Medical Staff and Accountant Needed by a Hospital
17-Aug-2012 (Friday) in
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- Gynecologist
- Medical Officers (Female)
- Operation Theatre Assistant
- Accountant
- Staff Nurse
- Dispenser
- Receptionist
- Aayas
- Sweeper
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- Medical jobs
- Health Care jobs
- Nursing jobs
- Khakrob jobs
- Sweeper jobs
- Accounts jobs
- Doctor jobs
- Admin jobs
- Receptionist jobs
- Hospital jobs
13 4W4-r JOB OPPORTUNITIES Ma.liv G h.rôty work. to ompawor cat,i,Tin,t,o .iid fend •istae,isiblo local •oli..töons. To t..ckIo ,veatornal mortality SWIeanli,v Cês.rity ô. o.tablò.t)irio (ho bde.l Ltf TaI.Cr tiotipital and irwélosi t..lorst.,d and com.vsöttud ôredô,,idt,al. to npplv f or (ho Lolow acorvt rolo.. L!.kI-(]X’]h FCSIFS part 2 (1 Poat) cno yvar a Qyrocloet at any Gyrea b-lopõtal 1.! I•]r.T’1.iÍ[-1 (.1 W(1 -(Y. 1 8BS (2 P.t) 2 ¥oar ire Cyrio 4o.p,tllDvpivtmvrit L•] -4’_’dr.]:.dI “‘id. W’! 11F h.’_!1 (1 P0.1) Diploma en Tho e e lovant f,old. 5 Yoa en any ronavvr’eod hap.tal ______________________ (1 P061) S Voar. ire amy orOInóæatiore. me..t hava 000d krtwlodO. of bok knipiricj • ! • Near6önçj co,.,r.o qiailCfôoci(2 yoar.) (1 P.t) I LI-IV coear.o qaI.fiod (1 yoa..) (2 Po.t) •]I 1.. -41 1 - Diploma 1-loldor (1 yoar6) (1 Pc.t) (-! -..r-1:i! ì IntarmadiatoIBcom (1 yoar) (1 Pot) V_ð’.! lVliddlo Pa. (2 yoar6) (2 P.t) t x; ¡ ! Li Middlo Pa (3 year.) I Po.t Oyn MS Ro*d Dghaw&a LaAbi- mI t SaedmV 2ta.t 20121