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- Board of Revenue Sindh Jobs December 2016 Apply Online Clerks, Stenographers, Naib Qasid & Others
- Advertisement in Daily Dawn Newspaper on Thursday 08-December-2016
- Middle / Primary / Matriculate / Matric - Pass
- ICS / I.Com. / F.A. / F.Sc. / Inter / Intermediate- Pass
- Postgraduate / Graduate / Bachelor's / Master's Degree
- B.Com. / M.A. / B.Sc. / B.A. / M.Sc. / BBA / M.Com. / MBA
- Upper Division Clerk , UDC , Senior / Junior Clerk , Lower Division Clerk , LDC
- Clerk Jobs in Board of Revenue Sindh December 2016 Pakistan
- Online Application Form
- Maximum / Minimum - Age Limit / Relaxation
- Eligibility Criteria , Academic / Educational - Requirements
- Sindh Urban (U) , Sindh Rural (R) - Quota / Domicile
- Public Sector , Government of Sindh / Pakistan
- Accounts Officer , Accountant
- Sub Registrar , Cypher Assistant
- Shorthand , Steno , Typist , Typing , Stenotypist
- Stenographer Jobs in Board of Revenue Sindh December 2016
- Disabled , Minorities / Non-Muslims - Quota
- Cash Officer , Cashier , Teller , Till Operator
- Inventory Control , Storeman , Store Keeper
- Plumber , Plumbing , Pipe Fitter
- Ladies / Women / Female - Quota
- Water Carrier / Bearer , Waterman , Bahishti , Mashki
- Data Processing Assistant Jobs in Board of Revenue Sindh December 2016 Application Form Download
- End / Closing Date , Last Date to Apply , Application Deadline
- Electrician , Electrical Technician
- Telephone Exchange Operator , PBX / PABX , Telephone Operator
- Re-Settlement Survey Officer , Photographer Technician
- Tubewell Operator / Driver , Pump Operator
- Generator Operator / Attendant / Driver
- Tea Boy , Chaprasi , Peon , Messenger , Office Attendant / Helper , Office Boy
- Naib Qasid Jobs in Board of Revenue Sindh December 2016
- Cook , Chef , Khansama , Bawarchi
- Cleaner , Sweeper , Khakroob , Sweeper , Sanitary Worker
- Maali , Mahli , Mali , Gardener , Baildar
- Watchman , Gate Keeper , Chowkidar , Security Guard
- Kotar , Daftari / Daftri , Mappers
- Daak Runner , Delivery Boy , Dispatch Rider
- Tapedar / Driver Jobs in Board of Revenue Sindh December 2016 Pakistan
- Pesh Imam , Khateeb , Khatib
- INF/KRY 4619/16 , INF/KRY 4619/2016