University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila. Jobs Opportunity
22-Nov-2011 (Tuesday) in
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- Medical Officer
- Admin Officers
- Junior Programmer
- Assistant
- Computer Operator
- Data Entry Operator
- Junior Clerk
- Storekeeper
- Naib Qasid
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- University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila.
- Public Sector
- Government Jobs
- Medical Officer
- Admin Officers
- Junior Programmer
- Assistant
- Computer Operator
- Data Entry Operator
- Junior Clerk
- Storekeeper
- Naib Qasid
Apçbcallon bmw ere .v01abie aI lh• olreaal wobsite waw.uittaiuIaadupê and also available n the EstaIrliabment Brandi UET Tax,I Applcstion on pr..a*ed brin. coinptet in rasp.ct alongwith necessary document, *41er. asar neœlsy apply through proper, on. pesspcat aIx. photograph end cloes.d Vestal order or Ber* Dish cit Rs 1001. (only Mr in. poet 01 M.r5cat OWllcer) from any Or•ncst cit H.b Seda Limbed bi hvøvr of the ¡resaurai (ÆT. ¡axila mit re.di.d WI the R&I Cee bÆT, ¡axila 0112.2011 (Thureday) upto 0300 PM. bi the RSI Cat. UE1’. ¡exile. Not.: I btoomphebe applications or those received allai du. dale shall not be considered 2. The neni. of Vto poet applied loi muet be vMen on the ñØM comet cl envelopo PROF. DR. AFTAB AHMAD Roglatrar r—’ M.i.i4ai-4i.. UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, TAXILA IT,UAT1ONS.YACANI Applca’Joni are invited for the çobiimeaits .95* the foiovmig vacant posh, on ConaiaeUTemporsry (Regular) Basla from the NatiOnals of Pakietan. domiciled bi the ProvInce of the Pt4.b The Urilvetslty reserves the flghts so add et edhdrsei of any poet. Age relaxation .te be considered In stabl. coses. Experience Name of post Med 0 B’s 17 Quahilcation Sor eqiavshnt qt eion 5mm a recogrd MdCal instthalon. *181 at —a— tt.. .,a .— Admen. Gilkar Admin. OMc,r 18 Badidor’. Degree (et heel 2w daielon). ig experienc, of seven (07) years oxpenenc, bi a Government or e Semi. Government Organization cta Unlversily, as AslietenI kno*bedga Of PEPItA Rues end USOfhçqis,seqrh.I. Seven (07) years experienco In a Government et a S.mi-Gov.rrwnent or a University, as Assistant or Slenographieri Personal Asslatant 25-45 16 ie 14 Bedietots Degree (at heed dIviSion). 25.45 Junior Prograuiwner Assistant (Procurement) S ci 8 Šc C.cmnputet Science or adidor Degree ut e relevant field frown s recograzed University. o ¡br.. yeas Diploma 01 AsaoO Engineer bi Computer Science Iroun s herd of T,clwlohoov Education h) A degree from a r000gniced UrWaery. •) Aty do type tawty at a reesoneki. ‘ ¡ht.. practical experience 18.40 (5) years experience as Senior Clerk or ail eqievalent in e Government et Semé- Government Organization ci a Uni8oerddc Candidates with past experience oh 1h Ob w be given preference. 1835 te-z 15-36 - 18-40 CorruterOperalor 14 e) buternied*4. oc il) Matité wIth Four (04) yaers xperience of th o8 .) Malteo with two years diploma bi Tedwilcel course sotejed lo quehutyb’ig tile i1 aptitude teat Dita “‘‘ Operator .Meletcierk Mano Subject lo quelifylig the IBM deal 1A.,stnuen tysbig speed al 35 words per Is eeeeutld 07 i)Mahiceisbon Second Owislon from a recognized boerd, and b) A rhebemall speed of 35 wvcds per mbiuhsbittpu — ExperIence of handing Motee. Storekeeper 06 Secondary School Exam HaM Oasid 01 MIdal. Pas. 18-45