Dar Al Riyadh Required Staff for Saudi Arabia
18-Dec-2011 (Sunday) in
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- Engineer Power Dispatch
- Engineer Power Planning & Scheduling
- Sr. Engineer, Power Applications
- Engineer, System Operator
- Supervisor, Energy Management System Application
- Superintendent, Technical Services Support
- Supervisor, Technical Service Support
- Supervisor, Studies & Analysis
- System Study Engineer
- System Analyst
- Dispatcher Training Simulator Engineer, DTS Engineer
- Training Coordinator
- Field Operator
- Control Room Operator
- Shift Supervisor
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- Dar Al Riyadh
- Middle East
- Gulf
- Saudi Arabia
- Engineer Power Dispatch
- Engineer Power Planning & Scheduling
- Sr. Engineer, Power Applications
- Engineer, System Operator
- Supervisor, Energy Management System Application
- Superintendent, Technical Services Support
- Supervisor, Technical Service Support
- Supervisor, Studies & Analysis
- System Study Engineer
- System Analyst
- Dispatcher Training Simulator Engineer, DTS Engineer
- Training Coordinator
- Field Operator
- Control Room Operator
- Shift Supervisor
DAR AL RIYADH Dar AI Riyadh (DAR), a leading Engineering Consulting Conanyr ri in Said kaba, is in the lookout for engineenng talents for a Major Power and Utilities Company in SAUDI ARABIA. CLIENT SUPPORT SEFWICES DlSION “ To know more about DAR, please slt www.daralrlyadh.com POWER DISPATCH DEPARTMENT 10: System Study Engineer 01: Engineer, Power Dispatch 11: System Analyst 02: Engineer Power Planning & Scheduling 12: Dispatcher Training Simulator Engineer, 03: Sr. Engineer, Power Applications DTS Engineer 04: EngIneer, System OperatIon 13: TrainIng Coordinator 05: Sr. System Operator POWER GENERATION DEPARTMENT 06: SupervIsor, Energy Management System Applications - EMSA 14: Field Operator -“STG-Steam Turbine Generator” 07: Superintendent, Technical Services Support 15: Control Room Operator- “STG-Steam Turbine 08: Supervisor, Technical Service Support Generator” 09: Supervisor, Studies & Analysis 16: Shift Supervisor— “STG-Steam Turbine Generator” [To view detailed job descnptions, please visit URL: www.aljadidrecruit.com.pk/daralriyadhjobs2] Excellent tax free salary and perks, free yearly vacation with air passage, complete medical cover, etc.Candldates with working experience in Power and Utilities Company are preferred.I Please submit your detailed resume In MS Word format withIn 10 days to Resource Manager on E-Mail lD:hr.cssd©daralriyadh.com quoting the position code in the subject line of the E-Mail.ln addition, register your resume with www.shugal.com I • ALJADID MANPOWER SERVICES F’\ 1 DAR AL RIYADH OEPL No. 0795(KAR AIMS Karachi: 211, Business Avenue,Block 6, P.E.C.H.S. L \J LIENTSIJPP0RTSERVIŒS DIVISION Shahrah.e.Faisal.Tel: (021) 34522158 Rawalpindi: l4ous No. 164-D. 8th Road, Satellite Town, T.l:(051)4580480 PES #22597 Dt: 15-12-11