An IT Company (PRAL) Requires IT, Business and Accounting Professionals
29-Jul-2012 (Sunday) in
The Nation
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- Software, Design, Development, Testing and Maintenance Staff
- System Operations and data base Administration Staff
- Network and IT Infrastructure Maintenance Staff
- User Support and Training Service
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- IT jobs
- Business Sector jobs
- Management jobs
- PRAL jobs
- Accounts jobs
AII[IR OPPOHTJJNIÏ1[S FOl IT. BISINESS I CCOUNT1NG PIIOFESSIONALS PRAI one of the leading information technology companies ,, PakIstan. We ere engaged In development, des4gn and maintenance of IT systems usuig cutting edge tehiologies We operate Paldstans lergest Internet podals which process Customs and Inland Revenue transactions aggregating to needy Rupees two trillion per yeer. PRAI a ful speclnrn ri conany with manpower of approxinately 1500 personnel and has a national foot-print. We requre professionals in the folowing areas: Software design, development, testing and maintenance. Systems operations and data base administration. • Netwo’k and IT Infrastructure maintenance. User supped and training services. This rs a continuous hying program lo meet our growing needs and for atWition replacenieni Our actveilisemerrt appears evwy month In the nanaÌ press and details of positions (with compensation range. minimum qualification and experience) are available on our website: We also advertise our positrons at Our benefits indude gratuity aid health insurance br family and parents. Please send your resume at: and also mention your CNIC so that we can property Iderofy you in our database and can refer to your resume as and when need arises. PRAL Aoodo; ITfs! 15x2