- Recent / Current / New / Fresh / Latest
- Health Department Faisalabad Jobs 2015 July Midwife, Naib Qasid, Drivers, Chowkidar, Dai & Others
- Advertisement in Daily The Nation Newspaper on Saturday 18-July-2015
- Primary / Middle / Matriculate / Matric - Pass
- F.A. / F.Sc. / Inter / Intermediate - Pass
- Midwifery - Diploma / Course / Certificate
- Tailor , Tailing Master , Darzi
- Driver / Lab Attendant Jobs in Health Department Faisalabad 2015 July
- Last Date to Apply , How to Apply , Application Process / Procedure
- Tube Well Attendant / Operator / Driver
- Ward Attendant / Cleaner , Ward Boy , Ward Servant
- Dhobi , Washerman , Laundry
- Mahli , Maali , Mali , Gardener , Baildar
- Dai , Aya , Ayya , Female Attendant
- Stretcher Bearer / Attendant
- Dai / Midwife Jobs in Health Department Faisalabad 2015 July
- Maximum / Minimum - Age Limit / Relaxation
- Interview - Schedule / Date / Time / Venue / Place / Location
- Women / Ladies / Female - Quota
- Medical , Health , Healthcare , Hospital , Paramedical , Paramedics
- Public Sector , Government of Punjab / Pakistan
- District Government Faisalabad , Health Department
- Disabled , Minorities , Employees Children - Quota
- Watchman , Gate Keeper , Security Guard
- Peon , Chaprasi , Messenger , Helper , Attendant , Office Boy
- Naib Qasid / Chowkidar Jobs in Health Department Faisalabad 2015 July
- Sanitary Inspector / Incharge / Supervisor
- Water Carrier / Bearer , Frash , Mashki , Bahisti
- Animal Attendant / Keeper
- Chef , Khansama , Cook , Bawarchi
- Driving License Holder
- Janitor , Cleaner , Sweeper , Khakroob
- Sanitary Worker Jobs in Health Department Faisalabad 2015 July Punjab
- IPL-9571