IMflR I’t(O*E SLIPPOET PROWWME Itesrequesi baSSOeresiCaIIOnIC , . .. ,. .... .ict ‘n Lø4Disapnewd Buelneas I. T5OotApl2I,2009. The Gosemere cl Isba Reptkéc ci Pakaban has vbtaáned a aeiit (mm the biterteiat DisieIcpmeid Asscäale b Pakistan Sxial Safety NetTeS la4P.cad(PS$NP) wi s4JpportoI BenWkicome Support Programe and ir8ends IoaçØy Fart dth.orocaada vi PsacmtMIooasnsb foIotoeisaih .r.,aalobaoroajred und.rthái c At least Bachars degree itt Computer Sciences (4 yes) or a retsied pteie. M lØe5 5y so(woitrngesperareasSc*wve De por onenlerpitse lewd cects el repjled o arsraone . pabrably CI*Il,SO carabed FanÑr edill prograseraig tanguagessideideç NetNC. C” etc. Rki.,w,n 16 years at abxaboii ore Badietara degree n Conipir Sciences CS (4 years) or irelers is searly retied bld. M teett 02’ years of eipartenœ si mionweton sewly wnpbmpnbig cwnnegmg itiddeni reaporee tectmotc sud as Sewitty bmabcm 8 Eiqnt Uanagernerrt ISIEM), b*uscn Dilecitor I Prewden Syldem.DetaLoasPTeenSoltOLP(reauleit NetsoSeo,es1edwOogles. sii asRo.aaJ Seredies. F.eeSb.CpemSysiamAdmVwslrron(UflXLrdUX)eic [T ats Spectt iriurn 16 years of educaban or a Bað.esrs degree it Computer Science isiil petarsc kbrnelonS adeedyreueediteldAleasimree (03+1 rears related eçieflenca hi orgaabi cd repute, preterably CLiMt1SO)01.2030 fied I Atbaot a 8$ dey.. r Compiier Somos cranjr rs susd isÉdi at* free (05) yeara of solfeare desqs. (prd.esbiy corwoel) d.wlpomar* ar3 eenenœ et targe saie torves arldees%eswor I! apçiscaeans Sold eenenœ cl i*asbjabje Des,i.køc_ti DeeelopinenL s emeSaten emS 9041w Si4Iport ¡I eeset’sel. Prowen eienca of nwang poes frown a ladren aspad ev*deiq reqiwenien( arratyse ard desÇ’i Uwougit b deplownent areS poet p5w, se.çport Is requwsd.Kldge01OradedalabaseIlflngbNetl,Sleb5obemØcJIcn developnent Groad ci5iig Irnodedge 01 detituted System ‘bh stcieig alabare, database serein and åcascne wars Sfrong orderstanibg cl netwab w ecre. Escient orwnand owen devsioprsei areS miertacaig ladviologies itQi NET Ci, ANET 35, VBNET). JAVA Orad,, JavaSaVê, CSS, L, Web esivecas — WCF, W., Asas Enabled, SOAP. SOAP Extereetne — SOA Engetence aeSt Agde meli000tog.,s )Smum Eaten. Pramnwig Detaded scope 01woda,d tonir4& corwibons are stated si the re *ctheTernwolR TORs) wdwdi can be doen*eded 9cm oes 1wÖslte e peint4M.asps. liard coØ.s cd Terms of Rofemea (rORs) can also be obtaned 9cm Oliedor (tIR). GrS Islamabed by 115ng 8 reqestr wnbrç. Rens,eraticm wald be negcoeacle based on collpeufree mantel based salary pecttage (mitai ccsitraclb one yewrsesienrdaUewbeasetsacUypedomwtce. Açç9caban onpresabed pp4caton Form a.ietableatabovemeretsied lmk of BiSpereOste must reach 1)rectcr4HR)byowbebe l300hours. 12th Noveniber, 2912. DIRECTOR (HUMAN RESOURCE) BIS? SECRETARIAT, NF” BLOCK. PAK SECRETARIAT, ISLAMABAD 114: 051.9248325 QuallyAsaearance iCocidmalo. Sorno. 5cftww Deweloper Inloiwiallon Security — SAnarum 15 years01adjt ass a Bachelors degree .iCon’çster Sctences CS (4 years( or a relatad field, Pd teast 3’ years died eok espenanca am soften qity aswnnce engrneer.feed Two(2.) yea ewelcçmentš database eapeflenca w4 be prelerred Fanararthprogrwrrwiglenguages, rdmpVCtC•., reeL Cine Java. 5. Spleen AãlacI L L.__