- Recent / Current / New / Fresh / Latest
- PO Box 220 Peshawar Jobs 2015 July Medical Officers, Technician, Lady Health Visitor & Others
- Advertisement in Daily The Nation Newspaper on Thursday 23-July-2015
- Middle / Matriculate / Matric - Pass
- Lady Health Visitor , Medical / Pharmacy Technician , Midwife - Course / Certificate
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- NGO , INGO , International NGO / Humanitarian / Non-Profit Organization
- Social Sector Organization , Development Sector
- Watchman , Gate Keeper , Chowkidar , Security Guard
- Bahishti , Mashki , Frash , Water Carrier / Bearer
- MBBS Degree Holder
- Medical Doctor , MD , Medical Officer , MO , Women Medical Officer , WMO
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- Medical , Health , Healthcare , Paramedics , Paramedical
- Aya , Dai , Midwife , Ward Aya , Ayya
- Heavy Traffic Vehicle (HTV) Driving License Holder Driver
- Inventory Control , Store Assistant / Clerk , Store Keeper
- Dispenser , Dresser , Pharmacist , Compounder
- Pharmacy Technician Jobs in PO Box 220 Peshawar 2015 July
- KP , KPK , Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- Last Date to Apply , Closing Date , Application Procedure
- Public Sector , Government of KPK / Pakistan
- Social Sector Organization Jobs in Peshawar 2015 July
- PID(P) 423/15 , PID(P) 423/2015