GC University Faisalabad Requires Teaching Faculty (Government Job)
25-Aug-2012 (Saturday) in
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- Associate Professor in Food Science
- Assistant Professo rin Computer Science
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- Government Jobs
- University jobs
- GC University Faisalabad jobs
- Teaching jobs
- Professor jobs
STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE, GC University, Faisalabad — - . .ppL..ons ...... ... the following temporary (likely to become permanent) teaching positions at L. University, Faisalabad from Pakistani Nationals, with given pay scale plus usual allowances as permissible under the rules of the University. The candidates must meet the qualificationslexperience as detailed below: 1. AssocIate Professor (BPS.20), Food Science (01 post) Eligibility Criteria INSTRUCTIONS: 1. The prescribed application form can be downloaded from the website of the University (http:Ilwww.gcuf.edu.pki) and shall be submitted with demand draft of Rs 7001- in favour of Treasurer, GC University, Faisalabad. However, the applicants desiring to have form through post may obtain the same on written request along with self-addressed envelop of large size with Rs 301- postage stamps. The duly filled in application form must be supported with attested copies pl educational testimonialslcertiflcates, ID Card, two recent photographs and updated Curriculum Vitae. 2. The candidates from abroad may submit their applications on plain paper, accompanied by recent Curriculum Vitae along with attested copies of degreesltestimonials and experience certificates. 3. Incomplete or the applications received after due date will not be entertained. 4. The applications are required on prescribed form In quadruplicate for the post of Associate Professor and triplicate for Assistant Professor, 5. The University reserves the rights not to consider any application or fill the post without giving any reason. 6. The candidate already in service must apply through proper channel by the due date. 7. Complete applications must reach the Additional Registrar (Acad.), GC University, Faisalabad, by mail not later than 14-9-2012. Note: * Only shot listed candidates will be called for interview. * The University is not responsible if call letters are delayed or not received due to any lapse of Courier AgencylPost OfficelTelephonic message. * No TAJDA is admissible when called for interview. (MUHAMMAD AVUB) Registrar, GC University, Faisalabad (IPL.11493) 3itions Vacant Associate Professor Age Umit: 35.50 year Ph.D in the relevant field from an NEC recognized Universityflnstitution. 10 years teachinglresearch experience in an HEC recognized University or a post-graduate institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or international organization. OR 2. AssIstant Professor Eligibility Criteria Assistant Professor Age Limit: 30-45 year The applicant must have 10 research publications (with at least 4 publications in the last 5 years) in HEC recognized journals. -— ,,, ‘J I 5 years post-Ph.D teachingIresearch experience in an HEC recognized University or a post.graduate Institution or professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization. Master’s degree in relevant field from an HEC recognized Universityllnstitu Von OR Ph.D in the relevant field from HEC recognized I InI,,rejh,Iinq$ilii+inn 2 years teachinglresaarch experience in a recognized lnstitulionlUniversitylCollege OR 2 years professional experience in the relevant field in a National or International organization. OR Nil No experience required for Ph.D degree