Jobs in Lahore College for Women University (LCWU)
14-Oct-2012 (Sunday) in
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- System Administrator (BPS-18)
- Web Administrator (BPS-18)
- Warden (BPS-17)
- Assistant Network Administrator (BPS-17)
- Video Conferencing Officer (BPS-17)
- Doctor/Female Medical Officer (BPS-17)
- Liaison Officer (BPS-17)
- Secrecy Officer (BPS-17)
- Assistant Controller of Examination (BPS-17)
- Assistant Warden (BPS-16)
- Private Secretary (BPS-16)
- Cataloger/Librarian (BPS-16)
- Assistant Data Processor (BPS-15)
- Assistant Head Clerk (BPS-14)
- Store keeper (BPS-14)
- Computer Operator/Data Entry Operator (BPS-12)
- Assistant Estate Officer (BPS-11)
- Electrician (BPS-09)
- Plumber (BPS-05)
- Machine Operator/Photocopier (BPS-05)
- Dispatch Rider (BPS-05)
- Mechanic Tube Well Operator (BPS-05)
- Helper (to AC Mechanic)(BPS-02)
- Helper (to Mason) (BPS-02)
- Attendant (BPS-02)
- Sanitary Worker (BPS-02)
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- University Jobs
- College Jobs
- LCWU Jobs
- Photocopier Jobs
- Data Entry Operator Jobs
- DEO Jobs
- IT Jobs
- Networking Jobs
- Secretary Jobs
- 2. . WebAdministrator and 01 -. - - MaxAge:4Oyears MaleIFemale BPS-I B Qualification Master Degree in Computer Science (17118 years degree) and at least 5 years expehence ca Badielors (16-years degree) in Computer Science from an HEC recogrzed University I Institution MO, at least 6 years experience in web developuig and graphic desng. Work experience in the PHP, MYSOL, IlS environment, web server management, Open Source Software Development 1 Con1guration I Optimization, ISO Ceililecafion process related lo web development, 20 and 3D graphic Software likeMobe Photoshop, Macromedia Flash. Maya etc shall be preferred. 3. Warden BPS-li 02 —4:- AssistantNetwork MrTnistrator BPS-l 7 W MaxAge:3Syears MalelFemale Qualification Bachelor degree (16-years) in at least 2nd Division in Electrical I Electronics I Computer Science. Knowledge 8 experience of Routers, Swtdies. TCP I IR Frame Relay, Firewalls & VPNs. Experience of Microsoft I Unix I Lux enrots Experience of installing and troubleshooting computer hartwaie. Knowledge Internet Servers Configuration and Troubleshooting including Proxy, DNS, Web. SMTP1 POP, LDAR ISA, etc. Good communication skill. 5. VideoConlerencing Officer BPS-I 7 W MaxAge: 35Years MalelFemale Qualification MSIBS.CS (4 years) MCSIB.E(Electronics1B.Sc.(EiectronicsM.Sc. (Electronics) Graduate with 2 years of expehence in implementation of troubleshooting of advanced networking. telecommunication and multimedia system or equivalent combination of experience with H2321H264 compatible video conferencing equãpmeni Experience with Polycom or other vC System preferred. Slrong knowledge oldate networking and telecommunication principal. Must possess good commuÑcation skill. . . Doctor (Female Medical Officer BPS-I 7 LiassonOfficer O F NuAge: 35Years Female Qualification M.BB.S. from an HEC recognized university or nstituon and registered with the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) with housejct pre’€raMy iiedicine and gynecology. W MaxAge:35years MalelFemale Qualification Masters degree. (at least 2nd division) from an NEC recognized University . Institution. Preference 1 I gi’ten toan experienced person .tio has proIiciencyi English. Urdu ard computer knowledge. 01 MaxAge:35years Female Qualification Masters ca- equivalent degree (at least ri the 2nd division) from HEC recognized University! Inshtution. Preference shall be given to a candidate who holds a maslers degree in Economics. Math, Stat CommerceorComouterScience 01 MaxAge:35years MaleiFemale Qualification Masters or equivalent degree (at least in the 2nd division) from HEC recognized University I Institution. Preference shall be ven to a candidate who holds a masters degree in Economïcs. Math, Stat. Commerce ca-Computer Science. BPS-li & Secrecyófficer BPS-li . AssistantControllerof Examinations BPS-li 1 0. Assistant Warden BPS-lB 02 Max Age: 30 years Female Qualification Grackiahon (atleast2nd DMsion) from a recognzed University/lnsbtubon preferably some experience ofworkng in the relevantfield and computer literate 11. PnvateSecrelary BPS-16 01 MaxAge:35years Female Qualification Graduation 2nd Div. with post graduate diploma. Knowledge cl typing, shorthand and some experience in management. . Cataloguer/Libcanan BPS-lB F MaxAge:35Years Female Qualification Graduate 2n Div. w [h t plama in Library Science. 13. 14 AssistantDataProcessor BPS.15 AssistantlHeadClerk BPS-14 02 —— MaxAge:3Oyears MalelFemale Qualification Graduation (at least 2nd Divislon) with one year diploma in Computer Science or International Computeroriving License (ICOL), from HEC recognized University I Institution. 02 MaxAge:3Oyears MalelFemale Qualification Graduation (at least 2nd Division) from HEC recognized universityor insbtuhon, preference shall be given to a candidate who has knowledge ofword processing and typïng.