Punjab Mineral Development Corporation Jobs Opportunity
30-Nov-2011 (Wednesday) in
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- Assistant Manager (Admin) BS-17
- PS to M.D BS-17
- Stenographer BS-15
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- Jobs in Lahore
- Jobs in Pakistan
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- Punjab Mineral Development Corporation
- Public Sector
- Government Jobs
- Assistant Manager (Admin)
- PS to M.D
- Stenographer
PUNJAB MINERAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION JOB OPPORTUNITIES runjmin s a eadmg Puc Sector Ogaiizaon in the Mmfl Fiefi with good k emfronrïient and no gender cnmina1ion. The followiog positions ate avalable br recruitment of effcient, dyearnic axl cape caiditiates on contract- Sr. ¡ Name of Post No. Pay Scale Educational Qualificaon with Experience Age Umit (Years) 1 Assistant Manaer (Aim ni BS.1 7 MBftJWesters n Human Resourcei from a recognized hwersity prefer edditional gualiticaton ii Law, 23-35 2. PS lo M.D BS-17 Oachelos Degree with knowledge of shoharompuler ski with 3 yeats experience, prefory in relevait See. 23-35 3 : Stenographer L BS-15 1 Bachelors degree h knfedge of shothai4’ Coiiper Typing with 05 expenence 25-35 GENERAL TERMS & CONU(TNS: 1. The appointment will initially be made foc 01 year contract wlikh would lely to be extenderl on good performance. 2. The applications shoid be attached with a comprehens,ve C.V. aested copies of CNIC, Domde, Academic Certificates and 3 Phc(ographs. 3. In additon to the salay package the selected offlcerslofftials shall be entitled for free medicat treatment for self end mily as per po&y. 4. Candidates ready rkir In Goverrvnent Depa1mers should send the pcations through proper channel, however they may send advance copy of pllcaöon via e-mail at unjmin ani.esttmail.com. 5. Only suitable & short hsted canlicales will be called br interview. 6. ApphcationsshouldreachtheofiiceoftheundersígnedbyDecemberl72Ollatthe address given below: 1. Number of the advertised posts may be changed by the Competent Authority. 8. Age relaxation foc 5 years allowed by the Government, has aready been Wluded in the age niL As such, no kirther relaxatbn in age shall be allowed. 9. Applications should come via e-mail at punimin.am.esflgniail.coni or by post. Candidates seeking bÒgN careers should apply with confidence. Secretary, Punjmin 2 Floor, Aifafah Buliding, Shrah-e-jaide-Azani, Labore Phone#042-9920518142 ¡PI-I 4