In relevant field after post graduatan. MBBS, FCPS/FRCŒVMRCOGINCPS DGO or equlv, quaiificatzori recogrzi by PMDC Islamabad, Minimum 05-years of se-vice f prolessíonal experience n relevant field after post graduatkxi. MBBS with post yraduati quakficatlon Lke FcPSPI1.D, M.Sc In Nuclear Medidnes recognized by PMDC Islamabad witt 05-years experience in the relevant field. . MBS/DIplorna in Cardiology/ FCPS (Card), MRCP (Card) FRCP (Card) or equlv, quaflcaton recognized by PMDC Islamabad, M685. FCPS/FRCA /r1CPs/ Diploma ¡n Anaesthesia or equiv, quañcabon recognized by PMDC Islamabad, Minimum 05-years of service I professional experlenœ In relevant field after post graduation. MBBS. FCPS/FRCA /McPS/ Dpoma In Anesthesia (haviny Cardiac experience) or eQuiv, quaIficabon recognized by PMDC I5lamabad, Minimum 05-years or service f proI’ess4on experIce In relevant field afta post aduation. MBBS. DTLD f FOES (chest)/ MRCP or equlv, qualiflOEtion recognized by PMDC Islamabad, Minimum 05-years of service f professional experience in relevant field after post graduabon. MBBS. Dcli f FcPS (Paeds)/ MRCP or equlv, qualification recogmzed by PMDC Islamabad, Minimum 05-years of service I profeionai experience Wi relevant field çLlt g-aduaticn. M8ß51 FcPS/FRcRJMcPS/DMRD or equtv, quaIHcaUon recognized by PMDC Islamabaci, Minum 05-years of serv’ce I professional experience tn relevant tleld after post graduation. M8S, cr’sôrtii)/FRŒ1ris (Orth) or equlv, qualification recognized by PMDC ¡siainabad, Mmurn 05-years of sernce I professional expertence In relevant fleld after post graduation. MBBS/ÆPS (F’leph) MRP (Neph) FRCP (Nep) or equiv, quaüñcation recognized by PMDC Islamabad, Minimum 05-years of service / professlcxaI experience in relevant field ter po graduation. MB8S,FOS(FRcS/DLO or equiv, qualification recognized by PMDC Islarnabad, Minimum 05-years of service I professional experience in relevant field after post graduation. MBBS,FcPSIMS (Ophthalrnclogy)/ DOMS or equiv, qualification recognized by PMDC Islamal’ad, Minimum OS-years of serce I professional e)cpeflenœ in relevant field after post graduation. MenS, FCPS/MRP (Oncology)! DMRT cr equlv, qualification recognized by PMDC Islamabad, Minimum 05-years 01’ seivlœ f pro(ession experience in relevant field after post graduation. MBBS. Fcps (Histopath)/MRŒ (Patho)/M.Ptiìl (Hlstopath) or equiv, qualification recogrlzed by PMDC Islamabad, Minimum 05-years of service I professional experience in relevant field after post graduation. MBBS FCPS/MRC Psy/Dp. Psych or eqiiv. ciailfication recognized by PMDC Islamabad, Minimum 05-years of service I professional expeience In relevant field after post graduation . SSH-Jauharabad (01) . SSH-Sialkot(O1) . SSH-Cuirati0ì e K.SSH-Oka(Q . Kh.F SSH-Multan (01) . SSH-Gujranwala (01) . - SSH-Gujrat (01) . SSH-Sialkt(01) e SSH-IsLamabad (01) e NSSSH-Lahore (4) e SSH-KlY, Lahoij0i) . SSH-Shahclara (2) . SSH-Gujranwala 0j . SSH-Sialkot (01) e SSH-Okara (02) e SSHFaiSlabd (02) . SSH-Gujrat (01) . SS-Mini-El R.Y.K (01) . SSH-Jauharabad (01) . NSSSH-Lahore(01) . NSSSII-Lahore (01) . SSH-Falsalabad (01) . SSH-Islamabad (01) . Kh. SSH-Multan (01) 3Õto SO- e SSH-alkot’J1:’ years . SSH-Gujrat (O1 ABDUL MAJID CHUDH