University of Gujrat Jobs Opportunities
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- University of Gujrat
- Teaching Jobs
- Jobs in Gujrat
- Hafiz Hayat Campus, Gujrat
English Statistics Physics Mathematics Political Science Statistics Mathematics Political Science History UrJIVRSITVCF GUJRiT A WOL.O CLAII UNIVIMITY UNIVERSITY OF GUJRAT Hafiz Hayat Campus, Zujrat Applications are invited from Pakistan nationals (male/female). who are dynamic. dedicated ind competent professionals in their fields and like to serve t University cf Gujrat (Regular / Contract) PROFESSOR (REGULAR) /iTS, CONTRACT (NEGOTIABLE) Age Limit: 35.55 Years (reloxable ¡n exceptional coses) I No. of Posts (One for each ITIES BPS -2 1 .‘bject) International Relation History Psychology Economics Sociology Business Administration Mass Communication Law Commerce Qualifkation f Experience Ph. D f1OiÌ HEC recognzed University I Institution in the relevont feId with 1 5-years teaching I reseorch experience at least 8•yecirs Post Ph. D levelexpe,ience in HEC recoqnizeci Universityor o post-groduote Institution or professional experience in the relevontfield in o Ncitioncil or Internotionol orgonizotion. The applicant must have 1 5 research publications (with at IasP 5 publications in lost 5-yeoi.s in HEC recognized Journals) OR 1Oyeors Post Ph. D teoching I research experience in o recognized University or post graduote institutiOn or proícssioncil experience in the relevant field in o notional or inlernalionol organization. The applicant musi hove 5 research publications (with at leost 5 publications in losi 5-years ¡n HEC recognized Journals). OR L.1.M, J.D in Low or equivolent degree from on HEC recognized University ! Institution with 1 7-yeors teaching I research experience (with at least 8-years experience after ILM / J.D oi equivolerit in HEC recognized University or a Post-graduate Institution or Professionol experence in the relevant field in o Notional or lnternoionol Organization. The applicant must have 1 5 reseorch publications (with at least 5 publications in lost 5- years in HEC recogrzed Jourtiols) _____________________________________________________________________________________ I No. of Posts NOne for each su Electricol Engineering Chemical Engineering Computer Science & Information Technology ject). Mechanical Engineering Telecommunication Engineering Qualification I Experience: Pli. D degiee in ielevaril field, rec.ocjnized by HEC in consullotiori with PEC, with l2-years teaching I ieseorch experience in a recognized Institutions I College I Univority or 1 2-yors profcssiono! cxpcriencc n the relevant field in a National or lnterriotionol organization out of which 05 years must be teaching experience, with 1 2 research publications (with at least 3 publications by the colendai yeai s 201 1 , spectively in HEC I PEC recognized jurnols). OR 1 0-years Post-Ph. D teaching I research experience in an HEC recognized University or o post graduate institution or professional experience in the relevant field ¡n o Ncitionol or International organization, with 12 research publicotions (with ot least 3 PubliCOti0ilS by he calendar years 201 1 iespectively in HEC I PEC recognized journols). ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR (REGULAR) /iTS, CONTRACT (NEGOTIABLE) BPS-20 Aye Liniit: 35-50 Years (ieloxoble in exceptional coses) of Posis ‘lOne for each subject) Subj _________________________________________________________________________ Subject . , Sub ¡eçt _________________________________________________________________________________ . Subject NOTE Botany Mass Commun:ation Psychology Zoology (Development Biology I Micro Biology f Economics Animal Genetics) Sociology Physics (Condensed Matter Physics / Plasma) Business Administration English International Relations Chemistry (Physical I Analytical I Organic) Commerce Law Qualification J Experience: Ph. D in the relevcinlfield from HEC recognized University/Institution with 1 O-yeorsteaching I reseaich experience at least .4- years Post Ph. D level experience in an HEC recognized University or o post graduat