Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) Jobs - Deputy Directors
01-Nov-2012 (Thursday) in
The News
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- Deputy Director (Waseela-e-Sehet-III)
- Deputy Director (Field Administration)
- Deputy Director (Coordination) Secretary Office
- Deputy Director (Waseela-e-Rozgar) Coordination
- Deputy Director (Waseela-e-Rozgar) MIS
- Deputy Director (Career Development)
- Deputy Director (Comparative Policy Research)
- Deputy Director (Internal Audit)
- Deputy Director (Media)
- Deputy Director (HR)
- Deputy Director (Waseela-e-Haq)
- Deputy Director (Sehet & Taleem)
- Deputy Director (Cash Grants)
- Deputy Director Initiative-I (Waseela-e-Haq & Waseela-e-Rozgar)
- Deputy Director Initiative-II (Cash Grants, Sehat & Taleem)
- Deputy Director (HQ)
City / Location:
- Jobs in Islamabad
- Jobs in Punjab
- Jobs in Sindh
- Jobs in Balochistan
- Jobs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP/KPK)
- Jobs in Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK)
- Jobs in Gilgit Baltistan
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- Benazir Income Support Programme Jobs
- BISP Jobs
- Government Jobs
- Executive Jobs
- IT Jobs
- MIS Jobs
- Management Jobs
- Auditing Jobs
Remuneration as per experience minimum-maximum. 104,005 to 206, 305 (negotiable based on experience and depth of relevant skills) 1. Deputy Director (Waseela-e-Sehet-III) No. of Posts:O1 Qualification and Experience: Postgraduate Degree preferably in Pubhc Health/Business Administration/Economics/Public Admiiistration or Development Planning or equivalent from an HEC recognized univecsity/lnstution. having at least 10 years of progressive career induding 5 years proven experience of woiking in government Icoiporate sector as prqect manager! health policy specialist with a pactal knowiedge of research and successful implementation of poposals covering community health care seMce and management, practical knowtedge of national health p*y and international pespective on hethcare ll be required. Excellent research & analytical communication skills. innovattve ideas pertaming to project management in health sector. abibty to collaborate with dnical, technical, analyIal & operational experts to develop implement & document population care management programs, processes & outcomes will be p’efeìîed. Candidate must demonstrate good repoit-wnbng skills. Should be proficient in computer software applications. 2. Deputy Director (Field Administration) Nø.ofPosts:2 Punjabl, KPKI Qualification and Experience: POstgraduate Degree preferably in Public Administration. 8usïness Administration. Finance. Law. Economics or eqi.ñvalent, having at least 10 years of progressive career including 5 years proven experience of working _fl government /corporate sector. knowtedge of the substantive field work in general and of speòfic areas being supervised. ability lo poduce reports and papers. monor a evaluate the work of others. ability to apply public/private regulations. policies and gtdelines in work situations, demonstrates professional competence and mastery of subject matter, is conscien. bous and efficient in meeting commitments. observing deadlines and achieving results. Should be proficient in computer software applications. 3. Deputy Director (Coordination) Secretary Office No of Posts:O1 Qualification and Experience: Postgraduate Degee peferably in Business Studies, Management. Economics, IT. Law. Public Administration or equivalent from an HEC recognized universityllnshtution. having at least 10 years of çwogressive career including proven 5 years experience in govemment/pivate sector ,conwnercial institutions. international development organiza- hon. Excellent computing, secretarial, interpersonal/report wñting, team working and (written/verbal) communication skils for convening and servicing management boardfcommittees meetings (producing agendas. taking minutes; conveying decisions etc.), proding support to comnittees and working parties such as the Board of Directors implementing. procedural/administrative systems. handling correspondence before and after meetings, writing reports. collection information Should be proficient ii computer software applications. Female will be given preference. No. of Posts : 5 HQ=1 For posting In following regional offices Punjabl, Sindhl, Baluchistanzi & KPK1 Qualification and Experience: Postgraduate Degree preferably in Technical/Industrial Education, MBA or equivalent from an HEC recognized university/Institution, having at least 10 years of progressive career induding proven 5 years experience in govemmentipnvate in skill development sector I vocational training institutions. Pradical knowledge of developing. design. ing and managing vocational educational programmes/training and skills development in public/private sectors will be preferred. Candidate having worked for development sector as project coordinator/manager having strong proposal-writing and presentation skills are encouraged to apply. Candidate having familiarity with financial proposals, abthty to supervise, monitor and evaluate xogiams with strong business acum