Port Qasim Authority Requires Directors and Pilot/Tug Commander (Government Job)
25-Aug-2012 (Saturday) in
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- Direcotor General Administration
- Director Operation Maintenance
- Pilot/ Tug Commander
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- Port Qasim Authority Karachi jobs
- Government Jobs
- Management jobs
- Director jobs
- Executive jobs
PORT QASIM AUTHORITY BIN QASIM, KARACHI.75020 JOB OPPORTUNITIES PORT QASIM AUTHORITY INVITES APPLICATIONS FROM SUITABLE CANDIDATES FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE FOLLOWiNG POSTS ON TEMPORARY BASIS LIKELY TO BE REGULARIZED IN FUTURE: s# Name and Scale of the Post N f P Prescribed Educational Qualification and Experience Domicile A LI T Director General (Administration) BPS21 01 Atleast First Class Master’s Degree in Admìnistraijve I Social Sciences I MPA I MBA or retired officer from Ment Up to 55 Years Armed Forces having equrvalent qualiuication and expenence. 18 years post quaIificaon experience in personnel administration, security duties and industrial relations in Govt. I Semi Govt. I large Commercial Organization of repute. -ï- Director (Operation Maintenance) BPS-20 oi First Class Engineer or Certificate of Competency (Chief Engineer Officer) Class-I. Merit Up to 50 Years 14 years sea service as Chief Engineer or Engineer Officer in Pakistan Navy and 05 years experience as Incharge of Marine Engineering Workshop carrying out new constructions I repair maintenance of floating craft. 3 Pilot I Tug Commander BPS19 01 Mastet’ of foreign-going ship or Certificate of Competency (Deck Officer) Class-I Master Mariner. Merit Up to 45 Years 05 years experience in Sea Command. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS: . Applications along with attested copies of all relevant documents I testimonials concerning age, qualifications, experience and CNIC etc. along with 02 passport size photographs should reach to P.O. Box No. 9103, Bin Qasim, Karachi within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. . Only short listed candidates will be called for test / interview. . No TA/DA Will be allowed for test / interview. . The Authority reserves the right to reject any or all applications. 1. . . . . . . . Relaxation in age will be considered as admissible under - the rules (MUHAMMAD SAQIB) SECRETARY