Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) Requires Director Generals

01-Nov-2012 (Thursday)  in  Jang  
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  • Director General (Administration & IT)
  • Director General (HRM)
  • Director General (Waseela-e-Haq)
  • Director General (Waseela-e-Rozgar)
  • Director General (Research, Evaluation & MIS)
  • Director General (Internal Audit)
City / Location:
  • Jobs in Islamabad
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Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) Requires Director Generals
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  • Benazir Income Support Programme Jobs
  • BISP Jobs
  • Executive Jobs
  • Director General Jobs
  • IT Jobs
  • HR Jobs
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Applications are invited for appointment to the following vacant posts on contract
basis for Benazir Income Support Programme. Candidates fulfilling the following
qualifications! experience may apply.
Remuneration as per experience minimuni-maxirnum.
183,398-299,668 (: No, ofPostsforEveryDepartment’Ol
fr elevant skills) ________________________________
__________ I-]
1. Director General (Administration & IT)
Qualification and Experience: Postgraduate Degree preferably in Pubhc AdministrationIHRM’Business Mministration or
other relevant fields from an HEC recognized university/institution having at least 20 years cif progressive career in administ
ratior, management. business or related fields including 10 years of experience in senior management/adrrinistration ii
gove”nrrent/ corporate sector and international development organizations with demonstrated leadershp, planning and
problem-solving skiNs, demonstrated ability to analyze and anticipate situations, interpret policies, procedures and situations
in a multifaceted way and to ensure compliance to apicable laws, guidelines, policies, procedures. Dynanic individual with
flexiblity in approach. Shoid be proficient in corrçuter software applications. PMP certification will be preferred. Abihty to
apply fundamental concepts. practices procedures and existing policies and guidelines in specialized areas of information
technology Strong professional presence business acumen, demonstrated ability to think strategically and creatively,
manage multiple tasks and projects. pay sharp attention to detail, adjust to changing circumstances and organize time
efficiently will be given preference.
2. Director General (HRM)
Qualification and Experience: Postgraduate degree preferably in HRMlBusiness Administration/Public Adninistration or
equivalent from an HEC recognized university/Institution having at least working experience of 20 years of progressi
career including 10 years of experience in senior managerrientladministration in government) corporate sector and internat
iona development organizations with demonstrated skills and ability to formulate operabonalize strategies based on the
organization visions/goals, excellent leadership. team-building. monitoring, problem-sdving, a’ialytic skills, oral, written
and interpersonal communication s4cills. Ability to exercise good judgment and discrehon in handling core tunchons relating
to personnel management through innovative ideas and creative elements. Specialized certiflcation in HR is desirable.
Shoiid be proficient in computer software applications.
3. Director General (Waseela-e-Haq)
Qualification and Experience: Postgraduate degree preferably in Economics, Statistics. Finance, Public Administrahon)
Business Administration or equivalent from an HEC recognized universityflnituhon, having atleast20 years of progressive
career induding 1 0 years expenence working in finanoal institition/banks? national or intematioral micro-finance institutions
as a financial advisor/specialist is required. Candidate who demonstrate desire to help people *hat have been brought low
by poverty, c other circtimstances through creativity and ability to wok with limited resources, having exposure to regulatory
framework. project & people management, excellent communication and presentation skills, having target-based and
proactive aptitude will be preferred. Should be procient in computer software applications.
4. Director General (Waseela-e-Rozgar)
Qualification and Experience: Postgraduate degree preferably in Economics, Finance, Development Studes.
Public/Business Administration , Technical/Industrial Education or equivalents fran an HEC recognized universityiinstitution
having at least 20 years of progressive career indudrg 10 years experience of running/managing vocational educational
programmes/training and skills development, candidate having worked for