Specialist Doctors Required for Saudi Arabia
22-Jul-2012 (Sunday) in
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- Gyne Specialist
- Child Specialist
- G. Physician
- Neurosurgeon
- ENT Surgeon
- Radiology
- Dermatologist
- Anesthesia
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- Health Care jobs in KSA
- Doctor jobs in KSA
- Specialist Doctor jobs in KSA
- Consultant jobs in KSA
H • Gyne Specialist o Child Specialist o G. Physician (SÑry Package SR I 3000-15000) (Salay Padrage S I 3000.15000) (Salary Package S 40005000) 2 years experience after specialization • RequQ,tors for AlMana Group of Hospi(JJSA • i Neurosurgeon (Ie) mENT Surgeon (Ma) . Radiology (Female) • Dermatologist (Femal. . Anaesthesia (Femi.) 2 years experience after specialization, Family Status, Accommodation, Medical. Transport & other faculties as per Saudi Law. Please visit wwwprornetriççoîij for SCHS online Exam, only successful candidates are eligible, and candidates must visit our office ‘RAJA MUSHTAQ ENTERPRISES 70 W•s( Mahrnood Plaza. 2rd Floor. B1u Ar.a Islamabad. L)c. No. 07981RWP fl1’Y)71Afl2 ‘727QQ Main Tariq Road. Karachi 021-34558120 ,J I IJP iI %ØI I N.w Muslim Town Lahore 042-35912912