A Multinational Company Requires Engineering and Technical Staff
26-Aug-2012 (Sunday) in
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- Project Engineer HVAC
- Project Engineer Electronics
- Project Coordinator
- Quantity Surveyor
- Auot CAD Operator
- Store Keeper HVAC
- Carpenter
- Purchaser HVAC
- Driver
- Mechanical Supervisor
- Electrical Supervisor
- Electrical Foreman
- Ducting Workshop Incharge
- CNC Machine Operator
- Cook
- Security Guard
- Duct Fabricator
- Duct Fitter
- Duct Insulator
- Pipe Fabricator
- Pipe Fitter
- Pipe Insulator
- Electrician
- Ducting Foreman
- Piping Foreman
- Time Keeper
- Civil Engineer
- Estimation Officer
- Plumber
City / Location:
- Jobs in Rawalpindi
- Jobs in Islamabad
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- Electrician jobs
- Engineering jobs
- Auto CAD Operator jobs
- Mechanical jobs
- Maintenance jobs
- Driver jobs
- Multinational Sector jobs
- Carpenter jobs
- Technical jobs
- Foreman jobs
- Surveyor jobs
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT POSITIONS L Prqject Engineer (IIVAC)(DJtE/B-tecb) Prciject Engineer EIec. )UAÆ/H-tcch) Prtect Ct’ordinaior (MIIA-PMO) Piaaning Engineer (B-tccwß.E) Auto cad dd-íik HVÄtikE) _____ toce In char e (6M41Wte) Store Keper (Ht&C) Diiva Mechanical Supervisor (Dueling and Piping(DAI) Electriàil Servisor{lXstE) _______ 1flecuicaFFdiii __________________ DoctingVorkshcp lnchatp_•,_ CNC Machine Operatw tD.AÆ) Cook to 10 years 3 to 5 years S to 10 years Sto lOycars 5 to 10 years Oyeaas S totO years S to K) years S to LO years 4 5tolOyears r 5ÏÒIŒÿ&Š 3to lOyears 9ycars L Stol0years 1 Ttotøycars A Multiriaijortal Company requires services of Technica posting at Islamatad arid Rawalpindi. Suitable candidates may apDty thth complete CV latest by 3-9-2012. Atractive salary and fringe berefits will be given to suilable candidates, I 2 3 4 5 6 7 g ¿ 2 I I 2 I 2 9 10 11 12 13 14, 15 16 17 2 2 19 Scçu1y Qij.,.,, DuetFabricator Duct litter Duct Insula tor Pipe Føor ,, Pipe Fitter PìpeIazIawr ,., ., Etectiician Ducting Foreman . Plpíngforeman 6 ô 6 6 .5 Sic years 5toLOyears Sto 10 years S,,»IOyears 5toløyears .3° Oyears tolQyeam 21) 22 23 ... ,.,.Z. 27 2 5toloyears 29 30 ŠZThite CiviI&gincer(Bscch) CivilEngincer(ØAÆ)________ Stoløyears StolOyears Stulüycars 3tolûyears 2 ¡ 32 &onOfflca I 2 Plumber MIA CORPORATION (PVTI LTD 384, St No 16, Industrials area I-9, Isamabad4051-111-O00-135, Fax 051-4445481 E-mail; jobs(miacorp.com,pk, we are an equal opportunity employer J