Shaheed Muhtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University (SMBBMU) Larkana Sindh, Required Nursing Faculty
14-Nov-2011 (Monday) in
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- Director Nursing
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- Vice Principal/Nursing Superintendent
- Tutor Nurse
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- Shaheed Muhtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University
- Public Sector
- Government Jobs
- Director Nursing
- Principal Nursing
- Vice Principal/Nursing Superintendent
- Tutor Nurse
Applications are invited from qualified Candidates for Faculty positions on regular basis for Benazir Institute of Nursing & Community Sciences (BINACHS) Larkana I Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University (SMBBMU) Larkana rkocEI)rRI: FOR SUK1 ¡TuNG APPLI(V1IONS K)RMS: MINIMUM QUALIFICATION, EXPERIENCE PhD. Nursing from an HEC recognized University / Institution with at least 02 years post-qualification teaching experience in an Nursing Institute recognized by HEC Teaching experience. OR M.Sc Nursing from an HEC recognized University/Instution with post-quaiifìcation administrative/teaching experience in a post equivalent to BPS-17 and above in the Uni- versity/ Government! Semi Government /Autonomous! Semi- Autonomous Government Bodies. M.Sc Nursing from an HEC recognized University! Institution with at least 03 years post-quali&ation administrative/teaching expen ence in a post equivalent to Grade-17 and above ¡n the University! Government! Semi Government /Autonomous! Semi- Autonomous Government Bodies. at least 02 years post-qualification administrative/teaching experience ¡n a post equivalent to Grade-17 and above ¡n the Uni- versity/ Government! Semi Government /Autonomous/ Semi- Autonomous Government Bodies. experience in the University! I at Government! Semi Government /Autonomous! Semi- Autonomous f Government Bodies. Prescribed application Ibims are õhtainable froiii the Human Res’urces Depanrneii SMBBMLJ. Larkana oiipayine:it of Rs. 750/• (Non refundable) for each post, through a Bank Challan, or Pay Order I Bank Dratî in paahIe ¡n favour of Vice Chancellor SMBBMU Larkana aL MCI3 CMC Branch Larkana Application form wHh full particulars along with three photographs. CV (Not more then one page) ONE SET ofauested photocopies oldocurnents such as Academics & E.perience certificates. Valid PMDC Certificate. Experience, including Publkaiions. Domicile, PRC and NIC should reach at the Dirccrnr Human Resources Departnwnt. SMI3IJMU. Larkana on or bctbrc 25th ‘oicmbcr 2011. The required documents arc to be submitted ai the time ofsubmisston olapplication form and no twthcr corumunicattûn regarding short documents will bc madc after duc daic. Applicatian (s) &in plain paper and : r only CV will nOL be entcrtanied Maximum age limit is 45 ycars tór Director Nursrng.. 40 years Ibi 1)cput Í)Ercctor Nursing, 3 years loi Tutor Nursc Applicants who arc alrcidy scwin in Govcmrncnt ‘ ScrniGovcrnmcnt I Autonnalous [šndics simuld apply through proper channel accompanied by N .O.C troin th crnpløyer I An dvncc co DfIhh apphca,on foim (s) iiuy be sent within duc dait 2 Only hcxs hiatt candde will b ccd fi ìto tc ! rnrew J A.k’C fl ce iclued acorthii to Govcrnmcni ni 4 ltniva5iLy re$a1v$ the iig) io rjcc1 y or d : ppIica1iwc lncorip1cic appttcMo. (s)n any mancr Skill not he cnrnarnd — — . ‘ . , .a-t ‘ ‚ .‚. o Caiaiw) In ¡ny manner will dtsiiIif cnd4ate :- . , REGISTRAR ; . I .? No T A J D A wiP be piud fw aççaru in wríttcn tcs / rnacw . . ‘ . e ‘- . . I 1JÑieei1y rves the nhi o(crcdllahon ofidvcrtšscd po (s) paiy or a wh* , (BYORDERS OF VICE CHANCElLOR) ,.;:4 l. I NAME OF POST Number (11 I’O%tS - Director Nursing ( IIPS-20) at least 05 years Principal Nursing (BPS-19) o’ ‘fice Ikincipal/ ursing Superiniendelit (BPS-18) UI M.Sc Nursing from an HEC recognized University! Institution with Ui Tutor Nurse (BPS-17) least 03 ILSc. Nursing from an HEC recognized University? Institution with years relevant