A UK Based Company Requires E-Commerce Developer
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Excellent Career Opportunities] bi (UK Based orisaan) b OoIcÉiç kw ung. ene(g passione aid dyiwiíc iidMs to IQêi a ctialengiig teai with woessonali aid itiniLdaUng envwonmerit br Lahore olice. We e ciet*ig fdLowig job opobimdies I. Ecmmece Developer (Onbe rnarkelig and seêg) lki have kJedgo ii( ending produs by developing web&tos. ising inulU dv.ele ev41 Ebay, P4nan, playcom and o(her sales dane We need cundicaUan (deee ai evi) i webste dmekipmet We seed sklls m . Creaing, editing and deetng Istings on ebaylwnazon, websdes and play.com . have exc&ent sUb b uae Adobe photoshop (or other equivalent) graphic pacbges . have knowledge and experience of using dreartweaver/frontpege b deeIop e-œmmeŒ . have knowledge of markeng website through worlurig wth soaal media c other sources. . have knowledge of using MS Office comptex spreaŒheets), se. We need to see positive aproath to work in team, under pressure and foliow inst’uctions. seIng your to]. J. n1 ií..tji err1]t6 jabsoni@yahoo.co.uk. Interviews will be held in a week time.