TEVTA Government of Punjab Requires Project Managers (Government Job)

14-Sep-2012 (Friday)  in  Jang  
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  • Project Manager (Govt. Wearing & Finishing Institute)
  • Project Manager (Cutlery & Small Tools Industries Services Centre)
City / Location:
  • Jobs in Wazirabad
  • Jobs in Shahdara
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TEVTA Government of Punjab Requires Project Managers (Government Job)
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  • TEVTA jobs
  • Government jobs
  • Government of Punjab jobs
  • Management jobs
Educational I
SSe. TebeEr.Inwm,I
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II Sc n EfqwreTI
USA s4 b cuedned

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o 0i-awsponlqjWctene.pefl.no.
o AI pn sbe b. v.b. mid frn wMd innal. rd
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db. mmv. pd.omosul ospaÑeci
e tMy b dhu&.Wr b.nn, èsa uiei enmt

o 4. pies pse qäseos mip.os
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m1a4AI4 WI5s
e The cosilidne did tian, nw..l ma wos.gmil pmmos b
a ejes 3 pans òIfr mm.. p.Oeascnl e.p.e
o 50e aliased hade J ee
o in eledsalp Udc. ele .uL p.owvg
Job Sowninary ¡ R.sponslbålåan
. mpow.,dacb4.ndteCam.
. Rn,pcm.liblpiliaa cuninma in en b onmime bote. ewieaU
. RasoeneAIeha iviiç lie wasvig p.oprsn al le Cate w b fr
iÑe aid edi b U capacilyaiouvg d wç ii lie ‘bn,i4 1.5*
. ILI.inamrç.oslmjaC baenge (OJ1)b tEVIA pr
de’q.ll ariear bet. &n, rdeíoee aid eWm
. Riep.sdn bbei boo. edt b d’âi”1 hab. bcinw cdt;
gJ.. aridmdwnam.r0cdöedUceedleC.m.
. Respxedb bpo.id.q Wwad athior w,U. inte h
cogdos edt ha latin pr.Tedwdogp Tosder and
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ems.;. inctuiningy aid an pa need .qwn,m imed
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T.dricl Edicaic. L VOCJÑe T.anmg Atø (TEVTA) ea speed redhibes nids teGost cdl. Ps.pb I s posedy .ossapeg moe. lien 36$ .maiacwn spied lv..qhxd t. Piosece elSie Pwai Thu SareÑ Carlee teng
el TtYTA a le •- dl? t4 Sarhee CoiS.. incted n te PiVØ The Saete CoiS.. a, Iaen t. nàd en te fris al Mal. WeÓ TarIt L.i. vd qo*ae h isquse Ñ ebe0 aid
mnr pcÑsnaid dcn ii Puiph lo S n, te blanvig piae’m TEVIA Smb. RegUaien nine ab. spades bedmaiSarec. Caoeei
Usase ol 5h. Post L Seseic.
Prolect Usnaoet (PS-Igl
Govt. W..rlng L Finishing
bislitub Shiahðara
Fi0000 -100000 PLI.
ParU L Pmi%iss an pa njeij
Proled Manaser (PS-Il)
CuIen7 ¡ Snul Tool,
Industrl Saivic. Cant,,

Paths S Pa*Wssis pat ‘ides)
t Otd sheet bind cusódib. .1 be cded b inat Wdn.ew. Ms TFVA ml b atenibe
Z Pqeb.iØSSVeem
Z The med be ssbded os te AØcedeei bin edy. The aiØcdal b. muy t*.9.isiM.J bOIl te .ebek . ,ewlstAcu li
4. U v.tkab ai idinid b mardi. lie Mime et ;. le .n..4cp. (Segarte accecasor’s b nid’ pans a, iqbàid)
S S.rsêigGoet EaÑpa.s Vodd Wd5#Ç*eloe*btieI.SPId’*dltiTarb
1 P .nœp.iexe.l beseedhel.
7. AIpodial he led onculed ham sIihcnWW4. ipe. en lva* aid nd os mt
ê Aptkow. Ipi mli CV. seenind aen, al a in, cpv.a cawelait Ñe, cepy al CliC, ;. heard paipai nie insepasli aid a picanneng i.e (R,2000) en lie b. al 8a r bici el Chapanos
TEVIA atald poids b 2’ Octe.. an121 e. Idem mibesed dênis 1.045 enbwed ceuha
9. The pieotd Oegreet C.Vcabt DØxne.dcaed r p.edcedai cejaren reieiredb nids pom atIelbeíQa icopazid dptcdeg.b.lU. TI.. Cantean. haar3 Bk I USC Empsee’ieç depee need be rngmWed sali
P__ Coo
10. frnie sp,&d, e 1vo45 E.MJasd .nd lie d .m se be ailelaruit
l. t.ieøucuity eleaws tie rb ecO b b ly pcedIsd*Åd te aoeirwd ugedi ely otei%ad ped sisod arsqwsg any aid time te N b fr ‘.4enmile aids
29-L, car Askari-V,(,slberg-lIl, Lahor,, G42-3596950043, FAX: 042-35969504 Web: e%ta.go.p& IPL-12457