University of the Punjab Requires Teaching Faculty (Government Jobs)
02-Sep-2012 (Sunday) in
The Nation
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- Professor in Molecular Biology
- Associate Professor in Molecular Biology
- Assistant Professor in Molecular Biology
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- Government jobs
- Punjab University Lahore jobs
- University of the Punjab jobs
- Teaching jobs
- Professor jobs
un Centre University of tbe Punjab DepartnaanVlnstitåt&College/Cenfl Centre of ErcctiIoce n Molecular Belogy ADVERTISEMENT ____ STATUWNY IILUUIHLMLNIS UNULU TtNUHL TRACK STSTLM ____ ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Qualification: PItO OegreWterminai Ouaiificaion in me relevant held «rom an NEC reccgruzed lrstttution) arel e.xctcnt writer cornrreinicatlon skills as well as excellent presentation skills Note: Ph.D thesis of the total degree holders rnusl have been evaluated by two foreiwi expats as per NEC guidelines for award of Ph.D degree, in case forisgn evauation was not done then the candidate must provide evidence of two publications in Journals recognized by the NEC for the purpose of Tenure Track appointment. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Qualification: Pu D Dewe Terminal Qualiflcatxrn in the relevant field (from an NEC recognized IrsNtubon. Experience: 6 yeas Post-PhM or misirreim et 4 years of Post-Ph.D experience along with at least 6 years of experience çelor to the Ph.D. (The expertenca to be counted is to be of teaclengíreseatch t a recognized Untwersity or a post-graduate InstItution or professional e»erierte ri the relevant field in a National or International Organization). Publications: ID research publications (arm at least 4 publications in the past 5 years) in Journals recouized for the purpose of appcinlrnen* on Tenure Track by the Higher Edcabcn Commission. i.e. research papers published in Journals that tal under the category W. X and V for Social Sciences wnule for Science disciptnes papers published in ordy W category (Impact Factor) Journals, PROFESSOR Qualification: Pli D Dewee? Terminal Qualification in the rdevant held (from an NEC recognized Institution) Experience: t t years Post.P11M or minimum of 7 years of Post-Ph.D experience along with at tasi t2 years of experience pnor to the Ph.D. (The experience to be counted is to be of teacisngfreseacch a a recognized University or a post-graduate InstItution or professional experience et the relevant field in a National or International Drgaiizaticri). Publications: 15 research pbli:ations (with at least 5 publications in the pas: 5 years) in Journals re:ogiized for the purpose of appcintrnenf on Tenure Track by the Higher EdcaIicn Commission. Le. research papers published in Journals that tal under the category W. X andY for Social Sciences while for Science discipines papers published in orty W category (Impact Factor) Journals. As a general rule, the length of service in the rank of Assoctete Professor before being considered for promotion to full Professor is five years. Reconvnendations for promotion ii less time should be caret uly weighed and justified by the admirstrative officer making tie recommendation. PREFERRED/DESIRABLE REQUIREMENTS IN ADDITiON TO THE STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS UNDER BPS lITS Z Stile. 1. Name et Pete Reualremenb/Prefenice ProfessomyAssociate Professor of *lecular Biology The cancidate shoula have experience in plar*nuedlcal molecular biology Proven abilt y to develop and guide relevant research projects as evidence by the a’ard of research projects/development of products such as cotton transgenic plan:sitiybfld plants with miflie genes.’thnpeutt protenis which ere of national aictitce and heath Importance. • The candidates applyng for the posts of Professor/Associate Professor Under BPSÍTTS entere should submit six copies of applications alongwhh ste complete sets of testlmonials.researcfl worlçpublicalonppbntograph (1x1 )ícemtlricate of any distInctIon etc.. on tne relevant prescribed form. . The candidates applyng fa’ the post of Asslstaet Professor Q jgJf/fl are required to submit one copy of application on the relevant prescribed form alongwlth attested copies of ttegrees.certlficates:testWncnlatptiotograph (1x1 )tertlf cale of any distinction etc. • Candidates applying for the posts of Professor/Associate Professor under BPS/ITS are required to submIt a crossed Bank drafttPey Order et Rs. 360O